Dragon's Heart

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Dragon's Heart Page 5

by Marly Mathews

Kendra directed her attention to Grania. “Lady Grania, you can’t allow the wizard to live. He will obliterate our kind. Dragon slayers make him look like… ”

  She raised her hand. “Silence! I will not listen to what you have to say. Your side has already killed too many of my friends—tell Lord Draco that his end is near. That is all.” She hurled a flaming fireball at her.

  Kendra disappeared.

  “We should probably go back to your cottage now. I guess it's my home for the time being.” He walked toward her. Unsettling stillness draped through the hall.

  He touched her face, gently tilting her head to meet his gaze. “You withdraw from me,” he said softly.

  “Why shouldn’t I? You put us in this situation. You created this—this hall of death. I knew those men you killed. I grew up with them, they didn’t deserve to die like that.” She was crying. “I wasn’t going to kill them—unless they tried to kill you. I wasn’t going to hurt them.” Her voice cracked with emotion. Coolness exuded from her. In a heartbeat, she turned frosty toward him.

  Raising her hand, she showed him her palm. “The dragon mark has disappeared. What you have done tonight might have resulted in the impossible.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I should thank you. You have released me from a heavy burden. You have broken our bond. You are free to love whomever you want.”

  “No.” He held fast to her. He wouldn’t let her go. He clung to her as if his very life depended on it, and perhaps, it did.

  “I am your protector. Beyond that, I am nothing. You should breathe a sigh of relief, you won’t have to worry about me ravishing you now. I will leave you alone—always alone. That little witch you had your eye on—why don’t you go and knock her up?”

  “Don’t do this.”

  “I’m not doing anything.” He pulled her to him. She released her grip on her sword. It clattered to the ground. His lips found hers. Flames shot between them…but for some reason, he did not feel as if he burned. He dropped his wand, embracing her fully.

  “No.” Her word seeped through his psyche. Without saying a word, he allowed her to push him away. “This is not meant to be. Without the mating fire—you will survive, and so will I.”

  “We should return to your cottage.”

  “I’m wondering if you even need to stay with me. You seem to be fully capable of handling yourself. When I saved you earlier from Denys, I’m thinking I saved Denys from an unspeakable fate—not the other way around. You are no coward—and you are no pacifist. You can fight your own battles, you don’t need me mollycoddling you and protecting you from an enemy that can’t hurt you. You, William Lightfoot are a warrior, like no other I’ve ever met. Not only are you a warrior, you are an impressively talented one at that.”

  “You suddenly think so little of me. I did what I thought had to be done.”

  “You killed them in a most brutal and unspeakable fashion! If you are capable of doing that—you are capable of doing that to me.”

  “No. They were evil dragon shifters.”

  “Were they? They were once my friends.”

  “You say that in the past tense—those friends had turned into your enemies. You admitted yourself that Draco’s side had already killed ten thousand of you. I was keeping them from killing you!”

  “They wouldn’t have killed me. I am Draco’s heir. They know if they killed me—he would turn his wrath toward them. You don’t understand anything! The reason my king and queen assigned me as your protector was because they knew—they knew that my father wouldn’t kill me! Even he would not stoop so low. Dragon shifters do not hurt their children. We are sacred to them. To kill one of your own blood is to seal your own damnation.”

  “How can you be so certain of that? I’m not willing to believe that. Not by a longshot. Those dragon shifter assassins have their own free will—maybe the fancy to kill you would have struck them. What then?”

  “I have nothing more to say, to you, William. I am so tired.” Fatigue lined her features. She looked so worn out. His thoughts traveled to her wound. She had been stabbed in the chest. She fell forward. He caught her.

  “Your wound—it seems severe.”

  “I shall live,” she coughed. The hacking sound scared the living daylights out of him.

  “I’m taking you home, no arguments.”

  “As long as I’m with you, William—I’ll never be home. You and I are bad for each other.”

  “I beg to differ—I think you and I are meant to be. I’m never going to let you go. Not for as long as we both live.”

  “To wax poetic, does not become you.” Pain lanced her features.

  He smiled. Pulling her up so that she was cradled in his arms, he glanced over at his family. Obviously, being wounded had destroyed Grania's wall of fire around the three of them, freeing them to come into what was now a Hall of Death. His mother looked appalled, his father looked shocked, and his uncle looked amused.

  “We shall see you soon!” With that, he sent her sword and his wand ahead to the cottage and transported them. “Home is where the dragon’s heart is.”

  Chapter Five

  Grania drowned in the world between life and death. Wild wind whipped around the cottage, thunder rumbled the landscape, while lightning lit up the house. Sheets of rain pounded against the windows.

  “Grania?” He gently laid her down upon the sofa in the small living room. “Can you hear me? It’s not time to doze, sleepy head.”

  Pain lanced through her wound. The dagger that had stabbed her must have been laced with a seriously bad poison. Her lungs burned. She was wreaking havoc on the elements, causing the surrounding lands to be draped in stormy weather. If she weren’t careful it would be snowing in July.

  “Go into the water closet, and open the medicine cabinet.” She felt another coughing spasm working its way through her. She was growing short of breath. Soon, she would be forced into a hibernating state.

  “What’s happening?”

  “I’ve been poisoned, and we need to act quickly.”


  “It will be far worse than that if we don’t nip it in the bud. I’ll be put into a trance-like state probably for the next six months, and I don’t fancy going into a poison induced coma.”

  “Okay…I’m with you. What do I have to get in the medicine cabinet?”

  “There’s a jar that says witch hazel on it. Get it. When you rub it on the wound it will draw the poison out.”

  “I’m on my way.” She felt his presence leave her. She attempted to sit up, but found that she was weaker than she thought.

  She heard him wash his hands and then start rattling the bottles in the medicine cabinet. His hands probably had been covered in her blood. She’d have to change and wash the slipcover on the couch. Here she was, seriously injured and she was thinking about of all things—housekeeping!

  “I have it!” The triumphant tone in his voice caused a smile to touch her lips.

  “That’s good. You’ll have to take off my shirt and rub the balm on me.”

  “There’s nothing in it except for the poison right?”

  “James threw a dagger at me, which I immediately pulled out…it wasn’t a bullet. You don’t have to worry about digging anything out, and the dagger was intact when I pulled it out so there is no metal lodged in the wound.”

  He carefully unbuttoned her blouse and helped her out of it. “Good God! You are still bleeding—I’ll have to put pressure on it, to stop it…or try a healing spell on you. I am not a healer but I do know basic first aid—if we don’t get the bleeding to stop you’ll have more to worry about than being in a coma.”

  “Just leave it. Get the witch hazel and apply it liberally to the affected area. Not only will it draw out the poison, but it will also cause the blood to clot. Please.” Her voice turned weak. She could feel herself slipping away—she had to hold on.

  Nodding his head, he reached into the jar and took out what looked to be a
handful of ointment and started to gently rub it on her wound.

  It stung and chilled her at the same time. Gritting her teeth, she sucked in a deep lungful of air.

  “I can feel it seeping into the wound—it will take a few moments to work.” A huge wave of drowsiness hit her. Closing her eyes, she opened them again at the sound of him snapping his fingers.

  “Stay awake! What if the medicine hasn’t worked it’s magic yet?” he asked anxiously.

  She chuckled. “Well, it is working magic on me as we speak.” She looked up at him. His eyes flickered with worry. “You handled yourself quite efficiently back there—I’m inclined to think that you don’t need me at all. You use unethical tactics, but they did have the desired effect. You killed James and Orion in a way that will certainly serve as a scare tactic to my kind. You will be known as the scourge of our kind.”

  “I didn’t think James and Orion were still a part of your kind. Didn’t they go to the other side, so to speak?”

  “They were still my friends, no matter how many times we go over this that part of it never changes.”

  “Gee, they could have fooled me—especially since James had no reluctance when it came to taking you down with a poisoned dagger!”

  “Nonetheless, your actions were extreme. Couldn’t you have taken them down some other way?”

  “I don’t think so. I was faced with a dire situation, and I acted in the only way I thought was possible at the time. You saw yourself how many rounds I did with Denys before even coming close to putting him out of the picture. I didn’t have the luxury of trying to decide how to act when it came to your life hanging in the balance!”

  “That was the point—I was supposed to be protecting you! You weren’t supposed to be taking care of me. You certainly had your drinks mixed!”

  “I’m not confused at all! You are the one that’s messed up! You think I’m supposed to sit back and idly watch you take down all of the bad guys without even contributing! I don’t think so! I’m a man, not a pussy.”

  He realized his faux pas when it was too late. “Well, I guess I know where I stand. You are just an egotistical chauvinist with a big mouth! You need to learn how to shut it. I might not have a set of balls at my ready disposable, but I sure as hell know how to protect you!”

  “We are in this together! I won’t have you thinking I’m a helpless sniveling little twat! I won’t have any of that tosh! I am a man, not a mouse!”

  She turned her face away from him, and started to examine the beams in the ceiling.

  “You are stubborn.”

  “I am stubborn right down to the bone.” He smiled. “But then, you should know since you’re just as set in your ways as I am.”

  “I should take offense at that—I won’t. I appreciate people that can give tit for tat.”

  “Well, you’ve come to the right man in that case. How are you feeling now?”

  He inspected her wound. His eyes lingered on the wound right above her breast. She was sitting in her bra in front of him, and surprisingly, she didn’t feel exposed. His presence comforted her—no matter how hard she tried to say the opposite.”

  “So close to your heart.”

  “A few millimeters in the other direction, and he would have finished me off. Even as a dragon shifter I can’t survive a direct wound to my heart.”

  “That is my point exactly. You were trying to have compassion for them—it was sorely misplaced.”

  “Misplaced or not—I couldn’t in my right conscience take their lives.”

  “Your father knew it and he’s cashing in on your vulnerabilities. You have to fight it—you have to fight fire with fire.”

  “Not a problem. I have a lot of that at my disposal.”

  “So basically, what you’re saying is that it’s a renewable source,” he laughed.

  She chuckled. Brushing her hair out of her face, she watched his attention fixate on her hand.

  She drew it away quickly. Had he seen it? Before she could react quickly enough he’d grabbed her hand and flipped it so he could study her palm.

  “You lied!”

  He said it in an accusatory manner, flaring at her with indignation. “I had no choice. I couldn’t very well align myself with you—you are barbaric.”

  “Your kind isn’t exactly all sweet and honey when it comes to attacking their prey. I have heard many tall tales about the attacks on wizards and witches during our Great War.”

  Her eyes filled with shadowy sadness. “I think we should leave that conflict between our peoples in the past. We can’t undo what was done—we must rise above it and try to forge a new future for both of our kinds.”

  “You speak some very inspiring words. Too bad you didn’t believe in them,” he pointed out, sighing.

  “I wasn’t the one that balked at the prospect of having me as your mate.”

  “You were just as shocked as I was. Don’t deny it, it’s written as plain as day across your face.”

  Lightning streaked through the sky once again, lighting the living room up in an ethereal glow. William rolled his eyes and groaned.

  “Could you please quit that? I see that the ointment has started to help you—why don’t you just tighten the rein on your wayward powers?”

  “I happen to like storms. They make me feel at peace.”

  “Well, they give me the willies. If you’re not careful you will cause the cottage to crumble down around us. Those winds are brutal.”

  “Not likely. This cottage was blessed by magic, and held together by magic.”

  “Speaking of which, why do you think this place is so safe? If your father was as intelligent as you dragon shifters like to think you are, he would have already sent a strike force here.”

  “He doesn’t know about this place. It was my secret. Hence, the reason why we are here and not up at Rowan Castle.”

  “I see.” He sat down on the chair beside the sofa. “We should be going to bed…it’s terribly late, and you look like death warmed over.”

  “Thank you. I just can’t believe how sensitive and considerate you are, kind sir.”

  “It was my fault. I never should have gone traipsing off without you. From now on, where I go—you go.” He nodded his head. “I’ll be keeping both of my eyes on you from here on in.”

  “No…you have that backward. Where I go—you go.”

  “Here we go again, knocking heads. We’re both too pigheaded for our own good.

  “By morning’s light, we could have a situation on our hands.”

  “By situation, do you mean I could be in your bed, keeping you warm?”

  “Oh, that’s too rich. You think you’re going to get into my bed after what you did tonight? Not only did you kill James and Orion in a horrible way, now you think I’m going to shag you? You really are living in a dream reality.”

  “I am not. You said yourself that the mating fire was going to get us. I tend to believe in that now. I heard your telepathic voice in my head during the battle.”

  “You did not.”

  “I did,” he said adamantly. His gaze met and held hers.

  “It can’t be—it usually takes days for two mates to develop that sort of a bond. This isn’t good. I could be jumping you without even knowing why.”

  “Jumping my bones doesn’t sound like such a revolting idea at the moment.”

  She was beginning to breathe easier now.

  “I’m sweaty, tired and filthy. I don’t think the chances of me getting amorous with you are all that strong.”

  She stood up, her balance started to go on her. She teetered for a few minutes and then had to sit back down.

  “I need a shower—then, I need sleep.”

  “I’ll help you get up the stairs,” he offered.

  “I’ve been walking for a long time—I think I should be able to make it.”

  He watched her try to stand again. Before she knew it he was by her side, clasping her arm. She reveled in the electrical current tha
t flowed between them. Their combined energies were a wonder.

  “If you insist you can help me up the steps. Why don’t you just transport me with your magic? That will be painless, and quick—plus, you won’t have to touch me in order to do it.”

  “Don’t you like my touch?” His eyes dropped to her breasts. She shivered. Dampness swept through the cottage. “If you’re cold, I can warm you up.”

  “You already gave me that proposition once tonight. It’s starting to get old. Let’s just say, I wouldn’t cuddle up to you if you were the last bloody man on Earth!”

  “If your father gets his way—I just might be. How many will he kill in the name of his cause?”

  “He will destroy anyone that defies him. I don’t know if he intends to enslave the human population—or if he intends to massacre them.”

  “He’s a real touchy feely kind of guy, isn’t he?” he said, trying hard to make a joke.

  She looked over at the television. Blinking her eyes, she squinted to make out the vision in the screen.

  Her weird actions caught his attention. “What is it?”

  She shook her head. Tremulously, she spoke, “I think I need to get some winks in, now I’m seeing things.”

  “What sort of things?”

  “I thought I just saw a man in the television screen, and it’s not on."

  “Oh…well, you might not be going wonky. That could be my old mate, Nicholas.” He stood up, so he could gain a clearer view of the screen. “Yep…that’s Nicholas.”

  “Well, tell Nicholas, to stop freaking me out by showing up uninvited in my Telly!”

  Grumbling, she stood up and was immediately consumed by a wave of dizziness. Off balance, she had no choice but to flop back down on the sofa.

  “I feel so disjointed. I guess that dagger injury is still taking its toll on me.”

  “Well, sit down. I don’t mind you hearing what Nicholas might have to say to me. You have to be in the know from now on, anyway.”

  “Is it safe, so to speak?” Nicholas’s image grew brighter. He actually looked like he was acting in a television program. “I only have a few seconds until I’m due in Cheltenham. We’re holding a last minute meeting of the Council. Our spies in Dragonia are getting restless.”


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