Broken Bones
Page 12
“The distance has done you well, and your new mating will be one that will be blessed. You will need to be stronger for it, ready to be the leader where so many would have you follow, an Alpha in your own right. It is time.”
Dan relaxed into his warmth, wrapped himself in arms that offered protection. He was home. He was safe. He was loved. As for the blessing, maybe his father thought he would find his mate tonight, as the darkness, the bone-deep fear that he had possessed for so long had released him.
“If any have failed, it has been us in our allowing you the distance from the pack, but that too will be remedied. Whether you are here at home or out there in the world of humans, you will have us near.” Jeremiah placed a warm kiss on Dan’s brow, squeezed him tightly, and let him go. “Our unity strengthens all.”
Remembering that a very quiet Shelly was in the room, Dan sought her out. What did she think about everything?
Ah, he was worried about nothing. The smirk on her face said it all. He didn’t need to hear the words “I told you so” to know they were being chanted silently. As for the reference to the world of humans, maybe Shelly didn’t catch that. She had mentioned that she thought they were all a little weird anyway. The way Conner was looking at her told him that someone was due for her own walk in the woods soon, but he figured she could handle it. Shelly had an open mind, and from the way she looked back at the red-haired giant, she was more than ready for that walk.
“Everyone is in here, hmm? No surprise, that one.” Mrs. Dunham popped through the entryway, eager to hug Dan as well. Her touch was softer, gentler than his father’s had been, but still firm, still strong as steel. He would’ve thought he was in high school all over again, preparing to go to the prom. Only this time it would be a much happier moment.
Dan wondered if someone was going to pull out a phone and snap a photo soon.
“Well, boy. It would appear that you are ready to take that step after all. Good.” A kiss on the cheek. “I will not worry about you being alone, as I know your father and your brother are. So, here. Take these and have a good night.” Condoms of varying sizes and, uh, flavors, were pressed into his hands. “Didn’t know what size you needed or what kind, but never know what you might run into or what might run into you while you are out there, hmm? Safety first.” And, with another kiss and yet another parting hug, his tiny powerhouse was gone just as quickly as she had arrived.
Dan was speechless, but the hearty guffaws from everyone else vibrated the walls.
Shelly’s obscene snort? Priceless. “Okay, so, let’s get this party started,” she shouted as she swayed her hips and did a sultry dance.
Watching Conner’s mouth drop open was certainly payback for Dan’s embarrassment.
“Drop something, big brother?”
“Shut it, pup!”
Now it was Dan’s turn to laugh.
AFTER STANDING in line for what felt like hours, Conner, Shelly, and Dan paid the ten dollar cover and walked into the club. Well, the club scene had definitely changed a little in the few years he’d been out. The clientele was a little younger, a little brighter, and possibly a little higher. Oh, and it was loud, like ear-deafening, can’t-hear-the-thoughts-in-his-own-head loud. And was that music? The boom, boom, click, whirr—whatever-the-fuck it was, it most certainly was not the music he envisioned wrapping himself in before he left the compound.
Besides, he wouldn’t be able to move if he tried, so maybe sitting at the bar was the best option. It would be hard to get through the crowd of hot, sweaty meat writhing and twisting together, but for an icy Slippery Nipple, it would be worth the journey. Hell, he was there already. Might as well make the most of it.
Following his lead, Conner and Shelly moved behind him, but after little to no progress, Conner pushed forward and practically threw men to the left and to the right, parting the waves. Some who suffered under his force looked up briefly to see what happened, took notice of the strong and mighty wall of flesh passing by, and preened to catch his attention.
Shelly giggled at the peacocks and went after her man.
Dan, finally at his destination, ordered his drink and turned to face the mobbed dance floor. This was so not how he thought the night was going to be. Here he stood in the nearly see-through shirt Shelly had picked out—hunter green, which set off his mocha-colored flesh—a skintight pair of inky black pants that flowed with him, leaving very little to the imagination, and a pair of short and sassy ankle boots. Wispy strands of his long hair hung below his shoulders, working their way free from the tight style Shelly had created. Dan sighed, disgruntled.
Shelly looked around the club, too, but her expression was a little more pointed, a little less desolate. Seeing something that obviously satisfied her, she turned to Dan. “Well, baby,” she said in her huskiest Audrey Hepburn impersonation ever. “Nothing is impossible….” She sought out Dan’s gaze in the dim light of the club, while some bass line thumped in the background, at a distance now that they were farther away from the dance floor. Bouncing her body to the beat, she waited for Dan to catch on.
He sighed. It was futile. Who could resist her energy? He dared any fool to try.
“Come on, baby. You know what I want to hear.” Reaching out, she pinched his nipple. “Say it!”
“Ouch! Fine, okay.” Complete with Hepburn impersonation, the duo tag-teamed her famous quote: “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible.’”
Satisfied, Shelly nodded. “Now, drink up so we can get out there. Let’s show them how to move.”
Letting go, Dan knocked back his drink and allowed Shelly to drag him into the crowd.
Conner remained behind, keeping watch.
Oh, this was just what he needed. Beyond the failed meetings with the counselor his father had attempted, or even his visits with Aiden, music was the true healer. Dan moved. Oh, Goddess, he flowed. His body drank in the sounds pouring over him. He thrust, he turned, he owned the beat. It was good—so damned good—the way he could channel the notes and match them, enhance them. His arms, his legs, his ass—he was a living, breathing instrument. He was the music.
Dan forgot everyone around him. Sure, wandering hands touched him, reached for him, grabbed his cheeks, tried to play with his cock, ground against him. They didn’t matter, though. They were just an extension of the music. He had lost track of Shelly, lost track of himself as he poured his soul into song after song. He was free, and no matter how long he rocked his undulating bottom on the floor, he didn’t want to leave. Hepburn was right. Life was possible, and he wanted to take advantage of it. He wanted to squeeze every bit of possibility out of it.
When yet another song came on, Dan was in his headspace. He recognized this one. It was by Enrique Iglesias. Yes, turn the night up! Men moved in and out of his vision, dancing with him, locking their bodies with his own. They pumped against him, made love to him on the dance floor, but he never stayed with them. He was here for the beat. He continued to move, pumping his fist, rocking his hips, receiving the questing touches from one dancer after another.
Slippery step by slippery step, an awareness slithered over his skin, cold, so unlike the fingers touching and grabbing. It was small at first, a whisper, a graze against his consciousness. Wriggling, it crawled over his soul, seeking a weakness. Finding none within him, it reached out to those around him. It told them to take him, to make him theirs, that he needed them, that he belonged to them. Those hands, those fingers, those bodies were questing with a purpose now. It became harder, more difficult for him to find his rhythm.
Dan stopped dancing, stopped moving. Something was off, and the elation at being free slowly transitioned to terror. The music was pumping, but no one was dancing anymore. They were focused on him, eyes staring at him unseeingly. He backed away, tried to turn first one way, then another. His shirt was torn from his body, his skin pierced by sharp nails. Grasping hands reached for his pants, others for his arms, trying to restra
in him. For a moment he knew what a celebrity felt like when fans became the enemy, their passion to have their fantasy so overwhelming they were bent to destroy. He screamed.
“Dan! Dan! Hold on, pup! I am coming!” Conner dove into the throng of dancers, forcing the crowd to move back, to let go of his brother. Dan could see his swath of red hair flashing as he thundered through them. “Stay back, you fuckers!” Apparently he had called his men, because they too were pushing against the human wall trying to hold on to Dan, trying to take him. He heard them chanting a word, one word, and the blood in his veins turned to ice.
“Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.” They went on and on, each saying the same word over and over. More were closing in, but Conner and his men were making headway, and finally he was pulled to safety. The wolves formed a phalanx around him, and Conner held him, sheltered him, as they led him out of the doors.
Dan remembered asking about Shelly and being told she had already been escorted to the car, a guard with her just in case. He saw her when his brother was able to get him to the SUV. Conner had somehow taken his shirt off to cover Dan’s chilly flesh. Dan couldn’t stop shaking, knew he was probably going into shock. He was trying to figure it out, get a grip, understand how a night that had been going so well had so quickly turned into a living nightmare. He sat next to Shelly, who took his hand. From the glazed look in her eyes, he wasn’t completely certain she wasn’t in shock herself. They held on to each other tightly as Conner manhandled the wheel, getting them out of the parking lot and on the way back to the compound.
THEY HAD returned to the family room a great deal more subdued than when they left. The intent had been for them to go out dancing and then for Dan to return so Conner and Shelly could enjoy the rest of the night. But, no, no one would be enjoying the rest of the evening. Not Conner, as he paced, wearing a path back and forth. Not an unsettled Shelly, who sat nearby, legs pretzeled in a plush seat, worry stretched across her face as her eyes tracked Conner’s steps. Several times she had looked Dan’s way, confused and frightened. Dan didn’t know how she had escaped the mind control the others in Play had experienced, and he wasn’t sure telling her what was going on would even help her feel any better, especially since he didn’t know himself.
But someone did. Aiden. Aiden knew, and it was time for him to spill it.
“Aiden,” Dan said softly.
Conner turned to him. “What, pup?”
“Aiden. I have to see him.”
Conner looked at him, his brows furrowed in concern. “Now?”
“Yes, now. He knows something, Conner. I’m sure of it. The weirdness the other day, the dreams. Father knows that Aiden is connected to this somehow. I think he’s been waiting… they’ve both been waiting for me to make the connection.”
Dan stood, his heart racing in anticipation. That was it. He needed to see Aiden. He was certain if he spoke to him, described what had happened at the club, he would be one step closer to knowing everything he needed to. He was sure of it. He slid his hand into his back pocket—well, as much as he could, since with his very tight pants his parts were significantly crowded. Finally after a bit of wrangling and even some hopping, he slipped his phone out. Turning away from Conner and Shelly, he dialed Aiden’s number.
The phone rang once, twice, thrice and just when Dan figured he would have to leave a message, Aiden picked up.
“Kavanagh here,” Aiden snapped into the phone, his frustration evident.
“Dan? What’s wrong?”
How did he know? Was it the way his voice trembled? Was it the time? It was late, way after midnight now since they left Play and its scene from some zombie horror movie. And yes, his voice was shaky—vibrating, in fact. Whose wouldn’t be after trying to escape hands and bodies operating under the influence of something dark and sinister, something that wanted Dan? Dan remembered the haunting chants. He didn’t think he would ever forget it, probably would hear it in his dreams if he ever had a chance to sleep tonight.
“Dan? Dan?” He didn’t know how long Aiden had been calling him, but he could tell the frustration had been replaced with urgency and fear.
His voice shook when he responded. Shock would probably set in soon. “Aiden, something happened tonight. I need to talk to you. I need you.”
“Dan. I am at the hospital and shouldn’t even be answering this phone right now. I’m on my way to see a patient. Look, I—”
“No, you look. I don’t know what is going on between you and my father.” At Aiden’s snort, Dan’s temper rose. “He is my father, Aiden. Whatever your problem is with my family, you need to drop it for now. Tonight.” Dan fought to move past the tears that threatened to fall. He swallowed and continued. “Aiden, please. I’m scared. I went out. They tried to take me. Oh, fuck. Please, Aiden.” He was probably not making much sense. He could see what he wanted to say, but babble rolled off his tongue instead.
“Dan. Okay, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Dan. Calm down, baby. Breathe.”
Dan took a moment to get some air in, trying to regulate his own heart, which pumped erratically.
“Is Conner there? I know he has to be. The big red dick is never far away from you. Give him the phone, okay. Let me talk to him. Shelly’s there, right? Let me talk to Conner, Dan, and you go to Shelly. Okay, Dan. Now.”
The command in Aiden’s tone helped to settle him, his breathing becoming steady.
Conner, ever vigilant, reached for the phone while guiding Dan over to Shelly, who opened her arms and enveloped him while Conner’s yes and no responses to Aiden’s inquiries drifted to his ears. Though Conner didn’t go into details, he was telling Aiden enough about tonight’s adventure for him to realize how serious things had become.
“In an hour at the most, Kavanagh. I do not know about this.” Conner paused to glance back at Dan, shaken. “Yeah, well, maybe if you had stayed rather than tucking your tail and running, he would be fine. Cannot do anything about it now. He wants to see you. An hour.” Conner’s grunt was an unhappy but resigned one.
Conner hung up on Aiden. Placing Dan’s phone on a nearby table, he pulled out his own phone to dial a number. His growl was heavy as he spoke to his Alpha. From his responses, it was not surprising to learn the elder Tolliver already knew about tonight’s events. What was surprising was that Jeremiah actually agreed with his brother that Dan needed to go to Aiden, which only confirmed there was more to Aiden than even he suspected if his father was willing to release him to his care.
“He’s requested that he be allowed to receive him at his baile tonight, his territory.” A grunt. “Two, maybe four men? No more than that?” Conner’s agitation was apparent. “You knew?” A deep sigh. “Of course you did. Yes, sir.” Sarcasm laced Conner’s words, but at the Alpha’s next utterings, he appeared both contrite and more receptive to what was said. “Yes, sir. As promised. My arm. Your law.” Sighing, Conner turned to Dan. “Pack a bag, pup. Looks like you are going to a slumber party.”
Dan didn’t waste any time putting things together. With the look on Conner’s face, he didn’t feel he had much time before the Enforcer would hesitate and decide on an alternative.
“You must know something, Danny, to even request this. It was one thing when I saw that you kissed Kavanagh earlier. I figured that maybe this was the distraction you needed, a way to get my brother back, but now.” Conner watched him carefully. “Now, when reality is shaky at best? Humans controlled, enough to cause you harm. I am worried, Danny. Father’s word is law, and I am his arm, as he so rightly pointed out just now. Our Alpha believes that when you are involved, my judgment may become cloudy. Is it cloudy, Danny, or have I need to worry for you, brother?” He paused, the light from the moon falling around his large frame as he looked toward Dan, beseeching Dan to understand.
And Dan did. He got it. He was the pup, the youngest son, and their treasure. He wasn’t a pet to them, an anomaly because he was human. He was pack. And it was asking much of Conner to sepa
rate himself, to leave Dan in the care of an unknown, to follow his Alpha’s directive to leave only a few men when, just a few hours earlier, they had experienced a scene from The Walking Dead. Dan got it, but he knew in the depths of his soul that he needed to be with Aiden, that nothing could be resolved without him.
Shelly’s hand held his tightly, but she remained quiet, realizing Dan needed to explain his thoughts to his brother on his own.
“I know, Conner. I do. But, right now…. Deep down, I know that I need to see Aiden, that it’s more than a distraction. He has something to do with this.” At Conner’s growl, Dan hurriedly continued. “No, I don’t think he’s the cause, J. D., but I do think he knows what’s happening here. Father does too. That has to be why he’s allowing me to go to him. You know he wouldn’t let me leave if he wasn’t certain that I would be safe, not after all of this, Conner. He trusts you to care for us while he’s away. I trust you.”
At his brother’s deep sigh, Dan could tell he was getting through to him.
AS HE and the entourage of cars following Conner’s tank drove on, he leaned back, settling in the padded leather seats.
Approaching a red light, Conner said, “I just—”
“You just worry. I know how scared you were when you saw me in the hospital, J. D.”
“It was hard, brother. Very hard. You just lying there, battered and defeated.”
“And part of that was my fault, Conner. I’m sorry. I made a mistake in not contacting you, in not being honest.”
“Yes, you did, and I won’t lie, Danny. I’m mightily pissed about that, pup. You could have died. It would only have taken a word. Just one.” Conner’s voice rumbled through the SUV, his emotions heavy.
Dan could see his pain, knew he would have to make up for the suffering his family experienced because of him. His pride hadn’t helped, not even himself.