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An Empire is Born (Maraukian War Book 3)

Page 21

by Michael Chatfield

  Once inside the engineer’s headquarters, Farus moved to center position.

  Proclus moved out of his way, lowering his head. “Sir, they’ve opened comms to us. Are you wishing to respond?”

  “It’s not quite the command deck of a battleship, but we’ll take it. Open comms to the lead carrier.

  “This is Cilo Calidius Farus. State your intentions.”

  “I am Captain Grislol from the SLS Defender. You are to stop acceleration as we believe that you are leading these people away from the system with an unstable craft. Only when your craft’s integrity is confirmed will you be able to leave.”

  “Oh, well, here is the shipbuilder’s writ signed with all of the souls aboard this vessel accepting the updated terms of agreement to the management of the Aegean Gardens. If you fire or attempt to board this vessel, you will be charged with gross negligence and attacking a free vessel without authorization,” Farus threw back. “We are a free station, not governed by the legion. You will let us pass.”

  “Legate, their weapons are armed and they are tracking us,” Denst reported in Farus’s ear.

  Farus looked over to her and to the holo before him. He could see everything clearly and the SLS Defender had its weapons ready.

  Farus met Captain Grislol’s eyes. “Any attack on this unarmed vessel will be seen as an act of war against us and the VCF. Do you understand, Captain?”

  “Perfectly, and we are under orders. If you continue, we will open fire.”

  Farus cut the comms, and looked around at the forty or so faces before him. “Keep our course steady. Whatever happens, we will deal with it.” He met Denst’s wide eyes of concern with his steady gaze. “Get me the med bays. We need them on full alert.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Alanis Forzetta,” came the reply. “We’re standing by.”

  “Let’s hope you’re not needed, Forzetta,” Farus said, referring to the head of the medical staff aboard the station. “Yin, where are all key personnel?”

  Yin sidestepped to a console and quickly brought up several images. “They’re all secure. Station is at full readiness. Securing hatches and flushing atmosphere in residential areas.”

  With her words, klaxons started ringing and lights flashed as armored shutters covered over the different windows that revealed the space beyond. Families donned their protective gear, moving to the secure and armored bunkers that lay in the main spine and revolving rings.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Freighter E-567

  Departing Otarvi System


  Nerva checked on the different reports, from his new orders telling him to pull back the reactionary force from the Otarvi system to the ones coming from Legate Yousef, declaring their fight against the Maraukians a success on Indalia.

  People were already heading toward their homes while mass funerals were being led and Maraukians cleared from cities and the different defensive points they had been assaulting for months.

  Nerva checked his plans. Everything was ready to go. Even he had some apprehensions.

  He’d spent the last few months preparing for this, seeking out those who he thought were struggling with their ties to the legion. Now he was sure all of them would follow his lead.

  He’d wanted to do this as quietly as possible, to slip away and be forgotten, but the legion wasn’t going to be happy with that. It meant that all the people around him would be at risk, so making sure they were all safe had been his priority over these months. One slip from his plan and it would have been over before it started. The people onboard and the resources he had there were second to none and without that, he’d have had nothing but expertise and men to bring to the VC’s new fighting force.

  “Sir, all of the shuttles are prepped and ready to go,” Thomas McDougall said. All of the resources and people of the reactionary force who hadn’t been included in those talked to by Nerva and his people had been sent ahead.

  The shuttles had returned for their second flight, but their destination was a bit different.

  “I know, I just need confirmation,” Nerva said. “Start loading but take your time with it.”

  “Yes, sir.” McDougall closed the channel and started to organize their forces.

  Finally, Nerva got a private channel from Freighter E-567.

  “We have a private communication from the Aegean Gardens,” the communications officer said.

  “Connect me.” Nerva was connected through the freighter’s long-range communication system. He quickly checked that no one was listening in.

  Farus’s face appeared in his vision, sitting in a private office.

  “Report?” Nerva asked.

  “It has been done. All people accounted for, including those you wanted us to contact,” Farus said.

  The extra people he was talking about were the family members of those who had chosen to follow Nerva from Otarvi.

  They might be legionnaires, but their families weren’t. If they were seen as deserters, that was one of the most dishonorable things. To save them from that, Farus and the people of the Aegean Gardens had been working to gather them all together and give them a place on the gardens.

  “We are an hour or so from transition. All personnel who were not with us have left and are headed toward the planets in the Hellenic system.”

  “Understood,” Nerva said. Some of the people might have been raised on the gardens and never known Nerva other than the stories, or others didn’t want to get involved in the political mess that was bound to appear with this kind of move.

  “Just got fourteen more months of travel time,” Farus said. “Reminds me of that time in Caraces.”

  Nerva relaxed as he heard the signature safe word from Farus’s lips.

  Nerva smiled and he straightened his back. There was no going back now. His next call to the emperor and the senate wasn’t going to be a private one. Even while he’d been on comms to Farus, there were calls coming through from many people in the legion. They were looking for answers and they needed them now. His NIAI was keeping them all at bay, but even Denise was feeling the pressure here.

  “Please let everyone on the station witness my full resignation from the legion. From this day forward, we are part of the Victor Corporation.”

  Nerva silently sent a message to Quina and McDougall, telling them to speed up loading as fast as possible.

  Farus grinned at him. “Who needed to stay retired anyway?” He laughed. “We’ll be within the Emarl system in fourteen months. I hope you’ll have a place for us.”

  “I’ll be there before you. We’ll negotiate safety for the station and a place for you.”

  Farus nodded. “They knew this was coming—they’ve been prepared for it. I don’t think they ever expected the legion to retaliate, though.”

  Nerva’s heart quickened. “What happened?”

  “Rimateus happened. He was having the station watched a little more carefully than I had thought. There were some complications.”

  “No life lost?”

  “No, but we did lose one of the sections to the labs. A few injuries, but no deaths. Repairs are underway right now and we believe there will be no further complications because of it.”

  Nerva’s heart settled back down. “Good. Keep me posted with your progress. And I’m forwarding on a file with training schedule and jobs. Once you arrive here, there will be need for any skilled labor. The best time to study will be in transition.”

  Farus waited on the file then nodded. “We won’t waste any time. Do not worry. We’ll be prepared for anything.”

  “Thirty minutes,” Nerva said. “All channels.” When Farus nodded, Nerva cut the comms with him and prepared for his final statement to the legion.

  He boarded a drop-ship with the others of the legion. Its already warmed engines started to push off the ground just minutes later.

  A mass exodus of shuttles was headed for the reactionary forces’ vessels.

  He wasn’t g
oing to answer any comms requests, or listen to any of the senators after his statement was made. He would ask Denise to cut all of it. There would be no connection to him for them ever again. If anyone wanted to talk to him, it would have to be through regular channels.

  As the shuttles looked as though they were headed for the reactionary force ships, they altered their path and headed for a freighter off to the side.

  The inter-system freighter was a solid-built freighter that had large open storage areas instead of the ribbed design where containers were strapped inside.

  The freighter’s bay doors opened to admit the drop-ships in. As the timer ticked down, he knew all eyes would be focused on him. Across the legion, and across all of space. He’d put on his uniform for the last time, made sure it sparkled to give them one last look at the man he used to be.

  “My name is Kaeso Lucillios Nerva. I’ve been alive for one thousand and sixty-four years. I have served the legion for more than eight hundred years. I fought and defended against the very first Maraukian invasions and I am standing here, facing you with a heavy heart. I no longer believe Roma and the legion has her best interests at heart. There is corruption from within and there are men and women bent with nothing but greed. I’ve stood with many of you, in senate and in battle. I thought I was making a difference. I realize now this is not the truth anymore.”

  Nerva looked to the lapels on each shoulder and, with a quick pull, yanked them off. “From this day forward, I am no longer part of Roma or her legion. I renounce all of my vows and my commitment to her protection. It will be no big shock to some of you, my home, the Aegean Gardens, moved from orbit this morning. Her people are with me. Those who stand with me are already in safe places. Anyone else who wishes to join is welcome to do so. I will not turn any friend or support away.”

  Denise spoke in his ear. “They’re trying to disrupt your signal, but they’re failing.”

  This urged Nerva on all the more; he needed to finish this.

  “I am no traitor to the people of Roma, though you may call it as you see fit. The legionnaires you abandoned on Indalia have seen the truth. You have protected their saboteurs, disregarded any request. They are leaving the Otarvi system with me. You may pick up any remaining people at a date of your choosing.

  “The legion has been corrupted by people looking for personal gain. I will no longer see people die over petty arguments in the military I serve. I will no longer be a member of the EMF or the legion, but instead work to build a military that looks after its people and works together toward their mutual goals, instead of stepping atop one another for no reason other than financial or political gain. Nerva out.” The drop-ship he was in came to a rest on the freighter. It was one of the last as the big bay doors started to close.

  “Denise, cut all comms with Roma. Block everything incoming. We’re done.”

  The tiny pings and comms calls trying to get his attention stopped.

  “Captain Stiphal, get us out of here. Destination, the Emarl system.”

  “Course plotted and moving, sir.”

  The freighter powered up its drives, accelerating away from Indalia and toward the closest region where they could activate their Alcubierre and leave the system.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Legion Headquarters

  Roma, Hellenic System


  Legate Julio Alves burst into Damus’s office, disturbing him. As he looked up, a frown appeared on his face as words started to make his lips curl.

  “The Aegean Gardens are leaving the system!” Julio said, directly throwing a broadcast over to Damus and throwing it up on the wall.

  They were also linked in on the channels.

  Damus heard a familiar voice as he saw the video transmission on the main screen. On one side it showed an old man, the other the captain of one of the carriers.

  “Any attack on this unarmed vessel will be seen as an act of war against us and the VCF. Do you understand, Captain?” the man said.

  Damus’s mind spun. He knew he had seen that man before! Who was he again?

  “Perfectly, and we are under orders. If you continue, we will open fire.”

  The old man closed the video, showing the two carriers and the Aegean Gardens.

  Just as he was trying to piece things together, with Julio looking at him, the emperor himself appeared on a main screen as his NIAI came up with a match for the old man.

  Damus Versanti’s eyes went wide as he yelled out. “Give that captain a cease and desist order now!” He knew who that old man was.

  He was the cousin of the old emperor, the first emperor; he was one of the people who had fought under Nerva. After the fighting, he had disappeared. Most of his family was gone and there was only his cousin left.

  He was one of the first settlers of the Aegean Gardens. It was made up of primarily legionnaire forces; many legionnaire lineages could be traced back from there.

  Many of the top leaders in the legion came from that seemingly simple floating gardens.

  “What?” the emperor yelled as they all watched the cannons on the carriers firing.

  The Aegean Gardens were rocked as the rounds struck its hull and sections were blown off. Damus’s hands were gripped together as he couldn’t believe what he was seeing, fearful on what might happen. Thankfully there were no more rounds.

  “Uh, Legate Versanti?” The person on the other line sounded panicked as Damus was now connected to the carrier.

  “Link me in, video!” Damus growled.

  “Sir!” The communications officer did so and now Damus was facing Captain Grislol, who frowned.

  “You are fucking relieved of command. You just fired on an unarmed fucking station, carrying the fucking souls from the first legion. That old man—he’s the fucking cousin of the first emperor!”

  The man’s face started to go pale.

  “The Aegean Gardens is owned by Legate Nerva himself, and is a home for retired legionnaires and their families, or the families of those who didn’t make it back!” Damus yelled, the information fresh in his mind as he started to recall more about the station that had become a regular piece in the Hellenic system.


  “It doesn’t fucking matter. This is the goddamn fucking legion! We’re supposed to look out for the people, not whoever is your backer!” Damus looked to the people in the command center.

  “Return immediately to the Grotto station. Bring the other carrier with you,” Damus growled and then cut off the signal.

  He looked to the side wall where Cassius was still waiting, a cold look in his eyes.

  “Emperor,” Damus said, making to bow.

  “Hold it,” Cassius said, his voice calm and collected. “My cousin is still alive. Have the people involved charged according to the law. I don’t want them to be charged more or less. We need to rip this cancer out from the Roma Union,” Cassius said. “We need to use the distraction of the Victor Corporation. We can use that to draw the rats out. Then we end them.”

  Damus nodded, but a part of him wondered whether it was possible.

  The senate was part of everything now. There were few things that they weren’t involved in, and they had a certain amount of power in the higher ranks of the legion.

  The people at the bottom and the top were for the people of Roma and the Union, but the people in the middle, many of them were from the political or money based alliances that were focused on making more money or gaining better position.

  Siding with the political powers of the Union, they were able to reach new heights and greater power.

  It was similar to the corporations on Earth, but they were more secretive about the ways that they operated.

  “As you command.” Damus saluted the emperor.

  Damus headed back to his desk, watching the Aegean Gardens head away from the Hellenic system.

  The Aegean Gardens supplied most of the Hellenic system with fresh food. With them gone, prices would jump up.<
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  Also, with the last words of Farus, it looked as if they were headed for the Emarl system. Few things grew there, but if they had the gardens, then they could support millions more people.

  Emarl system wasn’t looking so insignificant anymore: They had a yard that was capable of building the biggest ships, a freighter company that operated it with freighters that were who knew where. They were allied with hundreds of thousands of troopers and the mergers, as well as having a planet that had just climbed out of a fight with the Maraukians.

  It would hold the rejects from Earth and Her Colonies as well as the Union. But the fact was that if they were able to manage it well, then it could be possible for it to surpass both of them. It was one system while the others were powerhouses with complicated defensive and trade structures.

  He was just starting to get himself under control when Julio, who hadn’t left the room yet, looked up at Damus.

  “Nerva just left the legion,” Julio said.

  Damus felt as if he had been punched in the gut. Nerva was the man who had led the defense of Roma. Symbolically, there was no one higher than him. He had consistently refused to take the position as the leader of the legion. He was a battlefield commander, not someone who was good at managing it.

  He kept the legion healthy from its lower ranks.

  Now, if he was gone, if he made a clean break from the legion, it could cause chaos.

  Damus called up the information on his NIAI. It didn’t take him long to get everything that had happened in the Otarvi system, including Nerva passing back all of the equipment to the reactionary force carriers as he looked as though he were leaving the planet, only to divert to an inconspicuous-looking freighter that readily accepted them.

  As the freighter moved off, even the drop-ships were thrown out of the freighter, effectively cutting off all ties that held the legionnaires to the legion.

  “What about their families?” Damus asked.


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