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Gash (The Skulls #13)

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Tears filled her eyes, and he sank his fingers into her hair, turning her face to stare at him. “We’ve got a history, and it’s time we had a future together. Too much has been taken from us. Don’t let them win, Charlotte.”

  She smiled. “You sound like my doctor.”


  “Doctor Williams. I was his patient for five years, and he’s the one that supported me when I finally got sane enough to leave. He saved my life several times, and became my rock. He still checks in every now and again to make sure I’m still strong.”

  He didn’t like the sudden strike of jealousy that hit him. Gash didn’t even know the doctor, and yet he didn’t like the relationship he’d started with Charlotte.

  “I’m here now.” No one was going to take care of Charlotte but him.

  “I’m not ill, Gash. I’m fine, and I’m sane.” She chuckled. “Apart from the fact I’ve agreed to kill someone with you. That’s a bit fucked up.”

  He laughed along with her, and that felt good. “Where have I been without you?” he asked.

  “I don’t expect anything from you.”

  Pressing his head against hers, Gash took a deep breath. “Expect shit from me, Charlotte.”

  “You were going to kill me twenty-four hours ago.”

  Unable to take it anymore, he slammed his lips down on hers. It was like she awakened the fire inside him. Gash would fight everyone to be with her. She was never getting away from him. He’d nearly lost her once, and that shit wasn’t going to happen again. They had lost each other, and they had lost a child together. Fuck, they had lost a child together.

  It broke him just thinking about it, and Charlotte had gone through that all on her own. He’d been in prison, too caught up in his own problems to give a thought to what was happening to Charlotte. His woman had needed him, and he’d failed her. Not only that, he’d thought the worst. Pressing her back against the bed, he didn’t release her lips. Instead he deepened the kiss, plunging his tongue inside her open lips. Releasing her hair, he captured her hands and placed them above her head. Linking them together, he held her hands in one of his while he explored her body with his other. She was so fucking full and ripe. Her tits were huge. The pictures of her with all of her weight gone fucking scared him. Charlotte was a full figured woman, and he wouldn’t have her any other way. He would make sure that he took care of her.

  No one would ever hurt her. They would have to go through him first, and he was a fucking brick wall.

  Prison had taught him not only to fight, but also to fight through the pain.

  Charlotte wrapped her legs around his hips, and he pressed his dick against her jean clad pussy. They were both clothed, but that didn’t matter in those moments. Gash was drugged from her lips alone. She tasted so damn sweet, perfect.

  This was much better than his imagination. This was fucking real.

  Cupping her hip for a second, he groaned at the feel of her curves. She was all woman. Sliding his fingers underneath her shirt, he explored the skin of her stomach, moving up to cup her tits.

  She pulled away. “No, too fast, too fast.”

  Instantly, he withdrew his hand even though his cock was in pain. He wanted inside her more than anything. Pulling away slightly, he kept his cock pressed against her pussy. He wasn’t going to fuck her, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy being pressed against her.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have kissed you back.”

  “I fucking loved it. Don’t apologize,” Gash said. He’d never take a woman unless she wanted him to. He liked rough sex, not fucking rape. Taking several deep breaths, he tried to calm his dick, which wasn’t happening. He refused to move though. “We were fucking great together.”

  She smiled. “I thought so. I had nothing to compare it to…”

  “Did I make it good for you?” he asked. He’d never been with a virgin in his life, and the last thing he even wanted to think about was believing he hurt her.

  “At first it was painful. You were amazing, Gash. Even drunk you didn’t hurt me.” She strained against his hold, and he let her go. Charlotte touched his cheek. Her touch was hesitant.

  “I fucked up when I didn’t remember you,” he said.

  “You remembered me. You just didn’t know it was me.”

  “If I’d known, I’d have never left without you.”

  “You’re making yourself sound all alpha, like a book boyfriend.”


  “Forget about it. It doesn’t make any sense unless you read.” She tilted her head to the side.

  Gash found her adorable.

  “We’re going too fast?”

  “Just a little. I need to take a little time.”

  He pressed his rock hard cock against her. “I can wait for you.”

  “I expected you to be angrier with me,” she said.


  “Because we had sex, and I didn’t tell you about it sooner.”

  Gash leaned down, taking another kiss. He was addicted to her lips. They were so fucking sweet. “We can’t change what happened, and it’s not going to define who we are. I’m looking forward.” He smiled. “Besides, there’s a lot more pleasure to be had. We don’t actually have to fuck to get each other off.”

  She nibbled her bottom lip, which only served to drive him crazy. This woman had been right underneath his nose the entire time, and he was only now getting to know a taste. He wasn’t going to give her the chance to get away from him. Their past wasn’t a great one, but he was going to make sure their future was the best.

  Briefly, he thought about Angel and Lash. He understood in that moment why the two worked. They were complete opposites, like chalk and cheese, exactly like him and Charlotte. Together, they actually made the perfect couple. What the fuck was he doing, thinking about another couple when he had Charlotte in his arms?

  He slid his hand underneath her shirt, caressing over her stomach, then around to the center, to start flicking open the buttons. “I know exactly how to make you scream, baby, and to have this body coming apart.”


  “That’s right, moan my name. I’m not going to fuck you, Charlotte. What I’m going to do is let this body get used to my touch.” Kissing down her neck, he sucked on her pulse before moving on to nibble on her collarbone. He flicked the last button open, exposing her chest. The black lace bra did little to cover her, and with a flick of the clasp at the front.

  She moaned, and with another flick of his wrist, the bra was spread open. His mouth watered at her large red nipples. Leaning down, he flicked one tip with his tongue, before sucking the bud into his mouth. Cupping her other breast, he pinched the nipple, watching as it grew taut.

  His dick threatened to burst the seam of his jeans he was so damn aroused. “You’re so beautiful.” Sucking the bud hard, he let it go a second later, gliding his tongue across her breasts, to give her other nipple the same attention. His dick pulsed some more, releasing some pre-cum into his boxer briefs. Closing his eyes, he groaned, thrusting against the bed before withdrawing from her. Kneeling between her thighs, he opened her jeans, and slid them down her thighs.

  Her panties were lacy and matched the bra that she wore.

  “I want you to trust me. I’m not going to step over the line, Char.”

  “I trust you.”

  He removed her panties, and stared down at her fuller body. Some men liked slender women where bones jutted through everywhere. Looking at her body, he loved her full tits, rounded stomach, and thick thighs.

  Gash wasn’t a small man, nor was he weak. He liked to grip onto a woman and fuck her hard, going as deep as he could go. Climbing off the bed, he removed his clothing, but even as he grabbed his aching cock, he knew he wouldn’t fuck her today.

  “Trust me.”

  “I do.”

  Slowly, he crawled between her thighs. He took possession of her lips before kissing down her b
ody. Gash didn’t take too much time at her breasts. He flicked each nipple before moving down, dipping his tongue into her belly button.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to have a taste of this pussy, baby. I’ve been thinking about it for some time, and I think it’s only fair that I find out if it’s as good as I remember.”

  Her pussy had a small dusting of pubic hair at the top. Settling between her thighs, he opened her naked lips.

  “Why wax here, and not here?” he asked, stroking her pussy lips, then her pubic hair.

  “I didn’t want to feel like a child. I’m a woman, but I like to also be feminine,” she said.

  He was more than happy with that. His dick was especially happy.

  Gash opened her lips and moaned at the sight of her swollen clit. She really was a beautiful, sexy woman. Flicking his tongue across her clit, he glided down to circle her cunt. She was soaking wet and started to thrust against him. He fucking loved it when she rubbed her pussy on his face.

  The last thing he wanted was for his woman to not get off on being with him. He wanted it as badly as she did. His cock still leaked pre-cum all over the blanket as he licked her out.

  “I want you, Gash.”

  “You’ve got me.”

  “No, I want this to be good for you, too.” She pushed him away, going to her knees, and cupping his cheek. Her brown eyes were filled with heat. Just staring at her was turning him on. “There hasn’t been anyone else for me.” She slid her hand down his body to cup his cock.

  “Baby, I can’t say the same.” He hated saying those words.

  “I know you’ve fucked other women.”

  He covered her hand that was around his cock with his own. “There won’t be any other women now, Char.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I’m not a cheater.” He’d witnessed the hell that Hardy had put himself and Rose through. He wasn’t about to make the same mistake. “No more women, that’s a promise.”

  He’d remain faithful for the rest of his life.

  She slid her hand over his cock, and Gash couldn’t help but love the fact no other man knew how damn perfect she was. No other man had known how big her tits were, or how tight her cunt was. Only him.

  Gash had never considered himself a possessive man before, but with Charlotte in his arms, in his life, he could get used to the feeling. Sliding his fingers up the inside of her thigh, he teased her sweet pussy, pressing a finger inside her heat as he claimed her lips. Charlotte teased his cock, moving her hand up and down his length, arousing him further.

  He could get used to this.


  Whizz was printing some of the last pieces of information for Gash and Charlotte when the doorbell rang. He frowned, glancing over at Lacey who was reading her book. Quickly grabbing his cell phone, he saw that Lash had left him a message about thirty minutes ago that he was going to be around.

  “It’s Lash,” Whizz said. “I’ll go and answer it.”

  Leaving the nerd room, which was a name that had certainly stuck, he opened the front door.

  “What are you doing here?” Whizz asked, moving out of the way. The rain was coming in thick and fast. Lacey came out of the nerd room, and moved toward the supply closet where they kept spare towels in case of a downpour.

  “I’ve come to ask you and Lacey something.”

  “Come on into my office,” Whizz said, taking a seat at the computer. He closed the screens so he wasn’t distracted with work to answer Lash’s questions.

  “What’s going on, Lash?” Lacey asked. “Do you want a sandwich or anything?”

  “God no,” Lash said, holding his hand up.

  “My cooking is not that bad!”

  “No, it’s worse.”

  Whizz chuckled, and Lacey did the same. They couldn’t argue. Lacey’s cooking was the worst.

  “What brings you here?” Whizz moved to sit beside his wife, tugging her against his side. Lacey snuggled in close, and he stroked her arm. With Lacey in his arms, he felt he could take on the entire world, and win. Nothing could stop him providing he had her with him.


  “The little girl? Tabitha’s friend?” Lacey asked.


  “What about her?” Whizz asked.

  “Angel wants us to adopt her, but the biggest problem at the moment is she’s having a hard time with this pregnancy. She can’t handle another child. Anthony, he’s helping out where he can—”

  “Wait? Is this Daisy with the addicts as parents?” Lacey asked, arms folded.

  “Yeah. I had spoken to my lawyer about them before, and he looked into it. It seems Daisy’s parents have always passed social services inspections. Their trailer, even though it’s small, is still livable and safe to have a kid. The only thing my lawyer said I could do was to give them a talking to.”

  “Are you fucking shitting me right now?” Whizz asked. “They’re addicts!”

  “Tiny and I have talked with them, but they’re not listening. Angel had to go and pick Daisy up from school, three hours after all the other kids left. I was talking with Angel, and we could adopt Daisy, and keep her away from those bastards.”

  “Why don’t we just kill them?” Lacey asked.

  “Because they’re known, aren’t they?” Whizz asked.


  Lash sighed. “Daisy is known to be friends with The Skulls. We could hide the bodies and shit, but you can guarantee it will fall back on the club.”

  “Great,” Whizz said, snorting. “Fucking hate it when we turn the other way. We can’t even beat the shit out of the fuckers without landing our asses in jail.”

  “So, do you have a plan?” Lacey asked.

  “Yeah, I do.” Lash pulled out an envelope. “Ned Walker knew a guy who was more than happy to take pictures, and they set a meet up. They’re addicts all right.”

  “We’re going to blackmail them?” Whizz asked, opening the envelope, and looking over the pictures.

  “Why don’t you just give this to social services?” Lacey asked.

  “Simple, I give that shit to social services, they take Daisy, and she gets put into the system. I get them to adopt her to us, Daisy remains with us, and no one can do shit.”

  Whizz found a document at the back of the pictures. Reading through, he looked up at Lash. “You want us to adopt Daisy?”

  “What?” Lacey asked.

  “Look, hear me out. I know you guys can’t have kids, and I know you’ve adopted Sally, but I know you’re also hoping to adopt again. Daisy, she’s a good kid, a great kid who needs a good home. Please, give her a chance. If you don’t want her, then me and Angel will take her. Angel wants to anyw—”

  “We’ll take her,” Lacey said.

  “Are we ready for that?” Whizz asked.

  Lacey turned toward him. “Yes. Sally has been talking about us adopting another child. She’s happy for us to add to our family.”

  Whizz had been in touch with the adoption agency, and they had warned it might be hard for them to find someone else. He’d had to pull a lot of strings for them to get Sally. Daisy would be a dream come true, even though he was about to surround himself with women.

  “We’ll do it.”

  “Do you want to come by tomorrow morning? We’ll talk with Daisy, and my lawyer and I will go talk to them.” Lash pulled out his wallet and handed them a picture.

  Whizz looked over Lacey’s shoulder to see a picture of Anthony, Tabitha, Daisy, Miles, Rachel, and Tate’s Simon along with Devil’s Simon. The next generation of Skulls and Chaos Bleeds. It was a picture of innocence, and Whizz couldn’t help but smile. “They’re all there.”

  “Not all of them. Markus isn’t, and of course we’ve got more women that are pregnant. Angel gave me that picture, and she’s got loads more. My woman loves taking pictures of everything.”

  “Thank you. Do you think Daisy will like us?” Lacey asked, her inse
curity coming through.

  “She’s going to love us,” Whizz said. “We can offer her a lot more, and we’ll never forget to pick her up on time.”

  Lacey sighed. “Thank you, Lash, really, thank you.”

  “I’m just doing my job. I’m going to head back home. It’s getting late, and I’m beat.” Lash got to his feet, and leaving Lacey in his office, Whizz followed him out.

  “What’s going on?” Whizz asked.

  “I’ve been on the phone to Devil. He told me that Master left them some evidence that he’s been following them, and their women.”

  Whizz had been keeping updated on everything that was related to Master as it went back to Gonzalez, and back even further. For the past couple of years, The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds had been attacked by different clubs, organizations, with some of their pasts coming out to haunt them. Whizz himself had suffered for Zero’s past. Lacey, she was part of the mess of Gonzalez, who’d torn her innocence from her, turning her into a ghost. Something wasn’t adding up to him, and even though the enemy known as Master had left The Skulls alone, Whizz’s gut was telling him it wouldn’t be for long. Chaos Bleeds and The Skulls were linked. They had shared their time together in battle, and even though their friendship had been tested over the past couple of years, they would still fight for each other. Something wasn’t right with Master, and Whizz kept his searching in private. He’d not told Lacey about what he was looking for. The last thing he wanted to do was concern her unnecessarily. Every time he thought he was on track to finding out who Master was, he always disappeared or Whizz was blocked from locating anything more. Whoever Master was, he wanted his identity kept secret.

  “Is he going to hit out at the old ladies?” Whizz asked.

  “I don’t know. Devil seems to think no one is safe, and I believe him.” Lash ran fingers through his hair, looking perplexed. “I trust Devil. Whatever he needs, I’m going to makes sure the club will be there for him.”

  “Has he asked for anything specifically?” Whizz asked.

  “A safe place for the women. He believes Master will come for them to get to the men.” Lash looked pale. “I can’t even believe I’m calling this man Master. I don’t even know him, and already he’s causing trouble.”


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