White Nights
Page 40
8. Reuters ‘Colombia making “substantial progress” with peace deal: Santos’ Colombia Reports 2 November 2016
9. Miguel Salazar ‘Colombia government slams ELN rebels as they admit to Bogota bull ring bombing’ Colombia Reports 27 February 2017
10. David Maas ‘Pablo Escobar’s top hitman “Popeye” robbed in Medellin’ Colombia Reports 6 December 2016
11. Colombia Reports ‘Colombia’s ex-intelligence chief jailed over 1989 assassination of liberal presidential candidate’ 25 November 2016
12. Semana ‘La libertad de los “paras”’ 26 July 2014
13. Adriaan Alsema ‘Colombia makes biggest cocaine bust ever’ Colombia Reports 9 November 2017
14. El Heraldo ‘El Plan Colombia termina una fase y comienza otra: Santos’ 2 February 2016
Me with Colombian TV star Ángela Vergara at my farewell party in Sydney in February 2003.
Me with Thomas McFadden (left) and Rusty Young (right) of Marching Powder fame, not long after I arrived back in Bogotá in early 2003.
The first photo of me and Lily together, in 2003. We married the next year.
About Austin Galt
Austin Galt was born in Sydney. A model and investment banker in his homeland, he found himself travelling through Colombia in 2001, then the most violent country in the world. Thereafter he taught English to locals in Bogotá, while exploring Colombia and having the opportunity to become a drug trafficker with the Cali mafia. He currently lives in Medellín with his Colombian-born wife and two daughters.
Some of the people in this book have had their names changed to protect their identities.
First published 2018 in Macmillan by Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd
1 Market Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 2000
Copyright © Austin Galt 2018
The moral right of the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted.
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Cataloguing-in-Publication entry is available from the National Library of Australia
EPUB format: 9781760558529
Typeset by Midland Typesetters
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