Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 21

by Jessie Rose Case

  “I know its old school but sometimes we need a visual and there’s no time like the present to kick things off. I wanted to give as much notice as possible. I just hope some of them turn up.” Mac told her laughingly.

  “Well I’ll be there. I’ve never done it but seen some of those old vids, it looks interesting.” Kim told her looking impressed.

  Mac remembered how it had helped her. “I was lucky to be with the monks when I did. I learnt so much from them. They keep the old ways going and there are so few of them now.”

  “Did you invite them?” Kim asked. It was clear she was excited by the idea.

  “I did. I sent a message yesterday. Got a reply this morning. Three monks volunteered to join us. They will come for six months and if it is successful, they will swop with others on a regular basis.” Mac smiled. “They see it as a new venture, a new challenge. An opportunity to bring their teachings to a new audience. They’ll be on the next ship out.”

  Mac grabbed Kim’s arm and moved her to a more private area. She moved away from her guards and leaned in to whisper in Kim’s ear. Cyborg hearing was too dam good. “I err, don’t suppose Dark is going anywhere on assignment, is he?”

  Kim pulled back and looked at her, curiosity clearly on her face. Then leaned in and asked, “why? He annoying you? Cos I gotta tell you, they do that, a lot.”

  Mac looked around and blew out a breath, then leaned back in. “I can’t seem to get away from him.”

  “Do you want to?” Kim asked her directly.

  Mac blew out a breath. She didn’t want to be in this position, no matter how much the man tempted her. It was a distraction she didn’t need. “I came here to get away from all that, ….. entanglement. The last person I was involved with stole my work, then used it to get the job I was after and cleared out my bank account to boot. I don’t need any more males in my life.”

  Kim clasped her hands to stop her shaking them. Mac hadn’t realised she was doing it until that moment. She leaned in and whispered. “Dark would never do that. That’s not how they think or work.”

  Mac crumbled a little and whinged quietly to her. “I know that …… it’s just ……. He’s so ……. And he’s there ……. And being male ….. and doing stuff …… flaunting that cock at me …... looking shit hot ……. tying me up in knots………His own emotions taring him up…….My body’s betraying me. …….. And the things he says ……and does, Jesus I think my mind has turned to mush around him. I’m lucky I haven’t had a heart attack. He’s just ……… too much.” She grabbed a nearby seat and sat down. Her guards made a move to come nearer and she gave them a narrowed stare. They stopped.

  Kim sat beside her. “Flaunting that cock?” She whispered. “Got to see that.” Mac turned and gave her the evil eye. Kim chuckled. “Ok, ok. It’s a bit over powering, isn’t it?” She admitted. Mac nodded.

  “I’m a professional. I have a reputation to think of. I should be better than this.” Mac told her.

  Kim laughed and stared off into the distance. “Where these males are concerned, there’s no defence. I tried, I know. And no one here will think less of you for enjoying your life. Too many have been lost. Including Cyborgs. I think in some ways, they are trying to make up for time. They youngest one found so far is 67 adult years. Course, they all look 30ish, unless their aging was programmed to stop early. Some, in their early twenties. Imagine knowing your 70ish and have lived that life.

  “ It’s like all the classic social garbage we are so used to, means nothing to them and they see it as a waste of time they don’t have and choose not to engage in it. I’d like to say there is some defence you can put up against a mated male, but honestly, if you say yes, he will consume you in the most delicious way. Afterwards just thinking of him, creams your pants and when he fucks you, you will see stars and keep wanting it, over and over again. You will become the centre of his world and everything, and I do mean everything else, will orbit around you and your needs. You will relish that he can fuck you, to within an inch of your life but he will also prise you above all else, kill for you, die for you if needed and so will his men.”

  Mac was speechless. “Bloody hell. Seriously? I don’t want anyone dying for me, Dark included.”

  Kim nodded. “O yeah. It’s all that and more. I’m a lucky woman and thank the stars for finding Rage every day. Before him, I wasn’t living. What I can tell you honestly, is that no other male will ever be available to you again or be good enough. You won’t want to look at anyone else if you go this route. So be sure before saying yes to his hands and tongue. If it’s no, make sure you mean it. There’s no going back either way.”

  “Fuck.” Mac whispered. It was a bit late for that.

  Kim smiled. “Deliciously so.”


  “You need to back off.” Dark stood looking at his boss’s, the Admirals mate. She’d jumped off Rage’s lap at his entrance and came straight at him. She looked pissed. Dark knew first hand that was never good. “I’m not losing a new friend because you can’t keep it in your pants.” She yelled at him. Dark frowned. He hadn’t got it out of his pants. Well, not today.

  “I don’t understand.” He told her.

  “Your crowding her. You need to give her some space or you’re going to lose her.” Kim told him.

  “I have not been crowding her. I have been respectful. Ok, we all had dinner.” Dark indicated the three of them with his finger drawing a circle.

  “Yeah,” Kim put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot, that, was another bad sign, if she went for a spoon he was in serious trouble. “What about after dinner? What happened then?” She demanded.

  “I took her home.” Dark blurted out annoyed at the accusation.


  “And nothing.” He told her

  Kim gave him her stink eye. He knew that was bad. “What did you do?” She demanded. Fuck.

  “I ……… put her to bed and stayed in her room until she woke up.” He told her feeling guilty and not sure why. Kim threw her arms out and turned to Rage. “Stalker, I told you.”

  “Lets all calm down. No one’s losing anyone, friend or mate or Doctor to this Station.” Rage got out his chair, picked up his mate and dumped her back on his lap. He sat stroking her. Dark envied his devotion.

  “She needs time to get used to the idea.” Kim stared back at him. He wasn’t about to argue but it slipped out.

  “You didn’t.” He told her sulkily and watched her eyes flair. That had been a mistake.

  “Rage, I need a spoon.” She spat out. Rage chuckled.

  “No spoons. He’s right, I dominated and you caved.”

  Kim turned on Rage. “I also remember shooting you a few times and out witting you more than once and tricked you into paying more credits. That was foreplay for us. I gave in because I was in need of a good shag and this man mountain had the goods, Mac’s different.”

  “She’s aroused by me, I can smell her, its driving me.” Dark told them honestly. They both turned back to him and Kim huffed.

  “So is half the universe that doesn’t mean your getting a shag fest any time soon.” Kim told him bitingly.

  Dark grabbed a seat and sat down. Fuck. “I don’t want a mate and not just shagging either. That’s not who we are.” None of that sounded right. Dark threw his hands in the air. “Fuck. I don’t know what I want. What do you suggest?”

  Kim snuggled on Rage’s lap, his strokes became more ardent. “Go get her monks, they’re important to her, she’ll thank you.” Kim told him batting Rages hands to little effect.

  Dark didn’t want to leave the Station. His reason battled with his emotions. What if what he wanted was right here. If he left, others could try and take his place. It was unlikely. She scented of him. Other Cyborgs wouldn’t be attracted, but humans? They could be. Dark shook his head. He knew her. Mac would deter anyone else he was sure of it. But, eight Earth months away? It was a long time for a human. Did Mac need so much time to figure out
her need of him? Did he, to understand his? Dark ran his processors. He knew the action irrelevant, he already had the answer. He didn’t know. But, if she wanted her monks. He would go get them for her.

  Dark got up from his chair and walked to the door. I’ll go. He told Rage over his neuro net. Good. You leave tomorrow. Now get out. Dark walked out into the Gallerea and looked up at the universe. His hearing barely registering the ripping of clothing or Kim’s declaration that she needed Rage’s cock, so he’d better give it to her.

  He walked in the direction of his rooms. If he was lucky, he would see her before he left.


  Mac was nervous. She waited for the lift to stop. She lifted her own version of a Doctors uniform and bent down to grab her bag. She’d leave both in her office and use her private bathroom when the exercise was completed to get dressed for work. The doors opened and Mac stepped out followed by her two guards. It was the alternate two today. She had yet to come up with a name for them, they were both so fierce looking. Maybe Dastardly and Muttley? She wrinkled up her nose, she wasn’t’ sure and headed into the clinic, glancing over at the Park. There were several people standing about. Ok, not too bad for a first occasion.

  Mac ran into her office, dumping her things on her desk then walked out. Several nurses and doctors had spotted her and followed her out. She made her way to the Park area, saying good morning to several of those waiting around confirming they were in the right place, there were several children in a small group from the school. Mac walked over and said hi to everyone and introduced herself to them, giving Lizzy who’d come in with Brek, a wave and thumbs up. Then took up position in a slightly raised area and checked the time. 5 minutes to 9.

  “Good morning everyone.” She called out. “Thank you for taking time out of your busy days to all come together. I know how hard that can be. We will be starting in a few minutes. Tai Chi is an ancient Earth Chinese tradition that, even today, is still practiced as a graceful form of exercise. It involves a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing. It is skilful and easy to learn and a good stress reliever. No matter your health or age, there is an element of Tai Chi everyone can do. It starts very simply.

  “Please remember to breathe deeply throughout and release the air slowly through the movements. You are looking to centre yourself from your everyday stresses and concerns. You simply allow yourself to concentrate on the movements and follow the exercise leader. You may stop at any time but it will run for 45 minutes. The more you do the better it is. I would ask for silence. The exercise is done in a peaceful contemplative manner. It starts with the chime of a bell.” She spotted Kim with several Cyborgs joining the group.

  Mac picked up her data pad and instigated the audio programme. The rustling of trees, birds chirping and water flowing, filled the air. “Everyone find a space that is arms distance from the next person around you.” The bell chimed and Mac told them, “Breathe in,” and started to move. She reminded them to breathe out and in again until they got it and kept the movements slow and measured.

  She had gone over this exercise the night before. This and the meditation were the one things she had kept up since her time with the monks. It helped her in so many ways to centre her. To give her peace. To deal with her own anxieties and emotions. She had never been so grateful for it as she was now. These people needed it. Mac started to tune everything and everyone out. They knew to follow her the best they can. With time, they would get better. She focused on her own needs and let go.

  Dark had been standing to one side out of Mac’s line of vision. After what Kim had said he didn’t want her to see him. He noticed the moment she stepped into peace. Her movements became fluid her balance perfect. He had never seen anything like it. It was like a dance of sorts but he could see that with weapons in her hands, it would be a deadly dance indeed. He would teach her to use weapons.

  She looked powerful and beautiful. His com activated over his neuro net. Departure in 1 hour. Pre-checked in place. He needed to go. He recorded the images of her movements and the grace and peace in her eyes. His abilities allowed him to do that. This was something she loved. Maybe this mission was a good idea after all.

  Dark requested the Tai Chi exercise be recorded and relayed. It would have to sustain him until he returned. He gripped the post and held it. She would want him on his return. He would make sure of it. With one last lingering look, he turned and walked away. His body still raging with his logic.


  Mac slowed to finish and stood eyes closed. The audio finished as it had started with the chiming of bells. Mac breathed out and opened her eyes and turned back to those watching her. “Well done everyone. Now those that wish to continue with meditation or join us for it. This is what you need to do …….. “


  “That was amazing.” Kim told her bounding up to her at the end of the meditation, drinking deeply from her water bottle and handing one to Mac. Mac looked around opening her own and taking a long pull. People were shaking hands and smiling. The atmosphere light, peaceful. It had gone well.

  “Glad you liked it.” Mac told her acknowledging several people as they moved through the crowd. “Will you come tomorrow?”

  “Of course. Unless we are off on a mission I’ll be here, and I will get as many of the others to come too.” Mac smiled.

  “That’s great, thanks.” And glanced around. She was sure she’d spotted Dark earlier.

  “Looking for someone?” Kim asked. Mac kept walking towards her clinic.

  “Not really.”

  “That’s good because Darks on a mission. He’s gone to get your monks.” Mac pushed through the clinic doors, Kim followed and walked to her office with her.

  “Really? But we just got here?”

  Kim slumped into one of the chairs in her office. “He volunteered after a little conversation. You wanted him on a mission and now he is.”

  “What? He did this because of me? Why?” Any peace and calm Mac had accomplished in her Tai Chi and meditation evaporated as she sat down.

  Kim sat forward. “He was bothering you. Pressuring you before you were ready. And actually, after talking to Rage, he didn’t know what he wanted either. You were panicked. He saw it. The job came up. He knew it was important to you. He was reminded you needed time. He took the job because it was important to you.”

  “I think I’m getting the abbreviated version.” Mac told her a little annoyed and not sure why. It was what she wanted right?

  Kim shook her shoulders. “The result’s the same. You have eight months to figure out what you want.”

  Dam it. That was a chunk of anyone’s time to ensure someone else was happy. It was a selfless act, an act of …….. devotion. Mac frowned and took a sharp breath in. She had the sudden and clear recollection of Darks feelings towards her when she had touched him, before he’d fucked her and given her some of the best sex of her life. And she knew, he would have kept coming for her had he not left. And, she wasn’t ready for that. She wasn’t sure she ever would be. The fact that he understood all that was humbling. “I should thank him.” She felt sad.

  “He’s already gone.” Kim told her with a little sadness in her own voice. Mac nodded resolve kicking in. No goodbye then. Probably best.

  “Any chance of some coffee?” Kim asked her with a bit of desperation in her voice. Mac laughed. Kim couldn’t live without coffee. And Rage made sure she had it.

  “Sure.” She pressed her intercom. “Could I have coffee for one please.”


  Mac entered her apartments and sighed. It had been a long day. She’d found herself drifting throughout the day thinking about Dark. Part of her was glad of the space but she felt awful. She hadn’t meant for him to be gone eight months. “Lights.”

  She threw down her bag and got a cool drink from the beverage maker. She’d eaten at work and wasn’t up to anything else.

  “Doctor Navarelli you hav
e one message.” Mac looked up from her drink. She wasn’t expecting any messages.

  “Computer play message.”

  The vid screen came on and Mac walked towards it and sat down. Dark took centre stage. He looked uncomfortable. “I …. “ He looked to his left. “Was going to leave you an audio message but I was told that would not be very personal. I do not understand this as it would have come from my neuro net to your computer. That seems very personal to me.” Mac smiled at his words as Dark frowned showing his confusion. He really didn’t do human very well. Mac guessed Kim had something to do with the personal thing.

  He looked back at the screen. And seemed to stare right at her. “I saw you today beautiful, doing your ‘Tai Chi’. You looked magnificent. It was a beautiful dance. One day I hope to do that with you if you would allow me. You will know by now that I have left the Space Station. I am to retrieve your monks. Part of me does not wish to go. It is a mission and for the first time in my known existence, I wished to refuse.” Dark shook his head.

  “I do not understand this. Since meeting you I do conflicting things, I run diagnostics to find the cause and yet, I know I will not find an answer in doing so. Because the answer is staring at this vid. You. You are what has changed me and my logic and emotions are at war.” He looked straight at her.

  “Every breathing moment since that first meeting is full of you. I know that I must give you time, allow you to find it in yourself to want me. And I too, need to understand this. Be sure, of what it is I want from this life. If I had stayed I would have been the Cyborg I am and taken you any way I could have you. Every time you’d let me. You would have caved to my dominance, to my touch but you may not have truly welcomed it openly. Not really. I’m told you are battling it already. And things would have been …….difficult for you. So this way is better.” He sighed and looked dejected.


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