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Kash (Walk of Shame 2nd Generation #3)

Page 5

by Victoria Ashley

  I run my hand over it a few times, keeping my eyes closed as I thrust my hips and get lost in the music.

  This has whoever’s sitting in the stool in front of me, letting out a small gasp as if she’s turned on by me touching myself.

  Satisfied, I drop to my knees, flex my chest and pull my shirt over my head and toss it aside, before I grind my hips slowly, as if I’m fucking the person below me.

  It’s then that I look down to see her sitting on the stool, watching me with curiosity.

  I have no idea when she got in the room, but I’m guessing it was right when I decided to draw all the attention my way.

  I’m just glad that I have her attention along with the rest of the room since last time she saw me dance, she pretended not to enjoy it.

  Well that was before she got the chance to get to know me. I don’t see her looking away now and it has my body reacting.

  Her green eyes land on mine and she looks nervous as if she’s just been caught doing something she wasn’t meant to, but she doesn’t turn away.

  Her eyes stay on me, taking me in as if she wishes it were her hands on me instead.

  Well, damn. I definitely wasn’t expecting to see her here, but I’ll take this any day over just a phone call . . .


  MY HEART SPEEDS UP WITH excitement, my palms becoming sweatier with each move of Kash’s insanely sexy body up on the bar.

  I can barely handle looking at him right now, without remembering the glimpse I got of his naked body last week at Sensual Touches, when I lost my battle at not peeking between my fingers.

  There’s no denying the fact that he’s absolutely beautiful and I’ve spent some time since then, pleasuring myself to that image, wondering what it would be like to experience the real thing.

  Knight is the only man I’ve been with sexually and if I have to be honest, he never took the time to take care of me and make sure I felt good. It was always about him and what he needed.

  He was a selfish man in more ways than one.

  Kash on the other hand, gives off the impression that he’s all about taking care of a woman and making her feel good in every way. He showed that by giving up his massage to give me one, instead. It’s definitely a desirable quality in a man that seems to be extremely rare.

  But as much as I enjoy looking at and fantasizing about Kash, and all the things he can do to me, I need to be careful when it comes to men and letting them in. My son still comes first over my needs and I made a promise to myself the day he was born that I would never be selfish and put him in a situation that might hurt him in the end.

  The only reason I’m even here in the first place tonight is to give Kash back the hundred dollar tip he left me a few nights ago. I don’t deserve it and after thinking it over for the last few days, I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to give it back.

  It’s the right thing to do and I’m not leaving here without him accepting it.

  He was barely even in my room for thirty minutes and ten of those minutes were spent on him massaging me.

  I can’t accept the tip. I’d feel too guilty keeping it, even though I could use the extra money right now.

  Plus, I have to admit there was a small part of me that wanted to see him again, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself otherwise.

  There was something about the way Kash talked to me during our time together that had me completely intrigued, wanting to know more about him and what kind of guy he truly is.

  Not just the male entertainer I got a glimpse of that first night. The real him.

  I was hoping to maybe get a few minutes to do that tonight, but from the looks of things, I’m not so sure now.

  When Riley told me he was bartending tonight, instead of dancing, I figured it’d be the best night to stop in and give him his money back, without having a crazy group of women surrounding him.

  I was completely wrong. These women are going crazy over him and inside, I might be just a little bit too.

  ‘Cause holy hell . . .

  That night I met him at Joni’s party doesn’t do him any justice as to how he’s moving his body right now on that bar. Sort of makes me wish I would’ve stayed longer to see him dance.

  The way his strong hands move over his hard body as he grinds his hips with perfect rhythm is completely seductive and hypnotizing.

  Seeming to ignore all the women around him, Kash leans over and grabs my hands, placing them on his hard chest as he continues moving his body in front of me.

  The way he looks at me is almost enough to make me believe we’re the only two people in the room.

  How he can manage to do that, when the room is full of beautiful women, wanting to get to him, is beyond crazy.

  Some of them are even practically climbing on top of me right now, wanting a taste of this man.

  But I can’t help but to let him draw me in anyway, getting lost in this moment with him as if no one else is around.

  Sitting up straight, he slowly runs my hands lower, with each thrust of his hips, stopping before they can reach the very visible bulge in his pants.

  My heart is beating out of my chest at this point, wondering what it would feel like to go lower. To just give in for two seconds and be selfish for once in my life.

  I feel like such a pervert right now. Kash has a way of doing that to me.

  Leaving my hands on his body, he moves in closer to wrap his hands into the back of my hair and hold me in place as if to tell me he’s dancing for me and only me.

  Keeping his eyes on me and only me, he jumps down from the bar and picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, before he buries his face into my neck as he dances.

  The way he does it is so sensual and personal, giving off a whole new vibe than that first night when all it did was make me feel dirty.

  I feel anything but right now.

  His hands move from my hips down to cup my ass as his mouth brushes up my neck. Without even thinking about it, I lean my head back exposing myself for him.

  He sucks and nips at my neck, moaning as his hands grip me tighter, showing me how much he’s enjoying me.

  This has butterflies filling my stomach and my mind racing all over the place, wondering what in the hell I’m doing.

  Before I can get too lost in him, I work my way out of his arms and toss the money down on the bar, before backing away through the crowd.

  I don’t make it far, before I feel a firm grip on my waist, as Kash’s body slides in behind me.

  Why the hell does this have to feel so good?

  “I don’t want your money, Eden,” he whispers against my ear.

  “It’s not.” I stop walking and close my eyes when I feel his hands brush my hair away from my ear. “It’s yours. I can’t accept your tip. I didn’t even earn it. I’m giving it back.”

  I feel him smile against my ear, causing me to swallow. “Yes, you did. You took the time out of your night to help me out when I needed it. You could’ve said no to sticking around that night for me.”

  “No, I couldn’t.” I shake my head and remove his hand from my waist, before turning around to face him. I’m sure this will be enough to scare him off. “I have a son to take care of, Kash. It was you that was helping me out, but I can’t accept money I didn’t earn. I should go.”

  He looks me over for a quick second, before catching my arm when I try to leave. “How old is your son?”

  I give him a small smile, not expecting him to care enough to ask me any questions. Most guys would be running the other way at just the mention of me having a kid. “He’s five. I should really get back to him. He’s with the babysitter and . . .”

  His face lights up as he listens to me talk. “He’s one lucky little guy to have you.” His eyes stay on mine as he speaks again. “Let me take you out on a date, Eden. Let me take care of you for a night and show you what it feels like to go out with a real man.”

  I don’t say anything. Honestly, I’m not sure what to
say. All I know is that I could get myself into deep trouble with this man if I don’t get out of here soon.

  So, I just smile and back up through the crowd, before he can try to stop me again.

  As soon as I make it past the security guard and outside, I walk straight over to my jeep and fall against it with a huge smile.

  Something about the look in Kash’s eyes when I mentioned my son and he asked me to go out with him, tells me he’s genuinely interested in me and not just getting laid.

  I’ve been asked out on a few dates in the six months since I’ve been single and every single one ended up being disastrous, with the asshole assuming he was going to take me to bed at the end of the night and satisfy his own needs.

  They never once asked me about my son or what’s important in my life. It was obvious they weren’t looking for anything deeper than a one night stand.

  That’s not my style. I need a selfless and caring man that is serious about a relationship and willing to put my child before even my own needs.

  I know without a doubt that it won’t be easy to find and I’m not sure if Kash can be that guy or not.

  Right as I get ready to get into my jeep to head home, I hear heavy footsteps coming up behind me, before I feel a hand grip my arm and pull me back with force.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Eden?” Knight’s angry voice booms beside my ear as he turns me around and presses my back against my vehicle. “I went to the house to see my son to find out you were at a fucking male strip club. What gives you the right to go out and leave Alec with someone else?”

  “Let go of me, Knight,” I growl out, while yanking my arm out of his reach and tensing my whole body. “I’ve been gone for exactly thirty-five minutes. You’re gone every fucking day and night. Don’t you come at me thinking you have the right to tell me what I can or cannot do. My son was already asleep before I even thought about stepping out that door. So, back off.”

  “Tell me what the fuck you’re doing here!” His nostrils flare out in rage as he backs me against the jeep again and closes me in so I can’t move. “Who were you with?”

  I attempt to push him away, but it doesn’t even budge him. “Let me go, Knight.”

  He pushes me harder, his body hurting mine. “Answer me! Who the fuck were you with?”


  We both look over to the sound of Kash’s deep voice as he comes stalking toward us, looking pissed and ready to strike.

  “Don’t touch her like that. Take your fucking hands off her before I remove them my damn self.”

  Knight lets out a small laugh as if he’s amused by Kash barking orders at him. It’s not something he’s used to. “You’re telling me what to do with the mother of my child?”

  “Damn straight I am.” With that Kash pulls him away from me and roughly slams him against the vehicle next to mine, holding him down by his neck. “You never fucking handle a woman like that, motherfucker. Got it?”

  “Get the fuck off me.” Knight pushes Kash away just enough to take a swing at him, but misses.

  This has Kash swinging out, knocking Knight right back against the vehicle and holding him down by his neck again.

  Before Knight can manage to attempt to fight back again, two security guards are pulling them apart, wrestling with them to hold them back from each other.

  “Calm down, Kash,” one of them says, while blocking him with his huge frame. “This is not the time or place for this to happen. Settle it somewhere else.”

  Kash runs his hands over his face and backs away from the security guard, before turning to face me. “You left this on the bar.” He walks up to me and gently grabs the back of my neck, while slipping the tip money into my front pocket. “Riley gave you my number. Promise me you’ll call me if that asshole ever handles you that way again. Got it?”

  Looking him in the eyes, I nod my head, while fighting to calm my racing heart.

  Then before I know it, Kash has us turned around so that he’s blocking me from Knight as if he’s still trying to protect me, even though there’s no way he’s getting to me again.

  Knight is in the background struggling to get past the security guards, his face covered in blood from when Kash punched him in the nose.

  I’ve never seen anyone stick up to Knight like that in the seven years I’ve known him.

  I have no idea what could’ve happened, but I’m relieved it got stopped before it could go any further.

  Both of these men are powerhouses.

  “Go home and lock the door. Lane and Kass won’t let your asshole ex leave until you’re safe in your jeep and have enough time to get home.” His hand comes down to gently run over the red spot Knight was gripping. “Actually, fuck that. I’m driving you home myself.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I’m fine. He won’t bother me anymore tonight.”

  “I want to be positive. I won’t stop worrying until I know for sure.” He turns away from me to yell over to the security guards who are keeping Knight at a far distance. “Tell Cale I’ll be back. I have something important to do real fast.”

  With that, he gently grips my waist and guides me over to the passenger seat of my jeep, before jumping into the driver seat.

  “Give me your keys.”

  This man really knows how to make a woman’s heart beat right out of her damn chest.

  He’s dependable, caring and protective. Everything Knight isn’t . . .


  THE SECOND I WALKED OUTSIDE to see that asshole handling Eden with force, I was ready to rip his throat out with no questions asked.

  That kind of shit works me up and pushes me past my boiling point like nothing else.

  I will not stand for that shit and my heart is still racing from rage, everything in me wanting to kill that son of a bitch for touching her.

  He’s lucky she’s safe in the car with me and that Kass and Lane were there to pull my ass off. There’s no telling how far it would’ve gotten and I would’ve hated Eden having to witness the violence.

  Without hesitation, I reach over and grab Eden’s hand, pulling it into my lap, this need to comfort her taking over.

  I feel a slight tug from her as if she’s not sure she wants me holding her hand, but the moment, I rub my thumb over her hand, it relaxes in my lap.

  “Has he ever put his hands on your son?” I ask the question, not giving a shit if it’s crossing the line.

  I need to know this in case I see that fucker again. I have no problem sending him a bigger message than I did tonight.

  “No,” she says quickly. “Of course not. I’d kill that son of a bitch myself if that ever happened and he knows it. He’d never be allowed near either of us for as long as he’s breathing.”

  I relax a bit. “And what about you? Has he ever hit you? Please, don’t lie to me either. I know how men like him are. He didn’t give a shit about holding you against your will back there.”

  It’s quiet as she lets out a small breath and leans her head back into the seat. “If you mean swinging at me, then no. If you mean him holding me against the wall or dragging me into him and holding me there, then I can’t say no about that. He’s a possessive man and he’s used to getting what he wants.”

  “Fucking piece of shit.” Anger boils up in me, causing me to squeeze her hand and pull it further into my lap as if to protect her, even though he’s not around. “And he still wants you?” That thought for some reason pisses me the hell off.

  “In some ways . . . yes. We were together for seven years. He had it in his crazy mind that I’d never leave him. That I would stick around and put up with him cheating on me and never being home to help me take care of our child.” She pauses for a second and then turns to face me, her hand squeezing mine this time as if she’s the one getting angry now. “He expects me to still have sex with him and only him even though we’re not together. He’s a delusional asshole and we were never meant to date. I was young and stupid. Knight Stevens is a prick.�

  I thought that asshole looked familiar. I’ve seen him fight before. Should’ve known it was him as soon as I heard Eden call him Knight. It’s not a very common name, but Stevens is what I know him by.

  And she’s not wrong. He’s a fucking prick.

  “So, let me get this shit straight?” I flex my jaw and fight to keep my cool before she really sees how angry this son of a bitch has me. “He goes around fucking any woman he wants and expects you to sit around and wait for him to come take you however and whenever he wants as if he owns you?”

  “Like the asshole that he is. You would think Knight would know by now that I won’t play by his games. I’m not that girl and never have been.” She pulls her hand from mine and points out the window. “Turn left at the next block and go five houses down and it’s on the right side.”

  I grip the steering wheel and do as she says, stopping in front of a small brick house.

  I’m so worked up right now, that I just sit here in silence, gripping the steering wheel and flexing my jaw as she looks me over.

  I hope like hell now that I get to fight him in a couple weeks, come the big fight.

  “Thank you for driving me home, Kash. That was really nice of you.” She smiles when I reach over and undo her seatbelt. “Want to take my jeep back to the club and I’ll get a ride to pick it up tomorrow?”

  I shake my head and turn my gaze to meet her eyes. They’re so damn beautiful and full of passion and I have no doubt I’ll be picturing them and wondering about her after I leave. “No. I need to get some air.”

  With that, I jump out of the jeep and walk over to her side, opening the door right as she attempts to.

  She gives me a surprised look and smiles as I close the door behind her. “I really appreciate you caring enough to stick up for me. There’s not a lot of guys out there like you.”

  I smile slightly and gently grip the back of her neck, before I lean in close to her ear. “I know . . . and I’ll never be like the asshole you’re used to. I’m different, Eden. I’m not afraid to show you that.”


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