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Somebody's Ex

Page 4

by Jasmine Haynes

  “Do I have to squirt you again to get you to behave?”

  He smiled. “You really don’t want me to comment on that?”

  She blushed prettily. He could see straight down the front of her dress as she leaned back on her haunches, her hands still soaping the dog. Her dusky nipples beckoned. He ached to lick them. The evil eye she gave him only heightened the need.

  “Pour the water over her and rinse her off. And be good. Or is sex all you think about?”

  “Oh, I’m very good. And I’ve been known to go a full minute without thinking about sex.” But not here and not now. He poured and rinsed. “How much do you think about sex?”

  Her Scandinavian skin flushing to the color of her nipples, she shrugged. “Not much. Usually.”

  He leaned in for a quick nuzzle of her hair. “How much did you think about it today?”

  “Not much.”


  Then she laughed, turned, and smiled up at him. “Okay. I thought about it at the grocery store which made me drive to the drugstore so I could buy something which would be necessary if I was actually going to do something about sex rather than just think about it.” She tipped her head, her eyes dancing. “Then I thought about it when I was cleaning the house.”

  She’d bought condoms? Christ. It was all he could do not to scoop her up in his arms right now. “Cleaning the house? That makes you think about sex?”

  “Oh, when you’re cleaning, your mind can wander, and then you start thinking about all the things you could do on that very clean kitchen table or a sparkling countertop—”

  “Stop. I give up. You win, and you’re driving me crazy. Is this dog done yet?”

  She batted her eyelashes. “She’s done.” Then she leaned over to pull the drain plug with a long, exaggerated stretch.

  He wanted to run his hands over her backside, cup the flesh. Ah hell, he wanted to climb right up behind her and press his cock to the curve of her ass.

  And she knew it, if the glint in her eye meant anything.

  “Towels. Where are the towels?” In the cabinet over the toilet, he remembered.

  He rose, watching intently as she squeezed water from the dog’s fur with yet more exaggerated moves that drew his gaze to the smooth length of her back.

  Then she wriggled her ass.

  “Tease.” At that moment, he’d do anything she wanted.

  Wrapping the dog in the towel, he lifted her. And felt the soft glide of Randi’s hand across his cock. Up, down, a squeeze, then it was gone.

  “Don’t drop the dog,” she said.

  Together, with two towels between them, they dried as much as possible, then Royal squirmed free. The minute her feet touched the floor, she bounced into the hallway, then shook herself, leftover water flying everywhere. Randi squealed as the spray hit her, then David slammed the bathroom door.

  A moment later, he hauled her into his arms, lifted her high, and backed her up against the door. She had no choice but to wrap her legs around his waist, her full skirt bunching at her hips and flowing all around him.

  “Time to pay the piper for all your teasing.” He rocked gently against her, his gaze rising from her luscious lips to her luminous eyes.

  She looped her arms around his neck. “Right here?”

  “I’m not sure I can wait.” He wanted inside her badly, the need building in him all night and coming to a crescendo as he watched her on her knees.

  “You haven’t even kissed me yet.”

  She was right, he hadn’t, at least not a long, slow kiss to savor her mouth. “Yes, ma’am, whatever you want, ma’am.”

  “I knew you were polite. Now kiss me.”

  She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulled his head down, and he lost himself in her taste laced with the lingering sweetness of wine. Her tongue flirted with his, then he took her, deeply, hungrily, pushing her flush against the door. She clung to him, devouring him even as he consumed her, the night’s teasing adding a touch of desperation between them. Her legs tightened at his waist, and he dipped his knees, then thrust against her with the same sweet rhythm of his tongue in her mouth. His head swam with her scent, her taste, the warm glide of his hands beneath her dress.

  She pushed away, gulping air. “I can’t breathe.” Then her teeth sank into her lower lip. With eyes the dark blue of the ocean’s depths, her gaze traced his features. “I can’t do everything I want to do in this tiny bathroom.”

  He let her legs slide gently to the floor. “We need a bed. A very big bed.”

  She tipped her head. “My bed’s not very big.”

  He kissed the corner of her mouth, the shell of her ear, then whispered, “It’s big enough.”

  Randi’s legs trembled, and she could barely stand, let alone walk. David made her a little nutzoid. Mick had never done that, no one had. David didn’t kiss like Mr. Nice Guy. He kissed like the baddest of the bad boys. Better than Mick. Better than anyone. Which made him a dangerous man. He wanted her, it was there in the depth of his kiss, the hitch of his breath, the darkening of his eyes, and the slight tremor in his hands under her skirt. But was amazing the same as special? Maybe, maybe not. A girl could get carried away, mistaking lust for love. Randi had made the blunder before.

  She wouldn’t again. She’d have hot, intense sex with him—she was dying for hot and intense—but she wouldn’t go expecting promises or vows of undying love. At least not right away.

  Instead, she’d let him make her feel like a hot, sexy woman for the first time in over a year. Not somebody’s ex and not her father’s no-good daughter.

  Randi grabbed David’s hand, flung open the door, and pulled him across the hall to her bedroom before he could change his mind. Before she could.

  She flipped off the overhead light, then crossed the room to turn on the bedside lamp. Then David’s hands went to the buttons at the back of her dress. Granted there weren’t many of them, but the damn things were so tiny she’d had the devil of a time doing them up on her own. David made quick work of them, then slipped his hand down to the bottom of her spine.

  “I like the feel of your skin. Smooth and soft.” He nuzzled her ear as he spoke.

  Moisture pooled between her thighs. “Will you lick my ear?” She had such sensitive ears.

  Warm breath, the glide of his tongue. She tingled all over. Arching her back, thrusting her breasts out, she let the hot sizzle slide through her body.

  “What else do you like?”

  She liked that he asked instead of just doing whatever made him happy. “I liked it when you licked my back.” She’d had that first orgasm when he did that.

  He slid the dress from her shoulders, pushing the too-tight sleeves down her arms until her upper body was naked. Sitting on the low mattress, he pulled her between his legs, his hands stroking forward to her abdomen, then up to cup her breasts as he laid his lips on her back. Electric shocks jolted through her.

  His tongue tickled and sent shivers to her fingers and toes. She squirmed against his mouth, but his hands clasped her close. Tweaking both her nipples in his fingers, he nibbled below her shoulder blade, the combination sending another lightening quick jolt to her clitoris.

  “You do that very well,” she said, her voice husky, her lids drooping.

  “I’m a fast learner.”

  He turned her in his arms so quickly she had to grab his shoulders to steady herself. His eyes blazed—for her. She wanted to melt into that gaze and pretend she was the most important, special person in the world to him.

  “You’re dangerous,” she whispered, the words falling from her lips without her meaning them to.

  He laughed. “That makes me hot. A dangerous guy. Yeah, that really makes me hot.” He grabbed one of her hands from his shoulders and put it on the bulge in his jeans. “See?”

  She raised one brow. “You’re a very big man.”

  “Keep talking, woman, while I feast on these.” He latched onto a nipple, sucking it into his mouth.

nbsp; “How am I supposed to talk when you’re doing that?”

  He didn’t answer, testing the bead of her nipple with his teeth, laving with his tongue, then sucking once more.

  “Do you like my breasts?” They weren’t large, but they filled his hands. And his mouth.

  He hummed his pleasure, the sound vibrating through her. Then he switched to her other breast, giving it equal attention.

  “Could I please take off this dress now?” She didn’t want to miss a single sensation.

  He kissed her between her breasts, licked her tummy, then caught the waist of her dress and dragged it over her hips. A small embroidered rose adorned her otherwise plain, white cotton thong. He stopped at the sight of that rose and the cotton riding high on her hips.

  “I have never dated a woman who wore a thong. I thought they were all made of a tiny scrap of lace.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” She didn’t even address his misconception. Cotton was much more comfortable than lace.

  He smiled up at her. “Still think I’m dangerous?”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe I have to ask a few questions.”

  He slipped the dress down her legs, waited for her to step out of it, then tossed it aside. “Okay, ask.”

  With the box spring set on the floor, he was at the perfect height for what she wanted. “Have you ever...”

  He rubbed his nose along the elastic at her waist, then planted a kiss on the rose just below her belly button.

  “Have I ever what?”

  “Have you ever made love to a woman with your tongue?” Mick had been very skimpy in that department. Since it wasn’t about him, he didn’t care for it.

  “I might have done that a time or two.” He opened his mouth against her panties and blew warm air across her.

  Oh yeah, he’d done that.

  She flicked the elastic of her thong to catch his attention. “If you’ve only done it a time or two, maybe you should get a little more practice now.”

  “I like that about you,” he murmured, gazing up at her.

  She stroked her fingers through his lush hair. “What?”

  “That you know what you want, and you don’t mind asking for it. It’s pretty damn refreshing.”

  Right. Her, know what she wanted? Yeah, right. That’s why she was divorced, worked at her parents’ store, and lived in a hovel. Ha!

  But that was another thing entirely. Right now, she did know what she wanted. Mick had grown tired of pleasing her. But here was a willing man. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and sucked on it in conscious imitation of what she wanted. “You’re taking too long.”

  David grazed his teeth down the cotton’s center. Hooking his fingers in the top of the panty, he let the material slide down her legs, caressing her all the way with his tongue and his touch. Then he came back to the juncture of her thighs.

  He probed with his tongue, a light, questing pressure. Then he parted her with his fingers, his hand between her legs forcing her to a wider stance. The first brush of his fingers across her clitoris had her grabbing for his shoulders.

  “Am I doing all right so far?” His eyes twinkled with mischief and pleasure.

  “I need more just to be sure.”

  This time he slid a digit deep inside her. Her head tipped back, and a moan fell from her lips.

  “I guess you must like it because you’re very, very wet. I wonder how you taste?”

  Oh please, please, please. He cupped her butt in his hands and pulled her flush against his mouth, opening over her, taking her with his tongue and his lips. Her clitoris throbbed, her legs shook, and she plunged her fingers into the neck of his shirt, hanging on for dear life.

  There was nothing quite like the feel of a man, the sight of him pleasuring her, the kiss of soft hair against her belly, and the insistent pull of his lips on her clitoris. He was beautiful. He made her feel beautiful and special and wanted.

  She started to pant as he sucked harder, holding her close. Tangling her fingers in his hair, she pulled him deeper. He dropped a hand from her butt to her thigh and pulled her leg up over his to open her more fully to his mouth. She moaned as he thrust a finger deep and swirled his tongue over her clitoris.

  When she would have fallen, he held her up. When she started to come, crying out his name, he only increased the pressure, making her come harder and longer than she could ever remember doing. Made her come until her legs felt like the bones had melted, and her ears started to lightly hum.

  Somehow he swung her to the side, and she flopped weightlessly across the bed, unable to open her eyes. Light fingers stroked her belly.

  “So, did I do okay?”

  She cracked one eyelid. “You lied big time. You’ve done that more than once or twice.”

  He smiled. Dangerously, all gleaming white teeth and kissed-to-perfection lips. “I have never done that before.”

  “Which part?” She narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

  “Made a woman scream like that.”

  “I didn’t scream.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  Maybe she had. The ringing in her ears had drowned it out.

  He stroked a hand down the side of her face, over her breasts, across her belly, and into the thatch of hair at her apex. “Oh, baby, you screamed, and I almost came.”

  Wow. “You’ve still got all your clothes on.”

  “I can do something about that.” His shirt still halfway unbuttoned from their earlier bout on the couch, he simply pulled it over his head and tossed it on top of her dress.

  She ran a hand down his chest. He unbuckled his belt, the rasp of his zipper filling the quiet room.

  “Let me stand up.” He eased her back as he rose, her gaze traveling up with his. Then he shucked his jeans, reached for her hand, and wrapped her fingers around his cock.

  He was long and thick and very, very hard. Her throat dried up. Yes, he was beautiful there, too.

  “You look at me like that much longer, I’m going to come.”

  She stroked his length.

  He stopped her. “Get in the middle.”

  She moved to the center of the bed, then turned to watch him as he leaned down to his jeans, pulled out his wallet, and extracted a condom packet.

  He glanced at her over his shoulder. “Hope you don’t mind. I did come prepared.”

  “I don’t mind.” She’d prepared, too.

  He let her watch as he rolled on the condom, then crawled across the bed on his hands and knees. Sinking his hand between her legs, he slid a finger over her clitoris. She moaned.

  “You want the top or bottom?” he murmured.

  “Top.” She wanted to watch as she guided him inside.

  He flopped on his back beside her, then pulled her over him. His cock nestled at her juncture. She rubbed lightly against him, then rose. Stroking a hand down the condom, he lifted to her opening. God, he was hard. She closed her eyes a moment to relish the feel of just the tip inside her, then she leaned forward on both hands, watching as he filled her.

  “Christ, that feels good.”

  Air rushed from his lungs as she took him all the way and then settled, loving the feel of him inside her. His hands on her hips guided her, forcing her to rise, then fall once more. Again. When she found that perfect rhythm, he took her breasts, molding them with his fingers.

  “I knew you’d feel just like this. Hot and wet.” He rose, taking a nipple in his mouth and sucking until a bright shot of pleasure zipped to her clitoris.

  She slid down against him, taking him deeper and rubbing herself against his coarse hair.

  He stiffened, suddenly, and not in a good way. “Houston, we have a problem.”

  Chapter Five

  “There’s something between my legs, and I really don’t think it’s supposed to be there.”

  Randi twisted to look behind her. Royal had crept up onto the bed and was sprawled between David’s legs.

  Holy Mack Moly. “Royal, down.” She couldn�
�t even remember the damn Norwegian command. Her face flamed.

  Mick had hated, absolutely hated the dog on the bed.

  After Royal slinked away, she turned back to David. “I’m sorry. I forgot to put her back outside or close the bedroom door.” She’d forgotten everything in her haste to have him. “She’s used to sleeping with me. You’re not mad, are you?”

  He cocked his head. “Why would I be mad?” He waggled his eyebrows. “Though I have to say I’m not used to a dog trying to nuzzle my nuts.”

  Oh, this was mortifying. He’d leave now. Just pull out and leave. “I’m so sorry.”

  He ran his hands up her forearms, then pulled her down by the elbows. “It’s all right. I don’t care. What’s wrong?”

  She’d cooked dinner to mush. She’d forgotten the dog, left her outside to get sprayed by a skunk, then allowed her to crawl up between his legs. What else could go wrong?

  He shook her lightly. “It’s not a big deal.”

  Stupid, stupid, stupid. What must he think? Terrible thoughts spiraled through her head, gaining momentum, spinning out of control. Looking on the bright side didn’t work.

  David rolled her beneath him and stared down at her. Tears pricked her eyes. And she knew.

  She wanted him to fall in love with her. She wanted him to come back. Tomorrow. The next day. The next month. Holy Moly, she’d done it again. Mixed up lust and love, and really, she couldn’t tell the difference in what she felt about David.

  It was all so like her relationship with Mick. He’d wanted her badly, at first, so she’d fallen in love, hopped into bed, then jumped into marriage so quickly she hadn’t a moment to even think about what she was doing. It had taken three years to finally admit her mistake. She was a little slow on the uptake.

  But here she was repeating the pattern all over again.

  David moved inside her, gently. He pecked at her lips, then licked the seam with his tongue. “You’re perfect, Randi, you don’t have to worry about anything but this.”

  He dipped down to suck her nipple in his mouth, let it pop free, then blew warm breath on it. Her body involuntarily arched into his.

  “You’re not going to make me stop, are you, sweetheart?”


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