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Page 20

by Zac Funstein

  “It is not much only as to his disposition, there is that queer unfathomableness which puzzles us, we must admit we are unable to tell where Gastón is sometimes. But no matter it is of little consequence.”

  They set off, then after a pleasant drive, arrived at the half-decayed tenement which had been offered by some kind owner for the use of wretched emigrants. But what a scene presented itself on entering! The room (if this miserable collection of brick seperators with an entrance plus roof on top were worthy of the appellation ‘room’) was as empty as poverty could possibly make it. In a dark corner knelt a fair yet exceedingly emaciated female, regarding with apparent listlessness the little infant that slumbered nearby, while near to her on a miserable mattress lay a form that from pain/ continued weakness (which was never ascertained) seemed overcome even to exhaustion. A group of children (Norwegian or Dutch by their clothes) had crowded behind a partition to watch the approach of the strangers, and under other circumstances it would have excited a smile to observe how amid their evident poverty they kept cheerful, in general, indeed seemed even more fresh/ innocent than children usually are. A doctor (this was discerned by a modern electronic stethoscope that poked from his bag of medicine) approached the sick man enquired the cause of his illness, who sought by signs to tell the medico that understanding their language was difficult—then pointing with a beseeching glance towards his wife/children, threw himself once more on the bed from which several times attempts to rise had been made. No further movement was made though it was believed that a recovery came slowly.

  Gastón was in another corner of the room taking prints thereof from various articles nearby-holdalls, a plastic cup from a vending machine, who seeing Gregory turned to him then said:

  “Ah the person interested in the DHY.”

  “You must pardon my ignorance but this configuration of letters has no meaning.”

  “A technique known as vacuum metal deposition (DHY) that uses precious metals to recover print marks is being investigated as part of a research project I’m involved in. DHY is a highly sensitive technique already used to detect print marks on smooth surfaces such as plastics, glass-plus this plastic-cup here.”

  A plastic cup is held then rotated.

  “I still can’t quite see what relevance…..”

  “The current research study by the University of Saskatchewan is exploring its use in the examination of clothing plus the potential value it could bring to a police investigation.”

  The person on the mattress groans slightly they glance over as the doctor having calmed the patient breaks open the foil of some pills-then crushes them so they are easily swallowed.

  “Sounds relevant.”

  “The research uses fine layers of metals to display prints people may have left on fabrics, something which is far harder to do with soft surfaces. The technique has been around since God knows when-is used on many surface but was never widely employed on fabrics until Juan H. Gregg was watching some restorers refurbish some fine-art old-master divined that it might be good for fabrics too-to him we must be eternally grateful. But here is no good we should reconvene under more salubrious circumstances like my own lab at home where I can give you a practical demonstration of how the element gold can be put to another more practical use.”

  Having given suitable directions to programme into the online vehicle direction finder later into this time-space Gregory made his way. Like Atilio before him a spare-room had been converted for a unique purpose except this one was quite large. Inside was a large transparent box that seemed to have a temperature gauge on. This seemed to hum in anticipation.

  “If you would permit us Mr. Herrera.”

  A small quantity of gold was position in a culture-dish with some nondescript powder then an explanation of a kind followed. There were similar nearby one was marked A, for artificial fibers, the other was marked N, for nylon-although why a distinction was made was never learn’t-maybe nylon had some unique characteristic.

  “We take these fabrics, place them in a vacuum chamber, then heat up gold to evaporate it and spread a fine film over the fabric. We then heat up zinc, which attaches to the gold where there are no print residues. This helps reveal the print -- where contact has been made we see the original fabric, where there was no contact we're left with the metal film-it’s as simple as that. Do you have the relevant fibre so we can check please."

  After some preliminaries this was positioned in the centre of the tray- then put inside the chamber with the glass cover repositioned.

  “Prints have been used as a means of identification for some while but recovering fingerprints from fabrics has always proven to be fairly difficult. We wanted to change that for good. The research is still in its early stages but we are starting to see results. We have shown that fabrics with a high thread count are best for revealing a print- have recovered identifiable prints on a number of fabrics including silk, nylon and polyester.”

  In the midst of all this a different step approached— lighter/shorter; another person entered the throng holding a clipboard, a medical student whom had been invited to join him-an older personage in a polyester dress. Gastón introduced her. This was Cleora P. Vook who returning the grasp still seemed tired weary, but still carried an air of sophistication-a powerful self assurance that melded with an iron-streak. Cleora gave her contribution.

  “Prints have been used as a means of identification for a while but recovering prints from fabrics has always proven to be fairly difficult. We wanted to change that both myself plus Gastón. The research is still early but we are starting to see tentative improvements. We have shown that fabrics with a high thread count are best for revealing a print-after much trial/error now we have recovered on a number of fabrics including rayon, silk, nylon even polyester.”

  “What about our denim here Vook?”

  “I dont have any problem with that especially. Unfortunately it is more the donor than the resident-fibre that gives us trouble. Only a small percentage of the public are classed as ‘good donors’ for leaving prints, so while the success rate is still low for recovering a full print from items of clothing, the researchers have had great success in revealing the shape of a print on a number of fabric types.”

  Gastón Elizondo Stewart added:

  "Such an impression could help piece together a timeline of events that could be used to provide evidence where someone was pushed off a balcony or balustrade or grabbed by their belt or a shirt to prevent them from falling a great height.”

  “There is someone that suggests as regards a falling instance.”

  “Haben Girmay I believe is the textbook case Cleora wouldn’t you agree?”

  Cleora it can be seen is giving this the once over finally her reply comes:

  “I believe so-that is nothing else immediately seems to insinuate.”

  “They fell from a spiral staircase down the stairwell to a glass table below which smashed into several pieces. Prints left on fabric plus other surfaces can leave traces, so it can also help us to visualise the best area to target on an item of clothing to recover evidence. In Girmay’s case a saraband that was position too high."

  “This helped convict the one responsible?”

  “Not on its own, but it certainly was an assistance in giving a reasoned presentation. Facts do not lie-this brings them to the fore.”

  News came soon after that the prints found by DHY seemed to match those found on receipts with numbers written all over them in the glove compartment of the Schreiber vehicle. Officers found a small amount of marijuana, the the ignition key plus a map directing them to a condo in Ontario. When the person responsible inserted the keys,it started the car,suggesting that the stopping had been deliberate rather than to effect repairs.

  “Identifying prints on paper is a commonly used method, but unfortunately it is not easy to make those prints visible,” explained Berhane Tewolde when Aida Nebay print newbie enquired.

  Dressed smartly, in an inexpen
sive suit, conservative tie, barber cropped military short. Only his leather jacket gave any hint of ever being attired casually.

  For some reason it was believed that throwing this comparative novice into some quite sophisticated science would give a fresh perspective. Not the best Toronto had, but far from what one might find in a seasoned urbanite. Not that Aida was unskilled, but Nebay was only experienced to the level of wrong-doing normally seen in his own city. Now, scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have developed a new approach for making such prints more readily readable it was revealed.

  “The new method, created by a team lead by Prof. Elie Hillel Almog/ Prof. Josef Mandler of the Institute of Chemistry at the Hebrew University, uses an innovative chemical process to produce a negative of the print image rather than the positive image produced under current methods. The situation is still very volatile, can once again erupt into terrible violence, but the logjam that was consecrated does appear to have been cleared.”

  “I don’t quite see the significance being a mere novice at this. I know this sounds daft. I know a lot about tarps, more than the average person anyway-that’s what my wife says-but precious little of anything else. I should know what to do. Buying a new tarp isn’t the solution here. I wish I could buy a new enthusiasm for this-or at least re-condition this one-but it wasn’t my best topic at academy.”

  “Never be ashamed to ask questions, that is what we are here for. Unlike the latter, the Hebrew University-developed process is nearly independent of the composition of the residue left behind on the paper.”

  “That was important before Tewolde I can tell from the tone you use.”

  “Residue was everything-well nearly now fortunately we can dispense with.”

  Everything felt sticky that summer of the Prince Edward Island holiday at least to Aida’s mother Ruth. Residue covered everything. Floors Ruth walked on slowed her pace. Sticky windows were cleaned endlessly. Ruth would continually wipe the kitchen countertops with almost obsessional tidiness.

  Then there was the time the Nebay lived in the house in Yukon Territory. There was some kind of accident it was never determined just what it was exactly. The master suite with the French blinds was full of smoke, but more importantly there was a huge gap where the huge ornate mirror had become molten leaving a gooey residue, plus scorched building material.

  “I still can’t see the significance-it’s probably staring at us directly.”

  “In many investigations, paper evidence plays an important role, you don’t need us to tell you that it is useful to know who has touched such documents.”

  “Do you mean the written evidence in court or what was left at the scene.”

  “Not before the judge- at the scene dear boy! Studies have shown that less than half of the prints on paper items can be made sufficiently visible to enable their identification. The main reason for this seems to be the highly variable composition left behind on the paper.”

  “Then you come on the scene with your new panacea everyones problems are solved.”

  “It’s a step in the correct direction at least-I won’t say it solves everyones problems at a stroke exactly. The Hebrew University innovation avoids these problems I won’t deny that. It involves an inversion of an established method in which gold particles are first deposited onto the invisible prints, followed by elemental silver, similar to the development of a photograph.”

  To expect problem-free living was perhaps unreasonable. Major problems are seen as oppressive, insurmountable burdens to avoid as best one can but they can assist us in growing.

  “In the conventional technique, the gold particles get stuck to this unpleasant in the prints, then silver is deposited onto the gold. The result is quite often low-contrast impressions of the prints. In the new method, the gold particles stick directly to the paper surface-but this is the best part-, but not the residual gunk. This technique utilizes this to avoid this interference.Treatment with a developer containing silver then turns the areas with gold on them decidedly manky, resulting in a clear, negative image.”

  Watching Tewolde gesticulate use such flamboyant gestures was to invite comparison once made with Methodist preachers for some reason, although it was doubted an ecclesiastical career was ever his ambition.

  “Are the prints on the jeans the same as those on the receipts found in the glove-compartment?”

  “It will take a while but we will get the results to you as fast as we can,” replied Berhane. “I will e-mail you.”

  The correspondence came soon afterwards.

  Dear Nebay,

  This new approach constantly surprises us with just how good it is at sorting the men from the boys! Since this relies only on what is left by the prints themselves anything else is superfluous which is a blessing. Ordinarily the receipts found in the glove compartment might have been swamped in extraneous data not only from the rest of the paraphernalia in there but that which was gained on the journey-this however is able to tell us conclusively tell us that there is some connection. Far be it for us to state conclusively without further support but I believe that what would help you to do is make a journey to Ontario to find just what might substantiate any claim.

  sincerely B Tewolde

  Since the fabric found did not match any denim item worn by the deceased either when attacked or amongst her wardrobe at home-it seemed reasonable to assume that the prints found on both the sample as well as the receipt might well be connected-that was reasonable enough.

  Rather than send an emissary a decision was taken to go himself-on the seemingly endless drive to the Ontario real estate agent that rented the condo much was gone over. Trying not to be like a rookie photographer on a first assignment to shoot some bucolic country scene because his editor was on a power trip Aida’s way was made. As the countryside gave way to the metropolitan tension some essential supplies were picked up at a hardware store. Nebay drove around the block once, parked in a quiet residential area, then made his approach discretely to where the letting agents premises were situated.

  Myla M. Garett (at least that is who the name on the desk said they were called) was dressed in Calvin Klein corduroy jeans plus a blouse that in an earlier incarnation would probably be attributed to Yves St Laurent or a subsidiary of his. They seemed to get on okay there was none of the ‘tightening up’ that sometimes happens when assistance in making an arrest is in the offing. “The reservation was made over the phone I’m afraid-we didn’t have a visual reference of Mr. Orlando C. Andrus.”

  “That was who was in the premises immediately prior to the Schreiber attack?”

  Some preamble as the reason for the visit had been sent via an attachment on the smartphone whilst driving here-so Myla should have an inkling at least where this individual was coming from.

  “They left just after according to our records-if you don’t believe us.”

  A monitor with a spreadsheet of clientele for the letting-agency was spun his way.

  “Did you not ask for references Ms. Garett?”

  “I know they are here somewhere-I got them ready when I knew you were coming. Are here we are- this is them!”

  Some faxes are picked off a plastic in-tray then given over.

  “They were sent electronically I checked they are perfectly acceptable. Might I make a suggestion that you meet up with Mr. Rodney M. Hawthorn-that’s our agent in the block.”

  When Nebay got to his car again it wouldn’t work despite raising the bonnet on the BMW then hitting various internal mechanistic features with a spanner. Whoever told him in evening class to do whatever needs to be done to whatever carburetor function was deemed necessary must have hit base for a clothes hanger was put to good effect. No luck-it was decided to take the underground whilst the emergency repair services affected what needed to be done. They probably only sprayed it with some rust release penetrant spray ostensibly to remove bolts faster but there you went.

  The train was quiet with an almost fastidious c
leanness as if it was someones entire purpose in life to stop each piece of litter before it hit the deck. There was a gang of Norwegian/Swedish teenagers ( a little like the ones that Gregory had disturbed) that watched him throughout the transition to his stop without moving watching his every gesture. A girl who seemed well scrubbed in a button up dress with pebble rim glasses observed him with the same serious intent. The fact one half of her was covered in body art did not seem to disturb anyone.

  The dull apartment-block seemed like being transported to pre-war Germany-it had the same blandness, the same stolidity. Having pushed their way into the polished marble entrance hall. Nebay went over to a row of letter boxes then examined the name cards some of which had a bell underneath. The one that was the focus of attention was rung then when there was no answer, the one with the letting agents insigna underneath was rung-again no answer.

  Leaving was about to occur when a middle-aged woman came struggling up to the rotating entrance clearly carrying too much shopping. Nebay opened the adjacent entrance then said catching one of the wrapped-items.

  “Here we don’t want this all over this nicely polished tiling.”

  “Thank you very much,” said the compromised shopper-her accent was clearly Eastern German as if the block attracted those that most seemed fitting to its historical origin. “It is an object lesson in being too greedy-coming away with too much. Who are you kind benefactor-who restores faith in minor chivalry?”

  “I have come to see the rep from the letting agency.”

  It occurred there/then that there might be several all vying for space but this burdened purchaser seemed to know who was meant as if a rival.

  “It’s Mr. Robert Möller you wish to see but Robert’s quite old as well as being deaf. It doesn’t seem quite fair that after struggling against the regressions of old age, everything should now conspire to cheat him aurally too. I don’t suppose that the buzzer was heard, that crusty, miserly old man who doesn’t believe in banks who keeps everything hidden in his dingy apartment in a safety deposit metal-container was probably going through his hoard again. Möller worked in an ammunition factory-but it went into receivership, didn't get a pension-serves him for being so mean I suppose.”


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