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Mountain Woman Snake River Blizzard

Page 5

by Johnny Fowler

  “No, I haven’t, but then the boys were home. He never came by when they are here.”

  Kate went to the door and stopped. “When I was in town, a man named Cliff Landers stopped me and asked about you.”

  That got Lucille’s attention and her interest reflected in her expression. “What did you tell him?” she asked.

  “That you were fine. He asked if I thought it would be okay for him to come by to see you.”

  “Oh, my,” Lucille exclaimed. “What did you tell him?”

  “I said I didn’t know, but the only way was to drop by. He said he would about six this afternoon. After he closes his store.”

  Lucille’s face lit up.

  “Cliff said you and his wife were friends and she died about the same time as your husband. He said you two were friends.”

  Lucille nodded. “We were. What do you think Cliff wants? I mean, he’s not like Bob, but well, he’s a man and has been alone.” She left it there.

  “I didn’t read him that way,” Kate said. “I think he wants to see you, as in man and woman seeing each other. I’ll leave it at that, but if you like him, give the man the benefit of the doubt.” She smiled. “He may be interested in courting you.”

  Kate went out the door and Lucille followed her out until she sat on Red Bird. “I hope that’s what he wants.”

  “Good luck,” Kate said. “I think Cliff is a nice man from the few moments we talked.”

  When Kate rode back by Engledow’s home, she saw a police officer on horseback coming toward her. They stopped to talk. “Engledow is not at home,” Kate said. “I stopped and went inside. From the appearance, he’s gone. His clothing is missing and there are wagon tracks by the front door. Would you advise Chief Kincaid that he may be with Alejandro Valdez in a wagon?”

  “Will do,” the officer said.

  “Also, Cliff Landers may be visiting Lucille this afternoon after he closes his store. Should one of you see a horse or buggy in front of her home, don’t assume it’s Bob Engledow and burst in.”

  The policeman smiled. “I understand. I’ll advise the others. I know Cliff well. In my opinion, they would make a great pair. I hope it works out for them.”

  “Me, too,” Kate said.

  She found the men busy putting the poles in the ground. Man saw her and came to help with the packsaddle. He put it inside the house and helped her take the things to the table.

  “I’ll put the mule and Red Bird in the barn,” he said.

  “Thanks. I’ll call you and the boys when it’s time to eat. There were no wires from anybody on the whereabouts of Engledow. I think he and Alejandro Valdez may be together. Bob’s house was empty of clothing and there were wagon tracks in front. I advised the police so that information could be put out to others.”

  Man nodded and hurried out the door. “I want to get the poles in the ground so we can start putting on the sides and roof this afternoon.”


  Al and Bob stopped the wagon under a tree.

  “I don’t want those two marshals after us,” Al said. “From what I heard they are tough. They put down a bunch of slave traders that were abducting Indian women and selling them. They went after Bull Blevins and his men and killed all of them. They went to Texas after those Bright women that murdered fourteen people. My point is, they’re experienced and are not going to ride into a simple ambush. I suggest we attack instead of being on the run looking over our shoulder.”

  “What do you mean attack?” Bob asked.

  “We watch their house and wait until they’re separated, like when Kate goes into town alone. Manchester is busy working on the home place. She’ll go out shopping on her own soon. We could be waiting on either side of the road, out of sight, let her pass and step out and gun her. I had rather shoot her in the back then front with those two Walkers blazing at me. All the police stations and sheriff’s offices will have a description of us. The moment we’re spotted, those two feds will be right behind us. They won’t give up and we’ll be looking over our shoulders from now on. I heard they tracked Bull Blevins and his men for a month or more before catching up. They put down from eight to a dozen of real hard cases. I knew some of them and they weren’t pansies.”

  Bob nodded. “If we put her down close enough to their home, Man would come charging to see the cause of the gunshots. We could do him the same way. We would wait until he’s bent over to examine her body when we open up. Neither of them should be able to get off a shot at us if we do it right.”

  “And then,” Al said, “we can go south and start over with new names and nobody on our trail. We could go all the way to Arizona where it’s warm in the winter. Change our names and start over until we spot another likely target. Hopefully, here their guard is down as they think we’re already gone. They’re sitting here waiting for a telegram to give them our location. When they get a location they’ll know what direction we’re headed.”

  Bob leaned back in thought. “I like it,” he said. “I would love to have those two Walker Colts and those 1873 Winchester rifles in my scabbard riding that prancing Arabian horse.”

  “I hear you. I want to own those pistols and rifles, and that roan that Kate rides is almost as classy as the Arabian.”

  “We make camp here where we won’t be seen and find a place to wait for the right opportunity,” Bob said.

  “Do you know where they live?” Al asked.

  “No, but those two boys of Lucille are working for them. Tomorrow morning, we can follow them. We’ll find the best location and watch their home until Kate goes out to saddle her horse. The minute we’re sure she’s going alone, we race ahead and get in place.”

  Chapter 5

  Al and Bob found a perch high up on a hill where they had a good view of Kate and Man’s home. Bob sat down, leaned back against a tree, adjusted the binoculars, and scanned the home site.

  “Roy and Dan are busy putting poles on a shed they are building. I don’t see Man or Kate,” he said. “I can’t see inside the barn enough to know if their horses are there.”

  “Maybe they’re busy this morning,” Al teased. “If I had that woman in my bed, I would a very late riser.”

  A few minutes later Man came out and hurried to help the two boys. Al and Bob took turns watching, hoping one of them would leave.

  At mid-morning, Kate came out to talk with Man and the boys. She walked around and looked at the wall they were building and nodded her approval. She stood for a few moments looking at the mountains in the distance, but didn’t comment. She went inside.

  Noon came and Kate came out and watched the men until they had a pole set, and the three men went inside. She again looked at the mountains before going inside to feed them.

  Al put the binoculars down, went to their saddlebags, and brought back jerky and a canteen. “This is all we have to eat,” he said.

  Kate joined the men during the afternoon and gazed at the horizon before going inside.

  It was almost dark when the two boys got on their mule and left. Kate came out to talk before they rode away. She put her arm around Man and said, “We’re being watched. I can feel eyes on me.”

  He led her inside, respecting her instincts. This wasn’t the first time her female intuition had warned them of impending danger.

  “Is it Valdez and Engledow?” Man asked.

  “I expect so. Who else would be spying on us? I think they’re waiting for the right time to ambush us. Maybe catch us separated so it’ll be two on one.”

  Man nodded in agreement.

  “What do we do?” she asked.

  “I suggest we go into town and advise Chief Kincaid. We can’t cover our backs at all times. They’ll eventually get the shot they want.”

  A few minutes later, Kate and Man came out together, went to the barn, and the pair rode out toward town.

sp; “Damn,” Bob Engledow exclaimed. “They’re going into town together.”

  “Let’s pack it in for the day and hope for better luck tomorrow,” Al said.

  They waited until the two marshals were out of sight before they mounted their horses and rode back toward their camp.

  Man and Kate kept an eye on their back trail and in front of them for any ambush sites in case the two were ahead. They reached the outskirts of town and put their rifles back in the scabbard. They had been riding with them in the port position so they could get them into use in a split-second.

  Man stopped at the telegraph office and checked. There were no messages for them. He sent a brief report to Chief Meek. They rode to the police station and went inside. A clerk at the desk stood to meet them.

  “Is Chief Kincaid still here?” Man asked.

  “I’m sorry, he isn’t,” the clerk replied. “He went home about thirty minutes ago. Can I help you will anything?”

  “Please advise him that it’s possible somebody is spying on our home,” Man said. “It could be Robert Engledow and Alejandro Valdez. They’re the only people we can think that have a reason.”

  “May I ask, why would they want to watch you?”

  “They’re smart,” Kate said. “They know that they’ll eventually be spotted and we will be notified and on their tail. We think they’re going to attack and try to catch us off guard. I think they’re watching, waiting to get us separated and attack. Two on one, an ambush. We came into town together this time and weren’t bothered.”

  “I see your reasoning,” the clerk said. “What would you like us to do?”

  “When your men are making their round, be watchful,” Man added. “If it’s them, they have a camp somewhere close. They have a wagon as well as saddle horses. Should you spot them, please let us know where they’re camped. We can circle them and hopefully bring them in without bloodshed.”

  “I’ll get this to Chief Kincaid first thing tomorrow morning,” the police officer said. “I won’t leave until after he gets here.”

  “Thanks,” Kate said. “We appreciate it.”

  They rode toward home. “Want to drop by and say hello to Lucille?” Kate said. “A man asked about her today. A friend of hers. He wanted to know if I thought it would be okay to make a social call to see her.”

  “Did he?” Man asked.

  “That’s the reason I want to see her,” Kate said with a smile.

  As they rode by the home of Bob Engledow, they slowed and it looked the same as when Kate had searched the house. “Do you want to peek in and for a quick look?” Kate asked. “The door is unlocked.”

  “Yeah,” Man said. “It won’t take but a second. If he’s slipping back here and we didn’t check, talk about mud on our face.” He reined in and stopped at the gate. Kate waited while he went to the front door, pulled his Walker Colt, and stepped inside. He came out a minute later with his pistol holstered shaking his head.

  They rode on to Lucille’s and saw a buggy parked in front. Kate smiled at Man. “I think Cliff Landers is here. Shall we stop or turn back?”

  The decision was taken away when Lucille and Cliff walked out on the porch. She closed the door, took his offered hand, as they walked to his buggy.

  They saw Kate and Man coming. Lucille released Cliff’s hand for a moment, but then took it again, and they waited for the two marshals.

  “Hello,” Kate said when they were close enough to speak in a normal tone.

  “Hello to you,” Cliff said.

  Man and Kate dismounted and Lucille said, “I know you’ve met Kate, but do you know her husband?”

  “I haven’t had the privilege,” Cliff said.

  Man took a step forward with his hand extended. Cliff took it and said, “Cliff Landers.”

  “Homer Manchester, but please call me Man. Everybody does.”

  “We stopped by to check Bob Engledow’s house,” Kate said. “And since we were this close we decided to say hello. We didn’t know you had company.”

  Lucille gave Kate a concealed knowing grin. She knew Kate was curious about Cliff.

  “It’s no secret. Everybody knows we’re looking for Robert Engledow and Alejandro Valdez,” Man added.

  “Yes, that’s the talk of the town,” Cliff said. “Are they suspected of the robbery at the mine and murder of Highsmith?”

  “We want to talk to them,” Kate replied. “We’d better be getting on toward home before it’s too dark to see.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Man said. He mounted Arabian and he and Kate rode away.

  “I suggest we circle and come in from the opposite direction just in case Engledow and Valdez decide to wait for us and get clear shots in the darkness.”

  He turned Arabian and Kate followed. They cautiously came in behind the barn and stepped down. They pulled their weapons and went into the barn checking every place a hidden shooter could be concealed.

  “Clear,” Kate said.

  “I’ll take care of the horses,” Man said.

  “You’re hungry, aren’t you?” she said as she hurried toward the house. As a precaution, she stopped and listened before opening the door. She pulled her Walker Colt and stepped inside, but an empty room welcomed her.

  She had their supper on the table when Man came in from doing the chores. As usual, he had stopped at the well and washed his face and hands. She noticed his hair was damp and he looked handsome with a smile on his face. A flutter started in her stomach as she looked at him.

  He glanced at her and then his gaze bore into her smiling eyes.

  “Before or after we eat?” he teased.

  “After. But hurry,” she said with a laugh.


  Robert Engledow and Alejandro Valdez rode back to their camp. “Think we should move on out?” Al said. “The longer we stay here the more likely we’ll be spotted. Those two marshals and the police could trap us here at our camp or catch us on the road.”

  “I’m not leaving till I get what I want,” Bob said. “That’s how I make my way in this world.”

  Al frowned at his partner. “Or, until we’re forced to move on. Right? I’m not going back to jail. I don’t figure you want to go back, either.”

  Bob rode leaning forward slightly and didn’t answer for a long moment. Finally, he sat back. “Nobody’s going to jail. Trust me. I’m not stupid.”

  Al let out a breath of relief and spurred his horse into a lope.


  Kate and Man walked outside together and saw Roy and Dan coming on their mule. They waited until the two boys dismounted and Dan went to put the mule in the lot and give him feed as usual.

  Man walked to the pile of poles and picked up one. Roy hurried to him and they carried it to the place it would be put on the wall they were building.

  Kate stood and watched the side of the hill. Not to be obvious she was looking for the men watching the house, she walked to where Man and Roy were working and helped Dan bring another pole while Man and Roy were putting another in place.

  She helped with two more, and then went into the barn and pulled her binoculars from her saddlebags. She climbed up in the loft and found a place where she could scan part of the hillside. She sat back in the shadows and slowly moved the glasses from one side to the other.

  She saw nothing, so she moved her line of sight higher and did the same slowly studying every tree and bush. On the next scan, she saw movement. Her eyes focused on the spot behind a clump of bushes.

  Patiently she waited, watching the place she saw a hint of movement. She knew it could be a bird or animal. She waited, hoping to see more or any sign of life. Her patience paid dividends. A man stood and stretched his back by shifting from side to side. He stomped his feet on the ground, and then walked back into the trees and quickly disappeared. But she’d had a good loo
k. It was Robert Engledow. A minute passed and she saw a smaller man come to the place where Bob had been hiding. Alejandro Valdez, she thought. She was right. They had their home staked out. Al settled down behind the bush and she couldn’t see him anymore.

  She climbed down and went out where Man could see her. He saw her and she gestured for him to come to the barn. “I saw Engledow and another man. From the descriptions, it’s Alejandro Valdez. They’re taking turns watching. How do you want to play it?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that,” he said. “I think the way we figured it is right. They’re waiting for us to be separated so they can ambush us front and back. I can ride away and you follow, come in behind the shooter. Or we could do it the smart way. We both go into town together and ask Chief Kincaid for backup.”

  “If we did it that way, where would we have them meet us?” she asked. “The ambush site could be anywhere along the road and policeman would surely be spotted by Engledow and Valdez.”

  “What are you thinking?” Man asked.

  “Since we know they are up there watching us, we do nothing today. I can watch them and when they leave for the day, we tail them back to their camp. And then we go for reinforcements, circle their camp with policemen and take them alive.”

  “I expect them to pack it in soon after Roy and Dan leave for the day. Since I know where they’re watching, we can pick up their tracks and follow. This way, there’s less chance of anybody getting hurt. And, I’m not about to let you be the bait. Getting there at the right moment before they shoot would be tricky, at best. I doubt there would be any warning. They both fire from hiding with you between them. A bullet in the chest and back at the same moment and I would be a grieving widow. That’s not going to happen if I can prevent it.”

  “Okay we do it the smart way,” he said. He grinned. “I would hate to make you a grieving widow.”

  She playfully punched him in the stomach. “Wipe that grin off your face, mister. It’s not funny. You think you’re invincible, but you’re not.”


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