Book Read Free


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by Daniel MacIvor

  “The Balsawood Astronaut” by Madison Paige Turner. I know, what were they thinking? It was just kid stuff.

  “The Balsawood Astronaut” by Madison Paige Turner. There once was a balsawood boy who had a very bad life and so he decides to go on a journey and blah blah blah blah blah and on his journey he meets a giant baby who also had a very bad life because he was a giant baby and what can a giant baby do. The giant baby had tried to be a dentist because he thought maybe if the dentist was a giant baby then people wouldn’t be so scared to go to the dentist—but would you want a giant baby with a drill in your mouth? So the balsawood boy and the giant baby got together and went on a journey and blah blah blah blah blah and then they met up with the three-faced man who was a judge because he could see things from every angle—except for from behind which is how he got killed when he got run over by the two-door house.

  Two-door house. I got that from Meryl—my mom—she was saying how she wanted to live in a Tudor house and thought she was saying a “two-door house” and I said “Don’t all houses have two doors.” Apparently that was “cute.” Tudor house. Adults are such knobs.

  Of course, it is, inevitable, that I too, shall one day, become, a knob. But not yet. No I still have my whole life ahead of me. And what’s that, let’s see: burning babies, falling buildings, the war on war and you can’t wash your hair in tap water or it will turn to dust and fall out. Thanks a lot knobs. And then what? You get old and move to Florida. Or turn into big-dick-Bick-Bickerson-Cat-Killer. I think he did the right thing though. Leonard never would have done it. Whiskers was ancient. Whiskers was dust. I think Whiskers wanted to die.

  Old men have huge scrotums.

  That’s so dirty what you’re thinking. I’m just a little girl. Leonard told me. Leonard wasn’t a knob most of the time. But he wasn’t really like an adult though. Not like he was like a kid but more like he was, I don’t know —corny—an equal—corny—. I mean he would actually ask my opinion about things— and not in that condescending kind of pointless kind of liberal parenting kind of way like: “Would you like to live with Mommy or Daddy after the divorce Brittany, Jessica, Christina, Alliyah, Madison, Paige, Turner.” What were they thinking? That’s what happens when you’re born into a family of lawyers. Both of them. Meryl doesn’t practice anymore, now she does pilates full time. She was never really a lawyer lawyer though—she was one of those saint lawyers who only represented single mother drug addict strippers and their pimps. Ken is more of the regular type son of a bitch lawyer. He’s always saying how lawyers get a bad rap. He tries to compare lawyers to surgeons. He says, “Well if I was a surgeon and a killer came in with a knife in his head I shouldn’t take the knife out of his head because he’s a killer?” Hello? The analogy doesn’t work Ken! Because if surgeons were like lawyers they’d just turn to the guy with the knife in his head and say “You don’t have a knife in your head buddy” and charge him two thousand dollars. Son of a bitch. I got that off Meryl. That’s what she calls Ken. “That son of a bitch.” “You son of a bitch.” “He’s a son of a bitch.” I asked her but she said it was in no way a reference to my grandma. My grandma’s cool. She’s old. She lives in Florida. Florida’s full of old people and Disneyworld. Discuss.

  The son of a bitch stole my journal! I’m sure it was him. And only probably because he was sure it was full of sex. They’re obsessed with sex. Meryl’s always trying to talk to me about sex. It’s so embarrassing. Please. I know all about sex. But I haven’t had sex. Mouth doesn’t count. The former president of the United States said so. Liberals are such knobs.

  Leonard hardly ever talked about sex. I mean he did but not in the educational way. They said his computer was full of porn but it so wasn’t and if it was it was his boyfriend’s. His boyfriend was such a knob. He was so gay. And I mean that in the bad way. Plus he was very “flamboyant.” Flamboyant that’s so 2002 ...

  The son of a bitch can take away my cigarettes but he’s not getting my lighter.

  I taught Leonard how to smoke. We used to smoke in his kitchen. I mean he smoked but he just didn’t hold it right. He held it like it was dirty. You’ve got to love it. Kiss it. You’ve got to say yes to the cigarette. I taught Leonard how to smoke and he taught me ... He helped me with my public speaking contest subject. HIV is not the cause of AIDS.

  “HIV is not the cause of AIDS. There is no proof that HIV causes AIDS. All the epidemiological and microbiological evidence taken together conclusively demonstrates that HIV does not cause AIDS or any other illness. The concept that AIDS is caused by a virus is not a fact, but a theory that was introduced at a 1984 press conference by Dr. Robert Gallo, a researcher employed by the National Institutes of Health i.e.: the American government...” Blah blah blah blah blah.

  Leonard was into all that HIV stuff. He had HIV. But he didn’t tell most people because most people are such knobs. I was helping him surf the day he found that website, HIV is not the cause of AIDS. He was so excited, he kept saying “I’m not going to die of AIDS.” And he didn’t. But he still died though.

  HIV is not the cause of AIDS ...

  I plagiarized that right off the web site. And why not. Leonard even said. It wasn’t a public writing contest it was a public speaking contest. It wasn’t about how I wrote it it was about how I spoke it. And I came third. Out of sixteen. But that wasn’t good enough for Ken. He’s relentless “You should have written it yourself you might have won.” I did win, I came third out of sixteen, that’s still winning—coming 16th out of 16 that’s not winning coming third out of sixteen that’s winning. “But you could have come first with a little more effort.” Ken’s relentless.

  It was like when I made this two-minute video for social sciences and I showed it to Ken and he got all Roger Ebert on me. It was a video of Whiskers chewing a Barbie. I wasn’t trying to make The Matrix. He’s relentless. “Maybe if you’d picked another subject.” Oh yeah, he wanted me to do “Why Is Law Important”

  (yawn) yeah right “Why Are Adults Knobs.” He wanted me to do “What is Autism.” Oh my God. I used to be autistic. It wasn’t really autism though, they didn’t find out until later what it was. It was Asperger’s. Asperger’s Asperger’s. Assburger’s. Assburger’s. I’ll have two ass burgers please. Wax those buns ... Asperger’s is a syndrome which is mainly characterized by the child not seeming to grasp the concept that conversation is reciprocal. That was fun while it lasted. I got over the Asperger’s though, I snapped out of it when Ken and Meryl split up. Out of relief. Why bother. All the epidemiological and microbiological evidence taken together conclusively demonstrates that marriage does not work. Does not. Does not work. Does not work. Ric-o-la. Does not work! Everybody’s always happier when they’re split up or divorced or on their own. Even Leonard—when his boyfriend left—at first he was sad but after a while he was happier. He even said so.

  I wish I could be a lesbian. It would be easier. Girls are easier. I mean girls can be bitchy but so can boys just when boys are bitchy they call it highly motivated. A lesbian. Maybe that’s what I’ll be when I grow up. Maybe I could do it on career day. “Hey where do I sign up to spend the day with a lesbian?” They’d probably let me too, the liberals.

  Coming third is good. Leonard thought so. To celebrate took me out to dinner at Swiss Chalet. As he often did. We had an excellent conversation. As we often did. He said to me “You can be my story now.” I didn’t know what it meant, but it was nice.

  Sometimes people just want to die. It’s easier if you think that.

  Want to see something?


  She lifts up her t-shirt sleeve and shows a tattoo.


  It’s p’ing, the Chinese symbol for peace. It’s the end of the world. Thanks a lot knobs.

  I haven’t had solid food in three days. Unless cock counts. That’s so dirty. I’m just a little girl. How could I anyway? I’m grounded. For saying “freak.” For saying “freak"! Because I’m not allowed to say (fuck)
so I don’t say (fuck) I don’t say (fuck) and even though I have many opportunities to say (fuck) I don’t say (fuck) and instead of saying (fuck) I say “freak.” Like: “Freak off or” “I freaked up” or “Hey are those two dogs freaking?” And Ken’s all still coming down on me and I’m like “I’m just saying ‘freak’!” and he’s all: “It’s not the word it’s the intention."

  Intention. Intention. Detention. Attention. Attention. Attention.

  She lights the lighter. She tries to grab the flame.

  Sometimes I’m not even sure if I miss Leonard.

  Sometimes I’m not even sure if I have any feelings at all. —Corny—. I’m such a knob.

  And then one day the balsawood boy is all by himself. And he thinks and he thinks and he thinks what he could do to make his life better. What in the world could be the purpose of his life? What in the world is he good at? Better than anyone? What is it that makes him special. And then he realizes. He’s made of balsawood. He can float. And that’s when the balsawood boy knows that one day he will become the balsawood astronaut.

  The title kind of gives the ending away.

  I’m sorry about the Christmas party. That was my fault. I feel bad about that. Well, that’s something I feel.


  Merry Christmas Madison.


  Merry Christmas Samuel.


  Can I get you an eggnog?


  No thanks, is Leonard here?


  I think Leonard is in the kitchen.


  Okay see ya.


  Merry Christmas Ken.


  (on phone) Hey Samuel. I’ve gotta take this sorry. New receptionist.


  Not a problem not a problem.


  (into phone) What is his position? What’s his position?


  And how are you doing Bick? Can I get you some more eggnog?


  I wouldn’t mind if it had a bit of a kick in it.


  You want a bit of a kick do you Bick? You want a kick Bick?


  I’ll give you a kick.


  Merry Christmas welcome welcome. Merry Christmas Joy.


  Merry Christmas Samuel.


  Merry Christmas Edward.


  Merry Christmas Sam.






  Not a problem not a problem. Can I get you an eggnog Joy?


  Oh I’ll get something myself. We picked youse up a CD at the mall. It’s Christmas music, like classical like you like but a bit more upbeat.


  Well get that to Virginia and she’ll put it on.


  Okay. I’ll be right back. (to EDDY) Behave yourself.


  The Mohammeds aren’t here?


  The Saeeds.


  I thought they were the big guests of honour or whatever.


  No they had to go out of town for the weekend.


  Figures they wouldn’t show their face around on a Christian holiday.


  Can I get you an eggnog Edward.


  You got any beer?




  You got Heineken?


  We got a keg actually.


  (leaving) Right on.


  (returning) I couldn’t find her.


  You’re not having eggnog Joy?


  Oh I’m just going to start with a glass of wine, don’t want eggnog on an empty stomach. Bloats me.


  Of course.


  It’s quite the spread she’s got there—all those fancy cheeses.


  Yes she went all out this year.


  Did she ever. I’m just going to run upstairs to the little girl’s room.


  Oh we’re using the powder room downstairs this year Joy—Reno’s a week behind. Rotten timing.


  You’re redoing the bathroom? You just did the kitchen last summer.


  No rest for the wicked.


  Honestly. Oh there she is. Virginia! Virginia! Oh she lost weight.


  No ...


  Merry Christmas Joy.


  Merry Christmas Virginia. We got you a little Christmas CD—it’s right up your alley but with a little pizzazz.


  Oh well thank you.


  You’ll just have to put that on Virginia.


  Oh yes I will, (moving to leave) Edward.


  (returning) Virginia.


  (to EDDY) They’re redoing their bathroom.


  That’s nice. Mohammeds aren’t here, as you predicted.


  Eddy shut up. (to SAMUEL) I’ll be right back— (to EDDY) behave yourself.

  A moment of silence between EDDY and SAMUEL.


  Beer’s skunky.


  Oh. Perhaps it’s just the top of the keg.


  Top of the keg? I don’t think so. I’ve heard of the bottom of the keg being skunky but not the top of the keg. Unless the whole damn keg’s skunky.


  Yes well I’m sure you’ll find out.


  Pardon me?

  JOY returns out of breath.

  That was fast.


  Yeah. I just had to wash my hands. Samuel I couldn’t help but notice all those fancy cheeses she’s got there.


  Yes Joy you mentioned—


  Is that in honour of the Baby Cheeses?


  Oh very good Joy ...


  I just thought of that one in the bathroom. I really did have to pee. But sometimes if I get a good one and I pee I lose it so I had to rush right back. You got to rush back for the good ones.


  That was a good one.


  Did you hear that one Eddy?


  Joy why do you come off so stupid, you don’t come off half this stupid at home.


  Shut up areshole.


  Touché Joy.




  Is everything all right?


  Yes wonderful. Virginia girl, you lost weight.




  I couldn’t help but notice all those fancy cheeses.


  Yes and help yourself to the—


  Is that in honour of the Baby Cheeses?


  Pardon me?


  The Baby ... Cheeses.


  Sorry ... Baby?


  Jesus, cheeses like Jesus.


  That’s a good one Eddy.


  It’s mine.


  Oh Joy, aren’t you the punster.


  Huh. Oh this is it this is it listen listen listen.

  JOY’s CD plays a Muzak version of “Silent Night.”

  SAMUEL listens.

  VIRGINIA listens.

  EDDY listens.


  Isn’t it great!


  Such an interesting ...




  I just love it. I think we’ll be doing some dancing tonight.

  JOY bumps into EDDY.


  Watch it Joy.


  What the hell is this?


  It’s “Silent Night.”


  I know but what the hell is it.


  (loudly) It’s a CD Mister Bickerson! A CD!


  (grunts and leaves)


  (calling after) Mister Bickerson, what do you make of all the cheeses Mister Bick— Anyhoo. Leonard’s not a no show is he?


  No he’s in the kitchen with Madison. Virginia why don’t you get them in.


  Okey dokey.


  Madison, she’s really growing up isn’t she.


  Shut up Eddy.


  What I’m just making an observation.


  Yeah from your dirty mind.


  How come I’m the one with the dirty mind, you’re the one wants to get into bondage.


  Yes well, I was speaking with Leonard this morning and he’s come up with what I think is an absolutely capital idea.


  Oh great we’re starting with the charades all ready.


  Forget charades, (to SAMUEL) this year we’re dancing.




  Here they are.


  Fine then are we all here?


  Quid pro bono? What the hell does that mean? Quid pro bono.




  Madison. I’m on the phone!


  Everyone’s waiting.


  (on phone) Hang on, Hang on. (to group) Go ahead.


  Fine then. Now I don’t think we need to point out that there are certain divisions which exist in our neighbourhood and Leonard has come up with an idea that I think might just be the ticket to bring us all together. Leonard, would you like to?


  (indicates no)


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