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Deragan Sword Prophecy: Book 01 - Kainan

Page 31

by Rosemary Lynch

  Next to him stood the most incredible and powerful looking creatures that Porlock had ever seen in his entire life. They were massive, giant cat like creatures. From ground to its back Porlock guessed he was looking at about seven feet in height, their length easily double that, and their heads! Porlock gulped nervously, their heads were enormous. They were jet black in colour, their fur was sleek and smooth, and strapped to their backs were leather saddles and leather harnesses.

  Freelander stood, scratching his curly mop of black hair impatiently, the left foot of his black boot tapping the ground impatiently.

  “Well it is about blooming time, come along we must hurry,” he growled as Porlock approached, his brow creased with irritation at having to wait.

  “Easy there little man. Now tell me Freelander from the Gardinel City, how I ride such a beast.” Porlock stared at the Runners with a nervous look in his eye. He was incredibly unsure as they looked ferocious and not at all friendly.

  “Hey you’re not so tall yourself Groundling!” he grumbled indignantly, looking Porlock up and down in disgust. Lord Porlock clasped his hands behind his back and leaned over.

  “I am sorry, you are right my friend. I apologise, believe me it was not my intention to insult you. May we start again, I am Porlock,” he bowed his head to the Gardinel and held out his hand.

  Freelander huffed ignoring his hand and nodding his head instead.

  “Right, well for a start Porlock they are not beasts they are Runners and may I suggest that you do not upset them with insults.” Porlock raised his eyebrows looking over at the Runners.

  “Believe me that was not my intention,” Porlock offered sincerely.

  Freelander shook his head, Groundlings, what did they know about anything.

  “Well go on up ya get then.” He pointed to the saddle.

  “Right, like a horse, yes?” Freelander nodded and he folded his arms, waiting. Porlock approached his runner cautiously.

  “Right now beas…” He stopped himself when he realised what he was about to say. “Er Runner, I’m going to climb up now okay,” he muttered nervously as he grabbed hold of the harness, and lifted his leg. It was a long way up and he struggled. Freelander, placing one hand on his chin began chuckling as he watched the man struggling with one foot in the stirrup, hopping like a mad thing trying to pull himself up. Eventually after about five attempts Porlock managed to heave himself on top of the animal. He grinned and turned towards Freelander nodding his head. He’d like to see how such a small person was going to climb in the stirrup. His eyes then widened as he watched Freelander step back, and then within three moves he was up and sitting on top of his Runner. Freelander’s eyebrows rose in satisfaction as he looked over at Porlock’s stunned face. Porlock shifted about in his seat. He was sure Freelander had had much practice in the art of climbing these beasts.

  The Runner moaned as Porlock fidgeted. Porlock chuckled out loud and patted his Runner. “Now, now I am not so heavy surely?”

  “I would not be so sure about that,” the Runner growled turning around towards him; his mouth was huge and Porlock’s own jaw dropped at the sight of his huge teeth. His canines alone must have been bigger than Porlock’s entire hand. Swallowing Porlock turned nervously towards Freelander, and lowering his voice he whispered, questioningly. “It speaks?”

  Freelander nodded and sighed as he patted his Runner. “You see now Arnickle how lucky you are to have me as your rider?”

  “Indeed I am my friend.” Arnickle growled. Porlock frowned, how was he to know they could communicate? He looked at the Runner, bowing his head graciously.

  “I am sorry my friend, but until today I never knew of your existence, let alone that you were able to communicate with us,” he apologised profusely.

  The great Runner turned his head towards Porlock once again, opening his massive jaws.

  “It is fine Porlock it is the way we wish it. If it were not for the urgency of this mission then you would still know nothing about us. The Gardinels are the only other two legged race that are aware of our existence. However, we too are threatened by the Gorzars and the Dark Elves so in this instance we have agreed to help you. My name is Caspella.”

  “Then I am honoured Caspella to make your acquaintance and that you have agreed to help us.” The big Runner nodded his head and turned to Freelander.

  “Now we ride?” he roared. Freelander nodding took hold of the harness tightly.

  “Head down and hold on tight now Groundling, we don’t want to lose you!” Freelander warned. Porlock increased his grip on the harness. The guards pulled open the large wooden gates to the castle allowing them through. Porlock lowered his body down and the Runner took off. Moving with immense speed, they raced through the city, and were out the other side in no time. Darting in and out of the trees they sped through the forest until it seemed to Porlock in no time at all they had reached the Portal.

  There were a hundred or so men; all wearing the Kings battle armour, stationed around the portal. A dozen white tents were dotted about, and numerous camp fires set around the camp. The Captain of the guard stepped forward, bowing his head.

  “Lord Porlock it is an honour.” Looking down from Caspella, Porlock nodded to him as he caught his breath. Never in his life had he ever travelled like that, it had been incredible. He remained poised, so as not to show how shocked and surprised he had been by the immense speed by which they had travelled. He didn’t want to look a fool.

  “Thank you Captain. Now move your men back away from the portal, we have no time to waste.” The Captain nodded and waved his hand. Instantly his men snapped to his order, backing away from the Portal. Lord Porlock leaning forward placed his hand upon the dial and with a loud whoosh the portal began to open. As it began to swirl Freeland turned to Porlock.

  “Ready, stay close and hold on tight.” Nodding, Porlock watched as Freelander and Arnickle ran forward into the swirling green and black portal. Swallowing he held on tight to the harness as Caspella then followed Freelander through.

  Fourteen - Sandstar

  The devastation was horrendous. Kainan raised his hand to his nose and swallowed as it brought a hard lump to his throat that just would not go away. It all flooded back to him, the memory of his own village, the devastation, the smell of the burning buildings, the dead and decaying bodies ripped to pieces that lay strewn all about. They all stood and stared in silence. The village was all but gone, burnt to the ground, cinders and ashes were all that remained. Arweyn raised her sleeve to her face, the smell was atrocious.

  “They didn’t stand a chance,” Rufas said, shaking his head in disgust. Even for such a brave warrior as he was, the sight in front of him shocked him to the bone. “They must have taken them by surprise, but why? This village is of no consequence to us or the mission, why would they attack it?”

  Kainan shrugged his shoulders despondently, he had no idea why. His village was destroyed because of him, but why Sandstar? Even if the Gorzars were hungry, surely they would have just taken one or two people, not destroyed the whole village. He looked at the others; he would not mention it to them, as it would just sicken them even more.

  “Kainan this is terrible, please can we go,” Arweyn pleaded, burying her head into his chest. She didn’t want to look, it was a horrific sight.

  “I know and I’m sorry that you have had to see this,” he said, slipping a comforting arm around her. She nuzzled into his shoulder, burying her face.

  “But we really should take a quick look around. I know it is highly unlikely but there may just be a chance someone survived. Go with Pernash Arweyn and wait over by the path. You do not need to be here, we will not be long, I promise.” He said pointing to the edge of the village, to the path they would be following next.

  She nodded gratefully; what she really wanted to do was run away from here as fast as she could but she knew Kainan was right. It would have been wrong for them just to walk away. Like he said, someone may have survived, and the
y would need help.

  “Kainan please be careful,” she begged, looking up into his eyes.

  He nodded. “Don’t worry I will be fine.” His voice was soft and calming although it was not how he was feeling. Inside he was shaking, dreading what he might see or find. His mind constantly flashing back to the moment he saw John, lying there dead with his throat cut.

  “Watch her Pernash,” Kainan ordered. Raising his eyebrow at him, his eyes glared. “Like a hawk.”

  “Yes my Lord.” Pernash bowed to Lady Arweyn and offered her his arm.

  “My Lady.” She took it gratefully. Kainan watched as Pernash walked her away from the village. He didn’t take his eyes of them until they stopped under a large oak tree. He nodded towards them satisfied she was safe. Turning back to the others he cleared his throat and stepped forward.

  “Right come on let us look for life as quick as we can and then get the hell out of here. Rufas can you do a perimeter check.” Kainan instructed, he didn’t want to be here anymore than she did. Nodding they separated and began wandering through the devastation pulling at rubble, searching through what was left of the buildings. Kainan came across a burnt out cottage. Leaning his arm on what was left of the wooden door frame, he peered inside. He didn’t know what it was but he could feel something. Cautiously he moved in, his feet crunching across the smouldering ashes. In the far corner his eye caught something, was it movement? With the toe of his boot he nudged the pile. There, he was right there was something moving! Kneeling down and pushing his cloak behind him, he reached forward, pulling at the rubble. He stopped, it was a hand. Warily Kainan poked the hand with his finger and it moved. Shocked, he spun around looking for help.

  “Drew over here quickly!” he yelled, spotting Tolwein and Drew nearby. Carefully he began removing the pile of rubble that buried the body belonging to the hand.

  “What is it my Lord?” Tolwein replied, running towards him.

  “Quick help me lift this.” Tolwein reached forward and grabbed the other end of a large piece of wood that Kainan held.

  “There look see, it is a hand, someone is still alive. Help me to move this, ready, lift.” Kainan urged. The two men lifted and then hurled the piece of wood to one side. The three began digging furiously at the rest of the rubble. In moments they had cleared away the debris. Carefully they lifted out the limp body of a woman. Her face was pale, her hair as red as a flame. She wore a grey dress that was shredded and ragged. Carrying her outside they laid her gently onto the grass. Kainan looked up at Drew.

  “Drew, can you get her some water, quickly.” Drew threw his backpack down on the ground and began rummaging inside; grabbing his water bottle he quickly passed it to Kainan.

  “Is she all right?” he asked, looking down at the woman.

  “I think so. Tolwein, go and fetch Arweyn, she will know for sure.”

  Nodding, Tolwein spun around, running off towards where Arweyn and Pernash waited. Kainan poured some water, gently over her lips. She coughed, then flickered her eyelashes a few times until eventually she opened her eyes.

  “What, who are you?” she asked, with fear in her voice, her eyes wide like a frightened rabbit.

  “It is okay, we are here to help you. Who are you?” The young Prince asked as he removed some debris out of her hair.

  The woman flinched and pulled her head away from his hand. She looked at him nervously. “My name is Nera. My parents are they all right?” she questioned, sitting bolt upright, looking at what was left of her home. It had been burned almost to the ground.

  “No!” she cried, trying to stand. “My parents?”

  “No, do not, please,” Kainan insisted, pushing her back down forcefully for her own good. “I’m sorry, but no-one else has survived the attack. You really don’t want to go back in there.” He had already been in what was left of that building and what was left of the two people inside was unrecognizable.

  “What were those things, I have never seen such monsters,” she cried, wiping the tears from her eyes. “They came from nowhere, tearing us apart, burning everything.” Her eyes were wide with distress and anxiety.

  “They were probably Gorzars.” Drew suggested.

  “Gorzars?” She shook her head confused. “Who are you?” She asked again looking at Drew. He smiled kindly back at her and bowed his head. “I’m Drew and we are from a place called Malgar, this is Prince Kainan.” The burly man nodded towards the young Prince.

  “Prince Kainan?” she repeated, raising her eyebrow and turning towards him. Kainan looked at her, a little surprised that she seemed to recognise his name. He nodded his head slowly, eyeing her suspiciously as a smile twitched on her lips. He was getting that feeling again, the feeling of something not being quite right.

  “How do you feel?” he asked, looking at her, there was something strange about her but he could not quite put his finger on it.

  “You seem to be very lucky; you don’t even have a scratch on you. Do you think you can walk? We really need to move on; it is not safe to stay here.” He indicated ahead of him, he could see Arweyn and Pernash running back towards them and Rufas was coming in from the other direction.

  “Yes I can walk, but what am I going to do? I cannot stay here I have no one left.” She looked around her burnt out village, at the bodies that lay strewn across the ground. Turning back to the young Prince, she looked at him, her eyes were pleading she wanted to go with him.

  Kainan stared at her, and then shook his head; those eyes they were hypnotizing. He thought for a moment, he didn’t really want to take her, but he knew he could not leave her here amongst all this devastation.

  “All right you can come with us, but only until we find another village you understand. Our journey is extremely dangerous, so when we reach the next village you will have to stay there, do you agree?” She nodded her head and smiled a strange knowing smile. Kainan helped her to her feet. She turned and faced him.

  “Thank you my Lord, for helping me.” Before he had a chance to reply she stood on the tips of her toes and reaching her hand to his cheek she kissed him firmly on the lips, staring into his eyes as she did so. Kainan stood for a moment still, his eyes transfixed on hers. Then suddenly he noticed the shadows her long eye lashes made on the fine-drawn bones of her cheeks, the deep red of her lips, and the fairness of her skin as the wind lifted her fiery red hair away from her face. Raising his hand up to her he wiped the dirt from the side of her face.

  So profound was his stillness that Drew called to him.

  “Kainan. Kainan, hey hello!” He waved his hand at him trying to get his attention.

  “Kainan is she okay? Can she travel, we need to get moving?” he urged, waving a hand towards the path.

  “What? Yes she is fine,” he muttered, turning his head for a moment dazed.

  “Kainan come on, what is a matter with you?” Drew walked over and grabbing his arm, he turned to the woman. “Wait here,” he ordered. She smiled, nodding her head as she watched intensely their every move.

  He pulled Kainan away from her. “Hey what is wrong with you?”

  Kainan shook his arm off angrily. “Nothing, nothing is wrong!” he snapped. Drew was taken aback at the sharpness of his voice; he raised his eyebrows at him.

  “It just reminded me of home that is all,” Kainan snapped. Drew frowned at his abruptness, and at the sharpness that seemed to be clouding his eyes. He looked away for a brief moment, lightly rubbing the furrows of his brow, as he thought. Then he softened.

  “I am sorry Kainan. I sometimes forget what you have been through. Look here comes Lady Arweyn why not let her check the woman over, just to be sure?”

  Kainan agreed as he watched them approach. Arweyn, Pernash and Tolwein rushed over to them. Catching her breath she smiled at him.

  “How is she Kainan?” she asked, as she walked past him over to the woman. “Hello, my name is Arweyn, are you hurt?” She stopped, facing her. The woman smiled, shaking her head.

No, I’m fine; I’m not injured at all.” Arweyn glanced over at Kainan; he was staring at the woman. His eyes were wide and lustful, why was he staring at her like that? She was much older than him, by at least ten years. Okay she was fair with a good figure, but she had been sure Kainan’s heart belonged to her; surely he had not tired of her already. Turning back to the woman she eyed her suspiciously, looking her up and down.

  “I’m a healer, are you sure you don’t want me to check you over, just to be sure?” She held her hands towards her.

  “No! No!” The woman backed away raising her hands protectively. Arweyn frowned at her sudden movement.

  “Really I’m fine,” she insisted, smiling. “Please don’t worry yourself.”

  Drew interrupted

  “Right then, if we are all fit we best make a move from here,” he urged.

  “Yes right. I will walk up front with Nera, you know just to make sure she is all right,” Kainan announced, picking up his backpack and throwing it over his shoulders. Turning towards the woman, he stared at her. She looked at him and he found it near impossible to look away from her. He held out his hand to help her. Taking it, she smiled. Arweyn walked over to him. What was wrong with him, he would not even look at her? Leaning in close to him, she spoke under her breath.

  “Kainan are you all right?” she asked. Turning to her, Kainan studied her face for a while. He felt something was wrong but he could not grasp what it was. She was familiar to him yet… He looked at Nera, down at his hand clasping hers; she was the one he had to go to.

  “I’m fine, I’m just going to give her a hand for a bit that is all, she has been through a lot.” Kainan looked up ahead, “Which way are we going?” he asked; his mind having gone totally blank. He could not even remember exactly what they were doing here in the first place.


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