Book Read Free


Page 31

by Zac Funstein

  “Cavalcanti discovered this quite by accident but saw immediately the potential if someone did something wrong whilst wearing this.”

  “Some sort of on-the-scene test.”

  It was difficult to get the techies to do more than this-they were already hard pushed-for the little they received as per compensation they wouldn’t budge an iota beyond the prosaic. Anything more complex would be dismissed as laughable irrespective of how abusive you were. There pessimism was sacrosanct. Whatever your original sect with the nylon-testers be sure remuneration was the only motive-force.

  “When I first saw the bulwark of the Gorize-test I couldn’t believe it-I knew the onetime old-guard had fallen at last-the new transcendentalism had arrived as diocesan.”

  Barbosa sounded like one of those evangelical types that did a blitz on the neighbourhood with promises of salvation even for the really wicked. Gomes continued….

  “The old test was like dowsing with a forked-rod.”

  When Thiago next peered up Barbosa was gone only to return from a sortie in a nearby cabinet holding what seemed like a T-shirt.

  “This was what the girl packed as per spare clothing in her Volvo-it never got worn. Can you test this for Gorize?”

  “Sure no problem….”

  The T-shirt was given then explored like it was like lush fabric then pressed as if its darkness could be penetrated. It seemed as if something icky was being hunted for.

  “I don’t sense this was worn ever-it was there purely for emergencies as an extra outer layer if the Volvo’s heater packed up.”

  “Believe us if anyone was wearing Gorize in the vicinity then then the new Gorize-finder we have makes the previous models seem crude-we call this the ‘new spirituality’.”

  This painful, heroic task that Thiago undertook,was never blenched from until its fulfillment.

  “I’m not slushy Barbosa. If I can uplift you I will-that is confirm your suspicions regarding this new creation. Those that share my enthusiasm-my serfdom as I mockingly call the- boast that ‘G’ is there favourite letter of the alphabet.”

  “Our enquiry is freezing now on the mortician’s slab the ancient obsolete mechanism will keep her the same forever, but her parents will change unless those like you can help dispel the gloom. It would be nice to close the matter throw in a casual wreath then bury this episode for good.”

  When Barbosa got home (having passed on the T-shirt) the letter G seemed to make a profound impression so much so that when helping Mrs. Barbosa tidy up after their daughter Irene André found himself going through the alphabet-book in the play-box. The letter G had been torn out but in its position was an intact ‘H’. H was for Hill in this case a Jack ‘n Jill tumbling down a hill after falling off a sledge in their travel downhill. Seemingly in deadlock they fell.

  “Some light entertainment Barbosa eh.” intoned Mrs. Barbosa.

  “Do we know what happened?”

  The omission was given for her explanation casually. André wasn’t chauvinistic habitually or ready to probe her for mistakes upon his shifts end-it was an unusual request so that her response was careful. Maybe the playpen was a little too like a boxing ring so it precipitated fights, who knew.

  “When was the last you were a toddler-you know what very young children are like.”

  Mrs. Barbosa in her stodgy manner began putting all the toys away neatly. A plastic derringer made of a terrible cheap mould was thrown to one side.

  “How many times have I told you not to give Irene guns to play with André even squeaky ones. They encourage stereotypes as well as gender prejudice.”

  “I disagree a derringer is more masculine-I believe that I am breaking down the barriers of what is acceptable rather than constructing them.”

  The aforementioned replica was accidentally trod on then so it made the sound which the maker had incorporated. There was more important matters to deal with-a town meeting. With libertine parents like this a squeaky toy was hardly likely to be a bombshell. The letter Y was noticed then tacked by someone in a discursive moment on the bulletin board next to the holiday snaps.

  The tyre tracks that were found that were believed related to the Schreiber incident were considered a major find. If everything had been calamitous up to now then congratulations everything was about to change for the better

  Pasi Anttila of the Canadian Polo Association was about to get ready to go to the Polo Charity Cup in Tianjin, China. Pasi was squashing everything into a suitcase then pulling everything tight with a makeshift belt when Henrik arrived. As former security-guard general strong silent type Henrik Valo-who seemed to get burdened with going deeper into tracks- was told:

  “Some of the tournament proceeds will go to the Canadian Polo Association. Participating clubs include Calgary, Black Diamond, Toronto, Nacional (Montreal) plus Ottawa. Some will go to charities with a deeper need too.”

  Pasi dressed like someone who was deeply Canadian for whom even a brief stint outside of this confines was deeply unpatriotic. The rest of the planet put the CPA on a pedestal however so such was necessary. It would probably be a washout-deleterious to Canadian/Chinese relations but what could you do

  “You’re probably going to ask how it all started. I was a heating engineer originally- I entered a hiatus primarily due to personal tragedies in my life. My daughter Patty died in an car accident in her Ford Expedition when her tyres burst, followed by the demise of my wife Clara from an accident uncannily similar in her Land Rover Discovery-not however I might add from the bursting of her tyres.”

  “I expect you were blamed or blamed yourself.”

  “Yes I was as it happened- I took a hiatus to mourn/ reflect, during which I travelled extensively throughout North America on my Suzuki Intruder motorcycle where the wear on the polymer tread concerned us greatly. Rather than make a docudrama I resolved to get into this rubber-world deeply to make sure what happens doesn’t again. I guess this is the price we must pay for industrialization.”

  “You noticed the tyre marks that were near the Schreiber Volvo.”

  “I go past there sometimes on the way to a match-when I heard about the trouble I couldn’t resist trying to get the lowdown on what happened. Tracks are us writ et large-they tell us a lot about what is happening in the Polo world but in my role as a polymer developer they tell us much too. It’s not just bunkum Henrik.”

  “Your work is almost exclusively on improving tread in domestic vehicles to make them stop quicker in tricky situations.”

  “When I am not on the Polo field spending my chukkas hitting the ball with a polo stick I am trying to make the highways of Canada a little safer to be-it is my small contribution. There are also less strenuous sports like quoits, shuffleboard or archery-but this unusual pair seemed to go together. I guess the polo ball must have been made of rubber in the past. But can I ask you something Henrik?”

  “Be my guest we can be open as you like-it’s a consensual feature of these get togethers.”

  “I trust just because I was going past that you don’t believe that I was involved in what happened to that unfortunate girl.”

  Henrik begun to read from a portable device in which a resume of all that was known was stored. Pasi’s name was typed in.

  “It says here that on the evening in question you were staying with a Mr. Panu Ahola who is the president of Montreal Polo Club Chemin Park that you were debating MPC sending an extra player to China; our emissary in Quebec Mr. Mattiesko Hurme has interviewed Ahola who agreed on oath that this formed the bulk of the meeting between you. There is no possibility of it being you Pasi. Unless you have a dual-self!”

  “I’m relieved to be told that Henrik I can assure you. I can only be in one locale at one time like you like anybody! My interest is purely as an observer of certain facts-The Vancouver Tyre Research Institute is a leading agency in the field of designing new automobile tyres, aviation tyres, tyres for special vehicles, plus related formulations. We have a deep intolerance for br
aking distances which is why I noticed the tracks.”

  “Something tells us this informed what you recognized near the Volvo. Could you determine what tyre it is from the tracks that were found-if it was from the VTRI?”

  You know what is odd whenever anyone mentions VTRI it makes us conjure up a barracks somehow or a POW camp ‘Hogan’s Heroes’ or something. That series where the star made his own exotic movies then got slaughtered by a supposed-friend. Everyone believes it is glamorous but I can assure you that it is not glamorous remotely. Mr. Aamos Kilpeläinen- that is the person in charge-is a very hard director of talents.”

  “This is someone who makes you take your capabilities to new heights from what you’ve just mentioned.”

  “The rewards are always exponential proportional to the effort put in-no pain, no gain. You can’t just write blank cheques-it is the talent that is put in that counts. But this would make no sense if you don’t know what we do.”

  “It isn’t like a foundry where you pour rubber into a tyre mould like a steel foundry-I’ve got that much.”

  “We don’t want the tyres to self destruct when the car owner puts them on-we’d like them to last forever if possible. Tyre makers are not desperados but responsible.”

  His evidence is brought from where it had been neatly folded in his jacket pocket then the salient features are ringed with a marker pen.

  “I took the liberty of taking my own photographs at the Schreiber-site. Note the parsimonious scattering of Agent B. This prevents the degeneration of the tyre surface especially when braking. It was an instance of the worst enemy. Now you’re going to ask what that is-it refers to deceptive appearances seemingly keeping a grip on the road-surface whilst letting go. An unfortunate appellation but it seemed to have stuck. Every corner should be like being in a sorority.”

  “I’m sorry Pasi.”

  “Every hug is really squishy and delightful.”

  “That’s what made you recognise the Prince Rupert marks-now I understand. I suppose it demands the question what tyres have this in.”

  “Nearly all, but there are different grades-this was one of the better grades. Whoever was at the site on the night was in a plush motor. This wasn’t factory setting either Henrik!”

  The printout for some reason that was never discerned was scrawled up then thrown towards the nearby wastepaper basket. It seemed to stop midair then drop in. Now that Pasi had begun it would give him no satisfaction to desist it was sensed. There was no detente that was for sure-the swashbuckling swathe through the tyre-world continued.

  “I have only seen the Agent B I found at the site on tyres that are sold as spares rather than put on when the car is first produced. No assemblyman or woman for that matter at a factory has ever put these on.”

  “So whoever drove to where G was had purchased a spare tyre of this calibre then put them on him or herself.”

  “They must have had some rudimentary talent in using a tyre-jack-although this wasn’t changed after a puncture in BC please don’t get us wrong about that. It might well have been provided by some uniformed roadside-I doubt we'll ever know for sure.”

  “Do we know what position this was Pasi?”

  “This seems to be on the left side but again I am not sure. To be honest this still isn’t perfect what we need is another Teflon-something that we can just spray on then have done with it. Some have accused of getting into metaphysics neglecting this is a huge multinational concern. It’s our heritage you might posit-what we inherited.”

  “This wasn’t an economy vehicle anyway we have established that much. These aren't retreads that much is certain.”

  “I might suggest that you cut an untutored juggle through some top-range vehicles after I’ve gone see if any fit the description of those seen in the vicinity. This isn't furry dice territory we are in.”

  Pasi scratched under the baseball cap advertising his polo club like a scurf victim.

  “I could read some off verbatim as a dress rehearsal but you don’t need us to do that. You might be into Porsches or BMW. It certainly must have been a surprise for Glad to see such a swanky model after all those articulated trucks, family saloons going past.”

  The polo player let out a cry of pain then muttered.

  “Just some swelling from an old polo accident-the doctors are sure they will triumph but it’s going to take a while. The ache comes ‘n goes-I moan the punishment is untoward- but there is nothing I can do.”

  After Pasi had gone Henrik did not shilly shally giving the tactile once over to his own tyres. They seemed (like a lot of the same in this district) a little warped-it was not deducible if they contained this additive that Pashi had created purely from touch so the temptation was almost irresistible to cut them in half.

  It was with not a little sadness that Honoré Bonnet was slowly brought to acceptance of the fact that the concern that made the jeans using the Destaticism had (to put it politely) scattered to various corners of the Earth taking the principles applied with them for what purpose they deemed fit-various legal plaints following close in their wake. If this was a movie the major themes would be rebellion against authority plus wanderings in bleak, post-apocalyptic landscapes. Honoré was by his own admittance ‘burnt out’ anyway so glad to pass the mantle/Olympic baton to whoever was willing to pit their wits against the unkind person that attacked the teen. No one appeared willing for a while then Ibrahim Soria Zarate popped out of the ether who had helped solve the Cassandre Fuentes Barela case which had similarities to the Schreiber events.

  Ibrahim in dress shirt, outdated tie- from the broad mirror, which hung at the end of the interview suite, reflected the image of a very good looking/ well dressed man, although many said Zarate was ‘Anderson's flunky’-that Anderson ruled him in no uncertain terms. Who or what Anderson was never got determined, but suffice to say that Zarate was not under their yoke anymore. This had been flung to one side. Another insult thrown his way was that of being an ‘adultescent’. A new scrabble-favourite which has been coined for people who don't act their age, implying an unhealthy interest in those further down the life-scale too-like teenagers or even younger. His career was not without incident Janne Kankaanpää goaded Arvid Hyypiä into charging Zarate with racism, which was utterly unfounded, in anticipation of getting the younger man disbarred/ fired. Ibrahim needless to say exonerated himself well.

  “I’ll tell you why this interests us Bonnet.”

  “Please if you would anything to cast out doubts would be received in mighty fashion. Before

  we find out quickly how easy it is to hurt one another with unquestioned assumptions/ prejudices.”

  Ibrahim was allowed to deliver his well-laundered spiel, unquestioned unchallenged.

  “If you can relive the events of the Barela transgression as they occurred then you would not need any jolt whatsoever.”

  “I can’t which is why I must ask you so to do.”

  “They found that Manu Kattilakoski was responsible from a tiny particle of sand that was not indigenous to where the fatal assault occurred- it was traced to the DIY yard where Manu was employed. This was the only source for this rare gravel that was used as filler to go on plastic sheets for use constructing ornamental porches.”

  “I don’t see how this granular feature can be relevant but still.”

  “I’m no connoisseur of denim-my daughter buys them ready torn-my age used to complain when they got like that now they are valued so! What a topsy-tursvy world we live in now Honoré.”

  “How true Zarate!”

  “Sometimes denim clothing is sandblasted I believe to give a unique effect- it may well be that there is a unique particle on BC material that can help us trace the culprit.”

  “In the absence of anything else to go on I cannot see what we have to lose.”

  Konsta Peltomaa who had the distinction of not only having mistaken a sculpture perched on the ledge of the Empire State Building for a jumper but called in the appropriate a
uthority concerned was deemed the perfect candidate. Konsta who had been a telephone worker, who was fired for not using their pole straps whilst climbing up high telegraph equipment had turned his talents to another direction. Since his motto was ‘your greatest ethical responsibility is to constantly strive for excellence in everything you do’ this must surely be the one to go for.

  Ibrahim did not hold out much as per this throwing any much needed glimpse however for all this. The objective commentators would see the company continuing to dance around the facts but would continue to doubt the veracity of its message it was believed sure.

  Upon approaching his destination-from a distance there seemed what might be a favorite for the grandchildren to hang out or camp perhaps (a screened in gazebo or a really large playhouse).Indeed just as one, wishing to lead up a little child to some lofty place, reaching up even to the top of Heaven, gently by degrees Konsta lead Zarate to the upstairs of his home. “The family who owned the house before scarcely ever attended the funeral in the ‘dead room,’ as it was called, but remained in an upper room, where they could at least hear what was said,” explained Peltomaa. “May I ask were you brought up in a Christian setting?”

  “When I was young my father tended toward scriptural stringency, but studying Wesleyan theology loosened us up a great deal. But I digress I see you use only that which is produced by Reijo Myller Ltd”

  The company, a former German monopoly, was fending off increased competition by virtue of its reputation.

  “Their produce must be processed under the most stringent conditions by well-trained staff. I’ve never had any complaints. There was an incident where what you see before you was made, but I believe that is now agreed that it is vital that these recycling facilities are monitored more stringently from now on.”

  “Now that you mention it I believe I did hear something. Quarantine protocols will be more stringently observed they have promised.”

  “We will win our small victories, but then forget the sacrifices made; overly generous civil liberties plus a materialistic capitalist balm only shallowly soothes us. Just because something is natural doesn't mean that it can't harm you, although the risks are much lower with natural products, but I digress.”


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