Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 19

by Jessie Rose Case

  “If you are going to stand around growling like the animal you are not, you can leave. If, on the other hand, you’re here for her, then let me do my dam job. I’m going to try and bring her back. If I can, I can tell you right now, she may not thank me for it, she may not want the memories or to face reality and may even be hostile. But if she’s back, in time, with the right help and support, she will be able to move on. How much or how little, I do not know and that will be up to her. If you want anything to do with that, you will need to be patient and strong if you are to help her.” She saw Brak from the corner of her eye nod and step back.

  Mac concentrated on the women in front of her. She placed one hand gently on the side of the young woman’s head and one on her breast bone. She calmed and centred her emotions. Let her empathic abilities flow, steadied her senses, called on her focus to centre on love, light and hope and searched for the woman’s essence. It was think with negativity, loathing and hate. Mac slowly filtered the emotions and chanted, focusing on dissipating them and finding where the female had hidden inside.

  She felt her own spiritual lifeforce draining, as her mind worked clearing away the layers. You had to give to get. Little by little Mac saw the scared blocks and horrendous images crumble and brought her light into the female’s dark world. Mac ached at the abuse this female had suffered. Eventually a whisper crossed her mind ……… You can hide with me, if you want. Mac smiled. For a moment she’d worried she wasn’t strong enough to reach her. She drain on her more than she’d expected.

  Hello beautiful. The time for hiding is over. It is time to heal. To move on. To have a life. You’re a survivor Betsey. So is your sister. She is here waiting for you. She still needs you. Mac told her.

  I…… failed to save her. I could not protect her. I fought but they … they took her. Mac sensed her despair and a brutal pain flared into her causing more damage. Mac worked at drowning them in loving thoughts and images of her sister. The female had not known her sister had not been abused, she’d been saved in time and waiting for her. The notes had told her what had happened. Mac pictured Lizzy in her mind as the bright and sunny child she’d just met and pushed it at Betsey.

  You did not fail her. Look at her. She is alive and well and waiting for you. But she is afraid. Afraid you will not come back to her. Afraid of being alone. She needs you. Mac centred all the light and love she could muster as her energy continued to drain and felt the moment the woman’s soul opened to it.

  She clasped onto it and wrapped it in her mental embrace. Time to come back beauty. To move on. You have been so brave, but I need you to do more. To face the world. The danger is gone, and the living need you. You are not alone. We are here to help you. Let us. Come back to Lizzy. Mac stopped chanting, removed her hands and fell back bracing herself on the wall. She took several deep breaths, it had taken a lot from her. She centred herself and waited. Slowly the female’s eyes focused and blinked. First on Mac then in search of her sister.

  “Lizzy?” She called, her voice horse. The young child jumped up and cried out and flinging herself at the female Betsey. Mac moved to stand. It was a struggle. Her strength depleted. She held it back, not wishing to distress anyone. Grabbing the wall, she pulled herself up.

  “I’ve never seen anything like it.” Joe told her coming to her aid. Brak had moved a little nearer. Lizzy and her sister were crying and clinging to each other.

  “We are in your debt.” Brak told her and bowed.

  Mac spoke to him, her exhaustion close to the surface. “She is with us but, there is a very long way to go. She will need lots of help and may never wish a male.” He nodded and glanced back to the family on the bed.

  Mac started to move off and Joe went with her. “She will need fluids and food.” She told him.

  “I’ll see to it.” They walked to the end of the ward into the corridor and he grabbed her arm. “How did you do that?”

  “I have empathic abilities. Combined with some monastery teachings, sometimes if the emotion is strong enough, I can reach people.” Her exhaustion suddenly hit her and she slumped against the wall. Joe rush over to a chair and brought it back for her.

  “There’s a cost?” He asked worried as Mac collapsed in the chair. She nodded.

  “You have to give, to get.”

  “Ok, that’s it for today.” Joe sounded all Doctor. Mac agreed, a headache was coming on. It had taken more out of her than she’d expected. Neither one, saw Brak watching them or when he glazed over.

  Joe helped her to her office and ordered juice and nourishment. He made sure she took it too. That had made Mac smile. Then insisted she nap on the sofa. He covered her up and downed the lights. Mac wanted to protest but she didn’t have the energy, she really wanted that nap. She laid down and passed out.


  Mac woke some time later, a crick in her neck. She moved quickly wondering how long she’d been alseep. Ouch. So not cool. That was a bad idea. She told herself stretching out. She took a few deep calming breaths and gingerly moved again.

  “Sleeping on a sofa is not good for you.”

  Mac stilled. Was nowhere free of that male? She opened her eyes and found Dark sitting in one of the chairs pulled up next to her. “Do I need a guard to sleep?” She asked frustrated.

  He silently stared at her while she gradually sat up. “No but you seem to need one doing your job. You over extended yourself and it knocked you on your ass.” He was angry.

  Mac drew her eyebrows together. “What’s your problem?”

  Dark stood and paced. This was all new to him. He couldn’t protect her from herself. Couldn’t stand over her while she did her job. He could not stop her doing this again. Hurting herself. He’d sat and watched her for nearly two hours waiting for her to wake up. He had had to check her breathing several times, as he feared she might never wake. Did she not realise? He stopped and roared. Venting his frustration, his fear. His blood raging through him. He called on his cybernetics to calm his system. Only then realising that Mac hadn’t made another sound. He turned to her. He could scent her fear of him. He could taste it in the air. Fuck.

  He turned back to her. “I apologise.” He told her, her fear cutting his anger off. “My concern for you made me act irrationally. I will run a diagnostic to prevent that happening again.” He told her sincerely.

  Seriously? Mac sat back, she wasn’t sure how to respond to that. She sighed. “Look. I’m a Doctor. I have some special abilities that mean I can help people. Sometimes, it takes it out of me. Like just now. I’m quite use to it. And really Dark, its my job. It will happen again. It’s not your concern.”

  Dark gripped his fists and slowly unclenched them and walked towards her. He needed to be near her, touch her. Kneeling he spread her legs so he could nestle between them. Mac’s eyes widened and her heart beat started to pound. “Your special abilities, your empathic correct?” He asked her stroking her thigh through her skirt.

  Mac wondered where this was going. Her body started to heat with his nearness and touch. Her skirt was riding high on her hips, Darks hand close to the hem. It was …….. disconcerting. Anticipation hit her and she damped it down. “Yes.”

  He held out his arm to her. “Touch me.”

  Mac’s first instinct told her this was a bad idea. Cyborgs don’t like being touched. Her second, that she got to touch him, he’d given her permission. It wasn’t professional and she was torn, she wanted to feel him. Not just his cock and mouth and size. Her curiosity won out. Mac slowly raised her hand and tentatively reached forward. Dark froze. Mac withdrew, he clearly couldn’t do it. That sadden her. “Sorry.”

  “No. I needed to prepare myself, it was nothing more. Touch me.” He told her.

  Mac moved her hand forward again and hoovered above the outstretched uncovered arm in front of her. Her mouth went dry and she pulled in a breath. “I will never hurt you.” Dark told her. Mac believed him, nodded and lowered her hand.

  From the second she opened he
rself to touch him, she felt the spark of life. She was still fragile from earlier and her barriers were down. Mac closed her eyes as she was bombarded with a staggering need to live. To survive. To have a life beyond war and death. Beyond being given orders. Beyond being someone’s puppet. Beyond being used. To choose his life.

  Her eyes opened and widened, he hungered to love, to mate. She wasn’t sure he knew how much he was projecting. He wanted a future. And it warred with not wanting to mate. To be responsible for another life. Dark seemed to collapse in front of her. “Yes,” he whispered his head down looking at their connection in what sounded like awe. Did he feel her too? Mac wondered as he seemed to replay the moment he’d realised she was a potential mate for him and the fear that he was not worthy of it, did not want it and would not be able to protect her. And then his greater fear for her, on finding out from Brak she had given her life force to awaken the female. The worry and concern he had for her own wellbeing and the knowledge that he could not save her from herself. Tore him up. He was unsure what to do. Mac felt his anger and how …… lost he felt.

  She took in a sharp breath. The pain was staggering, overwhelming, all consuming. Highly erotic in its need to protect and searingly passionate. She quickly removed her hand. Shocked. It was too much, too real. Too personal. Alive. She tried to pull back on her body responding to it. Mentally threw cold water on it. This was not what she was looking for, she told herself.

  Dark was breathing hard. He was struggling not to take her mouth and rip away her clothes to bury himself deep inside her here and now. Neither spoke for a moment. Dark lifted his head and looked into the face of his mate. “Do you understand now?” He asked her quietly.

  Mac swallowed. “Yes.” She couldn’t look at him. Her own emotions were in turmoil. Did she want this? There was no doubt he wanted her and it was tearing him apart. She should leave. They should stay away from each other. Move on. This was likely to end tragically, Mac reasoned, she didn’t want that. She didn’t want him hurt. Or herself. Her own emotional struggle taking hold. Finally, she looked up and saw the hunger in his eyes. For all his worry and torment he wanted her and she had never felt so much from another being. “Kiss me, I need you.” She whispered.

  Dark hesitated only for seconds before running both hands up her skirt and pulling off her panties. He opened his trousers and his hardened cock sprang froth, Mac took in a breath.

  “That was inside me?” She asked shocked. Dark chuckled.

  “It was and will be now.” He pulled up her chin and looked in her eyes as he pulled her legs further apart and positioned his cock at her entrance. He could scent how wet she was.

  “Yes or no?” He asked her.

  Mac smiled and licked her lips. “Yes.” He pushed his way in slowly, allowing her body to adjust to his size. He had not made her body ready and he could harm her.

  Mac wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him in for a deep kiss. She broke off and searched his eyes. “Fuck me. I need to feel you.”

  Dark pulled her towards him and seated himself fully inside her. Encouraging her legs to wrap around his hips. “Mine, Mac.” He told her as he started driving in and out of her.

  He held her head and looked into her eyes as he stroked his shaft into her body and gave her want she needed. It didn’t take long for her climax to rise.

  Her nipples tingled and hardened, her clit pulsed and clenched along with her body. She could feel every inch of Dark filling her up, making her feel right. Full. Wanted. Needed. At that moment, she didn’t care that they were in her office. Didn’t care that someone could walk in on them at any minute. She was riding on emotional overload and wanted more. Didn’t care that the sofa was banging against the wall as Dark fucked her. She wanted this male and weather he knew it or not, he needed her. In that moment, it was all that mattered. “More.” She told him.

  Dark withdrew from her body at Mac’s demand for more. She protested and tried to grab him. Dark smiled, lent back on his heels and lifted both her legs onto his shoulders and lifted her towards him. He leaned down and blew across her neither lips. Mac stilled.

  “I’m hungry.” He told her kissing down the inside of her leg then lapping at her juices. He found her clit and sucked it in. Mac cried out at the intense pleasure. Pulling her legs apart he opened her to him and tongued her. Mac cried out again. Dark came up for air and pumped her with his fingers. “Quiet now my love, I’ve only just started, we don’t want to be interrupted now do we.” He told her with a salacious smile. Mac wanted to slap him. He needed to focus!

  “Then you’d better get on with it.” She told him panting. “I’ve a hair appointment I can’t miss.”

  Dark growled. Removed his fingers and face planted, his tongue breaching her and fucking her with it. Mac grabbed his head with her hand and rubbed herself into his face. “O yeah…. We’re just getting started.” She cried out flinging her head back and hanging on.


  Dark slowly pulled out from Mac. What the hell was he doing? She’s fallen asleep after he’d made her orgasm for the fifth time, and the third for him. He couldn’t get enough of her. His cock refused to stay down. Dark looked at it. It was ready to go again, dripping cum and pointing at Mac. It wanted in and it wanted to stay there. There was something wrong with him. He stood back, pulled up his trousers and pushed his cock back inside. It wasn’t happy. He needed to leave. Now. Before he did something she wasn’t ready for. Fuck. Something he didn’t want. He straightened his clothing, then hers and covered her in the throw that had fallen onto the floor. “Computer, inform Dr Navarelli on waking that her escorts are already waiting on her and that I had to return to work.” He turned.

  “Acknowledged.” And left her office.


  Mac had taken time in getting ready. She was pissed. Dark had just left her. He’d fucked her several times, one leading into another, then another, she’d lost count, giving her some seriously good sex, then just left. Ok he’d covered her with the blanket someone had provided her with on her first nap, and left a message that he’d had to get back to work, but that wasn’t the point.

  As his message told her, her escort had been ready and waiting, when she’d left medical after saying her goodbyes to Joe. Who’d smirked, clearly he knew and after checking on Lizzy and her sister. She sighed. What happened to the no sex rule Mac?

  She needed to concentrate on her job. What Dark had shown her was part of his soul. She was as humbled as she was scared. There was a war raging inside him that Mac didn’t want any part of or be left in its wake.

  Work was what she needed and some distance from Dark. She had several ideas on how to help the people here and would need to discuss them with Rage. She’d picked a dress she’d never worn and bought on a whim with determination to turn her life around after the ex-debacle. She’d bought the shoes too. Way too high and fuck me heels. Looking in the mirror Mac wondered if the out fit was a good idea after all. She pulled down the dress. It was a bit short for her usual taste and the open back meant she couldn’t use a bra. The front dipped and scalloped from shoulder to shoulder. There was plenty of skin on show. A knock at her suite door roused her from her indecision. “Be right there.” Mac grabbed her purse and headed to the door. Engaged the lock with her hand print and the door slid open.

  Dark couldn’t believe his eyes. In the four months aboard ship Mac had never dressed like this. It was too short and too much skin on show. She was breath-taking and blood ran straight into his cock. Again.

  She suddenly looked uncomfortable under his gaze. “This alright?” She asked wiping her hand down the skirt. It was clear she was out of her comfort zone.

  He wanted to say no, change but wanted to show her off too. “It’s perfect. Shall we go?”

  Mac casually looked at her escort. Dam he scrubbed up well. He was wearing a kind of suit. Still carrying his weapons and on guard. His eyes roamed the corridor. Mac rolled her eyes. “I think we’re ok to go to dinner.” She t
old him stepping out. Dark grunted securing her door. He indicated the direction and she stepped ahead of him. The last thing she wanted was to touch him again. It had led to all sorts of things that her body still demanded, it was just too intense. Her body clenched. Her clit pulsed. Mac walked on.

  “Mac please control your emotions, I can smell your arousal from here and although I appreciate it and want to fuck you into next week. Rage will kill me for being late. Kim will be upset.”

  Mac looked over her shoulder. “Then stop sniffing me like a dog and we won’t have a problem.”

  Dark chuckled.

  “And stop looking at my ass.”

  Dark wasn’t sure how they’d made it to the restaurant in one piece. Mac’s body swayed on the heels she’d worn and he couldn’t help but look at her ass as they walked. In the lift he’d nearly grabbed her, shoved her up against the wall and rammed his cock into her. Dark had moaned, reached out for support and tried not to breath. Then the back of her dress gapped and it was clear she had nothing on underneath the top. He glanced at the swell of her breast showing around the fabric. His cock had hardened to the point of pain, his trousers beyond tight and when they’d left the lift, Mac had turned several times to acknowledge people from medical, her breasts had moved freely, her nipples ripe for plucking through the fabric. He’d had to stifle another moan and bit the inside of his cheek to take the edge of his need.


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