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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 22

by Jessie Rose Case

  “I do not wish to hurt you. So, I give you time. Eight months Mackensie Navarelli. And then I’m coming for you. I will not hold back. I will not give more. At the end of which, we will either be together or I will be dead to you. If you truly do not want me at that time, I will move off Station and be posted elsewhere. Our time maybe short together when it happens, but it will be glorious, I promise you. Be sure Mac. I will want what’s mine in every sense if you say yes.” Dark swallowed and seemed to struggle for a moment.

  “Wait for me Mac. Please, I struggle with this knowledge. But I do not want to be without you, wait for me.” He nodded to the side and the screen went blank.

  Mac’s heart was racing. He had all but declared his love for her. But she also heard his resolve. He was looking to conquer his emotions for her and their time together would likely be short if she accepted him. She wiped at her face. Tears? For all his bluster and dominance, he was an honourable man. She would replay the last 10 sec’s of that message over and over in the coming eight months. From the moment she known he’d gone, deep down she knew. That dominating, intense male was everything she’d ever wanted. Even if it was short term. But was she brave enough to try?


  6 Months later.

  Mac settled behind her desk. She’d been in earlier working through some files and information, then left to do this morning’s Tai Chi and meditation. It was starting to take up most of the Park in the Gallereia as more and more people came to join in. Word had spread and there were calls for an evening option. She couldn’t wait for her monks to arrive and take some of the burden of it off her shoulders.

  If it continued to grow she’d have to think about finding space on other levels. Several people had become excellent at doing it and filled in for her when she couldn’t do it herself. Maybe a rotation of taking the lead would be a good idea and if they found space on other levels, it would help those that had other commitments. She’d have to have a chat with the Council. Mac pressed her intercom, “Casey, please make an appointment for me with the Council. Thank you.”

  “Giving in your notice?” Mac looked up and Kim was standing in her doorway.

  Mac snorted. “Hardly. We’re becoming larger than the Park, I think it’s time we moved it to the levels. People won’t have to come up here unless they wanted to. I’m sure some would prefer to come up and will continue to do so, but it would be easier for a lot of people, if they had access to their own.”

  Kim took a seat and drank from her water bottle. “I’m sure the Council would approve. Its done a lot to improve the lives of people here.”

  Mac agreed. Things were better. Her one to one sessions were paying off. Betsey, Lizzy’s sister was making great progress so were most of the others. Those she couldn’t reach she hoped the monks would help. But generally, people were coming to terms with what had happened. For those that were in the raid it was nearing a year now. Where anger, withdrawal and anxiety had gripped people, now acceptance and calm prevailed. The presence of the Cyborgs had a calming effect she hadn’t considered. But there were many, that still needed help. That were beyond what she could do. She needed the monks and specialists she’d asked for.

  “You know, I’ve been thinking, if we build on this programme and introduce other specialist programmes we would offer services outside of this Space Station. Offer a place of refuge, of treatment, of contemplation, recovery. It would bring good people here, some would stay.” Mac pitched.

  Kim nodded. “I like it. I’ll mention it to Rage. So, any more messages?” Mac blushed. “There was one waiting for me last night.”

  “How many is that?” Kim asked not able to keep the amusement out of her voice.


  Kim grinned at her. “Well you can’t say he’s not a trier.” Mac felt her clit pulse. Looked up and grinned at her friend. Kim gave her a questioning look. “He’ll be here in less than eight weeks.”

  “Yep.” She answered tidying her desk to look busy.

  “You ready?” Kim asked her. A clear question in her voice. They both knew what that meant. Mac stopped and looked back at her friend. They’d got close over the last six months. Kim had always looked out for her. Mac wasn’t used to it and Kim just dragged her along, not taking no for an answer. Made sure she had plenty to do, she’d taken an interest in her work, plagued Rage to get things done for her and become an important element in Mac’s life.

  Mac shook her head and held her hands up. “I’m not running. He played this just right. It’s just not the same without Bluto.” Mac pouted, then they both smirked.

  “He will probably be chomping at the bit by the time he gets here. It’s gonna be full on, no holds barred, fuck you into next week kinda sex. Where you cannot walk, talk or think. You know, the best and only kind, thank you god!” Kim cried out.

  Mac couldn’t help but laugh at her friend’s antics. “Guess, we’ll see.”


  Dark had pushed for another engine upgrade. They’d managed two remotely with Kim’s directions. He’d contacted her and demanded the best she had, then asked, then grovelled. He wasn’t ashamed to admit it. He needed to get back to Mac. This trip was taking too dam long and his vids to her, Dark felt queasy, they were getting pathetic. He’d had to re-do the last one four times. He slumped at the desk in his room and slapped his head into his hands. What the fuck was wrong with him? How much longer could this go on? His warriors were starting to avoid him. Sparing wasn’t helping. He was breaking a few bones and his warriors were now wary. He banged his fist on the desk. Whose stupid fucked up idea was this anyway?

  The alarm sounded. Dark looked up and connected his men via his neuro net. Report!

  Raiders, possible pirates coming in quick. They haven’t seen us yet, but they can see the cruiser.

  Dark stood. Unlike their ship, the cruiser could not hide its signature. It made them a target.

  Dark grinned. Thank the gods. Killing something would help. Battle Stations. Secure the cruise ship. Full armour. If they fire on us, return fire. If they try to board. Shot to kill.

  Dark grabbed his armour and put it on and decided Rage would have to look at security for the cruise ships if the Cyborg Empire were to have regular trade routes. Dark checked his weapons and headed for the Bridge. This is what he knew. This was who he was. No conflict. No second guessing. They’d come calling on the wrong ship and he’d make them pay.

  Dark entered the Bridge. “Report.” Some of his men couldn’t use their neuro net, they’d been fried one way or another, so Dark vocalised his orders.

  “Their coming at us fast. I told the cruiser we would take point. We asked unknown craft for registration and identification and got nothing back. The cruiser is a big target. It’s unclear if they know we are here.” Cage told him.

  “Incoming!” Craz shouted

  “Looks like they don’t care either way. Keep them away from the cruiser, fire to intercept, defensive placement B. Inform Admiral Rage we are engaging. Connect me with our men on the cruiser.” Dark called out.

  Cage nodded at him. Warriors of the Cyborg Empire, relay this information to our men without neuro. I do not want a ship wide panic from the civilians. We are under attack. Likely pirates. Move into defensive positions. You will be alerted if boarding is imminent.

  The view screen lit up with an explosion followed by another. “Both launches interceded and destroyed. They just launched three more.” Craz called out.

  “Send out seek and destroy.” Dark ordered. Craz nodded. He was plugged into the ships systems.

  “Their trying to get around us.” Cage called out.

  “Stay with them, keep us between them and the cruiser.”

  “Second ship split from the first, must have been hiding behind it, sweeping around to the cruiser.” Cruz reported.

  “Send fighter’s now, can we get to them in time?” Dark asked.

  Cage shook his head, “unlikely.”

  “I want firing positions o
n that second ship and alert our men, possible breaching coming their way. Update them on location. Give me the Captain of Cruise ship.” Dark demanded.

  Cage gave him the nod. “Captain Direau. They have a second ship and its heading your way, we are engaged with the first and have sent fighters to intercede the second, it is likely they will breach before we get to you. My men on board are aware. Bring your defensive weapons to bear on this new target. I suggest you do a ship wide announcement informing all passengers to go to their cabins and lock down until told otherwise.” Dark told him. The captain nodded to someone off screen.

  “Thank you for the heads up. We have the second vessel tracked. Keep us updated.” The screen went off.

  Dark could leave the second ship to his men on board. Dark looked at the first one now visible on screen. “Get us on that ship.”


  Mac had struggled to shake off a sense of uneasiness all day. She lifted her glass and took several pulls of her wine. She leaned back on her sofa, her feet up. She’d gone over several things that she’d thought might be the cause but nothing triggered. The intercom pinged. “Computer connect.”

  Kim appeared on her vid screen. “Hay girl, there’s no easy way to say this so I’m just going to say it. Dark’s ship and the cruiser have come under attack.” Mac sat up. “We think its pirates. He has plenty of men with him and he is Dark after all, so I’ve no doubt he’s in charge and killing anyone out of line or not welcome. I just wanted you to know. Rage is sending out a couple of ships to intercede my best engines but even so, they will take 10 days to get to their last known position. It’s the best we can do.”

  Mac felt her anxiety explode. “Was he ok?” She got out.

  Kim nodded. “Message came direct via him, he was ok then.” Mac nodded she looked up at Kim. Her emotions running riot. Had she lost him before she’d given him a chance? Tears threatened to spill.

  “Can I send him a message?” Mac asked.

  Kim looked curious. “I don’t see why not. It would make you feel better and he’d get it at some point.”

  “You the phycologist now Kim?” Kim shrugged, “I’m learning a lot from my bestie.” Mac smiled despite the pit of her stomach being on fire.

  “How do I send the message?” Kim looked surprises.

  “You’ve never replied to any of his?” Mac shook her head.


  “Just tell the computer you wish to reply on the last one, he’ll get it.” Mac felt better.


  “He’ll be ok. As Rage reminds me often, their Cyborg.” Mac gave her a waning smile.

  “Speak later ok.” Kim nodded and the screen blanked out.

  Shit. She had really fucked this up. For months she’d been dreaming of him and taking cold showers. A cold sweat came over. What if she never got the chance? Did it really matter how or why they were together? “Computer display Darks last message and ready a reply.”



  The last two shots had been too close for comfort. Dark tracked the explosions. “Someone’s good at tracking on that ship. They found us with the stealth. When we get on board, I want to know who it is, try not to kill them all.”

  The ship was too close now to use missiles. The ships guns started firing in various directions. That person didn’t have the same skills as the first. Dark watched as the guns started to turn in their direction. “Get us in there now. If those gun’s come close to firing on us, take them out. They’ll know we’re here so no point holding back now. All non-essential warriors with me.” Dark gave a nod to Cage and walked off the Bridge and headed to the cargo bay. He heard the relay. All non-essential warriors to the cargo bay. They were going in.

  “We’re going in the front door ladies, make sure your locked and loaded I expect a welcome committee.” Dark looked at the two docking ships waiting for them to board. Both had stealth and turned to his men. “Burn, you and your boys like an easy ride, take the second ship, blow the emergency hatch, work your way around to us and we’ll push for the Bridge. Try not to kill them all, some might not be arseholes.” Several of the men grinned. They all knew it wouldn’t be easy. “Ok, 8 minutes and counting.” He looked at Burn, who gave a sharp nod and jogged to the other craft with his men following him.

  Burns neuro net worked. He could communicate with him and the other men. Dark knew the men respected him and that he was a good leader, he’d get the job done. “Right, move out.” Dark headed to the other ship.


  Mac stared at the vid screen and the blinking red light. She swallowed. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. A cold sweat broke out down her back. Her fears of her past riding her. She reached forward and grabbed her wine and took a large gulp. She chanted her mantra. She was in control. Her breathing slowed. She felt calmer and looked up at the screen.

  “Hi Dark,” she waved at the screen and put on her best nice to see you smile. “I got your messages. Thank you. I enjoyed hearing about what you were doing, that you found the monks waiting for you. I’m glad you like them and was surprised you’d taken up Tai Chi. I expect your good at it. I look forward to seeing it.” Mac smiled again. She was stalling. She looked around nervously. Then leaned forward.

  “Thing is, you got under my skin a bit and I started to look forward to seeing those vids. Not just because you were changing, you know, not being such an ass an all, but I could see that this did mean a lot to you and you were willing to show me. Your last vid was ……….. “ Mac struggled for what to call it, “personal, special.” Mac gave up trying to be nice and threw her arms up. “The thing is, they started to mean a lot to me too ok and I’m sorry I didn’t answer any of them, I didn’t realise I could. Stupid I know.” She raised her shoulders in apology.

  “Now, I hear your in danger and I have this knot in the pit of my stomach and it’s all your fault. That tells me you might not be ok and there’s some shit going down. Then Kim lets me know you’re under attack. Do you have any idea what that’s like? It’s horrible. I felt sick and wanted to punch you for going.” She calmed down and took another swallow of her drink.

  “Don’t kill her for that ok, Rage will be pissed. She was worried for you and me. And that’s just it. You and me. What the fuck are we doing?” She implored at the screen. “I can’t be doing this Dark. I’m all over the place. Can’t concentrate, struggling to work. That’s not who I am.” Mac blew out a breath and leaned back in the chair. “Get your ass home. Stop fucking about with those pirates. Kill the lot and come home.” Mac paused. “Without you, there will be no me ok. So get your head straight and ass back here Cyborg. I’m waiting. End message.”

  Mac sat back. “Computer start message from 5 seconds before the talking and send.”



  Dark went over the specs of the pirate ship, it was cruise class. Could hold up to 2000 men plus cargo.

  It would make a nice prize, thought Dark as the hatch blew, as scheduled and several stun grenades were thrown into the other ship by his men. Dark held until they exploded then charged in with his men. He wasn’t wrong, they had been waiting for them. Guns opened fire behind those knocked out by the charges. Thoughtfully they had placed barriers in front of the hatch that were now good positions for them. His men made quick work of finishing those off that were down and moved forward. Their protective armour giving them the ability to take fire and keep moving. If it went through, their own bodies could take more than a few hits before it started to shut down. Their nano’s fixing damage as fast as it was created.

  The fighting was intense and vicious. Clearly they didn’t like being the one’s boarded, he mused as he cut down another pirate and his men spread out taking out anyone in their way. Craz connect to the ships systems, we’re in.

  They pushed on, never letting the other side re-group or send in re-enforcements. It was important to hit hard and keep hitting until it was over. Over his neuro net B
urn reported he was getting less resistance and was moving towards them fast.

  These pirates were committed, they fought and many died, others were left injured but they didn’t back down or run. Dark was impressed. They still needed to die.

  Move faster, Burn’s having all the fun, we’re being left behind. He told his men over his neuro net. He saw the hand signals of his orders being passed on by his men. Dark acknowledged it was a challenge. There were far more of them than Cyborgs and they kept coming. Pockets of resistance were set up in their way. Burn be aware resistance pockets are set up in our path. It was slow going. They had rooms to search and clear before going on and a rear guard to protect. Craz, I need enemy numbers.

  Dark left several men holding the entrance. Better to be prepared than caught unaware. Defensive charges were set.

  Dark checked his co-ordinates as fighting continued around him. Dark, ship’s crew listed as 749. There are 385 none Cyborg life signs, going down fast. “Move out.” He called to his men. Burn was ahead of them on the other side of the ship. Between them a contingency of men had dug in. Burn bring your men towards us we’ll pin them in.


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