Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 34

by Jessie Rose Case

  “Why not?” He gritted out between thrusts.

  “They smell you on me.” Slipped passed her lips.

  Emotion rode him. She didn’t want his scent on her? She was his. HIS. His anger burst forth and he gripped her harder, hammering into her with everything he had. But it wasn’t enough. He wanted to mark her, make her his, show the world she was his mate. But she’d refused his seed. Pain tried to find some logic, some understanding and failed. That wouldn’t stand. He lifted her from the wall and placed her at the table, pulling her wider apart and still he fucked her. It was deeper now. Better, more of him inside her. His mouth salivated. He gripped her hair and yanked her head back at him.

  “I’ll spill outside of you Morgan because you asked, but I am marking you.” He leaned forward and bit into her neck. Morgan cried out and he tasted her blood. He sobered quickly, he’d hurt her. It was unacceptable and he couldn’t think how it happened. He licked at the marks knowing his nano’s and hers, would heal it. He kept his mouth on it so they would remain alive long enough to fix it. His cock still driving into her.

  He was close to coming. The taste of her blood on his tongue divine, he licked hungrily at her neck hoping it was enough. His balls tightened, tendrils of cum started to seep from him. He had to pull out, he was going to spill. On his own cry of desperation, anguish and need, he pulled her off his cock and spilled to the side. There was no pleasure in it. It brought up more unwanted memories. No warm body to take his seed. He held on to Morgan. He felt cheated. Cold.

  Morgan slowly became aware that Pain was lazily caressing her breasts. They were both panting, sweet covered. Her neck ached. She reached up to touch it, it was sore but her hand came away clean. “You bit me?” She knew her voice sounded vague. She was more than a bit confused. He kissed her neck and nestled into it.

  “I did, I’m sorry. You asked for me not to scent mark you and it fried my brain, the need to mark you uncontrollable. It will not happen again.”

  Morgan snorted she didn’t understand why Pain had such an overriding need to mark her. “You don’t know that.” He turned her around to face him, picking her up, encouraging her legs around his waist. He found her entrance and slipped his cock back in. She clung to his shoulders as her body came to rest on him.

  “This is new to me Morgan. I will learn and adapt, that’s what Cyborgs do.” He rocked her back and forth onto him. His eyes searching her face.

  Morgan licked her lips, held his shoulders and moved her body with his. “Your too dam good at this.” She told him. He leaned forward and kissed her gently, then pulled back and smiled.

  “Let’s take this slow for once. I want you begging me.” He grinned, lifting her T off her. “And I need to worship this body with my tongue.”


  Morgan made her way to Mac’s clinic. She’d given Pain some excuse about forgetting she was to stop in and see Mac. He’d kissed her lightly before letting her go, after they’d fucked several times over. Neither of them could seem to get enough. It scared her. He’d make her come, fondle her and her body would respond again. It seemed impossible to resist.

  He’d kissed and dressed her, his caresses bringing another orgasm, his mouth on her clit, his tongue fucking her. She had to push him away in the end. It was too much and she’d quickly finished off dressing before he could touch her again. Pain had sent her on her way with a slap to the ass and walked away humming. She knew her neck was healed but she needed to talk to someone. That had been intense. And at the end, he had blown her mind with the tenderness and devotion he’d shown her. That wasn’t fucking and she knew it. Part of her had desperately wanted it. Wanted to hold on and never let go. It scared the hell out of her. She didn’t want this. Couldn’t have it.

  She knocked on Mac’s door having been given the go ahead by her Secretary. “Do you have a minute?” Mac looked up, smiled and waved her in.

  “Sure what’s up.”

  Morgan slumped into the chair and burst out crying. She had no idea why. She was a soldier. She didn’t do crying. She could see Mac was shocked and confused across the table. Morgan waved at her to say ‘its ok’ but it was anything but, ok. The realisation made her cry harder. Mac got up and closed the office door and pushed some tissues her way and let her cry. She tried to tell Mac what had upset her several times, but it got all jumbled up and she cried more at her own frustration.

  Morgan wasn’t sure how long she’d cried for. She’d been a snivelling crying mess for some time. Mumbling incoherently. Then realising how stupid she was being and crying over that. Nothing made much sense. She could tell by the amount of used tissue and the appearance of a second box, that it had probably been awhile. She took several deep calming breaths in desperate need of some control. See looked up at Mac. There was no judgement. She knew Mac was empathic.

  “How bad was I?” She squeaked out leaning forward to take the glass of water that had been put there, drinking deeply from it.

  “Close to crashing. You’ll be ok now.” Morgan nodded trying to stop another bout of tears from flowing.

  Mac got up and brought back a bottle of water and re-filled her glass. Morgan picked it up again and drank some more. It helped. Morgan owed her an explanation.

  “This,” Morgan waved her arms around to include the office, “is privileged right?” Mac nodded settling back in her chair.

  She blew out a breath. Guess it was time. She took another pull on her water. Getting her time line right and her emotions in order. No one knew everything.

  “Pain, he wants what I can’t give him. His eyes are so expressive at times, I feel I could drown in his need of me.” Morgan took several deep shuddered breaths.

  “My father was an abuser. He abused my mother violently for years until he killed her. She was weak and wouldn’t leave him. Even when my elder sister came to her one morning with blood running down her legs, my father still in her bed drunk, she didn’t leave and take us with her. She told my sister that he didn’t realise what he was doing and it had been a mistake. That it wouldn’t happen again.

  “But it did. She was thirteen when he started on her. I was eleven and hated hearing him coming up those stairs and my sister, begging for him to stop. By fifteen she was a shadow of herself and pregnant. It wasn’t sanctioned, so my mother pretended indignation of my sister whoring herself out to boys for favours and took her to some butcher. She bled out on the table and died.

  “From the moment I realised what was happening I tried to fight him. My mother, just laughed. I took up lessons after school, paid for it by doing odd jobs for people. I trained hard and put on weight. It took me a couple of years but before I could take him on, Bernie died on that table. My plans for us both of us to run away and have a better life, died with her.

  “My sister was barely cold when he grabbed me from dinning room table. I screamed at my mother, that she had let him kill Bernie and now he was going to do the same to me. I begged for her help. She laughed. I reached out and grabbed the chair I’d been sitting on and smashed it at him. He thought it was funny too, started bragging how he’d put up with my slut of a sister, how he deserved a tight sweet pussy. I flew at him. Surprise was on my side, so was the bread knife I killed him with.

  “I crawled off him. My mother sat there in shock. Never said another word to me. I ran upstairs grabbed my go bag, that I’d packed for Bernie and me, went to where he kept the cash and left. Never looked back.

  “I moved from place to place. Changed my name. Got new papers and work. Kept up my training. Doing different techniques. Then sighed up for the Corp. I spent the next three years living in fear of being raped and getting better at fighting them off. When I nearly killed two of them, they got the message. I started classes to help the other females and we tag teamed. The rapes stopped and I sent the evidence of what had been going on. Justice came swiftly. The public didn’t like it. And I got a name for fucking men up, that deserved it………


  An hour la
ter, Morgan stepped outside. She felt better. She’d spilled it all. From the beginning to the end. Then she’d talked about what was happening with Pain. Why it scared her. Mac didn’t have to tell her, what it was about it that scared her, she knew. Loving someone else, being dependent on them. Being vulnerable, wasn’t something she was sure she had in her any more. She knew that Cyborgs would never treat her like human men did. But this mating thing? It was new to them all. Mac had explained what she knew. But, Morgan’s mind kept rejecting it. What did she have to offer? She wasn’t the home maker kind. She barely made friends. Morgan breathed in deep, her chest feeling freer. The air had that crispness to it that she’d come to like. Her attention was grabbed by the overhead display and the audio announcement. They were informing every one of the celebrations. It focused her back on the job. She couldn’t have emotions working this job. It didn’t fit.

  She turned and headed to the lifts. She had work to do.

  Pain stood out of her line of sight. He’d watched her go into the clinic and had stood and waited for over two hours, until she’d come out. It was a long time. More time than just a chat. He knew he’d scared her at the end, dam, he’d scared himself and come close to telling her he was bonded. It ate at him, that he’d deliberately marked her. That his name sake had risen its ugly head once more.

  She didn’t want a mate. His logic had told him, and he’d gone crazy thinking she didn’t want him. Didn’t want to be his mate. Didn’t want other’s, to know she was taken. He realised it was her rejection of him and her scent, that had sent him over the top, his emotions out of control. Reason told him it could happen at any time, that he should be protecting her. How could he protect her from him? She was everything to him now. Pain knew he needed to gain control. Shut down his sensors and with it, any emotional feeling for Morgan.

  He knew it to be the right thing, so why did it feel like someone had gutted him?


  The parties were in full swing. It had helped that the numbers on the Station were still relatively small. Dark had dealt with the meetings with the accused and their seconds, for their so called ‘promotions’. They seemed to go down well, particularly with both parties expecting promotions. Party venues had been set up on all of the accommodation floors in the recreation rooms, and the main event prepped for the Gallerea Park. People could move from one to the other as they wanted. It had a fiesta feeling about it.

  As Morgan slipped out the lift as Kim came rushing over. “What do you think?” Mac took it all in. Was that a piñata? Hanging from the band stand, kids whacking it?

  Mac smiled. “You’ve outdone yourself here Kim.” There was bunting abound, lights up. Some kind of balloon. People out in their finery. Laughter and music lively, old school. A large banqueting table stood out to one side, food piled on it. Was that cake?

  “We have dancing later.” Kim told her winking, linking through her arm, walking her towards all the fun.

  Morgan shook her head in horror. “I don’t dance Kim.”

  “Nonsense everyone can dance, some, just better than others.” Morgan cringed, this wasn’t going to be good.

  Kim grabbed a drink off a passing waitress and handed it to her. “Look if you’re worried about Pain, don’t, he’s turned off his emotions, he won’t be coming for you again.” She paused the drink almost at her mouth and turned to look at her.


  “He got spooked about something, didn’t want to hurt you, yada yada yada, and decided it was best if he turned them off.”

  Morgan took a mouthful of drink, it was some kind of punch. Well isn’t that nice. When it gets tough, he turns off his emotions just like that. Lucky him.

  She grabbed a passing waiter. “Tequila, a bottle, no make that two, shot glasses, lime and salt.”

  “Fuck yeah, make that two.” Kim shouted after him rubbing her hands together. Morgan wasn’t sure what that meant, but figured, right now, who fucking cared.

  By the time Rage, Pain and Dark made an appearance, Morgan was four sheets to the wind and marinating just right. Mac had joined them at some point, she couldn’t remember when, along with two guys called Joe and Colm who worked with her. They’d been doing an alphabet drinking game for a while. Joe came out with another medical one, “that is so fucking unfair,” she pouted then slammed back her shot.

  “Suck it up sister,” Kim told her. “Letter’s X.” She sniggered.

  Morgan thought for a minute. The clock was ticking. Kim glanced at her watch. “15 Seconds.” She called out. If you didn’t come up with some object starting with the right letter in 30 seconds, you were the looser and had to drink two shots. If you won, they downed one shot. Inspiration struck.

  “XM2025 Sniper Weapons System.” She grinned. They turned to look at Colm you had his data pad out.

  “Correct.” Several slurred groans came out round her. Morgan laughed and clapped her hands. She couldn’t help it. It was a stupid game and she was having a great time. Kim filled all the glasses with shots, sprinkled salt on their hands, have them a piece of lime each.

  “Down the hatch boys and girls.” She shouted, the other’s joining in.

  She and Colm weren’t as pissed as the others. The nano’s doing their job, working hard to filtrate the alcohol. The game went on for a few more rounds, until someone realised that Morgan had a whole lot more weapons to pull on, than anything anyone else could come up with. Sarah made an appearance, bounding over, joining in. There was light hearted moaning about cheating and special skills, while downing a couple more rounds before Kim, dragged her and the other girls off for dancing. For the first time in a long time, Morgan was…… happy to go.

  Ted and some of the Cyborgs joined the party, shortly after Pain, with Rage and Dark made an appearance. Pain watched Ted approached Morgan and the others on the dance floor, watch for a while, then walk over to join them.

  “They drunk?” He asked. They all nodded. “That won’t end well.” Ted told them shaking his head, walking back to his own men.

  Pain watched the dancing. It was nothing to him, he reminded himself. If the female’s wanted to gyrate to music and grind their bodies together and then with others, that was their choice. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off Morgan. They stood and watched. Made sure no one got out of hand. Eventually the music slowed and people started pairing off. The new Doctor Colm grabbed Morgan and drew her into a slow dance. Pain clasped his fists. Morgan appeared to be ok with it. They talked intimately and laughed. The male held her tightly. Pains blood started to heat.

  Kim came bounding over and grabbed Rage pulling him towards the dance floor. “Come on hubby time to bump and grind.” Pain watched him go, his attention went back to Morgan. Dark walked passed him summoned by his wife. Pain wanted to go with him, but not sure why. He watched the dancing become more intimate. Closer, more caresses, less movement. . The male was too close. Taking what was his. He took a step forward. Ted grabbed his arm. Pain wasn’t sure when he’d come back. He missed nothing, but he’d missed that

  I hear you, turned off your emotions Cyborg. He told him over his neuro net.

  Pain didn’t have to turn to him to answer, his attention was all on Morgan. Their neuro net once linked in, would only go to the other unless it was broadcast. He didn’t remember opening the ping either.

  I did.

  Then why are you still interested in Morgan?

  Pain wondered what Ted was talking about. I do not understand what you are saying.

  You watched the others go to their mates and then you moved to go to her. You do not like the male touching her and yet your emotions are turned off. There is no emotional link to pull you to her. That would not be logical if your emotions are turned off. Are you damaged? He asked him. Then walked off back to his men.

  Pain’s logic faltered. Was he damaged? He wanted to dismiss it, but he couldn’t. Ted was right. He had no emotional claim to Morgan, he had turned off his emotions. His blood clawed at him.
Move, go to her. She needed him. Filtered across his mind. People started drifting off around him. Families. Couples. Laughing. Loving. Some hoping to get lucky. For once his logic failed him.

  Morgan’s laughter drew his attention. She was laughing at something the male Colm had said along with the rest of her group. She never laughed with him like that. Rage and Dark joined them with their mates. A knot formed in his gut and chest. They waved their goodbyes to their dinking buddies and headed in his direction. Morgan followed, walking towards him with the doctor Colm, linked arm in arm. His chest felt tight. He wanted to reach out and touch her. Take her from the male and beat him to death. His breathing became difficult.

  She gave him no eye contact, didn’t acknowledge his presence at all. And it pained him more. All rationale thought left him. He was the giver of pain not the receiver. He instinctively reached out, just before she was out of his reach.

  “I will escort you home.” He told her. Morgan laughed and twisted out of his hand easily.

  “Fuck off Cyborg your dismissed.” She looked him up and down and did just that with a flick of her hand and carried on walking. Throwing herself at her boys and Ted who caught her. “Drinks are on me boys!” She shouted. They cheered and headed off to one of the bars. The Doctor Colm with them. His logic told him Morgan was enhanced, so was the doc. It was a good match. Pain wanted to roar, take, demand obedience. Take, possessed what was his. His? His logic wasn’t working right. None of that made sense. He ran a diagnostic and watched her go wanting to beat something badly.


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