Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 35

by Jessie Rose Case

  It felt wrong, but he couldn’t understand why.


  Morgan woke with one hell of a hangover, groaning at her alarm going off. The lights were set to come on gradually from the alarm. “Computer lights half.” She managed to get out in a whisper. Her head banging at every movement. What the fuck had she been thinking? Her door buzzed. Did everyone know her fucking alarm time? “Fuck off.” She called out and instantly regretted it as pain flooded her. ”Oawwww.” And laid back down.

  Her door opened and Morgan flung her harm over her eyes. “Just once, it’d be nice if you guys listened.”

  She smelled coffee, heard tinkling of water and a medicine packet. Ted had come to save her. “Ted, I love you, you know that right?” She murmured from under her arm. He didn’t reply. There was some shuffling and movement stopped. Morgan took a peak from under her arm. Pain, sat in a chair inside her room. What the fuck?!

  “Take the water and medication, shower and drink the coffee. You will feel better.” He told her. Morgan gave up all pretence of trying to sleep, resigned she gradually sat up. Her head was pounding. Bloody Tequila. She had to stop several times for her head to adjust to its new level. She didn’t notice she was naked or that the sheet had slipped. She closed her eyes and stretched gingerly. Then reached out to take the meds and glass next to her. She downed all the water her mouth like a desert, the water helped. She closed her eyes, breathing out, resting her head back against the head board. She knew she’d gulp it down but didn’t care. She was thirsty. She’d felt a little run down her chin and across her chest to her nipple. It was cooling if nothing else.

  Until she felt his mouth on it. Then it blazed with fire. He licked her nipple then sucked in her breast. Morgan knew she should stop him but she didn’t have the energy. Her head was killing her and body was craving some fine cock and here it was. She felt him pull the sheet away and pull her legs apart. He moved his mouth across to the other breast and sucked. Morgan ‘s hand drifted into his hair and caressed him to her. His other hands slipped down her body and between her legs and found her opening. He pushed in one thick finger. Morgan didn’t bother trying to open her eyes. She held him to her and laid back across the bed taking him with her.

  Pain kissed his way down her body from her breasts. He wanted to taste her. Her skin tasted of Tequila and lime, salt and her own scent. He lapped at it working towards his goal. He withdrew his finger and pushed in two. Morgan sighed in response. He reached her apex and pulled her open to him and looked his fill. Every part of her called to him.

  He sucked on her clit while pumping her with his fingers. Teasing it with his tongue. Nipped it with his teeth. All the while pumping her with his fingers. Morgan’s hand reached down and held his head to her, grinding herself into his face looking for more. Pain pulled back and quickly undid his pants, he pulled her down towards him, lifting her legs and positioning himself at her opening. He pushed in slowly savouring every single bit of friction. He started to move in and out of her and went back to lavishing her breasts.

  Morgan open her legs wider giving him better access and wrapped her legs over his encouraging him deeper with her heels. Her headache receded. She caressed his back with her hands, down to his ass then held him as she thrust into her.

  She didn’t need much more to come. She was in heat, the minute he touched her and she didn’t have the energy to play games, hold on or go for broke. He could have what he wanted, she didn’t care. He’d make her come hard, giving her amazing pleasure and she fucking wanted it. Wanted him.

  Pain sensed the moment her climax started to peak and roll through her body. Morgan clung to him crying out her pleasure. Her muscles clenched along his cock and squeezed, rippling along its length pulling his own climax with it. He pulled out just in time. He stared at her naked form in front of him. While his cum decorated the bed. He felt no pleasure in it. Didn’t understand his need to be inside the female. Finishing, he slowly pulled his cock free of her body. Grabbed his trousers and buttoned them up. Headed to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. He walked back and cleaned up the mess he’d made, then threw it back in the bathroom.

  He placed a couple of pillows under Morgan’s head and lifted her a little, handed her the coffee.

  “We have a meeting in 20.” He told her and left the room.

  Morgan looked around the room in a daze. What the fuck had just happened?


  Morgan had downed her coffee and showered in quick time. Stripped the bed and headed out. She tried not to think of the sex she’d had with Pain. It had been off. She wasn’t even sure if he’d enjoyed it, she mused as she walked across the Gallerea to the Café. She needed more coffee, the meeting could wait. Her boys came with her. They’d been waiting for her when she’d emerged from her room, after her long hot shower. Morgan wondered if they’d been there when Pain was, but didn’t want think about that. Too many crossed wires. She drank down the bottle of water in her hand and joined the queue.

  “Espresso extra-large to drink now please.” She ordered when it was her turn, she turned to the boys they nodded. “Make that four to go as well and a latte.” She told the server behind the counter handing over her credits.

  Ted was already in the Council room when she arrived. It was no surprise. He’d know exactly where she was at all times. That was his job. She placed the expresso in front of him and slipped into the chair.

  “Heavy night girl?” He asked her jokingly grabbing the coffee.

  “Some of us don’t have Cyborg systems that can filter out all the good stuff. Just some over worked nanos doing their best.” She told him sarky. Ted chuckled.

  “And there I was, thinking that your wake-up call would make you happy happy. My bad.” Morgan snarled at him.

  Rage and his men came in and took seats. Morgan notice they each carried their own coffee. Not just her then. “Apologises,” Rage told them sitting. “Seems we all had a late night. Thank you for coming in earlier than we’d expected.”

  Morgan felt the moment the caffeine kicked in and her headache finally disappeared. She sat back in her chair and took a pull of the latte. Rage leaned forward across the table. “The arrangements for this afternoon remain the same, however, our long-term scanners inform us that we have several ships heading our way. They will be here in three days, they carry no ID and not requesting docking. They will be in your vector when you leave in 24 hours. Do we postpone?”

  Morgan looked to Ted. He nodded. So they also had this information. “I’m guessing pirates. How close will they be?” She asked him.

  “Hard to say, if they stay on their current course a few well-placed shots across the bowels should see us through. If they move to intercede as we leave, could be a battle. Depends how many.”

  Morgan looked back at Rage. “Can’t hold those people on a docked ship if the Station is being attacked Admiral. And if we delay, we won’t have the same opportunity as we do now to clean house.” Morgan gave a pained expression and nodded. Hence the meeting. They were leaving it up to her.

  She turned back to Ted and her boys and raise and eyebrow. She looked at each in turn. They gave her a nod. She turned back to Rage.

  “We’re still leaving.”

  Pain stood. Morgan gave him a questioning look and glared at her. “You understand that pirates fight dirty, will try to confuse you and capture your ship and you?” Morgan noticed he appeared to be ………. shaking. “The last female we found on a pirate ship was chained to a console and used as a fucking station when the men felt like it. She barely survived.” He told her coldly.

  Morgan raised both eyebrows and stared at him. “I’m a solider. A good one.” She told him narrowing her eyes.

  “So was she.” He told her harshly.

  Pain walked out. He was struggling to hold on to his temper. He’d turned his emotions off so why the anger? Or the outburst? It made no sense. His system was acting strangely. It was faltering. Not functioning clearly. He needed to run anoth
er diagnostic check. Ted was right. Something was failing within him and he needed to identify it, before it damaged him further.

  “My apologises for the outburst. Pain’s right. You need to know that.” Rage sat back in his chair. Morgan stood. Her men with her.

  “If they choose to take us on, it would be a mistake. We’ll be ready for this afternoon. In position at 14:20. My men will arrive at 14:40. You have 20 minutes to let the good Councillors know, what’s been going on. Then we move in on the party. We will leave as planned, unless you need us to help defend the Station.”

  Rage shook his head. “No, but thank you. We have ships coming in, they should be here before the main force arrives. By that time the pirates will be severely out numbered.”

  Morgan nodded. “Good to know.” She turned and walked out the conference room into the Gallerea and headed to the lift system. She had a job to do and right now, she agreed with Pain. Emotion’s got in the way.

  “Ted, if they take us, you’ll kill me right?” She asked as they walked. She needed to hear him say it.

  “There’s a chance you would survive Morgan.” He told her quietly. She shook her head walking determinedly on. “Don’t want to.”

  “Then they won’t take you.” He told her sadly. She felt better hearing him say it aloud. Morgan blew out a breath and kept walking. He had her back. They all did.


  Morgan spent the last couple of hours checking data, on the incoming ships. They were still too far away to get a visual. Legit ships would be sending out signals by now, announcing their arrival and checking in, making servicing requests, placing orders for goods and materials to be ready for them.

  These ships were dead and coming fast. Something kept bugging Morgan about the trail they were leaving. They were making no attempt to hide it. That seemed wrong. They knew the Station was now in Cyborg control. Even pirates would know this is a suicide mission. Unless, they had help and what they were seeing, wasn’t everything.

  Morgan turned in her chair and faced the other’s working on the bridge.

  “Sparks. This is too obvious, I don’t like the way those ships are leaving a trail, it seems stupid and they weren’t stupid before. It’s almost like they know their leaving a trail and don’t care. “ She tapped her finger on the consul. “Which makes me wonder if there’s more going on here, if this, is a decoy of some kind. Look for anything that doesn’t fit. Take them apart and give me Admiral Rage.”

  Morgan waited for Rage to come up on screen. He was clearly in his quarters and dressing for the fake event. “Commander.” He acknowledged.

  “Admiral, this seems to easy. They’re not stupid and yet are coming head on with no regard. I don’t like it and I think that there could be a couple of things going on. One they’re a decoy and we’re missing something and two, they might have help on the Station set up or both….” She was interrupted by Sparks.

  “Commander I believe we have cloaked ships in the iron trail, it’s masking their signature.”

  Rage gave a sharp nod and cut off the communication. Morgan turned to Sparks.

  “I want everything you can find sent to my data pad.”

  Morgan left to join her team in the docking bay. They were waiting for her. “Looks like more is going on, than first thought with those ships. There are others with clocking tec. And I think they had help here.”

  “We’re about to round them all up, so that should stop it.” Ted told her. Morgan wasn’t so sure. She hit her data pad. “Sparks, check all communication out of the Station over the last three months. Look for patterns, anything that appears to be out of place and compare it to the information I gathered before. I think we’re mission something.”

  “You think they were sold out again?” Ted asked her.

  “This is a billion credit Station several times over. I think it’s worth the try.” They had 25 minutes before they had to head to the event, she hoped Sparks used it wisely.


  Pain received the message from Rage and pushed it through to those working systems and monitors. They reported to him. He looked over the information Morgan had given Rage and he agreed. It didn’t look right. Too obvious. Even for pirates. He connected his net.

  Listen up, I want that information on the incoming ships taken apart. Look for anything that is out of place. I don’t care if it’s a speck of space dust, I want to know about it. Look for repeating patterns, anything that would suggest we are being blind sided.


  Morgan had started pacing. It was taking too long. Her data pad pinged as Ted looked off in that blank way. He was receiving information the same as she was. She checked her pad.

  Looked like they had a couple of enterprising new players. Morgan looked at Ted.

  “Round them all up this time. I want everyone of them taken, all their data, everything, pull their families in too if they have them. Have them secured. Be careful. If they were thinking of sabotaging the Station to make it easier to attack, we need to look for that. When we’re done with the event, we’ll come back here for these guys and give them the same lowdown.” Ted gave her a nod and looked off. She knew Information was being shared. “Tell the Admiral.”

  It was time to move out.


  Morgan and her team moved towards the theatre. They were using its reception area for the ‘special event’. The actual theatre was locked down. She waited for Rage and his men to appear. There were a couple of late comers that gave them a stare, but still went through the checking in procedure and were scanned for weapons before being allowed into the function. Rage’s men were opening and closing doors ahead of them. She walked up to one of them.

  “All accounted for?” She asked.

  “Last one’s just arrived.” Morgan turned and nodded back to her men. They came to her. She could hear the music and laughter.

  Rage walked around the side of the building, several members of the Council and their families were being escorted away. They came towards her. Dark and Pain with him.

  “Show time?” She asked him. They had men at all the exits. No one was coming out.

  “Move in.” Rage spoke aloud over his data pad and had that glazed look at the same time.

  They all moved silently into the reception area. Morgan’s men filed in behind her and spread out around the area. Rage’s men were doing the same. All exits were covered and in no time, the guests were surrounded. Rage moved to the staging area and the noise gradually got quieter as people realised something was going on.

  Morgan watched him as he gave a nod to the side and the music went off. Everyone stood to look at him. There was an expectant air to the room.

  “Ladies and Gentleman. Thank you for coming today. This event was put on just for you. This Station has been through some hard times recently but it is moving forward and today is the start of that.” Several people started clapping.

  Rage put out his hands to placate the clappers. “First, we have some sad duties to perform. Here and now, let me say that those who are innocent of all actions have nothing to fear from us. They will be treated kindly and fairly and given choices to stay with us or to leave. We have a future to build.” Again, there was some clapping. Morgan noticed it was a little less vigorous.

  Rage continued. “First point of business, we have some special awards to give out today. When we call your name please come forward and make a line in front of the stage. Could we please ask the families to give us some room.”

  Morgan watched as people moved back. Rage started calling name’s starting with the Councillors. They moved to the front looking very smug. They were soon joined by fifteen other people. A couple of them females.

  Rage nodded to them. “Now we have a presentation prepared, that I would like you all to pay close attention to.”

  The information, data and video of those present, cheating and stealing from the Station, came up on the screen. Infidelity, bribery, corruption it was all there. Morgan’s men m
oved forward to the line of people. The reality of what they were seeing, slowly dawned on them all. Several of the women in the audience started crying. Morgan wasn’t clear if they knew what their men had been up to or not. It didn’t matter. The outcome was the same. The information stopped.

  Rage stepped forward. “Families, if you would proceed with the escort we have arranged for the children to continue the party. My men will be speaking with you shortly.” Morgan watched some anguished and shocked looks to their partners, then silently move out.

  Several of those in line started to protest. “I’m sure we do not wish to upset the children.” Rage called out. Not everyone listened. As the doors closed behind the families he bellowed. “Quiet!”

  The noise stopped. “Commander, they’re all yours.” Morgan gave a nod and stepped forward. Her men closed in. She lifted her data pad and read each name and the charges for each of them. Then told them they were to be taken to her ship and would be held in custody for the duration of the return flight to Earth Corp for their trial. Regardless of the outcome, they will not be allowed to return to the Space Station, and their families are being given the choice to go with them or remain.


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