New Frontier

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New Frontier Page 12

by Pepper Espinoza

  “Kelly…Kelly…what…oh God…God…God…” The roar of her blood deafened her, and she couldn’t even hear her own sobbing moans. “I can’t take it…it’s too much…” she gasped, “too…too…too…much.”

  He shook his head in response, not stopping or slowing down. With deliberate care, he slid one finger into her slick passage and massaged the inside of her body in tandem with his tongue. She clenched around his finger and rocked against his face and hand.

  “Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly…” she babbled. “Oh, I’m…I’m…so…” The ability to speak fled and all that she could force past her burning lips was a low wailing moan that gained volume as the orgasm rolled through her body like an out of control train.

  “Stop, stop, stop,” she finally begged. “Too…sensitive…”

  Kelly did not comply. Ida sobbed with pleasure-pain, alternately begging him to stop and begging him never to stop. Her pussy was hot and slick and he slid two fingers into her. He jerked his wrist and worked his hand quickly, but as his hand worked faster, his tongue slowed. He swirled his tongue inside of her and lapped her gently. The second time she came, it was much less earth shattering, but still powerful enough to shake her entire body.



  Kelly lifted his head, wiped his face, and watched her with dancing eyes. She looked beautiful, her hair wild where she ran her hands through it, her cheeks full of high color, her chest rising and falling in harsh gasps. He grinned at her, lopsided, and she answered with her own soft smile.

  He collapsed next to her body, pulling her into his arms while she finished catching her breath. His cock was hard and wet against her thigh, and she boldly reached between them and curled her fingers around it, jerking her wrist up and down slowly. He moaned against her skin, then sighed, “That feels good.”

  “I want to make you feel good…I want…Tell me…” she said shyly.

  “You do,” he assured her.

  “Not like what you just…did…”

  Now that he wasn’t doing wicked things to her body, she seemed unbelievably shy as she tentatively ran her hand down his chest.

  “Have you ever felt that before?”

  She shook her head. “Not like that. I mean you…nobody has ever…Liam would never do anything like that.” She paused and then blurted, “I didn’t even know you could!”

  He chuckled gently, but not unkindly. “It’s a well kept secret.”

  “Where did you learn this secret?”

  “An old whore in England…” He paused and glanced at her sheepishly.

  Ida didn’t say anything for a few minutes then asked, “What else did she teach you?”

  Kelly pulled away from her slightly and looked at her with surprise. “Do you really want to know?”

  Ida nodded.

  He rolled on his back and pulled her on top of him. “Maybe later…”

  She shook her head. “No, I want to know.”

  “Well…if you insist…” He grabbed her hand and pulled her fingertips across his mouth, his tongue darting out and flicking over each one in turn. Finally he pulled her index finger into his mouth and began sucking on it gently, running his tongue around it in slow circles.

  “You want me to suck your finger?”

  He smiled. “Not quite, love.”

  Kelly gently pushed her off his body, and his hard cock sprung up. She looked at it, unabashedly running her eyes over it, studying it in detail for the first time. Kelly held still as her eyes flicked across his body, and then giant green saucers met his eyes. “You want me to…”

  “You don’t have to,” he quickly assured her.

  “Won’t it…I mean, it might taste…”

  “It would probably taste like you…”

  “What if I hurt you?”

  “Don’t use your teeth, and I’ll be fine.”

  “But I…” She shook her head, and he could see her shoulders set with determination. She was eyeing him the way she looked at a particularly difficult task.

  “Ida, I really don’t expect you…”

  “No…you did it for me. I want to return the favor.”

  “That’s not…” She didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence. She bent forward and wrapped her lips around his head without another word, cutting his voice off with a sudden gasp. His mouth worked silently. He couldn’t force any sound past his closed throat.

  Ida wasn’t gentle and he grabbed the back of her head, forcing her to stop.

  “Ida…love…slow…” he ground out between gritted teeth.

  She lifted her head and frowned. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

  “You don’t have to stop…just don’t be so rough, yeah?”

  Ida nodded and leaned forward again. This time she sucked his cock into her mouth gently, running her tongue around him the way he had licked her finger. Tentatively, she wrapped her hand around the length of his shaft and began to rub him as she continued to lick and gently suck his head.

  “Ida…Christ…oh…that’s it love, that’s it…like that…” Kelly wanted it to last forever, wanted to feel her amazingly hot mouth and succulently soft lips on his hard, aching cock forever. But all too soon, he felt his balls tighten and knew that it would only be a matter of seconds. The novelty of it, the taste of her pussy still lingering on his mouth, the sound of her moans, her hard breathing still echoing in his ears…



  She looked up and he quickly tilted his hips away from her, stroking himself quickly, and then coming hard all over his hand. He tensed, gasped, and then relaxed against the bed. Ida looked at him with heavy lidded, questioning eyes.

  “I would have…”

  “Maybe next time…” He opened his arms in invitation, and she curled against his body, resting her head on his shoulder. “Give me a few minutes,” he breathed.

  “I can wait,” she promised.

  “God, you feel so good.” His arms tightened around her. “Never want to let you go.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ida woke slowly, warm and comfortable, cradled softly in Kelly’s arms, her ear resting against his chest. She caught her breath and listened to the steady thumping of his heart, thrilled to be close enough to hear it, to smell his breath. She didn’t want to leave the safety of his arms, didn’t want to leave the warmth that cocooned her and lulled her back to honey-sweet dreams.

  Instead of drifting off again, she slowly pulled out of his arms. Instinctively, she checked the bandage. It was still tight on his shoulder and clean, and through some miracle the stitches were still tight. Satisfied that he wasn’t going to bleed to death, her gaze wandered over the rest of his body.

  Ida didn’t touch him immediately, not until she covered his entire body with her eyes, memorized each scar and detail. Of course, she had seen his entire body before, had washed and touched every inch of his skin, but now it was different. Now she was seeing him through the filter of unabashed, shameless lust. She didn’t have to pretend that she wasn’t growing wet at the sight of him, didn’t have to quickly avert her eyes and stop them from lingering on his cock. He would let her watch him without questioning her, let her soak in the sight and smell of him without shaming her.

  She ran her fingers down his arm lightly, the tips barely whispering against his skin. She didn’t want to wake him, not yet. Her face furrowed in concentration as she traced intricate patterns on his arm and chest. The muscles flexed and jumped beneath her touch, but otherwise, he didn’t stir or react at all. His smooth skin practically glowed in the white cold light from the window and reflected the warm orange light from the fire.

  With her other hand, she smoothed his curls out of his face, letting the soft hair twine around her fingers. She pushed the hair past his ears, and gently traced the outline of his forehead and jaw. Ida softly caressed his cheek and her fingers fluttered across his brow, brushing against his closed eyelids.

  Ida re
sted one hand on his chest, above his heart, and used the other to gently massage his thigh. His body jumped and she quickly pulled her hand back, afraid of waking him. She caught her breath and waited for any other sign that he was awake, but he relaxed again and was soon breathing deeply. She returned her hand to his thigh, but now she only rubbed it gently instead of massaging it. The back of her hand brushed against his cock, but she didn’t spend any extra time or attention on it. Not yet. She was still examining the rest of his body, focusing on his defined chest and muscular thighs.

  She touched the tip of her tongue to her lips. The salty taste of him still lingered there, and she wanted to taste the rest of his body. She wondered what his nipples, the hollow of his throat, the curve of his thigh, the soft part of his wrist tasted like, and how it differed from his lips and his cock.

  Ida’s mind wandered as her gaze and hands continued to crawl over his body. In truth, she didn’t know quite what to do with him. It was easy to touch him, to think about kissing him, as he slept. But what would she do when he woke up? Would the boldness that made her straddle him the night before still be there?

  She leaned forward and kissed his mouth and felt his lips twitch beneath hers. His breathing shifted, and she could tell without opening her eyes that he was awake. She pulled back and looked at him; he hadn’t opened his eyes, but now his mouth was curved in a very small smile.

  Suddenly, looking at him pretend to sleep, stretched before her and vulnerable, she felt completely empty. Without another thought, she straddled him, and his cock slid into her easily. Instead of building a rhythm, though, she lay forward, resting her head on his body, and his arms snaked around her.

  “This isn’t a bad way to wake up,” he murmured.

  Ida’s only response was to move her hips slightly, slowly. She clenched her muscles, holding him deep and tightly within her. Her breasts were smashed against his chest, their stomachs rubbing together, the muscles of his thigh tight under hers. She could smell his breath as it tickled the side of her face, and both stayed in a sort of suspended animation, the only movement the involuntary twitches of their bodies around each other.

  Ida’s sigh fluttered around them, a contented smile on her face. Kelly jerked forward, thrusting deeper into her, and she responded willingly, moving her body on his, creating an exquisite friction that set their teeth on edge. Kelly found her hands and curled his fingers around hers. He held them tightly and lifted her off him gently. She rose above him like a goddess, her long hair whispering past her shoulders, down her arms.

  “Wanna look at you,” he muttered between sharp breaths as the new angle allowed him to push even deeper into her. But that still wasn’t quite what he wanted, and Ida didn’t protest when he flipped them over, and settled between her legs.

  She immediately wrapped herself around him and buried her face between his neck and shoulder, inhaling deeply. She licked his skin, coating her tongue with the bittersweet taste of his body. He moved slowly, the only sounds he made were his sharp, unsteady breaths. She was silent, too, though in her head she was screaming, a brass symphony of sound that lodged in her throat and forced her to gasp for air.

  A thought, so sudden in its conception, so startling in its clarity, so alarming in its implications rose in her head. The words that were stuck and dying in her throat weren’t encouragement to move faster or harder, or to touch her or lick her or make her scream and come a million times. It was just a simple statement that sweetened his touch even as it frightened and confused her.

  The thought roared in her head so loud she thought for sure it had escaped her mouth and she had spoken the words. But no, the silence between them remained unbroken, and she closed her eyes, sure that he would be able to read her mind in their green depths.

  It pounded like a drum in her head, echoed, throbbed in her body. Her mouth felt heavy and dry, and even as she was distracted by the truth, a rush of pleasure was starting at her toes and sweeping over her body. She was being overtaken and overpowered, and though a part of her resisted, she still allowed it to happen without fighting.

  Ida bit back the words, even as they broke free and bubbled to her lips. Of course, it all made sense…it was so obvious…she loved him.

  The thought terrified her, but she didn’t try to run. Kelly wouldn’t let her go even if she did want to get up. She kept her mouth shut. She would wait to tell him. She would wait until she knew for sure that he really could stay. Because regardless of what he promised her, of what he assured her, of the way he kissed her, she knew that it could all fall apart. After all, Liam had promised that he would return.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I’m fucking freezing,” Kelly murmured, annoyed. He woke up to relieve himself and by the time he made it back into the cabin and into bed, he was frozen to the bone. He tried to cuddle against Ida, but she naturally pulled away from his icy skin and curled into a small ball to maximize her warmth. Now he couldn’t sleep.

  “What?” she murmured.

  “Nothing. Didn’t realize you were awake.”

  “Your feet are like blocks of ice.”


  Ida didn’t turn around, but she did move back against him, and allowed him to spoon with her. He did so gratefully, relieved to have her hot body warming his flesh. It wasn’t long until the goose bumps on his arms and legs subsided and his teeth stopped chattering. He buried his nose in her hair and inhaled deeply, then sighed with contentment. She didn’t say anything, and before long, he found himself drifting off to sleep.

  “What are we going to do tomorrow?” Her voice was loud and startling in the cold silence.

  “What?” Kelly asked sleepily.

  “What are we going to do tomorrow?” she repeated.

  “Do we need to do anything?” He was having difficulty thinking now that he was warm and drowsy. Apparently, she didn’t have the same problem.

  “Never mind.”

  Kelly’s eyes flew open at the tone in her voice. “What? Never mind what?”

  “Nothing. Go back to sleep.”

  “I’m not tired anymore. What’s on your mind?”

  “Nothing. I was…I’m tired now. Good night.”

  “Turn around here.” He grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him. He could barely see her face in the darkness. He couldn’t help but run his finger down her cheek, caressing her lovingly.

  “I’m scared it’s all a dream,” she whispered.

  “It’s not. Your dreams are never this good,” he pointed out logically.

  She smiled slightly. “Yes, that’s true. But you know what I mean.”

  “I know you worry too much, pet.” He bent his head and kissed her lips softly. “Have I given you any reason these past few weeks to worry?”


  In fact, the past four weeks she had been almost deliriously happy. They had fallen into a schedule, a pattern for their lives. He did the chores while she cooked and took care of the cabin, then they would spend the day huddled together for warmth and pleasure. Every day was like the one before. Some mornings they didn’t get out of bed until they were absolutely forced to because he just wanted to be close to Ida for as long as possible.

  “So what’s the problem?”


  He sighed. “You’re thinking of him again, aren’t you?”


  “Yes. No matter what I do, there is always a third person in this bed.”

  “Kelly, it’s not like that,” she protested.

  “Yes it is. I know the way you sound…you have got to tell me what’s on your mind. There’s a reason you won’t let him go, now what is it? Are you just keeping time with me, or what?”

  “No,” she insisted forcefully. “No. I don’t love him.”


  “But I need to tell you…”


  “I have a…letter.”


  “I’ve h
ad it since a few days before I found you. Anyway, he said…well, he said a lot of things that aren’t important. But there’s one thing…”

  “Spit it out, love.”

  “He said he’d be back before Christmas.”


  “So there’s a deadline now.”

  “A deadline? A deadline for what?” Kelly moved away from her. “I’m not just going to be tossed away, Ida.”

  “I’m not going to!” she insisted. “But what am I supposed to do if he comes back and finds you here?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it won’t happen!” Kelly exploded. “Christ, get over it. Making love with me every day isn’t getting over it. Not if you think about him constantly. Do you even realize you’re doing this? You drag him into everything.”

  “I do not,” she said defensively. “And forgive me if I’m worried that my husband might catch me bed with my lover. God, what if you’re asleep and he’s armed?”

  “That’s not what this is about. This is about the fact that you want him back.” His insecurities spoke louder than his common sense, and maybe he thought about Liam more than Ida did. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that they were just killing time, waiting for spring, waiting for Liam’s return.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Then why the obsession?”

  “I told you Kelly! I told you why! I don’t want to nurse you through another bullet wound, or worse…”

  “What do you want me to do about it, Ida? Leave? Just in case?”

  “No,” she said miserably, “I don’t want you to leave. I’m just scared.”

  “Don’t be. I can take care of myself, Ida. I’m not going to let anything happen to me…or to you. You shouldn’t feel guilty…”

  “I don’t! Kelly, listen to me. This isn’t guilt, or regret, or anything like that. But if he does come back…I don’t want anything to happen to you. But you’re convinced it’s nothing to worry about. You don’t know him.”


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