Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 20

by Jessie Rose Case

  He a seasoned warrior, had nearly come in his pants. It had taken more control that he knew he had to keep walking and not drag her into the nearest dark corner by her hair and fuck her like the Cyborg he was. He was so out of control. He needed to talk to Rage. Dark grasped his fists and swallowed down the fire in his blood.

  They entered the restaurant and Mac spotted Kim and Rage over at the bar. She headed in their direction. The place was crowded. Mac guessed it must be one of the better places to eat in town as she made her way over to them. Kim saw her coming and waved. Mac waved back to a growl escaping Dark.

  Dark wanted to pull her behind him. Her breast were about to escape that dress and every male in the place was eyeing her. He reached forward and grabbed her hand. “Gently does it love.” He whispered. “Those beautiful tits are about to be feasted upon by every male in here if they come out to play and they belong to me.” Mac pulled her arm free, nearly doing exactly what he’d said and took several steps over to Kim who had seen it all.

  “He ok?” Kim asked as they arrived pointing at Dark.

  Mac gave an exasperated bored look. “No idea. Cock problems I expect.”

  Kim smirked. “You need a drink girlfriend.” Mac nodded.

  “I might need a few.”

  Rage breathed in deep and looked pointedly at Dark. Was that wise?

  Dark gave the slightest of shrugs. No one but Cyborg would have seen it. No fucking idea man. I can’t be around her without needing to fuck her and keep fucking her.

  That could be a problem. Rage told him.

  Don’t I know it.

  Do not, fuck up my new Medical Director. He warned. Dark didn’t know if he could do anything else. This was crazy, he told himself as he scanned the room, wanting to burn out every male’s eyes in the room. He had to get this under control.

  The drinks flowed, the conversation good. Mac started to relax and the waitress showed them to their table. Mac felt she’d made a firm friend in Kim. Both men held out their seats for them. Mac was a little surprised but took the seat without comment. “So,” Kim asked. “What did you two do this afternoon?” Mac chocked on her drink and coughed.

  “We fucked.” Dark told her.

  Mac chocked again. “Jesus.” She called out alarmed. Kim laughed. “It’s not funny.” Mac implored her.

  “It is from where I’m sitting honey. And Cyborgs don’t have the same embarrassment we do.” Kim waved her hand. “Forget that, its your business. What do you think of the place?”

  Mac didn’t hesitate gaining control over her breathing. “I like it. I can do a lot here to help these people. I think it’s a good fit.”

  Kim clapped in excitement. “I’m so glad you said that. I think you will fit in here just fine too.” The waitress appeared at her shoulder. Mac hadn’t a clue what was good here. The menu said things she knew but was it the same out here in the middle of nowhere? She looked at Kim who was engrossed in her menu then to Dark.

  He was watching her. “What’s good here?” She asked him.

  “Do you eat meat?” Mac nodded. “Good, so do we.”

  Dark looked over at the waitress. “T-Bone, extra-large, seared, rare. 2 Eggs on the side, 2 Jacket’s all the trimmings. French bread, butter, garlic mayo, 2 corn, some of those garlic mushrooms and double bucket of chicken wings. Load the veg. The lady will have the fillet. Medium.” He looked at Mac and raised a questioning eye. She nodded. “A jacket all the trimmings. Regular veg.” Dark handed his and Mac’s menu to her.

  “That sounds good. We’ll have the same.” Rage told the waitress handing over his menu and taking Kim’s too. The waitress didn’t blink an eye and moved off soundlessly. “That’s enough food to feed a nation.” Mac mumbled looking around the bar, it was humming. Kim laughed.

  “Cyborgs, have a fast metabolism they can eat two or three times what we do.” Mac turned back to her.

  “Really, I’d like the specs on that.” Kim nodded.

  “It makes for good reading.” She told her. Mac noticed the place was booming. People were out to enjoy themselves. It was good to see. There were more men than women. A lot more Cyborgs than humans. Several mixed goods, male and female, Cyborg and human. The atmosphere was light and friendly. Their booth was a little out the way and afforded some privacy and a great view for people watching.

  “How did you find the clinic today?” Rage asked.

  “Joe seems like a very capable person. It’s been run very efficiently. If somewhat run down before the raid. I went over the inventory history. It was starved of some resources. That, isn’t good but since then, things have improved greatly, there’s still work to do of course but I look forward to dealing with it. All the staff seem competent. They’ve done some good work. I was sorry to hear about the previous Director. He and he wife were well liked. Someone forgot to tell me I’d be running it.” She gave him the eye and a distained look.

  Rage frowned. “We are still learning on the information thing. Cyborgs do not explain, they tell or are ordered and just accept things. I apologise. I do hear the same good things about the staff.” He told her. He leaned forward. “Do you have any ideas on how to move this place forward?”

  Mac gave a sad smile. “Well, this is a good start.” She told him pointing around. “I do. I want to start a program of meditation and contemplation. I’d like to bring some friends in from the monastery I stayed at some years ago. They are good healers and their therapy second to none. I’d like to bring in some old school Tai Chi. Run it in the open park area in the mornings. Anyone can join in. Then a period of calm and soothing meditation. From about 9am for around 45 mins each.” Mac pick up her glass and took several sips. “I also want to start a programme of one to one with some of the women. I want to try and take some of their pain away, lead them from the nightmares and into the light.”

  “No.” Interrupted her. Mac turned to Dark.

  “Excuse me?” She asked offended. What right did he have to tell her no?

  “You did that today and it knocked you on your ass. It’s too dangerous.” Mac bit her lip, narrow her eyes and gripped her seat to stop her lashing out and punching Dark in the gut.

  “What’s he talking about?” Kim asked.

  Mac sighed. “Part of my empathic abilities enables me to help those I touch who are lost to find their way back. It takes energy to do it and earlier today, I helped Lizzy’s sister in the clinic. It took a lot of my energy and it knocked me out for a bit.”

  Kim reached out and grasped her hand. “You got Lizzy’s sister to wake up?” Mac nodded. “That’s amazing. Thank you. Lizzy’s special to me. I will go see them tomorrow.”

  Mac smiled. “I’m sure she would love to see you.”

  “Those abilities are very valuable and could be dangerous to you.” Rage told her rubbing his chin, “I can only agree to you using them if under strict control. I cannot have my new Director passing out.”

  “I agree.” Mac told him. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She glared at Dark.

  “I want to help the Cyborgs that are damaged as well. I will need full diagnostics on their flesh and bones, their metal and cybernetics. I’m guessing each one is slightly different. I also want to work on their emotional wellbeing. From what you have told me, I expect some have complicated issues.” Mac tried hard not to look at Dark.

  Rage raised his glass. “Done. That might be easier than you think. Most of us still have working neuro nets. What you work on with one, can be shared with others. It means that you will only have to work on those whose nets no longer work individually.”

  Kim picked up her own glass. “To the new Director of Healing.” They all picked up their glasses and toasted. Kim put hers down after drinking. She had a twinkle in her eye. “I heard a couple of interesting things today.” She told them. Mac looked over at her from behind her drink. “I had a computer request for some information. Seems I’m not the only one who has an affinity with Old Earth.” Kim grinned and raised her eye
s and glass at Mac. “I really need to catch up on some old vids to answer it. A couple of cartoons would be good.” Kim told her with some mystery in her voice. Mac caught on and tried to hide her grin. “Care to recommend any?” Kim asked her straight faced.

  Mac held it together. “Well, I can think of two. Defiantly Popeye. There’s defiantly a lot of spinach eating going on.” Mac told her again avoiding looking at Dark. Kim nodded.

  “What about Bevis and Butthead?” Kim asked in all innocence. Mac noticed Dark recognising the names and narrowing his look at Kim. Mac glanced at Kim solemnly and nodded. “Definitely that one, though a bit slim, it’s a winner and I have to be honest,” she told her hands in the air, “I did consider Mork and Mindy for about 2 seconds and dismissed it. Wasn’t sure who’d be Mindy it was a close call and let’s be honest, no muscles and not a cartoon.” Kim clearly couldn’t hold it in any longer and laughed banging her hand on the table.

  “I like it.” Kim cried out.

  Both Rage and Dark looked confused. “I fail to see what information is in this conversation and how it relates to the request.” Rage told Kim. Kim patted his chest and he sat back. It was a clear signal not to get involved. And he knew when to leave well alone, Mac thought.

  Dark was sure this was at his expense and those of his men. He’d asked Kim for the information. He narrowed his eyes at Kim. She smirked. He would have to look into this himself. Computer run information on Earth cartoons Popeye and Bevis and Butthead. I want full report on what they are, who is in them and their designation. Clearly a request through to Kim for information on Bevis and Butthead wasn’t going to work.

  Acknowledged. Running research ….

  Mac’s steak was heaven. She’d been shocked when the waitress had provided a side table then proceeded to load plate after plate of food on it. Dark and Rage’s steaks were so large they filled an over-sized plate each. They needed two more plates for the potatoes and veggies. Then the chicken wings and mushroom. That was four plates each. Kim’s and her own food was a good size but it did fit on one plate. The French bread took up another plate as did the corn. No wonder this section on the menu was called ‘The Texan Wonder’. Clearly the wonder was how the hell you finished it all.

  But that didn’t stop Dark or Rage. Mac watched stunned as they devoured every morsel and looked like they could go again. “They sure can pack it away.” She said distractedly watching Dark’s mouth take on a corn. Butter was running down the side of his mouth. She had the urge to clean that up herself. With her tongue.

  “Yep,” Kim agreed. “They sure can.”

  They passed on dessert just before Dark started laughing followed by Rage. Kim and Mac looked at them.

  “Cartoons?” Dark said. Mac tried not to grin. “Bluto?” He asked her. Mac shrugged.

  “Your big and was acting dumb.” She told him.

  “I see.” Mac wasn’t sure he did.

  Kim made a comment that dessert was always better served at home. Mac didn’t think she meant food and raised an eyebrow. Kim smiled innocently. That was defiantly off. There was nothing innocent about that girl.

  “Come woman I need cream on my coffee.” Rage told Kim wiggling his eyebrows and standing up. Mac was sure that was definitely another innuendo. She REALLY didn’t want to go there.

  Fatigue crept in, it had been a long day and she wanted to be up early and in her office shortly after 6am. She made her excuses. Rising from his seat, Dark made to came with her. “You don’t have to leave.” She told him automatically.

  He pulled her chair back. “We are all finished, where you go I go.” Mac was too tired to argue. Rage swiped something at the waitress. Saying her goodbyes to Kim and Rage she made her way outside. It was less crowded and the air cooler.

  Her mind wandered. It didn’t make any sense to her. It was all artificial air and should be the same everywhere on the Station but somehow, they’d managed to make it feel like it was land based, outside. Mac realised it was a nice touch. It added to the illusion of this area being an outside social place. She breathed it in. It wasn’t easy to create this.

  Mac walked in silence for a short while then stopped by a bench and slipped off her shoes. Her feet were killing her. She wasn’t used to them. Before both feet touched the ground again, she found herself in Darks arms.

  “Hay, I can walk?” She told him as he walked in the direction of her apartment.

  “Yes you can, but you can also harm yourself walking on this floor.” Mac didn’t have a response to that, he was probably right and she didn’t have the energy to argue. She was full of good wine and food and hadn’t felt this good in years. He could have this one she decided.


  Mac woke in bed fully clothed with a flow blanket over her. Her bladder was complaining. She threw off the blanket and sat up. Her mouth was dry. A lamp was on in the corner of the room. And Dark was sitting in the chair by it. Watching her. Well that was a bit…. weird.

  “Did I wake you?” he asked.

  Mac shook her head. “No. I need the bathroom.” He got up from the chair.

  “Do you need assistance?”

  “No, no I can do it myself.” Dark stared at her.

  “As you appear to be ok I will leave you now.” Mac frowned. Had she been ill? She couldn’t remember anything passed being picked up.

  “Sorry, why are you here?” She queried. His face gave nothing away.

  “You expected me to leave you while you were sleeping? We have a connection you and I. I did not wish to disturb you and you may have needed me when you woke.” Wow, thought Mac. Had any man been that aware of her? She didn’t think so. That was ……….. unnerving. She swallowed. Her mouth suddenly very dry again. Her body heated. Not now! They couldn’t keep jumping into sex. No matter how delicious it was.

  “Thank you.” She told him and meant it trying for some control. She refused to look at him. She was a coward. She admitted it. It was clear she had very little control around this male and she desperately needed to find some. Lack of control always led to doom.

  Dark looked at her a little longer. Drawn to his gaze she reluctantly looked up. It was like he’d been waiting for it. Dam it. He smiled giving her the full effect. Her stomach did that clenching thing again, he breathed in then turned to leave. Mac decided he looked way to smug. He was so dam handsome. “We have eternity. Goodnight.” He called out over his shoulder as he walked away and the door closed behind him.

  Did he just say they had eternity? She wasn’t immortal and as far as she knew, nor were Cyborgs. What the hell did he mean by that? Now desperate for the bathroom she headed in. They weren’t chained together. Ok, Cyborgs lived a long time, sometimes centuries. And then it struck her. Did mating a Cyborg give longer life to their human mates? She needed to look into that. She hadn’t heard of any research in that field. Mac mulled it over. The possibilities were huge. So could the consequences.

  If people thought having a longer life could be obtained at the expense of Cyborgs? They’d be hunted. Mac shook her head. That couldn’t happen. She finished up her business and washed her hands. She’d have to talk to Rage about this. If it was true, they’d have to keep it under wraps.

  This job was way more than she’d expected. She really needed to beat up on HR. They had fucked her. This was way too confusing. Or was that tempting? Mac sighed. That wasn’t a good sign. She needed to get her head in the game and quick.


  Mac listened to the information announcement being played over the Station PA system. It had been playing since she had agreed the information. She would be doing Tai Chi and Meditation classes free of charge in the Park area of the Gallerea every morning from 9am. All were welcome, young and old to join in and try it. Mac put up another poster on the outside of the clinic about the daily exercise. She had spoken to the Council and they had agreed that school would start with her classes. They would all be coming to support her. It would be good for the children. When she had hel
p, she’d think about evening classes for those that couldn’t make it in the mornings.

  Handing materials to Bevis and Butthead they headed to the lift system on her way down to the lower floors. She was going to ensure that at every entrance to a lift there was a poster. The more that saw it, the better her chances of success. The lift door opened and they stepped out. Mac indicated where she wanted this poster and they walked the floor finding the other five lift systems and put up posters there too.

  They called a lift at each point and put a poster up inside it. Once completed Mac called the final lift and they stepped in to the next level up and completed the job all over again. Got back in a lift and went to the next floor. And did the same with the others until they had covered all the main floors and every lift on it. That just left the lower docking areas and the three floors known as the lower basement. On the bottom, were storage and work stations, engine rooms, workshops, hardware and forge. Then up one, the heating and ventilation equipment, water storage, food storage etc, all the mechanics to make a Station work. Above that, barracks for the majority of on duty Cyborgs. The last of the lower three decks before the docks started. Her ‘boys’ had offered to do those floors once they’d been relieved by the next shift. It was on their way.

  Mac exited the lift back on the Gallerea and bumped straight into Kim. “Hay, I see you’ve been busy.” Kim told her looking at the poster.


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