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Gash (The Skulls #13)

Page 17

by Sam Crescent

  “I fucking love you, baby.”

  “You picked me. I didn’t think you were going to pick me.”

  “I’d pick you every single time. You’re my woman, and I fucking love you.”

  He stroked the bruise on her cheek.

  “You let him get away.”

  “I couldn’t live without you. Andrew, he’s not going anywhere.”

  “Andrew? But—”

  “Master is my brother.”


  He shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll take him out soon enough.”

  When his brothers came to a stop in front of him, Gash looked at Tiny. “It’s Andrew. Master is Andrew.”

  “We need to get out of here,” Tiny said.

  Lash tossed him a set of keys. “We always have spares.”

  He unlocked Charlotte’s handcuffs, and climbed on the back of his bike, waiting for his woman to straddle behind him. Staring at the apartment building, Gash wondered about what was to come. His brother was unpredictable, and he’d never for a second believed it would be Andrew who was Master, their enemy.

  Gash would watch his back because Andrew didn’t know it yet, but by revealing his identity, he had just brought about his downfall.

  Andrew was unpredictable as Master. None of The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds knew what to expect of Master. Knowing it was Andrew, Gash knew his brother. He’d watched him growing up, and now, Gash knew exactly how to play that fucker’s game.

  He could have had him tonight, but he’d have lost Charlotte.

  With Charlotte by his side, he’d be able to take Andrew down.


  “You’re an idiot,” Sir said.

  Andrew rolled his eyes. He’d picked Russell up along the way over fifteen years together. Russell had nothing to do with The Skulls or Chaos Bleeds, and that was what Andrew wanted. Russell could go through towns undetected, unlike him.

  “Be careful,” he said.

  “You showed yourself.”

  “What fun is it taking down one’s brother, if he doesn’t know it? For ten years I’ve sent many people to take out The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds, and yet, all have failed. I’m not going to fail. Remember the old adage, you want a job done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.”

  “Is that why you took out Rebecca and Jeff?”

  “No. Rebecca and Jeff had turned against me, Russell. They had evidence, and were in meetings with authorities and lawyers to get them witness protection. Believe it or not, they had to go. They were such disappointments, but their death meant my brother didn’t get a chance to. It worked out for me, even if I did lose two good people out of it. Well, I can’t call them good people now. Bastards were going to turn me in. No one turns Master in.” Andrew laughed. He really did enjoy the Master persona. At first, he’d not wanted to believe that Rebecca and Jeff could turn on him, but when all the evidence had been mounting, he didn’t have a choice. At least Gash didn’t get to have his revenge, and he got a little pleasure out of that. He’d always, even growing up, loved to take shit away from Gash. Soon, he was going to take Charlotte, and then the club, and finally, only when he was ready, would he take Gash’s life. He wanted to make his brother bleed first.

  Russell moved to stand beside him.

  Andrew loved the finer things in life, and he’d worked his way into an old woman’s heart, taking her money, her business. For ten years he’d worked his way so that he had the money he needed at his disposal. He had the means to stay off the radar, and to tempt people to do whatever the fuck he wanted, and he did it because he loved it. Everything was a game, and everyone had a price. Andrew loved to find out what it was that made everyone tick, and what he could do in order to make them suffer. God, he loved making them suffer.

  “You’re not invincible,” Russell said.

  He turned toward the two women who were chained together in his room. Paris, she was bleeding from the beating that he’d given her. Her sister, she was simply dazed. He was waiting for the call from the hospital to let him know that Spider was awake. Once he was awake, he’d send the sister, and keep Paris to himself. If Spider died, he’d send the sister back to Chaos Bleeds, only she’d be dead as well.

  His job was fun. “No one is going to capture us, Russell. We’re not going to die. You see, the one thing I learned making my way to the top, is you can’t take someone out who doesn’t have a conscience. I don’t care if I kill a woman, take what I want, and she’s screaming as I do it. I’ve killed without a care. That’s why I will come out of this alive. The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds, they care. They have people they care about, and that will be their downfall. Devil has kids, and I can happily pull the trigger. Bang, bang, bang, and his kids are dead.”

  Russell sighed. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Go and see Angel’s doctor. Find out everything you can, and let’s see what we can do to start bringing down The Skulls. Everyone knows Lash loves his woman. I’d like to see what he’d do when I take her out of the picture. Pregnant women get so sick at times.”

  His friend nodded and left.

  He had a plan, and a game to play, and Andrew intended to enjoy every single second of it.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Gash stared around the clubhouse, which had been decorated for his wedding. It had been a couple of days since Charlotte was taken, and the revelation that Andrew was Master. Whizz had gotten the file on everything Andre had been involved in. There was no point him hiding his identity anymore as they all knew. He’d been growing from strength to strength ever since Tiny kicked him out of The Skulls.

  Ned Walker, Eva’s father, had arrived at the clubhouse the day after, and together they had started to go through the file. Ned wasn’t happy as it had shown that he had some business dealings with Andrew.

  “I brought this fucker close to you,” Ned said. “I’m going to fucking kill him. He put my little girl at risk.”

  It had taken Eva and his grandchildren to calm him down.

  Devil had called to say that he wouldn’t be arriving at the end of the week. Spider had woken up from his coma, and Paris’s sister had been delivered to the Chaos Bleeds clubhouse. She had been beaten, and after today, The Skulls were going to open their club to the Chaos Bleeds crew. The Skulls were going to Piston County to offer extra protection for the journey back to Fort Wills. It was the first time The Skulls were leaving Fort Wills, but Lash had called on The Skulls’ nomad chapter, with Twisted, Adam, and Happy helping to get the brothers into town.

  “Are you okay?” Tiny asked.

  Gash turned to see his ex-Prez standing beside him.


  “I’m sorry,” Tony said.

  Gash frowned. “Why are you sorry?”

  “I shouldn’t have let Andrew go. He’s your brother—”

  “Andrew made his choice, and there’s nothing you or I could have done. That fucker has it coming to him, and now we know what the hell is going on, we’re going to fight him. I’m not going to give up, and neither should you. I don’t blame you. Andrew, he’s not my brother.” He touched Tiny’s shoulder. “There’s no one to blame here.”

  They shared a moment, and Tiny nodded. “You think you’re ready to be a husband.”

  “I should have been a husband years ago. I’m making up for lost time.”

  Just then, music started playing, and he turned to find Charlotte at the stairs. Lash had offered to give her away to him, and all of the club was present. Gash saw her dressed in a white summer dress, not a wedding dress, smiling toward him. One day when they had time, he was going to let her plan her perfect wedding. They didn’t have the time to prepare for a lavish wedding now.

  Once they were married, they were heading toward Piston County. Cars were packed, and bikes ready to make the journey. Devil had plans for them to live at his place, and several of the Chaos Bleeds brothers, too. The clubhouse was also going to be used as well.

  Charlotte walked toward him,
and Gash didn’t have eyes for anyone else. He was in love with her, and they were going to be together for the rest of their lives.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked.

  “Are you giving me an out?”

  Gash shook his head. “Not really. I’ll still marry you.”

  “Then marry me, Gash.”

  She took hold of his hand, and together they faced the priest who had agreed to bind them together.

  Gash said his vows, promising to love and worship her. Charlotte promised him her heart, body, and soul.

  When it came time to kiss his bride, he pulled her into his arms, holding her as he lowered her slowly, and taking her lips.

  Wolf whistles erupted around the club, and when he pulled away, Charlotte was blushing.

  “I love you, Charlotte, and I’ll take care of you for the rest of my life.”

  She cupped his cheek. “I never thought it was possible to be this happy.”

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he held her close. “We’ll have a honeymoon, and when this is over, I’ll get us a house, and we can start making that family.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Gash had started out intending to get revenge. In the process he’d found the love of his life, and Charlotte had helped to repair his shattered soul. She made him whole, and gave him hope that one day soon they were going to be living a life he’d only ever dreamed about.

  “It’s time, brothers,” Lash said.

  Together, they headed out toward their car that had the sign “Just Married” on the back. Holding Charlotte’s hand, he squeezed her tightly. Whatever they had to face, he’d do it with Charlotte by his side.


  One week later

  Fort Wills clubhouse

  Spider stared around the clubhouse that was heaving with The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds. He’d just gotten out of the hospital, and they were waiting to hear from Master, or Andrew as he’d discovered he was called. Devil had forced him to go to Fort Wills. They were all going to The Skulls’ clubhouse.

  He couldn’t stop thinking about Paris.

  Celia had spoken to them about the bad man, and how the bad man kept hitting Paris. Spider had struggled throughout the whole time that Celia spoke. His woman’s sister had the brand on the inside of her thigh, and he knew Paris would have it as well.

  “Are you okay?” Stink asked, coming to sit beside him.

  “Am I okay that the woman I was thinking of making mine is being raped and tortured by Gash’s brother? Yeah, I’m peachy,” Spider said, downing the shot of whiskey.

  He was waiting for the stitches in his leg to be removed, and once they were he was going to hunt the fucker.

  “Whizz is working to locate him. He keeps moving, but we’re going to find him.”

  “And while we wait, he’s getting people to come at us, left, right, and center. No one is safe. Gash should have fucking killed him when he had the chance,” Spider, nodded at one of the club whores to fill his glass. He couldn’t remember the bitch’s name, and he didn’t give a fuck what it was.

  She filled it again, and he swallowed it down.

  “Drinking isn’t going to help,” Stink said.

  Spider turned to The Skull beside him. “How would you feel if it was Sandy, huh?” He pointed across the room at woman in question. “What would you do if she was taken, and you were waiting to be allowed to go and find her?”

  Stink’s jaw tensed up.

  “Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. This is all bullshit. We haven’t got time to be fucking around, but acting.”

  “You act without thought, and we’ll create more death than life,” Stink said.

  “Are you some kind of fucking philosopher now?” Spider asked.

  “No. I’m just trying to convince myself that I’d be able to handle Sandy’s kidnapping better than you.”

  “Yeah, that’s a good thought.”

  “What would Paris think?” Stink asked.


  “She’s getting hurt, and you’re sitting here drinking, wallowing in self-pity. Maybe she’d want you to man up, and get your balls back.” Stink stood up. “Think about that.”

  Spider stared down in his empty glass, thinking about Paris, the woman he’d never even touched. He’d seen her getting naked plenty of times. Spider had wanted to be everything she wanted, to make her fall in love with him.

  Gripping the glass tightly, he placed it on the counter.

  “Do you want a refill?” the club whore asked.

  Spider shook his head. “No.”

  He got to his feet, holding his crutches when a car squealed to a halt.

  Turning toward the car, he saw the gun, heard the words that was shouted out.

  “Master says, dodge this!”

  The gun fired before any of them could draw their weapon.

  They were at The Skulls’ clubhouse, which was filled with men, women, and children. Simon charged at Tabitha, Lash went for Angel, Death for Bianca. All around him men charged at their women and kids to push them to the ground, and Spider jumped over the counter, pushing the club whore to the ground.

  Bullets continued to rain down them, the pounding of the gun seemed to go on for minutes, but it was only a matter of seconds. Spider glanced down at the woman on the ground. She was struggling to breathe, and he saw the blood oozing out of her shirt.

  “I’ve got you, hold on.”

  She coughed, choked, and died in his arms.

  Screams and cries penetrated his ears, and as he stood up, he looked around the clubhouse.

  Everyone was fallen, but what kicked him in the gut were the people who didn’t seem to be moving.

  “Simon!” Devil screamed.


  Everyone rushed to their kids, and Spider felt tears sting his eyes as he stared at the carnage before him. He didn’t know the extent of the damage, as there were screams and cries everywhere. He didn’t know who was alive or who was dead.

  Master one, The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds zero.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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