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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 17

by Jessie Rose Case

  Cutting up her bacon she popped it in her mouth, flavours bursting in her mouth and chewed. She couldn’t look at him without images of that six pack, fleeting across her mind. Her mouth watered. It wasn’t the food this time. Dam it. Mac chided herself. She was better than her hormones. She was a professional. She chided herself like a child.

  “Eat.” He told her again pointing with his knife to her plate, cutting into her thoughts. Mac frowned. It was no good. She couldn’t think passed her own needs when in his company. That was dangerous. He gave orders and expected her to follow them. It was so …… male. Exasperated, Mac put down her knife and fork. The food suddenly looking like cardboard, disgusted with herself. She had several degrees, a doctorate or two and numerous other qualifications. THAT, the best she could come up with? It was so …. Male?

  She shook her head and her stomach rumbled. Dark looked up and raised an eyebrow. Mac ground her teeth. Bloody male. Now her body was betraying her. Not eating no longer felt like an option. Was she fated to be controlled by men? Mac sighed and nibbled some toast. She was so ready to be off this craft.

  She was eating again. Good, thought Dark. For a moment there, he’d run the odds on her refusing. They’d been high. She was angry. She ate like a child. His men had reported to him daily, her meals infrequent and small. He’d seen her work long hours with little food. He didn’t like it. She needed more, and better nourishment. Needed to look after herself better, he told himself. And he was the male to make sure she did.

  “You are young to have three Doctorates in the field of medicine and psychology.” He told her between large bites of food. “I understand, you have also published four research papers, all well received. That generally for humans, this is something that is normally achieved after many decades of work and yet, there you sit. Young and beautiful. How is that possible? Are you enhanced?” He picked up his drink and drank deeply, never taking his eyes off her.

  Mac choked and swallowed the mouthful she had and drank some juice to clear her throat. She wasn’t sure if he was questioning her ability or asking if she’d lied. Neither one was good. But it was, a reasonable question. She had applied for the job. She put down her juice.

  “Your right, normally it would take a person, decades, to gain those qualifications, if, you started after college and went through the normal educational system and career choices. I didn’t. I was considered a child prodigy. Photographic memory. Given a fast track to learning. By the time I was 9, I had already achieved my degree in medicine and forensics. Clearly, I was too young to practice, so I moved on to surgery and specialising in paediatrics. I did that for a few years, then moved on to psychology. By the time I was 18, I was doing research on viruses and development in cures for some of the most unknown illnesses. At 21, I moved into research and advanced biometrics on the side. Then I stalled for a couple of years after that.

  “Things happened. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do or where I was going. After that, I came back and did a stint in triage trauma for a couple of years but I still wanted to do some specialist work. So, I moved on and did a stint working with PTSD after that. I’d gained some insight into it myself by then. And wanted to use it. I’d just finished a paper on the effects of Space on the human body and psychology, when …… it was stolen. After that, I needed a fresh start and here we are.” She put down her toast. Finished up her juice and looked up at Dark who was finishing his breakfast.

  “Your brain holds all that information without needing a data back up?” He asked her clearing his plate out the way. How he’d eaten all that, she had no idea. The stomach only held so much. She’d know. He had such good table manners it was surprising. Maybe Cyborgs had two? She wondered distractedly thinking of all that muscled stomach. She’d have to check that out. She mused.

  Mac tapped the side of her head. “Yep. Photographic memory. I remember everything I read. Perfect re-call.”

  Dark stared at her. “Biological from nature or designed?” He asked. She smiled at him.

  “Nature gifted all the way.” She told him. He looked surprised.

  Dark wiped his mouth and hands and put the cloth on the table next to his plate. “That is a lot of data and rare. So, if you lose that data you cannot retrieve it.”

  Mac laughed it was just too funny. He clearly didn’t understand biology. When she saw he was serious, she clamped down on the laughter.

  “If I lose that data big guy, it’s because I’m dead or damaged.” She told him.

  Dark got up from his seat. She guessed breakfast was over and started to rise too.

  “That is unacceptable.” He told her. Mac looked at him confused. “Time to meet the boss. Follow me.”

  Well, thought Mac. Unacceptable or not that’s how it was. She followed Dark out the restaurant and realised they were going in the wrong direction. “Hay, I need to get my things.” She called out almost jogging to keep up. “Your going in the wrong direction.”

  “Your belongings have already been taken care of. I am to escort you to meet Rage. He and his human mate run this Port along with the civilian Council. You will be working for them.”

  Rage? What kind of name was that? She wondered. Then again, he was mated to a human, so he couldn’t be that bad. Could he? Dark was getting away from her.

  “Would you slow down, I’m smaller than you.” She called out after him. Dark stopped and distracted, she ran into the back of him. One solid mass of muscle. And boy what an ass. Taunt. Firm. Well fitted trousers. Images from their time together flooded her brain. Fuck. Head not in the game Mac, she warned herself. She wasn’t sure where to put her hands and quickly stepped back. Had it got hot in here all of a sudden? Her face flushed, her mouth dry.

  “My apologies.” He told her turning to steady her. “I was not thinking about your lack of physical abilities. We will work on that later.” So many things were running through his neuro net, that he’d not considered her smaller frame when walking. Her arm under his touch felt so good. Everything she said and did distracted him. He wanted to fuck her badly. He’d been running a diagnostic to fix that problem, when she’d pointed out he was going too fast. He had failed to consider her needs. To ensure her wellbeing. He had allowed himself to lose sight of her. Dark mentally shook himself. He was poor mate material.

  The results of the diagnostic showed in his visual optic. No failure in his cybernetics or data. Dark did not understand. It was a major concern if his system couldn’t find the problem. He started walking again at half pace and turned to ensure Mac found that easier.

  “Better. Thanks, and for your information, I don’t lack at anything buddy.” She told him striding out. Dark followed her with his gaze. He’d scented her desire. He smiled. She still wanted him. Every now and then he’d caught her scent on the ship and it had been a close call in going after her. Catching sight of her had been worse. Now, his mission was nearly done, and he’d be happy to oblige. Later.


  Mac’s party exited the ship without being stopped. They walked through Space Station customs and security and were waved through the electronic weapons scanners onto the Station itself, in quick time. Mac looked around. Wow… Her brain froze. The Station was vast. She could see up several levels. Ships were docked all around it and it was full of ….. huge hulking men. Cyborgs. Shock made her stop and stare. She knew it was a Cyborg outpost, but she’d not really considered how that would look. The reality was staring her in the face. They outnumbered the humans by a wide margin. She watched the interaction between the humans and Cyborgs. There was no animosity, no sense of threat or intimidation. Everyone appeared respectful. No one walking on egg shells.

  That was a good sign, thought Mac. It would be easy for the Cyborgs to dominate, subjugate the humans, they held the power and yet, they didn’t appear to use it. Mac was relieved to see it. She realised the docking area could take a couple of dozen ships with easy and then some. It was clean and tidy and she’d expected the Station to have the smell
of artificial air circulating but it was absent. Someone had good filters and was creating fresh air. That was a good sign too. Cheap air led to infections or worse. Mac shuddered.

  “Are you cold Doctor?” Dark asked looking as if he was about to take off his jacket. He’d stopped too, completely focused on her. It was a little un-nerving. Mac raised her eyebrows. Gallantry? Here? She realised just how sincere he was as he started undoing it.

  She waved him off. “No , no I’m good thanks. I was just thinking, well thankful really, that someone put in good air purifiers. Bad ones lead to infections. People get ill.”

  Dark indicated they should get moving, making sure Mac followed. “That would be Maqdersa and the boss’s mate. He started the programme before the attack and the boss’s wife impressed with it, helped him improve it. She won’t have something called ‘shoddy’.”

  Mac grinned. She liked this woman already. “I look forward to meeting her.”

  Bevis and Butthead followed her bringing up the rear. They moved quickly through the docking area. There was plenty of evidence of the firefight that had taken place during the pirate raid months before. Probably both before and during the Cyborgs rescue. She noticed shops were still in disarray and empty. Mac thought how sad that was. Moving on to the open causeway, several humans and a large majority of Cyborgs turned their way. Mac tried to keep an easy smile but there was nothing easy about it. She suddenly felt out of her depth. Business’s all related to shipping were scattered about. Some working, most not.

  Signs and shop fronts damaged, the markings of gun fire on the buildings a stark reminder of what had happened. It had been ten months but still several shops hadn’t recovered, were still closed up. Others had repair crews in them. Some just abandoned. Mac had never seen a battle up close. For those that were still here, it had to be nie impossible to move on from, she thought. All the evidence was still here. It saddened her. What they must have gone through, filtered through her mind. Her own experiences threatened to surface. She wasn’t in any doubt, she had her work cut out for her.

  Dark activated the lift system through his neuro net. It opened as they approached. He stepped in followed by Mac and his men. The doors closed and it started to move towards the top floor. “I can smell your sadness. The people are recovering. This station will be great again soon.” He told her.

  Mac gave a nod. It was still upsetting. She’d reviewed the files sent to her. She knew what terrible things had happened here. The lift doors opened and they stepped out. The wonder of the Gallerea opening up before her. With its glass ceiling reflecting the stars and ships docking and leaving. It was a magnificent feat of engineering. Mac was amazed as she gazed up taking it all in.

  “You do that automatically? Or did you command it?” Mac asked curiosity in her voice over at Dark.

  “We use our neuro net to work most electronic equipment and communicate. If we still have the ability to do so.”

  Mac had to agree it was efficient. “Why do some not work? I thought Cyborgs were all on the same cybernetic design?”

  Dark turned towards her. “We are. Some were damaged. In the wars, by others, by themselves.”

  Mac frowned, she didn’t like the sound of that. “They hurt themselves?” She whispered focusing on him. Dark nodded. “Ordered to, or to be free.”

  “I’d like to look at that sometime. See how it ticks.”

  Dark turned towards her. His eyes were vacant for a moment then smouldered and focused on her. “Anytime.” Mac’s heart jumped a beat. There was a lot being said in that look and she wasn’t sure it had anything to do with looking at cybernetics. Or that she was ready for it.

  Dark turned back leading the way. Mac took in the area round her. It was simply lovely. Wide open space with what looked like a park area, trees and that massive glass bowl ceiling. The area was surrounded by shops and restaurants and other things to do. This had to be recreation central for the Space Station, Mac realised. Again, it also carried signs of gun fire and damage and a whole area on the left had been sectioned off. Mac’s senses went off the charts. There was negative energy in that place. Disturbed souls, she realised.

  “What happened here?” She asked pointing out the area.

  Dark did not stop. He didn’t want to say the words for offending her. But she should have the truth. “That was where most of the females were mutilated, raped and died. None of the civilians want to go back into that area. We are considering removing it entirely. As it stands, it is a constant reminder and not healthy for the people. The Council have yet to decide.”

  Mac stopped and turned towards the area. She let out her senses. There was so much energy here. A lot of it. She sensed its oppression and walked over to the area as if pulled towards it. So much pain. Her empathic abilities tingling. Not many knew she had the ability, she’d learnt the hard way to keep that to herself. Some would try to take advantage of it. So she used it for good where she could. The problem was, it could overwhelm her if she didn’t shut it down and hold it back. Now, she centred herself. Focused on Dark to ground her and she let it free.

  Clasping her hands together she bowed her head. A soothing cleansing chant for the dead to find their way, came to her and she sang. The song instilled in her for years and revived on the cruise flowed. Having spent her time on the ship, remembering and using them to help her, they now, came naturally to her when she needed them. The song rose and fell, ebbed and flowed. After several minutes she stopped, the chant ending. She lifted her head and opened her eyes and her palms to the Universe. The place seemed lighter to her. “It is time to go.” She whispered. “You have done all you can here. They are safe now.”

  Her senses told her energy was moving all around her and dissipating. She hoped her instincts were right. Whatever had been experienced here, needed peace. She blew out a cleansing breath. “Go in peace.”

  She waited until the last of the pulsing energy disappeared, then turned. A crowd had gathered. She looked across at them. The humans were emotional. She gave a short bow and walked to Dark.

  “We can go now.” She told him continuing their walk.

  “What did you do?” He asked walking with her, curiosity in his voice.

  “I freed them. Should they wish to take it.”

  Dark wasn’t sure what to make of her statement. He could find little logic to it. He’s senses told him there had been a change in the atmospherics of that area once she’d finished. He thought she was a scientist not a mystic? It was in contrast to what science was all about, but his senses picked up the change. It seemed to much of a coincidence not to mean something. He wasn’t sure what had just happened, but it seemed like a good thing for these people.

  Security on the entrance to Cyborg Control cleared them through into the offices. Dark dismissed Mac’s guards instructing them to re-fuel and switch with the alternate pair. He led her into Rage’s office.

  Mac thought she heard growling.

  “I don’t care what he says. Either we verify that ships clean or he doesn’t dock.” Mac guessed this was Rage. He was another huge male. Looking around the room they were all so …… big. He suddenly turned in her direction.

  “Doctor Navarelli. I see you made it.” He strode forward with his hand extended. “I’m Rage. I’m in charge of security here. I apologise for the mix up. We have a Mack who is a pilot and when I saw your name, I assumed you were male. We are not known for making mistakes.”

  Mac looked at the hand for a moment then lifted hers and was immediately engulfed in it. He shook stiffly. Mac realised he wasn’t used to doing it. He’d done so for her. He looked uncomfortable. She could also feel that too. Her empathic senses still on, Mac tried to pull them back. It was intrusive.

  She smiled trying to put him at ease. “Please call me Mac. I’m only Doctor on official business. You are not comfortable shaking hands with me.” It was a statement not a question.

  “No.” Both Dark and Rage spoke at the same time. Mac withdrew her hand. Ra
ge looked at Dark over her head. She wasn’t sure what he was looking for but his attention came back to her.

  “We are not used to touching humans, females in particular. In our old life many of us were secluded, not social, unless ordered to service females. It was distasteful, and we could not refuse.” Rage told her.

  Mac’s eyes flew wide. Holy shit. That’s rape. They missed that off the job description. That told her a lot. These men had been brutalised themselves. In more ways than one. Thousands of huge men with PTSD. Not just the human station personnel. Thoughts of being way out of her depth surfaced. Her empathic abilities still heightened, she sensed all the need around her. It bombarded her, she started to feel the strain, her mind panicky. The vastness of the task and her lack of confidence hit her. What the hell had she been thinking coming out here?

  She held up a finger, she needed a minute. Mac closed her eyes. How was she, on her own, going to help all these people? She was just one person. They needed a clinic of people. Maybe several. Mac focused on dissipating the energy within her. Taking several calming breaths, she called on her calming chant. She tuned everything out and went through the song. After several minutes, she felt her body relax. She could do what she could. She told herself. Mac opened her eyes to find a female standing and waiting for her.

  “Hello, I’m Kim. Did the big lug there scare you?” She asked concerned, thumbing in Rage’s direction. She leaned forward conspiratorially. “He’s a teddy bear really.” Mac looked over at Rage who was now sitting, looking at his mate. He’d huffed. Several of the males around him had looked amused. Several more seemed to have entered the room. She hadn’t heard a thing.


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