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Bondage Virgins

Page 12

by Lilac James

  But when she touched it with the tip of her tongue, he handed her a condom. When it was in place, he pulled her upward to kneel before him.

  “Bex,” he said. “Bex.” He ripped the thong away and threw himself on her, pushing her down, her knees apart, his out-of-control passion matching hers.

  She rose to meet him, guiding him into her, and then there was only the slap of flesh on flesh and the sublime fullness and gathering sizzle in her blood until she choked out his name as the pulsing finish took her. Dimly she knew that she dragged him into his own orgasm, until they lay spent and entwined in the middle of the executive office behind an unlocked door.

  His breathing slowed after a few minutes or hours, and he rolled away. “This,” he said grimly, “is why you can’t work here. We’d never be able to keep our hands off each other.”


  Bessie had to accept that. Bex didn’t care if the job evaporated. She just knew she wasn’t about to give up Mr. X. Whatever it took, she’d make him see that. She got to her feet and started rounding up clothes and putting them on. Everything except the thong. She looked around the room.

  Reece stood between her and the door, wearing trousers, barefoot, shirt unbuttoned, tie dangling, and a lock of hair hanging over his forehead. He held her thong out on one finger and looked exactly like he’d just had a rough bout of the horizontal hustle.

  After a brief tap, the door opened behind him, and his mother said, “Reece, we just have time for the interview before we say good—” She broke off at the sight of Bex.

  Reece turned to look at his mother, and her mouth fell open.

  “Oh,” she said.

  She couldn’t have sounded more shocked if she’d walked in on a murder in progress was the only thing Bex’s panic-frozen brain produced.

  Joe stood behind Reece’s mother. Purple suffused his face. After what felt like an eternity, he said, “In the office, Reece? In my office?”

  “It’s my office,” Reece said in a strangled voice.

  “At least she’s not an employee,” Joe snarled. “You. Young woman, out of this office. Now.”

  Bex fled, not bothering to grab the thong from Reece’s hand. She turned her face away from Reece’s mother as she sped past, hoping against hope that the woman wouldn’t recognize her.

  “Thank goodness Bessie isn’t here,” Bex heard her say just before the elevator door slammed shut behind her.

  * * * *

  By the time the elevator reached the ground floor, she wasn’t sure if she was Bex or Bessie. Whoever she was, was crying and as miserable as she’d ever imagined being. When the door slid opened, she stepped out into a melee of cameras and lights and reporters. Oh my gosh, yes. Channel 5 and their segment on corporate blackmail. That’s why Mr. Ferguson and Reece’s mother were here so early. Bex blotted her eyes and stepped out of the car, edging around the crowd toward the door.


  No one would be calling her, and she didn’t want to respond if they were.

  “Hey! Lady in red. Stop.”

  Yep. She should have known she couldn’t get away. Slinking home in shame would be way too easy. She turned to face the shouter.

  The man facing her was shortish, baldish, sort of smiling…and had that in-charge look that head honchos always managed.

  “Yes?” She channeled Bex all the way.

  “You’ve been crying,” he observed.

  She didn’t intend to answer, but the words just popped out. “I think I just got fired.”

  His smile spread across his face. “That’s great!”

  Wonderful. A real nut. “Do you not understand English, or are you sadistic, or are you insane?” Bex snapped.

  “I’m an opportunist.” He leaned forward and looked at her intently. “You ever done any work on camera?”

  It was only her childhood dream, that was all. “No.”


  “Maybe. In what? Not your casting couch.”

  “Not my casting couch.” He handed her a card.

  She read the name with a jolt of recognition. She’d just applied to work with the man. Wingo Smythe, Director, KIND TV.

  “A new fifteen-minute segment on Around the City,” he said. ”It’s going to take a look at sex in our city. The host seems to have taken too close a look at her subject. She’s pregnant, and her doctor just put her on bed rest. We’re supposed to air next Wednesday, and it’ll be done live. We’re going to start with several BDSM clubs. If you’re interested, we’ll do a screen test on you today.”

  If the heavens had opened and showered down gold coins and naked, hot calendar models, Bex couldn’t have been more surprised. One door closes, another opens, Mother would have said. Apparently she had been right, but Bex wanted door number one: Reece/Mr. X. If she’d been given a choice, she’d have chosen him. Didn’t seem like she had a choice, though. She looked at Mr. Smythe and nodded. ”I’m interested. In fact, I e-mailed an application to KIND-TV yesterday.”

  “That’s great.” He motioned to one of the cameramen, who turned his focus on Bex. After a few minutes of filmed conversation, he took the camera and played back the video. ”More than great. Fantastic. Listen. There’s an open casting call this afternoon. Get over there. I’ll let them know you’re coming. And that you’re the one I want. Congratulations, Red. You’ve got a job.”

  * * * *

  Few days at work had ever been as awful as this one. Reece paid his taxi at the address personnel files had for Bessie. Calming Joe had taken half an hour before Reece could be hopeful the old guy wouldn’t implode. Calming his mother had been impossible.

  The three of them had gone through the TV interview on autopilot, and Reece hoped he never had to look at it.

  At least he hadn’t gotten fired.

  But only because Joe and his mother hadn’t recognized Bex was really Bessie. He had a definite pinch in the ethics over keeping that from them, but what else could he do? At least this way, Bessie could have a job, if she kept Bex out of the office.

  If she wanted it.

  He’d have to transfer her to one of the vice presidents. Keeping his hands off her, even in the Bessie Edna incarnation, just wasn’t going to be an option. If she worked for…oh, maybe that woman who ran R&D…yeah, that would be great. If she worked there, they could keep seeing each other after hours. No one would have to know about Milady’s Pleasure.

  He juggled the flowers he’d bought for Bessie, stuck the envelope for Bex inside his jacket, and pushed the call button for the elevator.

  She answered the door wearing a silky shirt that draped over her breasts like temptation, skin-tight, stretchy pants, and a happy smile. ”Reece. I’m glad you came by.”

  And he had been worried he’d find her miserable and humiliated and sobbing. He handed her the flowers. ”I couldn’t stay away from you. Also, I was worried this morning had upset you.”

  ”It did. Turns out being caught almost in flagrante is not going to be one of my favorite activities or happiest memories. But the rest of the day was stellar. I was just about to open a bottle of champagne. Join me?”

  “In anything.”

  But she hadn’t waited for his answer before dashing to the kitchen. She returned with the wine and two flutes.

  ”What are we celebrating? Not getting fired?” He grimaced. He’d have to tell her things would change if she expected to stay on at Ferguson Inc.

  ”That. No, not that. But if I’m not fired, why are you here?”

  Let me count the ways. “To make sure you’re okay. To talk about your job.” And how about a recap of this morning’s activities while I’m here.

  “That’s really sweet of you, Reece. But what we’re celebrating is my new job.”

  “I thought about transferring you to R&D. Then I wouldn’t be your direct supervisor, so we wouldn’t be violating the company rule. This morning proved there’s no way I can work with either one of you in the same office.” He got the whole speech ou
t before what she’d just said registered. “New job? That was fast.”

  “It was more than fast. It was total serendipity. When I left the building this morning, I ran into the TV crew. You’re gonna love this—they want me to be the on-air host of a program featuring the local sex clubs. We’re starting with the BDSM community. Who knew there were so many of them in town?” She grinned so widely he figured his famous poker face had failed him completely.

  Gobsmack. “You’re going to—” He choked.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  Oh. My. God.

  Bex leaned across the table and put out a finger to push his jaw up. “You give new meaning to slack-jawed. You’re surprised, huh? Don’t think I can do it?”

  Yeah, he was surprised, all right. “Of course you can do it,” he managed to say. He wanted to shut up, but his mouth kept right on going and his first thought, his real worry popped out. “You’re the host, right. And that’s it? You’re not going to…participate?”

  Bex’s smile turned wicked. Challenging. Tempting. “Not if I’m satisfied enough.” She raised one bewitchingly red eyebrow in question.

  His gaze remained fused to her face while he stood, took her hands, and pulled her to her feet. God, she’s beautiful. Her skin looked like cream, and the blazing red of her hair matched her uninhibited enjoyment in bed. Well, on a table, sling, or floor, as well.

  “That’s my new purpose in life, Bex.” He pulled her against him, and the press of her breasts made him forget for a moment what he’d planned to say next.

  She gave an arousing wriggle that sent his erection straight from normal woody to hard as steel. “What, to keep me satisfied? Just so we’re clear here.”

  “Yes, to keep you satisfied,” he growled, taking back control. “So I got this for you.” He reached between them and pulled the envelope from his pocket.

  She took it. “I don’t understand.”

  “Open it.”

  She pulled the single sheet of paper out. As she read it, her mouth dropped open.

  Reece had never been a man to pass up a perfect opportunity, so he bent his head for a sumptuous kiss.

  AS SOON AS his mouth touched hers, wanton need blazed through Bex. She clutched the paper in one fist while she wound her arms around his neck and kissed him back with all the passion she’d stored up over the years.

  Her fire ignited his, and he ripped her shirt away to expose her breasts. His hands covered them, and her nipples felt hard and pointed against the heat of his palms.

  They needed to be horizontal, even if his touch hadn’t made her knees too weak to hold her up. She sank to the floor, pulling him with her, scrambling over him and yanking his belt loose.

  He jerked her sweatpants off with one mighty tug. She fumbled with his zipper, getting in his way, as he tried to unzip his trousers, until finally his erection was free and covered with a condom and prodding right where she wanted it. His weight pressed her hard against the soft rug, and she all but melted into it. “My turn,” he said.

  “Maybe.” She didn’t mean it. His turn, her turn, how could she lose? She reached up and licked his chin, the dark stubble rough against her tongue.

  He turned his head and met her tongue with his, a duel that would have no losers.

  The duel turned into a kiss that pulled her into a swirl of sensation until her skin cried for his touch. Until she couldn’t stop stroking every bit of him she could reach.

  Still he didn’t move, the thick head of his cock pressing against her soft, ready entrance. She rocked against him, urging him on. And moaned as he rammed into her.

  Morning sex, redux. She locked her legs around him and met his fast and furious rhythm, meeting each pounding thrust with a whimper of pleasure, until everything dissolved into the pulsing blackness of orgasm.

  Later, much later, she came back to full awareness and realized they lay tangled on her living room rug. “Wow,” she murmured.

  “Yeah, wow,” Reece agreed. Eventually he rolled away, got to his feet and pulled her up. When he’d gotten them each another glass of wine, he asked, “Does this mean you like what I got you?”

  “A full year of membership in Milady’s Pleasure? As a couple? Yes!” She held up her wine goblet and clinked it against his.


  Loose Id Titles by Lilac James

  Bondage Virgins

  Lilac James

  Lilac James is a…

  Sweet little old lady? Check.

  Mild-mannered neighbor? Check.

  Ever-helpful friend? Check.

  Civic-minded volunteer? Check.

  But beneath the placid exterior lies a kinky imagination and a desire to share it with you.

  When not bound up in kink, Lilac enjoys dogs and horses and cats and motorcycles, beaches and mountains, sunsets and sunrises (especially when combined with Tai Chi), and the world’s best DH.




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