Dragon's Heart

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Dragon's Heart Page 6

by Marly Mathews

  “Spies?” she muttered beneath her breath.

  “Long story—I’ll explain in a minute.” He gave her a fleeting glance. “It looks to me like I’ve been left out of the loop on both sides of the wand…with my people and with yours.” He looked about as happy as she felt. They’d both been left out of the loop, and that rankled Grania to no end.

  Could it be that her king and queen were wary of her relationship to Draco? The Queen of Dragonia was her mother’s sister—Draco might spare her when and if he finally took the palace, but there was no certainty in that.

  He shook his head, placing his finger to his lips. Startled, she pulled back, suddenly realizing that he’d heard her thoughts. This was going to be a definite thorn in her side, if he kept listening in on everything she was thinking. She’d have to guard her thoughts more closely from now one whenever he was in telepathic range.

  “Am I interrupting something?” Nicholas’s voice sounded more than curious.

  “No…not at all, Nicholas. We’re just winding down for the night,” William muttered, giving her a serious look.

  “My day is far from over, so I envy you two. I haven’t had sleep in thirty-six hours. I’m so buzzed out on my Auntie’s hot chocolate that I won’t be able to sleep for a month.”

  “Well, that’s what you get for drinking that sort of a magical brew.”

  He laughed. Sobering, Nicholas looked directly at William. “Get a move on with that spell, William. We don’t have the time to lose—the forces are mobilizing as we speak. Your mother consulted the Warrior Wizard of Defense and told him to start getting our warriors ready for combat.”

  “Warrior Wizard of Defense? Are you telling me you have a cohesive fighting force and you’ve stayed out of the conflict for these last few years?” She was appalled.

  “We are an advanced society—we might live in the mists, veiling ourselves from humans most of the time, but we do know how to run our people. Unlike you dragon shifters, we are a diplomatic society. Our monarch has to consult the parliament before she can make any executive decisions. Don’t worry, our forces have doubled their might since our last war with your kind. We are more than a match for your father’s forces.”

  “I’m getting a learning experience on your culture and customs, then.”

  “Our magical community spans the entire globe—it’s not an easy business keeping everything in order and the facts straight. We are most concerned with keeping our society a secret. Mortals suspect that we exist, but we aren’t going to let them see proof of that. Sure, the odd human slips through the security cracks—we usually alter their memories, or enlist them as our operatives.”

  “That’s so good and kind hearted of you, William.”

  “We tend to think so. Humans can be morbidly nosy, you know.”

  She sighed. “I think I’m going to allow you to chat alone with Nicholas.”

  “No worries about taking your leave, dragon shifter. I’m off soon. I just wanted to make contact with William, and apprise him of our current situation.”

  “Well, jolly good. William, I’m off to bed,” she sighed tiredly.

  Nicholas made a hooting noise. “So, are you already shagging her? Rumor has it that you and she will light up the world with your collective passion.”

  Her ire rose. “You should keep those thoughts to yourself, Nicholas. It’s rather rude to discuss such subjects in front of me. You wizards or warlocks or whatever the ruddy hell you like to call yourselves, can be most vulgar. Your crassness does not become you. You might be an advanced society but you leave something to be desired when it comes to social etiquette. Think of me no more. I’m off.” Standing up, she fought the woozy sensations flooding her and carefully made her way to the staircase.

  Chapter Six

  William watched her leave, worry jumping in his heart. He desperately wanted to follow her. He couldn't stand the thought of her being out of his line of sight. She could fall and hurt herself. “I—look, Nicholas, try not to be a prick. I have to go now—you have fun at that council meeting. Give my regards to the representatives.”

  “I will. She sure is certainly feisty. You are going to have your hands full with that one. Just make sure you guard against the fire she can breathe out at you. I know that you can be just as charming as me when it comes to dealing with the fairer sex.”

  “I can’t listen to you, right now. She’s been wounded, and she needs my help.”

  “I sort of think that a woman like her doesn’t require anyone else’s help—but you’re right, the clock is ticking, and I can’t turn back time in this instance. See you at the next meeting of our club,” Nicholas said.

  “See you—if we’re both still alive. You get some sleep…being a spy among the dragon shifters requires your full attention. I’m ordering you to go home and sleep after the meeting of the Council.”

  “You are ordering me?” Nicholas laughed. “We aren’t in school anymore—you don’t outrank me in this world.”

  “That might be true—but I’m the great William Lightfoot, saver of worlds…you just heed my advice, and rest that body and mind of yours. If you fuck up, it could cost us everything.”

  “If you fuck up it could literally cost us everything. Think long and hard about it before you go and give that dishy little dragon shifter a screw. The consequences of that action will definitely come back to bite you in the ass, and I know you’re so not into that.”

  “Farewell, Nicholas.”

  Nicholas smiled at him, and faded from view.

  He stood up. Somehow, he had to go upstairs and smooth things out between him and Grania. He was going to have a time of it, since her stubbornness more than equaled or surpassed his.

  “You can sleep downstairs tonight.”

  He stopped at the foot of the stairs. “What are you talking about?”

  “I don’t want you within a few feet of me. I can feel the blood rising inside of me. I need to sleep—and calm my passions.”

  “Calm your passions? I don’t understand what the hell you’re talking about.”

  “The mating fire—you do recall our conversation about that?”

  “Oh, God, seriously? You were just wounded—how could you possibly be in the mood to consummate our relationship?”

  “It’s not that I’m in the mood, you silly bugger! It’s because I can’t help myself! I’m being magnetically drawn to you—it’s like denying the need to drink water!”

  “Well, I guess you’re going to have to call upon the deepest recesses of your self-control.” Cautiously, while she considered and deliberated on her reaction, he started to make his way up the steps.

  “I don’t like your friend. He isn’t sympathetic when it comes to my kind.”

  “I can’t imagine why—I mean, Nicholas’s father was murdered by a dragon shifter.”

  “Murdered? Impossible.”

  “It is very possible and he has the proof. He doesn’t need you telling him he’s mad. It’s been proven, and the dragon shifter responsible was brought to justice.”

  “Like the kind you meted out on James and Orion?” A catch entered her voice, her face got even paler. She was still being deeply affected by his actions earlier.

  “You have to learn to let go of what I did—if you don’t—you’re going to have difficulty bridging the gap being erected between us! You will hate me and love me at the same time.”

  “I can live with that. And, even if I couldn’t, it doesn’t look like I have a choice in the matter. No one has ever been able to fight the mating fire—I’m not pretentious enough to think I can accomplish what my betters could not.”

  He now stood directly outside of her bedroom.

  “Your humbleness becomes you, Grania.”

  “You can stop right where you stand, William. Do you think I am an imbecile? I will not allow you to cross the threshold into my inner sanctum.”

  “You talk like you are an actual dragon, and I’m the slayer crossing over into yo
ur cave.”

  “I think not. You are not here to hurt me. Even I’m not that foolish—you are here to woo and hopefully in your mind, win me. I think however, that we’ve seen enough excitement for one day. I am exhausted. I need my rest now—the ointment is telling me to rest.”

  “A magical healing agent like that was created by strong magic indeed. It was very clever to label it as ordinary run of the mill witch hazel but I know it had a magically charmed kick to it.”

  “You said yourself that we dragon shifters possess our own kind of magic—it would seem that our healing enchantments might even rival the healing magic of your kind.”

  “You know, when we have children, we will have to decide on a new name for them.”

  “Will we? You seem to be planning for the future. I advise you to not make any such hasty plans, especially when I am getting ready to take a shower and you stand waiting outside of my bedroom door.”

  “I could easily break through the spells guarding this door.”

  “And, then, you would be faced with a fire wielding pissed off dragon shifter. Leave us be, go back to your gun shy ways when it comes to commitment. I think I preferred you that way.”

  “I can conjure the hot flames as well.”

  “Aye, but I can use them far more effectively.”

  He hesitated, listening to the silence that draped between them. She had moved into the bathroom for he could no longer sense her presence. A moment later, he heard the sound of rushing water.

  He approached the door. She might have rigged it with her own form of magical alarm system—if she had, he’d be finding out soon.

  He could hear her thoughts whispering against his temple. He watched in awe, as the door handle turned. The door swung inward—granting him access to her haven.

  He wondered at the opportunity. She was a contradiction—and it troubled him to no end. They had only known each for a fraction of time when weighed against their immortal years, and yet, he could feel how right they were.

  If they did cross into the territory of no return, they would stay together for the rest of their unnatural long lives.


  She called to him telepathically. The voice in his head was akin to that of a siren’s song. He had to fight it…he had to control the riotous emotions battling for domination inside of him.

  They were both consumed by the same passion—on one side, they knew they danced with folly—on the other hand, they wanted to drench themselves in that folly and luxuriate in it. They were playing with fire—and neither one of them cared if they got burned.

  “Time is a thief—did you know that, Grania?” He spoke aloud, rather than using telepathic speech.

  No answer.

  The water still roared. He inclined his head to the side. Worry crept into his heart. Had sleep overwhelmed her before she could finish her shower?

  The door wouldn’t budge when he tried the handle. He directed his index finger at it. A few bright sparks shot out, making the lock click open. He used his magic to move the door aside.

  “Grania, are you okay?” His words were of shallow comfort to him. His heart lodged in his throat. The bathroom grew steamy not only from the heat of the water, but also from their combined ardor. “Grania?” He raised his voice, feeling uneasy at the frantic sound erupting in his voice. His eyes scanned the relatively small bathroom. Crammed into a tight space were a single tub, shower stall, sink and toilet. Steam danced through the air. He felt suddenly sweaty and stifling.

  She would have answered him by now—he felt as sure of that as he felt about his spells. Something was wrong. As his protector, she would have answered him even if she hadn’t wanted to. His eyes locked on the shower stall. He couldn’t see anything for the steam misted on the shower door.

  “My love?” His heartbeat quickened again at the sound of the endearment crossing his lips.

  Summoning his magic, he effectively cleared the moisture from the room. Fastening his eyes back on the shower stall, his heartbeat began racing in his chest. She stood frozen in the shower stall.

  Even though she remained upright, he knew there was something wrong with her. The water crashed over her—her flaming red hair drenched around her shoulders. She didn’t turn when he approached the shower. That added to his ill at ease feeling.

  “Are you all right?”

  She remained impassive and immobile. Had he somehow wandered into a dream? Or was she truly struck down with something he could not detect?

  He opened the glass door keeping him from stepping into the stall. Her nakedness, though a beautiful sight, didn’t not even deter him. So consumed by concern for her, he just wanted to touch her to tell himself that she was indeed sound in body.

  She didn’t start when he gently gripped her by the shoulders and turned her to face him. Her vivacious green eyes were unusually lackluster. The dullness in her gaze made his heart do another dance up into his throat. His stomach twisted with unease.

  “Grania—you must snap out of whatever trance you have been consumed by!” He had his voice at a fevered pitch, unconsciously hoping that it would somehow will her awake.

  His mind wandered back to what she had said only an hour before. “Don’t tell me you’ve fallen into a state of hibernation. Come on, Grania! You are my assigned protector…and whether or not I need your protection—I want it. You have my heart, you have my soul—don’t betray it, protect it with your fullest power! You wield might that would stop most of my kind in their tracks. Let them wonder at your glory—come back to me!”

  Her body went limp in his arms. He reached for a long fluffy towel and wrapped it around her body. Using his magic, he conjured a towel for her hair. He looked to the shower and stopped the water flow. Snapping his fingers, he magically cleansed his own body. He hadn’t realized how much the night’s activities had taken a toll on him. He now stood in a puddle of water. He directed his magic to the floor, drying it so that he would not fall flat on his ass while carrying her out of the bathroom.

  Worrying about her seemed to plague him more than when he’d entered into battle with the evil dragon shifters. Love was a chain—having someone like her in his life would cause constant anxiety.

  “I am so tired.” Her soft whisper made him jolt. When he looked back down into her eyes again, he saw recognition glinting in their beautiful depths.

  “Don’t get too tired…that poison must still be in your system. You need to fight it. Rise above it.”

  “Rising above a poison that can kill my kind in a concentrated enough dose isn’t as easy as you think.” Weariness stole into her voice.

  “Kill you? You told me it would only put you into a coma-like state.”

  “If the dose was as small as I thought it would be. I didn’t think that James would kill me—perhaps, I was a bit off the mark with that. At any rate, if you hadn’t come into the bathroom when you did—I shudder to think of where I’d be right now.

  I felt myself drifting away—it was the most peaceful and yet disturbing feeling I have ever felt. I know there are those of us that can literally transport our spirit from our physical bodies, but I have never wanted to be one of those astral walkers. If I leave my body, I don’t know if I’ll ever find my way back.”

  “How do I help you?”

  “You need to summon another one of my kind. I think this might be something too big for the magic cream to fix.”

  “How do I contact your kind?” His eyes searched her features. She looked as worried as he felt. He believed her when she’d broached her worries about not being able to return to her body. If he’d actually almost lost her…

  “We communicate through the use of crystal balls. They can actually open a channel between this realm and Dragonia. We call it the Crystal Ball Communication Network. I know your kind use crystal balls…”

  “We do. Where’s the closest dragon crystal ball?”

  “It’s on my night table in my bedroom,” she shivered.

  “You need to get some clothes on.” He finished drying her, and snapped his fingers. She was instantly wrapped in a warm—albeit it not so sexy nightgown. “I called that from your wardrobe. Is that a good representation of the rest of your clothing?”

  “Never mind what kind of nightwear I find comfortable. I’m fighting to just speak—please, William, don’t be a smartass. If you don’t act quickly, I will die—on the positive side, I’ll die fighting for a cause I believe in, and fighting to protect your life. At least this way, you won’t have to have the burden of me as your mate, or feel as if I’m infringing upon your masculinity in any negative way, but I’ll never have to worry about failing as your wife.”

  “Hey, I’m no prize as a husband, either. Just hold on. Don’t you go and abandon me now—I’m becoming a bit codependent on you.”

  He laid her on the bed, and then reached for the beautiful globe on her nightstand. Placing it on the bed in front of him, he looked over at her. “What now?”

  “Allow me to touch it. It’s activated by telepathy…dragon shifter telepathy.”

  She circled the palm of her hand around the pinky coloured crystal. “It will light up soon. You will have to speak to Blaze. He’s my cousin—he’ll come to help me.”

  “I just bet this Blaze is the picture of perfection. All of the women fawn over him, and drool over him, don’t they? Does he have a harem full of sexy dragon shifter females?” he joked.

  She gave him a serious look of chastisement.

  “He has not found his mate yet—but yes, his female subjects adore him. However, to my knowledge he does not keep a harem full of women to satisfy his every carnal need.” She sighed, wincing with pain. “He is a most respectful, charismatic and chivalrous prince. His subjects would do anything for him—the loyal ones that is.”

  “His subjects? Oh, no, I’m going to have to put up with a royal dragon shifter? Can you say Royal Pain in the Ass?”

  “Don’t provoke him when he’s here. Talk to him politely and tell him I’ve been poisoned with Dragon Night Shade.”


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