New Frontier

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New Frontier Page 11

by Pepper Espinoza

  Kelly gripped her waist now, holding her tight. “Ida…” he breathed into her mouth, a moan and a prayer.

  She didn’t hear him, though. She was lost in the sound of his breath and the blood rushing to her ears. Ida couldn’t take her lips from him. The thought of leaving the soft warmth of his mouth filled her with dread and even panic, so she increased the pressure and the intensity until their mouths were practically sealed together.

  Eventually, she had to break away, had to breathe. She sucked the cold air deeply into her lungs and immediately her head cleared. Her eyes adjusted to the dark, though there was only the minuscule light from the fire to see by. She couldn’t see his eyes, but she could imagine what they would look like. A torrential shade of blue, heavy with lust and maybe a bit of confusion and something deeper, harder to name. Harder still to ignore.

  Ida sat up, still straddling his legs. He didn’t touch her, but she knew he wanted to. She fumbled with the buttons of her old pants, and pulled them free. Before he could say anything, her fingers brushed against his hard cock as she reached for his buttons. He grabbed her fingers, before she could do anything more, and held them tightly.


  “Let go, Kelly,” she warned him softly.

  “Are you…?”

  “Shhh. Just let me.” Her words were mild, but her tone was not.

  Neither had time to register the ice-cold air on their bare skin before she lowered herself on top of him and surrounded him completely. He stretched her and filled her…filled all her empty places and pushed the air out of her lungs. Ida resisted the urge to rock her hips; instead she leaned forward, and kissed his mouth gently. She felt all of his pent up frustration and self-restraint in the hard lines of his body, in the tension of his muscles.

  “Kelly…” She breathed.

  “Yes?” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Can I really trust you?” she whispered against his mouth.

  She didn’t give him time to answer. She locked her fingers in his, sat up, and began rocking on him slowly. She pushed all the doubts out of her mind, all the fear, all the questions and guilt, and threw her head back. The small moans quickly turned to screams as she found a comfortable rhythm. She felt like she was soaring and knew it would be this good, knew it could be like this from the second he touched her.

  Kelly matched her pace and clasped her hands tightly and let her fall into him over and over again. She moved carefully, and with every thrust, she had the insane idea that he was connecting to her on a deeper, base level. A communication, an understanding, passed between them in the dark. They couldn’t see each other’s faces or eyes, and couldn’t find the energy to speak. But their bodies said everything that needed to be said, and the heat…the heat they generated made them completely forget the cold.

  As soon as the heat exploded in her body, Kelly wrapped his hands around her waist and flipped them over. He settled her in the warm spot left by his body and braced himself above her. She trailed her hands up his chest, and he attacked her neck with his mouth. He kissed her, sucked on her skin, bit her gently. She held his face against her neck, her fingers buried deeply in his blonde curls, and moaned in encouragement.

  While his mouth was busy, his hands didn’t stay idle. He cupped her breast and rubbed her nipple under his palm until it was rock hard and even ached a bit. She moaned and arched her back, trying to tell him that she needed him to do…something. He would know. And he did. He abandoned her throat and his hot mouth fell on her nipple. He pulled it between his teeth and gently bit it while he pinched her other nipple through her coarse shirt.

  “I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” Kelly said against her skin. “I’ve wanted to taste you, touch you, I’ve wanted to be inside of you…” He thrust into her fast and hard. She gasped and clenched his arms. “Do you like that?”

  “Yes…yes…” she moaned.

  “What if I go faster?” he asked thickly.

  Ida nodded frantically and wrapped her arms and legs around him tightly. She clung to him and he moved faster and faster. His breath and hands were all over her. She burned and throbbed for him. His teeth caught her skin and they were sharp, but it didn’t hurt. Nothing hurt. Blood roared in her head. The ground beneath her was hard; the hay scratched her bare back. Her shirt was pushed up around her neck, and none of it distracted her.

  He caught her by surprise when he asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Fine. God, I’m fine,” she gasped.

  “You feel so good,” he whimpered as he slammed into her. “You’re making me crazy.”

  “Kelly…Kelly…Faster…yes…” She clutched his shirt and lifted her hips. She felt greedy and insatiable and the more he pushed into her, the more she wanted. She didn’t think she’d ever get enough.

  “Can’t take anymore baby…” Kelly grunted.

  Ida kissed him and caught his groan-scream of satisfaction in her mouth. He shook against her and she held him as tight as she could as she climaxed with him. Kelly sighed and rolled off her heavily. Without a word, he gathered her up in his arms and she settled on top of his body.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Kelly woke up, he noticed two things. First, the sun was shining brightly off the smooth crust of snow outside, reflecting cold white light into the barn, and surrounding Ida’s head like a halo. Second, she was still on top of him, and he was still deep inside of her warmth. The fire had died sometime after they had dropped off. He could hear Flash on the other side of the wall, munching quietly on what was left of his hay.

  Her head rested on his chest, and he took a moment to just watch her sleep. He brushed her hair out of her face and let his hand fall to his side, unwilling to wake her up quite yet. He didn’t know what to expect from her, but he had his hopes, and his cock grew hard again, standing stiff inside of her. She looked absolutely beautiful in the pale light, her hair shining soft gold around her face. He would be happy to just lie there and watch her for hours, but his stomach was empty and his legs were asleep, his fingers numb. He needed to wake her up and get her to the cabin before another storm hit.

  “Ida…Ida, wake up now.” He shook her shoulder gently, trying not to startle her awake.

  She opened her eyes slowly, confused and unfocused. It only took a few seconds for her to realize that she was still on top of him. Surprised, frightened, she jumped up, narrowly missing his balls with her knee.

  “Careful there.”

  “Oh…oh…” She quickly buttoned her pants and self-consciously smoothed the hair away from her face. “Oh, God. What time is it?”

  He shrugged. “Don’t know.”

  Kelly pulled himself to his feet, watching her warily. He buttoned his pants without looking away from her, trying to gauge her, figure out what she was going to do. For the moment, she was engrossed with straightening her clothes and buttoning her coat.

  “I guess we should…”

  “Let’s get back to the cabin,” Kelly interrupted, unwilling to start a conversation right there.

  “Yeah, right. Of course.”

  Ida quickly fed Flash and before Kelly could stop her, flung the door open and made her way to the hen house. The snow was deeper than it had been the day before, and it was almost impossible to make her way through the wet, sticky powder. Kelly watched her go, wondering if the events of the night before, if what she had said to him and done to him, was already forgotten.

  With a shrug, he began cutting a trail the opposite direction, towards the cabin. He smashed the snow, packed it to the ground, and tried to make her path as clear as possible. When he reached the cabin, he immediately went to the fireplace and built the fire up again. He found a few dying coals beneath the ash so he didn’t have to use one of his few matches.

  Kelly wanted to get out of his wet clothes, but he decided food had to come first. She was probably as hungry as he was. His skills in the kitchen were pretty limited, but he knew enough to fry potatoes. By the time she made it back,
the cabin was warm and full of the sharp scent of frying onions.

  “I’m starving,” she said, by way of greeting.

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “I’m…going to change.”

  He turned his back to her without being told. He would have happily gawked at her, or even helped her, but he didn’t want to do anything to scare her or make her uneasy. He heard her shrug out of her wet and dirty clothes. As soon as she was dressed, she joined him by the warmth of the stove.

  “There are clothes in the chest…” She started.

  “I know.”

  Kelly didn’t need to look at her to know what she was thinking. He could feel her indecision and uncertainty. Could see the way her hand lifted hesitantly and then quickly fell back to her side out of the corner of his eye. He stood frozen, scared to turn, afraid he would frighten her away. But then she sat down, and he didn’t know what to think.

  “Do you want me to finish that?” she asked.

  “No, I can handle it.”

  “Don’t you want to change?”

  “I’m fine.”


  The next ten minutes crawled by in uncomfortable silence. Kelly didn’t know what to say or do. He knew what he wanted to do. Finally, he sat down, placing a plate in front of both of them.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled.

  “No problem.”

  They picked at their food, and Ida seemed to be struggling to find something worthwhile to say. Finally, she spit out, “When will you be going?”

  Kelly swallowed his food hard. “What?”

  “When are you leaving?”

  Kelly stood up so fast that it sent the chair tumbling to the floor. Ida dropped her fork, surprised, and stood up, too. He grabbed her shoulders and marched her back, towards the bed, his face serious, his eyes slightly hurt.

  “I’m not going anywhere Ida.” They tripped over each other’s feet and landed on the bed. He pinned her to the mattress with his body. “Do you understand?”

  She nodded.

  “Not going anywhere,” he said against her mouth, before he kissed her. She immediately responded, opening her lips with a sigh and kissing him back.

  Ida wrapped her arms around Kelly, holding him against her tightly. “Now, now,” she encouraged when he paused to let her breathe.

  They both fumbled with the buttons on her pants, their fingers fluttering around each other and getting in the way. He braced himself on the bed, taking his weight off her long enough for her to slide the pants past her hips and wiggle out of them. She moved backwards on the bed, pulling him on top of her again, and he settled between her legs.

  Ida wrapped her legs tightly around him and lifted her hips. He nuzzled her neck, kissing and licking her until she was practically purring. He thrust against her, but just enough to apply pressure to her clit, teasing her. She thrust against him, encouraging him to continue, to do more…

  “Please, Kelly…”

  He reached between them and unzipped his pants then adjusted himself, rubbing the tip of his cock against her wet pussy. She sucked her breath in sharply, and thrust harder, until his head was just inside of her.

  “Kelly,” she moaned, her fingers curling into his arms, her legs still wound tightly around him.

  “I’m not leaving.”

  “Okay, okay, yes, good…”

  “Do you understand?” He grabbed her hair, gently, and forced her head back so she was looking at him. “Do you?”

  She swallowed hard, the insane light of lust fading from her eyes, replaced by the softened light of understanding. She nodded slowly. “Yes, Kelly, I understand.”

  “Good.” He pushed all the way into her, as deeply as he could. “Good…good…”

  “God,” she breathed. “Oh…God…God…”

  “Ida…pet…oh…Jesus Christ, Ida…”

  “I know,” she moaned. “I know.”

  Kelly pounded into her faster, resting his forehead against hers, sucking in her breath and scent, and watching her eyes change color. He could watch her all day, never wanted to leave her soft, hot little body. “Never,” he panted. “Never.”

  “I know…faster, please…need you…faster…more…”

  Kelly complied, and he felt like he was flying out of control. He clutched her, his anchor, and felt the world swirl and tilt around him. Her eyes are so green, he thought wildly. It was the only coherent sentence he could form, over and over again, like a mantra. So green, so green, so green…

  “I’m going to…right now, Kelly…please,please,pleasepleasepleaseplease…” She was sobbing the words now, gasping for air desperately.

  “Shh…shh…it’s okay…calm down…” Kelly soothed, slowing his pace, until he was barely rocking against her.

  She pulled him closer, and buried her face in his neck. She didn’t say anything, but he could feel the dampness against his skin. He tried to stop, but she wouldn’t let him, she held him tightly and forced him to keep moving. Kelly pulled out completely, and then thrust into her hard, coming deep inside of her.

  Kelly pulled himself out of her grip carefully, taking a few seconds to steady himself on his feet.

  “Where are you going?” She moaned, as though unwilling to let him go.

  “You need to eat.”

  “Right now?”

  “Yes…” He walked over and grabbed her plate. “Go ahead and stay there. I don’t plan to let you out of bed anytime soon.”

  “Is that so?”

  “That’s so. Here.”


  She didn’t bother fixing her clothes, and she was naked from the waist down. She smiled at him slightly as she ate her cool plate of potatoes. He ate quickly, and tossed the plate aside without a second thought when he was finished.

  “You done?”

  She nodded and set her plate aside too. “So…I mean…should we…” She grimaced. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Kelly quickly pulled his clothes off, dropping them on the floor without a second thought. He walked over to her and grabbed the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head gently, careful not to pull her hair.

  “You don’t have to say anything.”

  “I feel like…” Ida faltered helplessly, as though overwhelmed by her feelings and feeling extremely vulnerable. Her nipples were hard from the cold, and she shivered from the weight of his gaze. She self-consciously crossed her arms across her chest.

  “Shhh…” He breathed, leaning forward and kissing her. Her lips moved against his, still trying to form words that she couldn’t voice. He pulled her arms away from her chest and pushed her against the bed. She quickly wrapped them around his body, holding him tightly.

  Kelly wanted to savor her this time. He didn’t want the passion to stem from desperate hunger, didn’t want to feel her face wet with quiet tears and her body shake from painful relief. He kissed her thoroughly, dipping his tongue into her mouth, tasting the faint hint of potatoes and onions, but also something sweeter, wetter. He couldn’t get enough of the taste of her.

  Her hands fluttered over his body, smoothed across his rippling muscles. Her fingernails skimmed his skin lightly, and she touched every part of him she could reach. He thrilled at the butterfly soft feel of her small hands, and he deepened the kiss. He cupped one of her breasts in his rough hand, the calloused skin moving roughly against her sensitive nipple until she moaned.

  Kelly broke the kiss and frantically covered her flushed skin with his lips, working down her body, sucking and nibbling on her neck. She gasped and arched her back, moaning from deep in her throat. She encouraged and directed him with her soft groans and breathless gasps, leading him by the sound of her voice to the most sensitive parts of her body.

  He scraped his teeth gently across her throat, licking it better before the skin could even turn red. He repeated the pattern down her body, alternately biting and licking around her breasts, pausing to suck on her nipples. She moved beneath him, doing her best to touch
and caress him as many places as possible, using her hands and entire body. Occasionally he would moan in response, when she found the sensitive spot above his hip, the ticklish spot beneath his arm, the delightfully suckable spot on his neck, the lickable spot on his shoulder.

  “Ida…Ida…Ida…” he chanted, hot words against her flushed skin.

  The fire cackled and burned, warm air drifting over their naked bodies. Ranger’s tail thumped against the hard floor. Kelly absorbed all the details unconsciously, marking each second, each never-ending minute. He moved lower, lower, skimming past her taut stomach and deftly pushing her thighs apart. She resisted for a moment, shy and embarrassed, but he persisted until her legs were flung wide, stretched on the bed.

  Kelly blew on her skin and she tensed, but didn’t try to push him away, didn’t say anything. Her hands curled around the blanket, and she grasped it tightly, her knuckles turning white. The moment stretched forever as he hovered over her body, his tongue touching his lips impatiently. He glanced up at her, his blue eyes flicking over her face and capturing her smoldering green gaze, waiting for some clue. She neither nodded nor shook her head.

  He dipped his head and ran his tongue delicately down her wet slit, barely slipping past her lips. She shuddered at the barest hint of contact, still tense and unsure, but her body relaxed slowly as his tongue continued to work over her gently, not too fast or too hard, doing his best to keep from surprising her…too soon. He caressed her thighs as he licked her and hummed a little to send vibrations through her body.


  Ida didn’t know what to think. She thought she should push him away, was shocked and even a little horrified by his actions, but she absolutely couldn’t do it. Her toes curled and her hips thrust forward on their own accord.

  Once Ida grew accustomed to the alien sensation of his wet, satin tongue lapping her amazingly sensitive skin, he delved in deeper, circling her hard clit, running the tip of his tongue down the shaft and then pulling it into his mouth, between his teeth. He held it between his lips and flicked his tongue over it quickly and furiously. She shouted with approval, surprising both of them with the force of her pleasure. She bucked against his face, and he was forced to grasp her hips and hold her against the bed.


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