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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 36

by Jessie Rose Case

  Some men broke down and cried and asked for forgiveness, others asked about their families, or protested, some remained quiet. Morgan reminded them that the evidence was clear cut. One of the Councillors stated he’d been set up. And Morgan had offered the standard line. Provide the evidence and she would look into it. She wasn’t judge and jury, just the investigator.

  Morgan watched her men lead the accused out. Pain came towards her. “I have seen the data Sparks sent. You have others you think are involved in the coming threat?” Morgan nodded.

  “My men are holding them in the bay.” Ted told him. Pain looked glazed for a moment.

  “Rage asked that I go with you. He’s dealing with the families here. Dark will be coming with us.”


  Pain moved behind Morgan as she came out of the lift system to the docking floor. Her men were moving the last of the accused aboard ahead of them. To the right a group were being kept in a holding ring of Cyborgs. Morgan walked towards them and turned to Ted.

  “Give out the names of the people we want and ask them to come forward.”

  A group of half a dozen men were pushed forward as she came to a stop.

  “Tell Sparks to play the data.”

  There was a round of shocked denials both from the men and their families. This was not the same as the other accused. These people had deliberately worked with the pirates to allow them access to the Station. Even after what they had gone through they’d still made the deal. Morgan couldn’t understand it. Most had lost loved one’s in the last raid. It made no sense to her. Only two had families. Morgan didn’t know if they’d been affected by the raid, but it was clear the women were in shock.

  “You lying piece of shit. I’ll kill you myself.” One leapt out and swung a left hook connecting with her husband/partner’s face. He staggered back. “You fucking sold us out, after what we went through last time. I knew we were finished but this,” the female flung out her hand towards the screen. She screamed and went to rush at him. A Cyborg caught her. Tear’s streaming down her face.

  “Momma, please don’t cry.” A child called out and held the leg of the Cyborg holding her mother. “Don’t let my mother get hurt again.” She whispered looking up at the Cyborg.

  They stared at each other for a moment. “No one is ever hurting your mother again.” He told her quietly. The mother turned to look at the warrior. “No one.” He told her with a nod. And put her down. She fell to her knees and hugged her child.

  “Momma’s ok baby.”

  “Take the families to join the others in the Gallerea.” Pain told them. “You are safe. And you have a choice, go with your man or stay.” Morgan watched three of the Cyborgs help the two women move the children to the lifts.

  Morgan turned to him. “Your prisoners.” He told her and signalled for Dark and his team to move in. Her job was done.


  Morgan made her way to her accommodations. She was tired. Drained emotionally. She hated this bit. It pulled at every bit of her. She knew they deserved what they were getting, but the families, they never recovered. The strain dealing with the fall out, always hit her. She took her boots off and rubbed her feet. It’d been a long day. Stripping she headed for the shower. She’d feel better tomorrow.


  Pain and Dark had been at the interrogation for several hours. They had the latest group Morgan had found. A couple gave up information easily without too much prompting. Another pissed himself before he’d even got in the room. The other three, they were harder nuts to crack. It had taken time. They blamed each other, gave details on how they were going to blow up parts of the Station, breaking communications and security. He’d have to go back in and take over from Dark soon. He didn’t like to break humans, but if he had to he would.


  Morgan checked her information while she had breakfast in her room. Only two of the families from the original group decided to go. They had family near Earth Corp and hoped to start again. Morgan couldn’t blame them. There lives would be difficult on the Station once people knew. Her team had sorted out accommodations and brought them aboard. She could hear the announcement being made across the Station, it was being piped to all ships, and the information being given on the arrests.

  It made clear that the families of those remaining, had nothing to do with reasons for the arrests and people were asked to respect their privacy. Morgan had requested the Station post Cyborg guards and have a higher vigilance for a few weeks. Pain had agreed. Emotions were likely to be high for a while. Recriminations, anger and loss. She’d seen it all before.

  A couple of the women were determined to take over their husband’s business and do better with them. Morgan had to give them credit for trying. A couple of other’s, just felt lost. Morgan could see it in their eyes. The other women had too and taken them under their wings. The other men, were alone now. Their wives and lovers had died in the previous raid, which made their actions worse.

  They were leaving tomorrow. The job here was done. They’d be back. Rage had granted her team Cyborg status and access to the Station with a permanent base on this level. He’d made a point of telling her she was welcome anytime. Morgan smiled at remembering that. And that Kim expected to see her ‘drinking buddy’ soon. Morgan packed what little she had. She was itching to go. Her self defence classes would be taken over by Cruz. She would be handing over the class tonight. A knock at her door pulled her from her thoughts.


  Ted walked in. “You look ready to go.” He told her looking round the room and then taking a seat on the only other chair in the room that was far too small.

  “I am. You know I hate the last 24 hrs. Need to go.” Ted nodded.

  “We’re refuelling now. Had to wait till we had them, can’t have all that fuel sitting on the dock for too long and it needs 24hrs to stabilise in the tanks. The last prisoner being held on the Station, will be coming onboard later today.”

  Morgan waved her hand at him. “Yeah I know.” Ted was edgy. “What’s up?”

  Now he looked uncomfortable. “Your friend Sarah. She’s a possible mate for me. I’ve been keeping her company now and then.” Morgan stood up. Ted was quick to pacify her. “Nothing serious Morgan. Just spending time.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Thing is, I’d like it to be serious if she’d give me chance.” He looked up under his brow. Morgan had never see the Cyborg nervous. He was now.

  “You’re a good man Ted. She’d be lucky to have you. She needs time. She’s young. Scare her and I’ll kill you. Crystal?”

  Ted grinned. “Yeah, I hear you.” He looked at her steadily. “Thanks Morgan, for everything.” He got up to leave.

  “And for god’s sake keep that ass down!” She shouted after him as he left her room. She could hear his chuckle walking away.

  Morgan smiled. He deserved to be happy. So did Sarah.



  We’re leaving tomorrow. Pain hadn’t heard the big man come up or his ping for communication. Pain was beginning to think there was more to ‘Ted’ than he let on. Ted was silent on those large feet of his. As they all were.

  I’m aware.

  Then what the fuck are you doing here, when you should be with your female? Are you that fucked up? Ted demanded.

  Morgan is not my female. She does not want me or my scent on her. Ted snorted. Pain turned to look at him. Cyborgs did not do human actions and yet, this one did.

  Listen boy, I don’t know what fucked wiring you have, but that female has been with zero males, in the last 6 years and she took to you. Yeah, she had a bit of help with that, but she still took you. If she hadn’t wanted you, she could have thrown you out on your ass and kicked you across this station, but she didn’t. That, says a lot for Morgan. Don’t waste the chance you have.

  Pain processed that for a moment, he watched life going on around him in the Gallerea. He’d stepped outside the security offices. He’d been…. unsettl
ed. Maybe turning off his emotions had been wrong. It hadn’t seemed to help much that was for sure. He felt more out of control since he’d turned them off. He still found himself going to look for her or watching her from afar. He turned to Ted finding the male gone.

  He looked around him. Fuck that Cyborgs quiet.


  Morgan had handed over her classes to Cruz with some sadness. The women seemed equally sad to see her go and she’d promised to come back and do some more. They’d promised to keep the classes up. Sarah, Mel and Kim were waiting for her outside.

  “Last night Morgan.” Kim was rubbing her hands, that was never a good sign Morgan had come to realise, Kim liked to party. She linked her arm though Morgan’s and started walking away, with the other’s following behind heading towards the bars and restaurants. “Some good food, some drinks and if your lucky a male with a big cock.” Sarah choked on her water. Mac patted her back.

  “Sounds good to me.” Mac told them. Sarah was wiping her eyes gaining her breath back. Morgan sighed. She hoped Kim passed out early and they looked after Sarah while she was gone. She didn’t need another hangover.


  “I’m telling you, that male is going to make someone very happy.” Mac finished. They were all a little drunk. Morgan had refused the last couple of rounds on the grounds of leaving and needing her wits about her. Kim had phiffed at her.

  “And what male is that exactly?” A deep voice asked. They turned as Dark sat down behind Mac. She jumped up and threw herself at him. He didn’t seem to mind one bit, Morgan noticed. Mac kissed him and drew back.

  “That time already?” She asked. He gave her a nod. “I was talking about Colm. Solid male.” She told him patting his chest.

  “For someone else yes.” Mac waved her hand about.

  “Yes yes.” A little irritated. Mac pulled a face at them. It was hard not to laugh with her. “Ok, well my time is up, I’m on duty tomorrow.” She leaned over and grabbed Morgan’s shoulders. “Be safe, kill those fuckers if you have to, but come back.” She pulled Morgan in for a hug.

  “I will.” She told her. Mac gave her a nod and turned back to Dark.

  “Let’s go. If your lucky,” she told Dark climbing over the chairs to get to him. “I might do a bit of hunting myself.” Dark stood up so quickly his chair fell behind him and started dragging her through the bar and out the door. They could hear her laughter as she went.

  Morgan turned to the other two. “I should go to. Take care of Sarah, Kim.” They both stood with her and hugs were exchanged. For once, Morgan felt comfortable. She’d never had many friends and not too many females. It felt right. As she turned to leave, Sarah grabbed her hand.

  “Ted?” She asked. Morgan patted it.

  “I’ll keep him safe Sarah, don’t you worry. He’ll be back.” Sarah gave an unsure smile. “He’s a good male that needs putting in his place now and then and in four or five years, he’ll make a good husband.” Sarah’s eyes widened.

  “Four or five years?” She stuttered. Kim patted her and smiled at Morgan. She turned, waved goodbye and headed to her ship. Things were getting way out of her comfort zone.


  Morgan wasn’t sure what had woken her. There was a rustle of clothing and the bed dipped. She slid her hand under her pillow and waited, opening her eyes slightly to get use to the limited light in her room. The body moved nearer and leaned over her. Morgan pulled out her knife and place it at his neck. “Explain.”

  The male smelled like Pain. How he’d got in overriding her security pad annoyed her, but not much of a surprise. She looked into his eyes and he stared back. “Gonna cut me Morgan?” he asked.

  “Not sure yet. You’re here uninvited.” She saw him grab the sheet and yank it away from her. She was naked beneath it. And there was no mistaking his cock standing to attention. He moved over her keeping his neck on the blade and settled between her legs. He pulled her knees up and opened them wide and set himself at her entrance.

  “No foreplay?” She asked, her breath weak.

  “You’ve had all the foreplay you’re getting.” He told her entering her slowly. Morgan hiss out a breath. He was bigger than before. Not sure how that was possible. But she was already wet. She could feel it. He turned her on like no other. Pain stopped and gave her a moment, the blade still on his skin. Then pushed home. Morgan’s body on fire, alive, needing. She threw the knife across the room. It imbedded in the wall.

  She kissed him hungrily. And moved with him. She broke the kiss. “Faster, harder fuck me.” Pain picked up the pace and thrust into her. “O yeah, that’s good.” She found her climax rising, rolling through her body, as he pounded into her. She met him thrust for thrust. “Fuck yes,” her nipples pearled to peaks and tingled. Her toes curled. Pain found her clit and pinched it hard. Morgan cried out coming faster than ever before.

  It was over so quickly Morgan took a moment to recover. Basking in the afterglow. Pain wasn’t moving and his cock jumped inside of her. Morgan rolled them to get on top of him keeping him deep inside her and started to ride him. His hands skimmed her body, then he leaned up and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

  He bit down and tongued her nipple. She rode him faster. Her nipple popped out his mouth and he laid back down his hands taking over from his mouth. Pain thought she looked glorious, a fucking goddess, fucking her male. He started pushing up to meet her. Going deeper. His balls tight. He touched where he’d bitten her on the neck and pulled her down to him and attack her mouth, plunging his tongue in and devouring her.

  He felt her body tightening around his cock. She broke his kiss and increased her pace. “Cumming.” She cried out as he took over her pace and fucked her from under her.

  Morgan screamed his name coming hard. Struggling to hold on. Pain held her body and continued to thrust up into her prolonging the orgasm. “I’m going to spill Morgan, in or out?” He asked her on a strained whisper. She barely heard it. “Morgan,” he shouted, “in or out?” His thrusts becoming more urgent.

  “In I want it.”

  Pain grabbed her neck and locked eyes with her hammering into her from below. “I fucking, love you female. It’s the only explanation. I know you don’t want it, but I do anyway.” He thrust hard and she rolled into another orgasm as he cried out his own release ramming up into her one last time. Morgan collapsed on him. He wrapped his arms around her and just held her. Perfect. It was perfect.


  Morgan woke to an empty bed. Pain had left, as he’d come, without her knowing. She rolled over on to his side of the bed. It smelled of him. She liked that. He’d said he loved her. An instinctive smile crept across her face before she realised what she was doing. She didn’t need complicated. It was time to leave.


  Morgan dropped her bags in her room/office aboard ship. It was home and she was glad to be back. She looked around, she hadn’t been in here much since leaving over 5 months ago. Someone had cleaned. Ted poked his head in. “You good to go?” She nodded.

  “Who cleaned?”

  “Lion.” Morgan frowned. He’d been injured on their last mission without her.

  “How’s his wounds?”

  “He’s off land based action.”

  Morgan nodded making a mental note to go see him. “He needs a job, not cleaner.”

  She walked out Ted followed. “Agreed but he wanted to do it.”

  Morgan followed Ted onto the bridge. “Report.” Morgan called out.

  Sparks turned to her as she took her seat and strapped in. Ted did the same. “Found a further 10 ships with clocking tech in their aft trail.”

  Morgan raised her eyebrows, that was a lot of ships. “Confirmed pirates?” She asked. Sparks nodded. “How far out and intercept point at full speed.”

  “Can’t make full speed for 22 seconds. Intercept point on their current speed, 27.8.3 minutes.”

  “In weapons range?”

  Ronin turned to her. “In 16.6 minutes.”

  That was going to be close. “We’ll get caught in the blast range.” Ted told her.

  “Maybe, maybe not. Engine room. When I ask for it, I want capacity plus max for as long as you can give us without blowing the engines.”


  She turned back to Ted. “It’s a risk.” He told her.

  She nodded. “Better than dead.”

  “Comms, ship wide. This is Commander Evans. We are about to leave the Space Station. There is an on-coming armada of pirates. We are going to out run them. Strap in, stay in your quarters. It’s gonna be close ladies and gentlemen, enjoy the ride. Weapons hot.”


  “How many?” Pain asked, he couldn’t stop pacing.

  “16 maybe more.” Burn told him. Pain stood in the security room and watched the screen in front of him. Rage stood with him as did Dark.

  “Connect with Purgatory.” Rage called out.

  The vid screen came alive with Morgan in it. “Admiral glad you could join us.” Morgan’s voice came over the audio.

  “Good luck Commander.”

  “Don’t need it Admiral. I have only the best with me, and we’ll make sure we’re felt, wont we boys.” She cried out. A roar came over the system.


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