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The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure

Page 10

by Robert M. Collins

  Bizarre metallic phone recordings made in the winter/spring of 1989 and the spring of 1993. All of the recordings were made by Connie Fisher or Robert Collins. Recordings were made using either a regular or micro-cassette recorder.

  Both a government acoustics contractor and government acoustics expert sat down, listened, and then evaluated the tapes. Then they gave their independent analysis and compared notes. Here is a synopsis of what they found:

  1) Sounds generated then transmitted; sounds not generated by phone; sounds came through a phone line, all sounds were machine generated.

  2) Robert Collins did not generate those sounds.

  3) Connie’s true voice was her true voice. The “other” Connie voice was a reverb machine voice. When they filtered out the “reverb voice” the voices were the same. Voiceprints from the two tapes showed similar voices or same voice.

  4) Those death threats were made on a tape recorder and then put through a reverb then played through the phone. You could hear the click of the tape as it was going on and off. Age of male person on tape was estimated to be 25-30 years, more than likely having a white-Anglo background.

  Robert Collins said he had received a phone call from a voice that sounded like Connie’s. This voice told him that “they,” meaning the contractor and acoustics expert, wouldn’t find anything; that they wouldn’t be able to prove or demonstrate any differences between Connie’s real voice and the “machine voice.”

  After all of the discussion and not wanting to dismiss the case, Raven said he would like the following from Robert Collins and/or Connie:

  1) Need at least a 30-minute covertly recorded conversation either on the phone or in person of Connie talking about these aliens; needed this to do a voice stress test. Robert told me that he had already covertly recorded a 30 minute conversation with Connie. Later, he sent a copy of the tape to me which I sent on.

  In the end, I never heard back from the contractor or Raven about the tape I had forwarded to them.

  2) To obtain either fingernail or blood samples from Connie for a DNA check. From that, Raven said they could determine a thousand different things or whether she had been altered or not. That statement got me wondering how much Raven really knew.

  Raven made a cryptic comment that some years ago humans and the aliens had done some experiments using human and alien tissue samples, but wouldn’t go into details with me. For a further discussion of this hear Rick Doty and Robert Collins’ phone conversation on the New Paris Ohio case:

  Those middle of the night Metallic Voices? Below are links to some of the phone recordings made during the New Paris case: and,

  For further updates on abductions see alien fluid and tissue samples:

  Levengood: Alien Tissue and Fluid Samples: Preliminary Report II

  Finally, since retiring from the Air Force in November 1988 I have managed to have a successful second career as a New Mexico State Trooper receiving many commendations. From the early 1990s to present I did consulting work for both the Fox Network’s “X-Files” and Steven Spielberg’s “Taken” mini series which appeared on the Science Fiction channel during December 2002. I also make frequent trips on special assignments to Washington D.C. concerning the UFO subject.

  Not ending the story here so let us move to a more sinister subject in Chapter 5 which fits neatly into UFO mythology and folklore.



  The Wilderness of Mirrors —James Jesus Angleton

  Jaime Shandera writes (4): ‘When Raven came into the UFO disclosure picture in 1991, he seemed to be laying out a scenario that was to make the information palatable for public consumption. Of course, the nature of the discussion is, unfortunately, never palatable in some camps. In the initial briefing during the first meeting with Raven, a number of things were revealed. Raven, as we were told, was very involved with MJ-12 and can’t surface. He had been involved for over 30 years and worked “out” of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)(8).

  One of the first surprises from Raven was the existence of an Ultra Top Secret group called the OROCA Panel: A panel, which had been in existence since the ‘50s. The panel is above MJ-12 and meets at CIA headquarters in Langley, VA, in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) room underground at Level 3. The existence of this Level 3 itself is highly classified. In fact, it is bypassed when accessing other underground levels.

  Hawk (Ernie Kellerstrass) once stated that you begin to realize the existence of the inaccessible areas when you time the elevator rides between different levels as you go down. A discrepancy occurs in the greater distance between two levels, a discrepancy not readily noticeable to the casual observer.

  Regarding Ernie Kellerstrass, in a taped phone conversation (1996) he mentions EBE-2 leaving in 1984 and EBE-3 (female) leaving in 1989, perhaps it was 1993. But, before EBE-3 left, she met with six (6) U.S. Senators, but there were no Senate names mentioned by Ernie. EBE-3 or some female EBE was the same EBE Jaime and Bill were set-up to meet and what all the Bird Code was about (see last two paragraphs in this addendum). Ernie also mentioned that we had 12 more humans ready for an exchange program departing on April 24th 1997 and that former President Ronald Reagan had a couple of meetings with both EBE-2 and 3 while he was president.

  Continuing: When Raven began working in this area, he thought MJ-12 and OROCA were the same; he found out later they were not. The oldest OROCA documents he had seen were from 1951. The highly classified section of Los Alamos where Raven worked periodically had a series of underground levels and is known as the “Dulce Complex” or TA 49 at Los Alamos. The surface is level 1 (this entry was closed off in 2002) and there are five (5) levels underground. The underground levels are not accessed by any single elevator shaft or stairwell. The levels are offset and not stacked in any normal concept of construction.

  The design makes accidental or hostile penetration virtually impossible. The design also makes sabotage or even a direct bomb hit incapable of destroying the facility, at least in the total. An age-old security system is in effect with color badges. The color of your badge indicates what level you can go to. The highest clearance will have all colors on the badge.

  The subject of UFOs and related areas take up 70 percent of Raven’s workweek. Raven stated that the aliens have provided many items of interest to us, but we are still trying to find ways to use them. He said there are two (2) craft in Nevada that have been provided by the aliens (see Doty comments). He said that the aliens were not responsible for our present STEALTH technology, that we developed it, and the Ebens (nick name for Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) used a cloaking effect, much like the Romulans in “Star Trek” do, which makes them invisible, but not amongst themselves.

  When asked if the ETs were currently here, Raven said not for several years (big questions about this) as they come periodically. They did not trust Reagan and were last here in 1988. By that Raven meant a permanent presence here. We do have a way to communicate with them by a scattered binary hyper-burst. It sends a signal faster than the speed of light (Comment: the signal is teleported, it's a separate space-time that carries the signal faster than light, see link). “Heron” (Jerry Miller, now retired from civil service in the Air Force) was aware of NASA experimenting with it in its primitive stages. When asked what messages we send, he said, they were responses to questions the Ebens have posed to us.

  Raven said he cannot and would not meet to talk to us, but he will see if there is some way to assist. He was well aware of our research and things we had written. He said he would not discuss details about the Ebens.

  When asked if there was a human-ET exchange program, he said, “They have been here, we hav
e been there.” He said that we know the alien races who [sic] are and will be here; there are no surprises. It continued to sound as though he was addressing things for public consumption avoiding sensitive issues and the present and putting emphasis on the past. He stated that there were different species of aliens, he was aware of every one, and when asked if we are in contact with different ones, he said no, only the ones who are here.

  He went onto say that all this got started in the 1930s when U.S. Army intelligence was provided some information. The Roswell incident actually happened pretty much as stated. There was one live alien, while the others died. The live alien died after a few years and was picked up in 1964 during the Holloman AFB official contact (actually, that was the Trinity site, Holloman was disinformation). They asked for the return of EBE-1 so we gave him back. We still have the pictures and medical research for EBE-1. Blue Book was truthful as there were many unexplained sightings with the Ebens doing reconnaissance, exploration and mapping. They took some animals and some mutilations were allowed, but controlled (serious questions about the truthfulness of this).

  Raven said that there are about 200 other intelligent, sentient species scattered through out the universe that the Ebens have identified and often times interacted with. The Ebens are about 20-25,000 years ahead of us; a very long time ago they had a war with another race that is now dominated by the Ebens.

  Betty and Barney Hill were taken on board a craft. They weren’t abducted, according to Raven. He was very defensive with his phrasing. Raven said they subconsciously volunteered. Thousands have been taken on board alien spacecraft. They have been examined, never killed, and then released. The abductees have dreams, a lot about souls, which are about souls in the universe. When we die, our souls travel around until they find a new “home” in a new physical body to animate. All this was apparently revealed by the aliens. They do not harm anyone during their abductions and they are now through with this examination process; the next phase is the intellect.

  Raven’s efforts here seem to confirm that something is going on with “alien abductions” (as they are popularly known), but nothing as extreme as what’s being reported. He went on to say that they believe in a supreme God, as we believe, but they are more religious than us; it is embedded in their society. He says Ebens can take the form of human beings. They could not before, but they can now, for the purpose of infiltrating society to obtain certain types of information. Raven says they may want to be exposed. It is apparently the government not wanting them exposed—not the aliens holding back––as they have held back only as a courtesy to us, Raven said. When asked about Whitley Strieber, Raven said he had an encounter; that he was a conduit for something, but that it did not pan out.

  For someone who was not going to talk about the Ebens, Raven had said a mouthful. Our assessment was that Raven was prepping us for a disclosure that was inevitable. In that process, he was selective and tended to adjust the information.

  It is not that any of it was wrong; it was just being “polished.” The alien abduction area was going to be sensitive for the government to deal with, no matter what. Raven’s position goes further than any we had ever heard from the inside. It is easier to accept than the out right denials we had come to expect in the past. So, was Raven actually telling the truth or is he spinning the reported alien abduction incidences for political reasons?

  There are all of these stories of “mean spirited” aliens and horrible probes in both books and the mainstream media––are they a distortion of the true activity and nature which is more benign? There does seem to be a general dislike and distrust of some individuals within the government for those doing books and films about abductions. The real distrust from the government side is directed not at the people claiming the experience, but at some of the prominent researchers who lack the proper medical license or psychological training while nurturing, confirming, and characterizing the events as “horrible” and “traumatic.”

  The next few months saw increased activity. More meetings were held with Raven. Parrot (Senator Claiborne Pell) and Crow (not identified) joined the “Aviary” and the numbers began to swell. A list of names to contact was given to Sparrow (unidentified but this is not Rick Doty). One of the names on the list ran a facility that was known and had a publicly known function. Sparrow was to use Raven’s name to gain access to information when contacting this individual. Once a meeting was arranged, the individual said since Raven had also contacted him, he would be happy to talk to Sparrow. He was escorted into a private room, where an enlightening discussion ensued.

  “You know the public position of what we do here.”


  “Well, that’s what I do here 80 percent of the time. But, it’s the other 20 percent that I’m here for. This is the only sending and receiving station for alien communications on the planet.”

  Aside comment: The ET Communications facility was reportedly located in the Manzano Weapons Storage Area Plant 3 and moved in the late nineties.


  “Quite seriously”

  “How does that work?”

  “From the time a message is sent from here until we receive a response takes 22 days. It’s not 11 up and 11 back. Our sending takes longer than theirs.”

  Sparrow was impressed since this was quite a find. The use of Raven’s name opened doors. The push on our end now was for us to put together a production deal. We needed to structure a TV show that could accommodate the information we were getting. We were first asked to outline two programs starting with Roswell to begin laying the historical perspective of ET contact. In addition to the outline of the programs, we were to include a “wish list” of proof that we felt we needed for each show.

  We were told that if we structured the show that they would supply the proof. The outline was completed and sent off. The next steps were negotiations with a major production company. Negotiations seemed to be going well with one company until their greed exceeded our civil rights, we walked away. The second round of negotiations went much better and most elements were worked out for a contract between us. The contract was on the table, not signed, but with a few points still to negotiate.

  The End Game that Failed: How Working with the Government Flopped in 1991

  Raven set up a major meeting. They needed us to define who would be the project director on our end. I was the only one who was skilled in both television production (Jaime Shandera) and this intelligence game we had been playing for years. The meeting that Raven was convening would include people from Washington and a CIA contract agent from L.A. Sparrow was going to be at the meeting, but wanted me to fly into Albuquerque to be on standby in case he needed me. There was to be a complete discussion about the television program. Certain key players in the Bush Administration were briefed.

  An operation was underway to brief the heads of various agencies to gain their support for the kind of rumblings that someone was real serious about going public. When you’re focused on what you want to tell, you don’t always look at how the administration in place needs to have a game plan to deal with the public. Secretary of Defense Cheney (now the former Vice President) reportedly said he was against disclosure. The administration had nothing to gain and the Pentagon would need an additional $20 million.

  They would need the money to handle the increased staff to deal with the flood of Freedom of Information Requests (FOIA). The phones would be ringing off the hook and it would disrupt their ability to function with a normal business flow, let alone a crisis.

  It was clear that a lot of thought was being put into the impact that this would have on all fronts. Now we were hearing things we hadn’t considered, but that seemed so logical and expected. Things now seemed to be on a fast track of high exposure that would be hard to back down from. President George H.W. Bush (one) was being mentioned often, but always in “careful” terms; careful in the sense that Bush was only supposed to be marginally aware that an operation
was underway to test the political climate for release of UFO information.

  That sounded more like plausible deniability than fact or, proposals, discourse and then deny. If the briefings were underway-- and all indications suggested they were --then they could only have proceeded with Bush’s express approval.

  There were hard rules we learned about MJ-12 over the years and that was there was great consistency. MJ-12 autonomy from the President worked only for day-to-day functioning, political decisions, briefing agencies, and disclosure. Anything that would impact the public and/or the administration required a Presidential directive, and this was not the exception, but the imperative and rule.

  The rumblings we heard had to do with the difficult adjustments going on with the briefings and attitudes of the participants. Raven and Parrot were carrying out the briefings. Parrot was very cynical about Hollywood as he felt they sensationalized too much and could not be trusted to stay on track and remain focused. Raven felt it was the way to go and was the best opportunity to reach the largest audience with the ability to tell the whole story from historical roots. At first, NASA was negative, but the President’s Scientific Adviser was very much in favor which was a big plus.


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