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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 33

by Jessie Rose Case

  Pain ploughed into her body unable to stop. The visual of Morgan taking his cock, over and over again, and the glow, her body held from her own climax, called to him. He could feel she was rolling into another. He leaned forward and pulled her up against him grabbing both breasts, needing them. He caught her eyes in the mirror. Circling her nipples with his thumb, brushing over her erect nipples with his hands, while he penetrated her from behind. Morgan moved under his hands, moving her body to his touch. “You like that female? Like my hands on you?” Pain caressed both breasts pulling them forward to teats and twisting the nipples with his thumb and forefinger. Morgan moaned.

  He increased his pace and strength, slamming into her. Morgan tried to close her eyes but he wouldn’t let her. He let go of her breasts and pulled her head back to his shoulder, turning her back to the mirror.

  “Not done Morgan, watch.” He went back to stroking her breasts, tweaking her nipples. He licked along her neck, as he trust up into her. “Gonna fuck you female. Hard. Then play with you, till you beg me to take the pain away. Then I’m going to fuck you again.”

  Morgan opened her eyes and watched him as he went back to caressing her breasts and plucking at her nipples, her breathing became chopping. He could feel how close she was to coming again. He ran one hand down her body slowly, so she could track it, then across her belly down to her pussy and slipped his hand through her folds, finding her clit again, circling it and he rammed up into her.

  Morgan was in sensation overdrive. She’d never experienced sex like this. Pain was drawing everything from her. Watching him fuck her, was an experience she had not imagined. The feel of his cock ramming in and out of her, his calloused touch on her breasts and nipples, brought her climax within reach. As he delved between her folds onto her clit, he spanked it hard. Morgan’s orgasm detonated flinging her forward. She screamed and would swear she saw stars. Unable to hold herself up, she collapsed on top of the table, all her energy spent.

  Vaguely aware, that Pain wasn’t finished, his unrelenting pounding went on. She tried to catch her breath, as need tormented her, he reached forward over her and gripped both her shoulders pulling her to him, and started to brutally slam into her. Morgan clung to the table. He was so deep and she was so full. Another climax hit her out of nowhere. Morgan could only manage a whimper riding the delicious wave of pleasure, as he gave two hard thrusts, smashing into her body, and then heat flooded her. And kept flooding her.

  Holy fuck. He was coming and kept coming. He was out of breath and so far rammed in side Morgan, he wasn’t sure if he’d buried half his body inside her. He’d never been so desperate to be so deep in a female. They were both spent. He given over to the emotion of spilling his seed inside a female of worth. It was exhilarating. Drugging. His cum slowly reseeded and he slipped out of Morgan. She complained and Pain smiled. Even after such an onslaught, she wanted more. He picked her up and carried her to the bathroom smiling. It was still early and he had plenty of time …..



  Morgan woke starving, her alarm going off. She reached over and slapped at it. Then turned over and realised she was on her own in bed. She frowned, torn. She expected to feel relieved that he’d gone, she wasn’t much for the morning after, and tended to leave straight after sex. But it was her room and Pain gave no indicating of leaving last night before he’d finally, let her sleep. She smiled a Cheshire Cat smile and stretched out. That male could fuck. Images of his body, cock and mouth flooded her. Had she survived that? She grinned, then sighed remembering he’d gone. She realised she was disappointed, wanted another round. She moved gingerly, not one to linger and found she had no pain, just sore in all the right places. She gave a satisfied hum. She knew her enhancement would sort that out before breakfast. She stripped the bed and headed to the shower. She had work to do and food to find if she was going to last out the day.


  Pain had left before her alarm was due to go off. Although, he’d badly wanted to fuck her into the morning, he didn’t want to push his luck. He’d had the best night of his life and still he wanted more. Even now, his orders waiting, he wanted nothing more than to go back to her bed and fuck her. His cock hardened. Fuck. He’d be going around with blue balls all day. His logic told him. Pain had reasoned, that although she’d welcome being woken by his cock, in the long run, it would have made things difficult. And he knew this morning, Morgan would be all business. She wasn’t ready for more yet, but a few more nights like last night and she would be. He smiled as he headed to the gym. He needed to work off some tension. And plan his next attack.


  Morgan headed out her rooms and found Ted waiting for her. He looked her up and down assessing for damage. She knew the look, and gave him a pained expression. He sniffed and smiled. Morgan cringed, she’d showered, twice. Dam it! Bloody Cyborg senses.

  “You could be a gentleman and not do that.” She grumbled heading to the lifts. Ted followed.

  He’d shrugged. “I could, but then I’d not know.” She sighed. You couldn’t hide anything from Cyborgs. What did she expect? She called the lift.

  “Breakfast, it’s on you.” She told him resigned, walking into the lift as it arrived.

  “He was good then.”

  Morgan snorted hitting the button for the Gallerea. “He’ll do.”


  “I’m guessing from the good time vibe, your sending out over your net, that things went well last night?” Rage asked him as he entered his office and sat, in corner sofa.


  “You gonna be able to work together?” Pain could feel Rage’s concerned clear across the room.

  “Why the concern?” Rage was sucking the good time feeling right out of him. He didn’t like it.

  Rage leaned back in his chair. Pain could feel the stress he was under. “Cos I need you to focus. This Station is still at stake, and I don’t want to get involved in arrests that are to do with Earth Corp. I need it done and dusted, and them gone. So you good with that?”

  Was he good with that? He’s mind screamed. No. But he had a job to do and he would do it. “I’m good.” He told him.

  Rage stared at him. Pain stopped himself from squirming. Rage wasn’t sure to believe him or not. Pain didn’t like disappointing. “Your meeting to discuss all data exchanges and the arrangements for arrest warrants, is this afternoon at 14:00, don’t fuck it up.”

  Pain got up feeling like a newbi. He gave Rage a nod and left his office. It wasn’t a surprise to be ordered to get this done. He’d always known Morgan would be leaving, so why did it stick in his gut like a knife wound? He tried to shake it off as he entered the Gallerea. They still had plenty of time between now and then for him to make his point with Morgan, he told himself. By the time arrests had been made, and they were leaving for Earth Corp space, she’d be under his control. Pain smiled. He could see it now. He’d dominate her over the next few days, make sure she couldn’t live without him or his cock. And she’d choose to stay.

  As if speaking of her brought her to him, Morgan exited a lift with Ted and headed to one of the café’s. He brushed Ted’s mind with a ping and he looked over finding him instantly.

  She ok? Pain asked.

  He could feel the Cyborgs humour. I don’t have to kill you today. Ted didn’t stop as he kept pace with Morgan and entered the café with her.

  He wanted to be with her having breakfast. He felt cheated somehow. And he had his orders, he needed to prepare for that meeting and he still had some files to sort out. Reluctantly, he turned and headed towards the lifts. He needed to get his head in the game, if he was to win this war.


  The meeting was going as Morgan expected. The Council room had been taken over by Rage for this meeting. He’d brought his team in on this. It wasn’t unexpected either. Pain and Dark and several other warriors sat with him. Rage had introduced them as the Council. Morgan sat opposite with her boys and Ted. Rage had o
utlined his concerns over the number of people that needed to be arrested. Morgan wasn’t about to negotiate. The evidence spoke for itself. They all needed to answer for their crimes.

  It would create a vacuum in the hierarchy of running the Station and he needed to deal with that. It was now his Station, for now anyway, until she could clarify the origin paperwork. Leaving any instigators behind, would only allow it to start again. Morgan felt, Rage needed to send a message, and this would be it.

  He was also worried about moral on the Station. She could understand that too. The Station was only now, recovering from the devastating raid by pirates that had raped and killed many. This would be another setback to many. But Rage wasn’t human and didn’t understand, that once these people were outed, others that had lost loved ones, money and power, were likely to be looking for revenge. It would get ugly and nasty real quick and involve others. There would be chaos. The cut needed to be swift and deep. And the why, needed to be transparent.

  “I agree with Morgan.” She turned to the voice of reason and frowned. Pain was backing her? “Once we start removing leaders and the others involved, people are going to want to know why, then, they’re going to get angry. We could lose friends real quick and find ourselves facing a mutiny, and/or humans looking for payback and answers.”

  Morgan sat forward, interlinking her fingers in front of her on the table between them. “It is also likely, they’re not going to just take your word for it. You’re going to have to expose them and the evidence you have.” Rage looked over at her.

  “Right, what do you suggest?” He asked her.

  “We need to keep this tight and smart. I think we should have a party. Several of them in fact.” Several raised eyes stared at her.

  “You invite the Station to join in celebration, this Station being under authorised transfer by Earth Corp to Cyborg control. Give it a name. We run them over the next 48 hours. Everyone gets an invite to one of them. People will be surprised and relaxed. Guards will be down. As part of that celebration we then invite all those on our list with their families, to a special drinks reception. Selected personnel only. Attendance mandatory. Glaze the carrot with something along the lines of lucrative new contracts. Get them all in one place. Lucky for us they don’t know each other’s involvement. Arms check on the door. Music, drinks. Then lock down. We deliver the information of what we have on each of them, my men move in. Offer the families a choice. Let them know the information will be Station wide and that some may seek retribution and offer them the choice of staying or going.

  “Those that choose to leave. Get an escort to pack their belongings and transport off with us next day with the prisoners. As we’re leaving you post the information Station wide, making it clear, with the evidence, of their wrong doing and that justice has been served.”

  Morgan sat back. It was a good plan. Limited involvement with the population and all the players dealt with in one pass. It was the best they could ask for.

  “The Magistrate might have something to say about that.” Rage told her.

  Morgan shrugged. “He might but as far as I can see he’s clean. So, I’d suggest you filter off the Magistrate along with those Councillors who were cleared of any wrong doing, from this special invite only party. And give them the information separately before you act. They would be expected to attend such a party anyway and seeing them would take away any suspicion. By the time you filter them off, it will be too late for the others. Once he has the information, he’d know he couldn’t deal with all of that and getting them off the Station, is in his and everyone else’s best interests.”

  “And Fieit?” Pain asked.

  “He’s a murderer, corrupt and violent. He comes with us.”

  The room was quiet. Morgan could see several conversations going on around her. Several blank stares. Information being passed neuro net to neuro net. She let them have their moment.

  Rage turned to Pain. “I want all those that could backfill these posts, checked out. Then call in one pair in at a time, those being charged and our designated second, tell them their being promoted and the one leaving, needs to pass on any essential information to their second in the next 24hrs. Their new posts will be handed out at the reception.”

  “Sounds good. How do we know they don’t pass on the bad stuff?” Pain asked.

  “Once Morgan and her people are gone. I want to call in all those seconds to another meeting. We show them first, what we found and that any repetition, will result in the same action. We’ll be watching.” Rage told him.

  “Ok,” Pain addressed them all. “We send out announcements from today that celebrations of ………… ‘Freedom Day’, will start to take place in 24hrs. Everyone is to wait for their invitation and join the party. Free drinks and food.”

  “You’ll need to make it look good. Get banners made celebrating it, put them up around the Station and party up the Gallerea park area. Sort out music, the works. Get the women on board, they can handle it.” Morgan told them.

  Rage looked uneasy and looked at Dark.

  “What?” Morgan asked

  Rage shifted in his seat. “If I get my woman involved she’s likely to demand a spoon and cut someone’s heart out.”

  “Kim?” Morgan asked.

  “Yeah, you don’t want to piss that gal off and when she finds out about this, she’s gonna be pissed.” He told her distractedly.

  Morgan shrugged again. “You need her, suck it up.”


  The meeting broke up shortly after that. Plans were in place. It was a good plan. Morgan walked with her boys and Ted heading back across the Gallerea, back to the ship. They needed to get it ready for the prisoners. Provisions needed ordering and checking. Rooms and cells needed the once over. It wasn’t a pleasure ship, but they could make it as comfortable as possible and that meant plenty of good food and water for hot showers.

  She’d been so distracted running through everything, that she hadn’t seen Pain join them until he grabbed her arm. Morgan stopped and Pain was staring at Ted. He gave a nod and her boys and Ted marched off. What the fuck?

  He started pulling her towards a doorway. “What the fuck are you doing?” She asked him trying, to get her arm free. He ignored her, bent down and threw her over his shoulder holding her legs down against his chest with one arm. “Hay fucktard put me down.” She cried out, hitting him hard on the back. Pain slapped her ass.

  “Quiet women.” Then slipped his other hand up her thigh finding her apex and rubbed at her, she was already damp and he could smell her. Opening the buttons on her trousers, he slipped his fingers in and played with her pussy. Morgan hissed and squirmed. He slipped two fingers into her and pumped. Morgan moaned. He found her clit and rubbed. Coming to the door, he pushed through. It was a store room. He spied the wrench next to it, removed his fingers from her heat, picking it up he slipped it through the handles, no one was coming in. Dropping her to her feet, he turned her and yanked down her trousers and panties and pulled them off as he did his own.

  Quickly leaning back against the table, his legs stretched out in front of him, he was too tall to do anything else, if Morgan was to have her feet on the floor. He pulled Morgan back towards him. It had only taken moments. “What the fuck are you doing?” Morgan had found her voice. He stroked his cock and positioned it at her entrance.

  “I’m fucking you.” He slipped the head inside and pulled her onto him.

  Morgan panted. She was spiked on his cock. Her back to his front. Sort of sitting on him. She wasn’t sure how she’d got here or how he’d got his cock in her so easily or so fast. It felt so good. The fact that anyone could have seen them, adding to the spice. His rough hands slid under her T and roughly sort her nipples. He thrust into her fully. Her back bowed, he pulled on her breasts.

  “Missed your heat this morning female, waited long enough, had to be inside you. Move Morgan.” He told her. She did. It was uncoordinated and ungrounded. Pain moved his hands to her hips a
nd steadied her. “Now fuck me.”

  Morgan moved, slipping up and down his cock. Her body delighting in it. The pull on her muscles as she moved him in and out of her, as delicious as the night before. Her muscles clenched and Pain moaned. She increased her pace. She’d done that to him. She wanted more. Wanted, to make him come. He liked to pleasure her, so why the hell not?

  Pain knew the moment she gave in to it. Her pace became focused and her movements determined. He stroked up and down her front, teasing her breasts and nipples, grazing his nails over them, then running his hand down her belly into her core and teasing her clit. Morgan’s movements became more erratic the faster she moved on him. She was close, he could feel it rippling along his cock. Grabbing her and keeping deep within her, he turned them around. They both needed more.

  Putting both her arms out in front of her on the wall, he kicked free of his trousers and grabbed the hem of her T. Pulling it over her head, he pinned the head hole behind her neck, leaving her arms caught in the fabric. It exposed her body and locked her in place. Pain picked up the pace and hammered into her, taking both her breasts in his hands. He could feel her muscles tightening around his cock again. He saw her fingers claw at the metal wall. She was close.

  His mate needed to come and he’d oblige her. He found her clit and raked his nail over it, flicked it then circled it hard, Morgan held her breath reaching for her tipping point, “don’t come in me,” she whispered breathlessly. Pain heard her, just before she screamed her climax, some of his joy evaporating. He hated the feeling. She collapsed in his arms and he thrust into her.


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