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Kash (Walk of Shame 2nd Generation #3)

Page 3

by Victoria Ashley

  Training and helping others is my main goal.

  I don’t even give myself a few seconds to catch my breath, before I make my way over to Zack to check on him.

  One of his guys is standing over him and squirting water over his face to help him wake up, so I give him a few minutes to gather himself before reaching down and helping him up to his feet.

  “Good fight, man,” I throw one of my arms around him as I hold him up and encourage him to keep fighting. I’ve known this kid for years and the feeling sucks knowing that I probably broke his nose during this fight. “You’ve got a lot of heart and that’s exactly why you deserve to be in that ring. Got it?”

  He nods his head, showing appreciation as I check on his nose. It’s definitely broken. “Appreciate it, man.” He stops a second to catch his breath, before speaking again. “There was a slim chance in hell I’d beat you tonight, but I wasn’t going down without a fight. Your father taught me well and once you take over this place and get all set up, I’m hoping you’ll train me too.”

  “Of course, man.” Mention of my father has me fighting back my emotions. It’s moments like this that made me stop fighting after he passed just after my twentieth birthday.

  It’s been three years now, but I still struggle with his absence. He was a huge part of my life and every little reminder that he’s no longer here kills me.

  But it’s time for me to man up.

  Every win brings me closer to the money necessary to get my training gym up and running. It’s been a dream of mine ever since I was a kid and I used to watch my dad train his men.

  I always thought we’d open a gym together in the future, but that dream was crushed when he got sick and passed away.

  I took a break from fighting shortly after that and just picked it back up in hopes of finally living that dream and making him proud.

  Stripping became my biggest income toward making that happen a while back, but these fights are only going to make the process move faster. It’s the only reason I’m fighting.

  Not for the afterparties where everyone gets shitfaced or the pleasure of dominating someone in the ring. For the money.

  By the end of my second fight, I’m completely drenched in sweat and every inch of my body aches with every single move I make.

  Not only from the fights, but from the training and dancing I’ve been doing this whole week, leading up to tonight.

  And these fights, are nothing compared to the fight I’ll be training to take on in a couple of weeks. It’s going to take a lot more preparation and dedication than what I’ve been doing for the last six months since I’ve come back.

  Fighting in the warehouse is just a warm up to the big guys, I’ve been working my ass off to fight.

  That’s where the real prize money sits.

  “Good fights, man.” Abe appears next to me, his face swollen and bruised from his fight earlier. I can tell with one look in his eyes that he’s ashamed he messed up his chance of winning tonight. “These other guys didn’t stand a chance against you. Even they knew it. Congrats.”

  I smile and nod my head, before patting his back. “You’ll get your win next time, man. Just let my ass know if you want to set up more training sessions. I’ll make time for you, but you’ve gotta show me you want it. Got it?”

  He nods and forces a smile. “I might need that. I need to get back on track. No more late night partying for my dumb ass. Especially before a fight night.”

  “Alright, man.” I throw the strap of my bag over my shoulder, ready to get out of here before I can get stopped again. “I have an appointment to set up. I’ll see you Monday morning for training.”

  I’m just on my way out the door, when Callie rushes over and throws her arms around me, stopping me from walking.

  “Congratulations on your wins tonight! Watching you fight is even better than watching you dance. I’m impressed, Kash.”

  Callie’s been at Walk of Shame more than enough times for me to recognize her by face now. Not to mention, she’s been spending a lot of money on private dances from me over the last two weeks.

  Her coming here tonight was just her way of trying to get me alone without the craziness of the hundreds of women at the club. More of a chance for her to get what she wants.

  Which is me, naked, and on top of her.

  “Thanks, Callie.” I offer her a smile, while taking my shirt and running it over my sweaty chest, watching as she practically salivates at the sight of my hard body. “Appreciate you coming.”

  Not wanting to deal with her groping me and trying to work her way into my bed, I begin walking again in hopes she’ll take off with her friends and forget about me.

  “Kash! Wait . . .”

  Releasing a slow breath, I stop and turn around to face her, looking her over in her tight jeans and her very sexy V neck top with a laced-up front. Her huge breasts are spilling out everywhere. Cleary, she’s dressed to get attention tonight.

  As tempting as she may look, I’m not looking for meaningless fun tonight. I’ve had enough fun over the years and it’s time to take shit more seriously. I’m a different man than I was when I first started dancing at Walk of Shame. I’m slowly beginning to see that.

  “Me and my friends are going to the after party. Will I see you there?” Her eyes scan me over from head to toe, taking in my sweaty body, as she waits for my answer.

  Unfortunately, she’s not going to get the one she’s looking for tonight.

  I shake my head. “Not tonight. You ladies have fun without me.”

  Disappointment washes over her eager face as her girls walk over to join her. “You sure? It’ll be fun. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Yeah,” one of her friends joins in. “We’re a pretty fun group. We’ll keep you entertained. Maybe you can invite a few of your friends, too.”

  I let out a small laugh, feeling a bit teamed up on now. Double teaming might’ve worked in the past for me, but not now. “Sorry, ladies. I have somewhere to be. Not gonna happen.”

  Before they can attempt to entice me anymore, I rush outside and jump into my lifted truck, checking the time.


  Pulling out of the parking lot, I dial Riley’s number in hopes she’s still at work.

  I’m surprised when she answers it before the second ring.

  “Did you win?” she asks immediately. “I’ve been staring at this darn phone waiting to hear news. Spill it.”

  I smile into the phone. “Hi to you too, Riley.”

  “Oh, please. I’ve known you long enough that I shouldn’t have to say hello anymore. Now, answer my question, Kash.”

  “Yes.” I pull out into traffic and head toward Sensual Touches, hoping like hell she says yes to what I’m about to ask. “Think you can fit me in tonight for a quick rub down with one of your massage therapists? I feel like I’ve been hit by a damn semi.”

  “Better hurry up. I’m only saying yes since you won tonight and I think you deserve it.” I hear her laugh into the phone before she continues. “One of my ladies is looking for some extra cash. I’m sure she won’t mind staying back for a bit and fitting you in for the night.”

  “Thank you, babe. Be there in five.”

  Hanging up, I speed up, taking the side roads in hopes there won’t be any traffic to slow me down.

  The place closes in less than twenty-five minutes and I’m in desperate need of this relaxation tonight. I don’t care if it takes me dropping to my knees and begging this woman Riley mentioned.

  I barely park my truck, before I’m jumping out and rushing for the door as if my damn life depends on it.

  The woman leaving the parlor spins around to check me out as I hold the door open for her to pass me.

  “Maybe I need to get a job here,” she says with a smile of admiration. “Thanks.”

  “For what?” I question with a small laugh.

  “Just for being so handsome.” Her face turns red as she waves and turns around to leave. “Da
mn, I wish I was single.”

  Riley is standing right inside the door, grinning from ear to ear when I walk inside. “Couldn’t wear a shirt, huh? As if you don’t distract my clients enough already.”

  “You don’t want me wearing that sweaty ass thing in here. Trust me.” I lean against the counter and wait for Riley to tell me which room. “I pretty much used it as a towel after my fight and tossed it in the truck.”

  “And you’re telling me some girl didn’t steal it to take home and sleep in it? Surprising . . .” Riley looks away from the computer and smiles down at her phone when it rings. “Room four. Hurry up. Eden’s just grabbing some supplies from the back so do her a favor and be ready.”

  “Eden?” My heart skips a beat at the mention of her name. It’s not a very common one.

  “Hey, handsome. Hang on a sec,” she says into the phone, before answering me. “Yeah. She’s one of my girls that’s been away for a bit. You haven’t met her yet. She’s good though. I promise.”

  A huge ass smile takes over my face as I picture the Eden I met the other night. “Sassy blonde?”

  “Yeah, that’s her.” She looks surprised. “How’d you know? Did you come in when I was gone one day?”

  I begin backing up, even more eager for this massage now. “Later, Riley. Tell Cale about my fights since I don’t have time.”

  I ignore her question and hurry down the hall, wanting to get to Eden’s room, before she does.

  Hopefully this will give me a chance to get to know the woman behind the sass . . .


  IT’S ALMOST CLOSING TIME AND I’m completely exhausted and emotionally drained at this point, just ready to call it a night so I can curl into bed with my son and spend time with him.

  I can tell by the tone of his voice that he’s missing me and it makes my heart ache that I can’t be there for him. He doesn’t deserve to have to miss two parents at the same time. He should always have one of us there.

  “Mommy will be there soon, Alec. I promise. Can you be good for Hannah for just a bit longer? It won’t be long. I promise.”

  “Yes, mommy. I can do that. I be good for Hannah,” he says with a yawn. “Love you, mommy. Byyye.”

  “Love you, too, baby. Thank you.”

  I can hear Hannah in the background asking for the phone back, before she reassures me it’s fine if I’m a little late tonight.

  As much as I hate being away from Alec longer than I have to–I need the money.

  Knight isn’t doing his part and there’s no way I’m relying on anyone else to take care of my family for me. That’s not who I am or who I ever want to be, no matter how hard my father tries pushing money on me.

  It’s up to me to give him the life he deserves, even if that means me taking on extra shifts once or twice a week or staying later here and there. I’ll do whatever it takes.

  Shoving my phone into my small apron, I grab for some more oil, lotion and a few candles, before heading back to my room to stock up.

  According to Riley, my last client of the night should already be here by now and most likely set up in my room and ready for me to start.

  I’m counting on that so I can get the job done and out of here as quickly as possible.

  Stopping in front of the door, I knock and wait for whoever is on the other side to let me know it’s okay to come in.

  “I’m decent.” A deep voice calls out.

  A lot of the guys that come here take this as an opportunity to show me the goods, by tricking me to believe they’re ready, but they’re standing in my room completely naked on display for me to see.

  I’ve grown to expect it at this point, but today has been exceptionally bad. My eyes can only handle so much in one damn day.

  Please be covered up. Please no more dong and balls tonight . . .

  Upon stepping into my room, relief washes over me as my eyes immediately land on a firm body, covering the massage table.

  The client is facing down, the bottom half of his body covered by a sheet, only giving me a view of his muscular back, arms and legs.

  “Well, congratulations. You’re my first honest client tonight. I’m slightly impressed.” I smile as the guy laughs into the pillow. “So, thank you for not showing me your balls. I’ve seen more than my fair share tonight.”

  “Most women don’t thank me for that, but you’re welcome, I think.” His back muscles flex as he adjusts himself to get more comfortable. “You did me a huge favor by fitting me in at last minute tonight. The least I can do is not show you my balls . . . unless you ask of course. Then I guess I would owe you.”

  His sense of humor has me laughing as I wash my hands and dry them off. Maybe sticking around to fit this guy in will be entertaining at least. That usually helps the time to pass. Plus, I could use a laugh after such a stressful day.

  “I appreciate that, but I’m one hundred and ten percent positive I won’t be asking to see them . . .” I pause, searching for a name as I empty the lotion and candles from my apron. “What should I call you? Bob? George? Kenneth?”

  “Kash,” he says, sounding amused. “Those names are fucking horrible, by the way. I hope like hell I don’t look as bad as those names sound.”

  “I hope not too,” I joke. “I’d have to charge extra then.”

  “And fuck. I’d pay it too,” he says with a laugh.

  Once I get closer to the bed, I find myself swallowing as I look his body over, taking in the perfection, while I blindly reach for my oil and open the new bottle.

  He definitely doesn’t look as bad as those names sound.

  Being this close really displays how beautiful and sculpted this man’s body is. A woman’s eyes can definitely appreciate the sight I have in front of me right now.

  Just hopefully my hands don’t appreciate it too much.

  I can honestly say over touching has never been an issue with any of my clients, but this body is definitely a dirty temptation.

  Take a deep breath and relax . . . deep breath and relax.

  The music is already playing and Kash looks to be completely comfortable and ready for me to start, so I take another deep breath, like I’ve couched myself and say my usual lines.

  “My name is Eden, by the way.” I walk around to the top of the bed and squirt some oil into my hands, preparing to rub them down his muscular body. “I’m going to start at your shoulders and work my way down. Let me know if there’s a certain spot you’d like me to focus on.”

  He lets out a sexy little growl, the moment my hands rub the first tense spot, digging in deep. I might’ve let out a little growl myself, feeling his firm body under my touch, but I’m hoping he didn’t notice.

  “I’ll take whatever you can give me within the next thirty minutes,” he says, his voice deep and sexy. “Honestly, I would’ve been down for begging you at this point and I don’t beg very often. Fuuuck me, keep going, Eden. I like it hard and rough. Don’t fucking take it easy on me.”

  The way he says fuck has my heart beating fast in my chest, feeling a bit excited. I didn’t know that word could sound so sexy coming out of someone’s mouth, until now.

  “Is that you begging?” I tease.

  “You’d know if I was begging, Eden,” he growls out, his hard muscles flexing beneath my hands. “It’d be pleasurable for the both of us and there’s no doubt I’d get what I want in the end. Trust me . . . I’m as honest as they come and it would most definitely end with you coming . . .”

  If my heart wasn’t beating out of my chest before, it is now. I’ve never had a man on my table before that had the power to make me as hot and bothered as I am at this very moment.

  His words have me sweating, but there’s no way I’m giving him the pleasure of letting him know he’s getting to me.

  Without speaking, I begin working my way further down his back side, being careful not to focus my eyes on his firm ass for too long.

  I feel like such a pervert right now, but there’s no denying his bod
y feels fantastic beneath my fingertips and I like it.

  It’s when I work my way back up his thick legs that he speaks again, really making me think dirty. “You don’t have to be careful not to get my ass, Eden. My whole back side needs attention.” Before I can say anything, he reaches behind him and yanks the sheet off, revealing his muscular ass to me. “Work it nice and good.”

  “Really?!” I pull my hands from his legs and squirt more oil in my palm. “Out of all the places I can focus on, you choose your ass?”

  “Have you ever had an ass massage, Eden?”

  “No,” I admit, while rubbing my hands together. “I’ve never really had much of any kind of a massage, to be honest.”

  “Then, you have no idea what you’re missing out on.” He places his hands on the side of the table and pushes up when he speaks. “Maybe we should switch places. Every woman deserves to be rubbed and taken care of by a man.”

  “As tempting as that sounds, I’m going to have to pass.” I shake my head, fighting my smile. “Now lay back down so I can do my job. Time is almost up.”

  Thinking he’s going to listen, I get ready to get back to work, but before my hands can touch his glorious ass, he’s hopping off the table, and picking me up to take his place.

  My breath gets sucked right out of me as he sets me on the edge of the table, his naked body pressing between my legs.

  “Oh my God! What are you doing?” I try my best not to look at his naked body, as he backs away from me and throws a fresh sheet over the pillow, but I can’t help but to peek between my fingers.

  Just a quick glimpse of his dick is enough to let me know this guy is packing where it counts.

  Oh holy hell . . .

  “Giving you a massage,” he says casually, as if this is somehow normal, when this is anything but. “Don’t worry you can keep your clothes on.” Grabbing my waist with force, he flips me over and pushes my head down into the pillow, causing me to move my hands from my face.

  Has me thinking dirty things–like how he might handle a woman in bed. I bet he’s rough and very thorough, making sure to hit every spot.


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