The Rise of the Fourth Reich

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The Rise of the Fourth Reich Page 26

by Jim Marrs

  According to the “Torbitt Document,” the Kennedy assassination was orchestrated through a nexus of Nazi-infiltrated anticommunist organizations, elements of the military-industrial complex, the CIA, and the FBI. Torbitt explained, “The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was in charge of NASA’s Security Division and the Defense Industrial Security Command [DISC] in his position as head of counterespionage activities in the United States. His agents investigated every employee of the space agency as well as the employees of the pertinent contractors doing business with NASA and also prospective employees of every arms and munitions manufacturer. [It is reported that today DISC operations have been incorporated into the National Security Agency.]”

  The Defense Intelligence Agency was headed by Lieutenant General Joseph F. Carroll, a former assistant director of the FBI. Carroll worked closely with FBI intelligence chief William C. Sullivan, J. Edgar Hoover, and Canadian L. M. Bloomfield in directing activities of the munition-makers’ police agency, the Defense Industrial Security Command. During this time, Walter Sheridan, who later became NBC’s special investigator used to undermine the New Orleans assassination investigation of District Attorney Jim Garrison, was a direct liaison between Carroll and Robert F. Kennedy. Hoover worked directly with Wernher von Braun in connection with NASA’s security and it was Lyndon Johnson who, as vice president, served as chairman of NASA. Johnson, along with von Braun, Bobby Baker, and Fred Black worked hard to obtain the $9 billion Apollo contract for North American Aviation in 1961 [North American, which, among other famous aircraft, produced the F-86 Sabre jet based on the Nazi Focke-Wulf Ta-183, today is part of the Boeing Company]. North American won the NASA contract despite the fact that its own source evaluation board had recommended another company.

  According to Torbitt, each of the NASA security personnel who were assigned duties in connection with the assassination were employees or contractees for Division Five of the FBI. “It must be borne in mind that this was a relatively small group within all of these agencies. It was not official, and it was not an American operation, but was simply the independent action taken by these men, some of whom happened to hold official positions,” he wrote.

  Torbitt’s tale of a NASA conspiracy was supported by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, who was investigating the Kennedy assassination. In 1968, Garrison telephoned magazine editor Warren Hinkle to say, “Important new evidence has surfaced. Those Texas oilmen do not appear to be involved in President Kennedy’s murder in the way we first thought. It was the military-industrial complex that put up the money for the assassination—but as far as we can tell, the conspiracy was limited to the aerospace wing. I’ve got the names of three companies and their employees who were involved in setting up the president’s murder.”

  When Garrison attempted to subpoena the testimony of their employees, NASA refused to provide them, citing reasons of national security. Amazingly enough, accused assassin Oswald told New Orleans garage owner Adrian Alba that he expected to soon work at a New Orleans plant of NASA. Why Oswald, who had tried to defect to Russia and voiced hostility toward the USA and its policies, thought he could go to work for the nation’s leading aerospace agency was never explained.

  According to the Torbitt document, this complex matrix of government agents, NASA employees, and Nazis was managed by Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada. According to Canadian newspaper accounts, Bloomfield was an ardent Zionist, an attorney, businessman, and philanthropist who had worked for the OSS during World War II and for the fledgling CIA. Torbitt stated Bloomfield was a longtime friend and confidant of J. Edgar Hoover and had been Hoover’s contract supervisor of Division Five since his days in the OSS before World War II. Torbitt said Bloomfield “was the coordinator of all activities, responsible only to Hoover and Johnson in carrying out the plans for John Kennedy’s assassination.”

  In 1967, New Orleans DA Jim Garrison charged Clay Shaw, a former OSS officer and founder of the city’s International Trade Mart, with conspiracy to assassinate the president. According to several separate sources—including Garrison’s files and an investigation by the U.S. Labor Party—the International Trade Mart in New Orleans was a subsidiary of a shadowy entity known as the Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC) or World Trade Center, which was founded by Bloomfield in Montreal in the late 1950s, then moved to Rome in 1961. The Trade Mart was connected with CMC through yet another shadowy firm named Permindex (PERManent INDustrial EXpositions), also in the business of international expositions. According to Torbitt, Bloomfield held half of the shares of Permindex and was in total command of its operation in Europe and Africa as well as the North and South American continents. (In the 1962 edition of Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, Shaw gave biographical information stating that he was on the board of directors of Permindex. However, in the 1963–64 edition, the reference to Permindex was dropped.)

  In the late 1960s, both Permindex and its parent company, Centro Mondiale Commerciale, came under intense scrutiny by the Italian news media. It was discovered that Prince Gutierrez di Spadaforo was on the board of CMC. The prince was a wealthy aristocrat who had been undersecretary of agriculture under the dictator Benito Mussolini, and whose daughter-in-law was related to Nazi minister of finance Hjalmar Schacht; Carlo D’Amelio, an attorney for the former Italian royal family; and Ferenc Nagy, former premier of Hungary and a leading anticommunist. The Italian media reported that Nagy was president of Permindex, and the board chairman and major stockholder was Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, the powerful Montreal lawyer who represented the Bronfman family as well as serving U.S. intelligence services. Reportedly, Bloomfield established Permindex in 1958 as part of the creation of worldwide trade centers connected with CMC.

  According to a special investigation by reporters David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg in their 1981 book Dope, Inc.: Britain’s Opium War Against the U.S., Bloomfield was recruited into the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) in 1938, during the war was given rank within the U.S. Army, and eventually became part of the OSS intelligence system, including the FBI’s Division Five, where he became quite close with J. Edgar Hoover.

  Whatever the truth behind Centro Mondiale Commerciale and its companion company Permindex, and their connection to Kennedy’s assassination, the Italian government saw fit to expel both firms in 1962 for subversive activities identical to those in the much-publicized Propaganda-2 (P-2) Masonic Lodge scandal of the Reagan years.

  Today it is clear that Clay Shaw was tightly connected to the CIA and intelligence work despite his denials at the time of the Garrison investigation. It is interesting to note that while serving in the U.S. Army during World War II, Shaw worked as aide-de-camp to General Charles O. Thrasher and as a liaison officer to the headquarters of Winston Churchill.

  At the time of his arrest in New Orleans by Garrison, Shaw’s personal address book was taken. It revealed the names and contact information of important Europeans, many of them pro-Nazi royalty or Bilderberg members.

  ANOTHER ODD CONNECTION was SS Obergruppenfuehrer Karl Wolff, who had headed the Gestapo in Italy. As part of Allen Dulles’s hide-the-Nazi program, Wolff was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment after the war but served only a week.

  In 1983, Wolff and some former SS associates gathered in Hamburg on Hermann Goering’s former yacht, Carin II. The boat then belonged to Goering’s widow, Emmy, whose estate attorney was the celebrated Melvin Belli. Belli had also represented the Nazi-connected actor Errol Flynn, as well as Jack Ruby, the man who shot Lee Harvey Oswald.

  Even odder is a letter smuggled out of the Dallas County Jail and later bought by early JFK assassination researcher Penn Jones. Written by Oswald’s killer, Jack Ruby, the letter stated, “my time is running out…they plan on doing away with [me].” Ruby pointed to Lyndon Johnson as one of those behind Kennedy’s death.

  On June 7, 1964, Ruby told visiting Chief Justice Earl Warren he wished his commission and President Johnson had “delve
d deeper into the situation…not to accept just circumstantial facts about my guilt or innocence, and would have questioned to find out the truth about me before he relinquished certain powers to these certain people…. Consequently, a whole new form of government is going to take over our country and I know I won’t live to see you another time.”

  To which “certain people” was Ruby referring? After advising a friend to read J. Evetts Haley’s blistering attack on Johnson, titled “A Texan Looks at Lyndon,” Ruby wrote from jail, “This man [LBJ] is a Nazi in the worst order.”

  “Now, here is the plan, someone must get to England and France and Israel and tell the right people what has happened to the Jews so they can prepare themselves from [sic] the same thing happening there. They will know that only one kind of people that would do such a thing, that would have to be Nazis, and that is who is in power in this country right now,” he added. Ruby concluded, “The only one who gained by the shooting of the president was Johnson.”

  Considering Johnson’s close connections to the Nazi-riddled NASA, perhaps Ruby was not as unhinged as he was portrayed in the media at the time.

  ONE INSIGHTFUL VIEW of the Kennedy assassination, possibly based on inside information, came from Nazi SS officer Helmet Streikher, who worked with both Reinhard Gehlen and Otto Skorzeny as well as for the CIA, including time served under former director George H. W. Bush. On a CIA assignment in Africa in late 1963, Streikher was quoted as saying, “One of the worst-kept secrets in the [CIA], is the truth about the president’s murder. It wasn’t Castro or the Russians. The men who killed Mr. Kennedy were CIA contract agents. John Kennedy’s murder was a two-part conspiracy murder. One was the action end with the killers; the other was the deeper part, the acceptance and protection of that murder by the intelligence apparatus that controls the way the world operates. It had to happen. The man was too independent for his own good.”

  No serious assassination researcher truly believes that Kennedy was killed solely by German Nazis. But, as previously reported, men with Nazi connections—before, during, and after World War II—who were also members of secret societies, were most opposed to Kennedy’s policies. They also had the power and influence to affect such an assassination and certainly were capable of blocking any meaningful investigation—whether by government or the media—right up to today.

  It may not be sheer coincidence that the men most closely involved in the Warren Commission investigation of Kennedy’s death were John J. McCloy and Allen Dulles, both men, as we have seen, with close Nazi connections, along with Gerald R. Ford, who was spying on the commission for J. Edgar Hoover.

  As noted by Professor Donald Gibson of the University of Pittsburgh, “Both of these men [McCloy and Dulles] had always been the Establishment’s men in government; they were not the government’s men in the Establishment…. When McCloy served as a high commissioner in Germany or as president of the World Bank or as a member of the so-called Warren Commission, he did so as a servant of that ruling elite. His most extensive ties to that elite were to various Rockefeller family interests. The other leading figure on that commission, McCloy’s longtime close friend Allen Dulles, was also a man of the Establishment, even though his name is almost always associated with the CIA.”

  In his 1994 book Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, Gibson made a cogent argument that the primary factor behind the JFK assassination was that he was at loggerheads with the Wall Street Establishment, those same globalist financiers who first promoted communism and then National Socialism.

  Prior to the Reagan administration, the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs in 1980 produced a study titled “Structure of Corporate Concentration.” Gibson decribed it as “the most thorough investigation of institutional stockholders and of connections among boards of directors that has ever been done” and wrote, “The basic conclusions [of this study] are concise and quite straightforward: financial institutions, part of, or extensively interrelated with, the Morgan-Rockefeller complex, are the dominant force in the economy.”

  One example Gibson offered was that the “board of directors of Morgan included individuals serving on the boards of 31 of the top 100 firms. Citicorp was directly tied to 49 top companies, and Chase Manhattan, Chemical Bank, and Metropolitan Life each had 24 other top companies represented on their boards. These and a multitude of other overlaps among the top 100 firms provides a dense network of relationships reinforced by frequent ties through private clubs, educational background, marriages, and membership in organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Business Council.”

  After detailing how Kennedy sought to deny total control to this nexus of globalists, Gibson stated, “President Kennedy’s commitment to science, technology, and economic progress had led him to adopt policies that were vehemently attacked by people in and around the Morgan-Rockefeller complex.”

  It was less than two hours after Kennedy was shot—at a time when the Dallas police were unsure of Oswald’s identity, since he carried identification in the names of two different persons—that J. Edgar Hoover wrote: “I called the attorney general at his home and told him I thought we had the man who killed the President down in Dallas.” FBI documents released in 1977 stated that Hoover had concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin and was “a mean-minded individual…in the category of a nut.” The evening of the assassination, Hoover told Lyndon Johnson’s aide Walter Jenkins, “The thing I am concerned about…is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin.”

  Within days of Kennedy’s death, the same forces opposing his policies began to promulgate the official theory for his death—a lone assassin suffering a “strain of madness and violence” fired at the president from the sixth floor of a book warehouse, striking him twice out of three shots fired within six seconds, despite the fact that the target was 265 feet away, moving laterally and downhill away from the shooter, and an evergreen tree obscured the line of sight.

  “Within a couple of days, Alan Belmont of the FBI was pushing the ‘Oswald did it alone’ conclusion and shortly thereafter McCloy and Dulles were settling the dust with the same conclusion,” wrote Gibson. Based on White House telephone transcripts released only thirty years after the assassination, Gibson noted a cohesive effort on the part of prominent people to push for a presidential commission that would cement the lone-assassin theory: “Between November 25th and 28th, LBJ was transformed from opponent of to promoter of a commission. It is clear that a number of people acted to bring about this change. [Dean of Yale Law School] Eugene Rostow brought up the idea initially, to both [presidential special assistant] Bill Moyers and [deputy attorney general Nicholas] Katzenbach. Rostow discussed this with at least one unidentified person in the minutes immediately following Oswald’s death. [Journalist] Joseph Alsop applied pressure to LBJ less than 24 hours later. If Alsop is to be believed, and there is no reason to doubt this, Dean Acheson was also involved in developing and promoting the idea [Alsop said he had discussed the matter with Acheson apparently in an effort to impress Johnson that high-level people thought well of the idea of a commission]. Other immediate supporters appear to include both [Washington Post managing editor] Alfred Friendly and [Post owner] Katherine Graham.”

  “The venue for the McCloy-Dulles work was the [Warren] Commission created at the instigation of Rostow, Alsop, and Acheson. The cover-up was essentially an operation of private power based in the East Coast Establishment,” Gibson concluded, adding the Warren Commission was “essentially an Establishment cover-up. Only an Establishment network could…reach into the media, the CIA, the FBI, the military (control of [JFK’s] autopsy), and other areas of the government.”

  And, as has been seen, the inner-core U.S. establishment was filled with supporters of National Socialism, just as they had supported communism before that. This global elite was working to lay the groundwork for their New World Order—worldwide socialism broken into three economic blocs
to be played against each other for profit and control.

  With the assassination of 1963 and its subsequent cover-up, the globalists, who first created communism and then National Socialism, had finally gained a new empire, a Fourth Reich. Only this time, it was in North America.





  WITH KENNEDY DEAD AND LYNDON B. JOHNSON IN THE White House, the Nazification of the United States moved ahead largely unhindered.

  During the Johnson years, the president was surrounded by a coterie of advisers, collectively known as his “wise men.” All were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. These included John J. McCloy, Averell Harriman, Dean Rusk, William Bundy, Dean Acheson, George F. Kennan, and Robert A. Lovett. “By the early 1960s the Council on Foreign Relations, Morgan and Rockefeller interests, and the intelligence community were so extensively interbred as to be virtually a single entity,” remarked Professor Donald Gibson.

  With young people, the media, and members of Congress fixated on the Vietnam War, few people were aware of the growing power and influence of the military and the immense war machine assembled behind it. Not that this war machine was designed to actually win battles. On the contrary, it was designed to suck tax dollars from the public treasury, centralize power in the government and its corporate sponsors, and spread the new Reich’s influence across the globe.


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