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The Carrero Heart - The Journey: Arrick and Sophie (The Carrero Series Book 5)

Page 34

by L. T. Marshall

  ‘Wrong thing to say to me. Never challenge a Carrero, baby.’ Arrick pulls the car into a turning, looking away before his attention is back on me and I realise he’s heading off course to home, heading into an underpass off the freeway and turns down into a tunnel. He stops the car suddenly, in a darkened tunnel, unclips his belt and gets out. Like a flash of decision, so fast I don’t even have a moment to think about it or what he’s doing.

  Coming to my door seconds later he opens it, leans in, unclips my belt and pulls me with him, moving me forward to close the door and then moves me back to lean against the car. Standing close but not touching, he leans in so his mouth hovers over mine, runs a single finger up from my knee, up along my inner thigh slowly. I’m wearing a knee length comfy dress with boots, so he has fully naked skin on show to torture with caresses. Tingles erupt as he comes to the short hem of my dress and just gradually teases upwards slowly. I can’t help the instant bodily reaction I have to him, knees tensing, lips parting as I really ache to kiss him suddenly. He stays still, eyes locked on me, still not inching this any further.

  ‘What are you doing?’ I blink, whispering softly, inching towards his mouth so he can kiss me, but he tilts back and smiles.

  ‘Trying all I like.’ He says smartly, that husky seductive tone giving me goosebumps, his lips parting and pupils dilating. It’s clear he wants sex, but he’s playing with me. Proving a point.

  ‘I said no sex, I didn’t say no to kissing.’ I frown huffily pushing his chest away, so I can cross my arms again, glaring steadily at him.

  ‘I think all it will take is a kiss, so I’m giving you a sporting chance at not breaking your ban.’ He is far too sure that he is going to make me cave, I will so not break with a kiss. I have way more resolve than that when it comes to him.

  ‘Smug… Cocky. Fine! … Here.’ I lean in and kiss him, softly at first, meeting no resistance and then slide my hands around his face and kiss him more passionately, his body comes to mine and presses me to the car as he gets lost in kissing me back. It takes only a second to ignite the fire that’s been growing between us in the last weeks, instantly aching to have him inside me, even though we’re out in god knows where, in an underpass while heavy traffic flies overhead and rumbles deafeningly. Arrick breaks away, his eyes heavy with lust and rubs his nose to mine.

  ‘I don’t think I can handle a sex ban. You have ruined me with explosive fucking.’ The defeat is in his tone, his eyes and the way his hands are roaming me already, sliding my dress up enough to make me tremble in anticipation, hands already skimming my hips under my dress.

  ‘Fuck it! Neither can I.’ I yank him back to me and bring our mouths back together, immediately pulling his jean buttons open and shoving my hands inside his pants feverishly, overcome with lust. I search him out and then groan as his hands find me, lifting me up to pin me to the car as he pushes a hand into my underwear. I bite on his bottom lip, suck hard as he pulls my underwear off to one side and seems to lose all control.

  There’s no foreplay, no real working up to it, just two people going crazy with desire, lost in a need to have each other, and caught in the moment. He pushes inside of me, lifting me up by the thighs and makes me moan out with the way he slides inside. Noses together, eyes locked as he thrusts into me. Both of us panting with the way it’s happening, my arms around his neck and clawing at him already with how good he always feels within me.

  Arrick kisses me hard, sucks on my lip then rams me against the car harder, so he is deep inside me as I gasp in pleasure, moaning around him. I pull open his shirt, suck at his jaw and neck, rake my nails down the exposed flesh as he thrusts into me aggressively, heated banging against the car and I don’t care who hears us. We have never been like this, even with the marathon of kinky sex positions over the last few days, we have never had a fast-heated quickie without serious make out and foreplay coming first, and this is all raw primal need. We have never physically been rough with one another like this, well minus my claws, but this is some unspoken need to do so, loving how much he is throwing every basic urge he has at me right now. I throw all my inhibitions to the wind, claw at him, bite his lip harder and cry out so loudly a flock of birds scatter away from nearby tree’s.

  It lasts only minutes, so hard my body is being pressed into the hard metal roughly, he’s leaving marks on my skin with steel fingers and my gauges are drawing blood, but I like it. Leaning back so my head rests on the roof of his car as the waves of ecstasy climb up through me like hot waves and I dig my nails in under his shirt at his muscular skin so that I can pretty much feel myself piercing him. Arricks grip bites into my flesh of my thighs in reaction, a slight moan from under his breath, pushing me up harder, faster until I can’t contain it anymore. One last final scream as orgasm rips through me and I cling to him crazily as the biggest all-consuming spasms of climax rips my body apart. Although this doesn’t feel like any I have had before, this feels more intense and different, stronger and body racking.

  The sudden drenching between us makes me look down in complete shock. I am pretty sure I just peed myself mid orgasm and it snaps me out of the afterglow instantly. Arrick looks down too, finding his own release as I did and smiles at the obvious something all over us. His trousers and my shoes are soaked, and I feel utterly mortified.

  ‘What the hell?’ I can’t move from the way he has me perched as he pulls out of me and more fluid seems to appear. It’s disgusting, completely mortifying and I have no clue why he is even smiling at me like that.

  What the hell just happened?

  ‘You came baby… Like properly came.’ He grins and slides me down to my feet, pulling off his shirt over his head, as though this is a completely every day thing, leaning down to try and help clean me up. I don’t know what to do, staring at this like it’s the worst thing ever. Immobile because I just feel so…. Shameful and gross.

  ‘What? What does the even mean? That’s disgusting.’ I can feel heat creeping up my face, completely mortified that I would do that in front of him, on him. How he can even be dabbing at my legs right now and not recoiling in ‘eww my girlfriends disgusting’, like I am.

  ‘It is not! It means you’re one of the very few women that can have a female ejaculation, and you just made all my Christmases come at once. I feel pretty accomplished right now.’ He hands me his shirt and slides his belt off, throwing it in his open car window and attempts to minimise the mess of his pants with the edge of the shirt I am now holding. I just stare at it with complete cringe.

  ‘I didn’t…Pee?’ I ask numbly, thoughts of Emma’s baby waters hitting me months back and looking at what he’s doing with that same grim expression as that day.

  ‘No, you didn’t pee baby. You just had a very real orgasm, meaning I was doing something completely right. I think this proves my theory that I am the guy for you. Not every girl can do this.’ He looks so fucking happy and I just keep staring at him like he has lost his mind.

  Why did I get the weird one?

  ‘Why are you smiling, we’re messy and wet and now you don’t have a shirt.’ I point out, not sure this is ever going to be a good memory at all. I am standing dry, dress back to rights and staring at my half naked man looking as if he’s high.

  ‘This is pretty much what every guy aspires to do during sex… I think I just earned a permanent crown of sex god.’ He walks to his trunk and pulls out his gym bag, stripping behind his car quickly into his change of clothes without one care about who might see him. I watch him literally strip naked without two shits about it and frown.

  ‘You’re weird, this is weird.’ I follow him, handing over the sodden shirt, seeing as mostly I am untouched. He had my dress out of the way and my underwear pulled aside.

  ‘My little Climaxer.’ He chuckles, winks at me with a smile that almost takes over his entire face. Clearly very happy.

  ‘Eww! Arry don’t call me that, and you better never tell a soul that I did that.’ I pout at him irrationally, scared that
other people might hear about what I did. Still not entirely convinced I didn’t just have some weird weak bladder moment that it’s utterly cringe.

  ‘Aww come on baby, I have to be able to tell the guys I made you come like a waterfall. You’re so innocent sometimes, it’s crazily cute.’ He pulls his new t-shirt over his head and throws his other clothes in the trunk, leaning in to plant a kiss on my mouth.

  ‘Don’t you dare!’ I stare up at him in complete alarm. A sudden thought hitting me in the head so suddenly.

  ‘You tell them about us having sex?’ I feel completely betrayed, hurt that he discusses what we do with Nate, or Jason, or any of his friends when I am not there; panicking as Arricks smile drops.

  ‘Hell no!… Why would you think that? I mean they obviously know… I train topless and your nails are brutal, plus I think the fact I’m always in a good mood is a dead giveaway. Men make jokes about sex, I swear I tell them nothing. I have had plenty aimed my way from your little sexy scratches and bites; I think every one of them is jealous that I got myself a stunner who obviously gives me a wild sex life.’ He smiles properly, no Hollywood charm or ‘I’m hot’ just genuine, ‘I am so happy right now’, and I relax a little. Something inside calming down that he genuinely seems to have liked this and knowing he wouldn’t betray me by boasting to his mates about what we do.

  ‘I do?’ It’s not like I can compare what we do to anything or anyone normal; my past just taught me about being used and hurt and I try to never go back there. I only know what we do together always feels good, and right. I can’t ever tell if it was always like this with other people too. I don’t know what normal sex with other people is like, I have no comparison.

  ‘You have no clue how amazing you are. Sophie; if you ever doubted that sex between us was ever going to be an issue, then stop…. Because you are the best sex I have ever had in my life, there’s no comparison to anything I have ever known. You literally blow my mind every time we do this.’ He catches my hand when he closes the trunk and pulls me around with him, leading me to the passenger door. Stopping and turning me to him, brushing back my hair with his fingers and kissing me softly on the lips.

  ‘You’re just saying that because I peed on you and I’m embarrassed.’ I mumble childishly, still not sure this is a good thing at all. Feeling strangely shy and looking down at our entangled fingers.

  ‘Fuck no… I want you to do that every time. I will be aiming for it. Sophie; you have made every single one of my fantasies for the dream girl come true. Sex with you is better than I could ever have imagined it would be. You’re amazing, you completely let go and trust me to take care of you, there are no real boundaries with what you let me do to you. I know how huge that is…. I love you so much more because of it.’ He pulls me to him, kisses me again, only this time with a little bit of teasing tongue, leaving me breathless and wanting more, before opening my door and guiding me inside.

  ‘I don’t know what to say.’ I settle in the seat, watching him automatically lean in and buckle me up.

  ‘An I love you wouldn’t go amiss occasionally.’ Arrick eyes me warily, and I frown, looking away with a sigh. Of all the things I am still having a hard time with, it seems so dumb that something I used to say to him so freely is now something which sticks in my throat. He moves in against me and kisses me on the cheek.

  ‘I get it baby, it will come. When you feel like you trust me like you once did. I love you, that’s all that matters.’ I hear the tiny tone of hurt in his voice and look up at him sadly, wishing I could just cross that last barrier and tell him that I do.

  I really do.

  Chapter 24

  I roll over and open my eyes, completely refreshed after sleeping so long, the smell of food drifting my way. I sit up on the couch and blink at the tv, still playing on low, the noise of Arrick clanging pans or whatever’s in the kitchen, and gaze over the back of the couch to watch him.

  He’s been making Ragu sauce by the smell of it, his moms recipe and I can see the pasta on the bunker; he made his own. She used to teach me how to do all that stuff when I was younger too, but I just never had any real affinity with cooking. He seems to enjoy it when he’s in the mood and everything smells heavenly.

  I don’t know what time it is, but the skyline over by the dining table looks too dark to be early evening and I wonder if he’s changed his mind about going out tonight with his friends.

  I know Jenny is meant to be coming, but Christian is with his boyfriend tonight and won’t be making a show of himself. We are celebrating Arricks win and the fact his next fight is a championship try at a belt. He could get a real title after this one which could completely launch him as a fighter in among people he really admires. Nate set up tonight as a celebration for them both, as he is really the one who got Arry this far.

  He’s worked so hard to get here and I know even though he jokes about retiring that he loves what he does. He keeps Carrero Corp in his back pocket so that when he does retire he still has something to do in his life, besides spend money and rely on wealth. Arrick will never be one of those men who sit idly by a pool and let life pass them by. He’s already booked us on three or four trips over the next months, in my school term breaks, and he’s taking me to Austria soon to go skiing before Christmas. Just the two of us.

  ‘I’m hungry.’ I yawn and call out to him while stretching my limbs out, feeling like a contented cat; he spins his head and instantly smiles at me.

  ‘Hey sleepyhead. Do you feel better? Food will be ten minutes still.’ He has a towel over his shoulder and looks a little hot and flushed from slaving over a cooker all afternoon.

  Love my domestic man when he looks like this.

  ‘I do…. But now, I’m starving.’ I get up and wander across to the kitchen, wearing one of Arry’s button downs as a sleeping shirt over fresh underwear. We showered when we came home, seeing as I left such a lasting impression on both of our clothes and I am still not entirely sure it’s the wonderful thing he claims it is.

  I curl up in the arms that outstretch to me, snuggling in as he kisses me on top of the head and squeezes me against him. He feels hot and clammy from being in the kitchen with the steam and heat. He smells more like his anti-perspirant than normal, so I guess he’s been sweating it out over here while I acted like a Disney princess and conked out in front of Jurassic park. I let go of him and move past to the breadbin, where I stashed my open family sized bag of Cheetos last night and pull them out to graze.

  Arry turns from stirring the water and dumping the fresh pasta in and frowns at me. Switching the bag in my hands with a breadstick, in a fast swipe, that gets him a major glare.

  ‘Hey.’ I go to snatch it back, but he holds it up over anything I could ever reach and then dumps them on top of the refrigerator, which is like seven feet tall.


  ‘You literally only need to wait minutes, besides…. Cheeto’s Sophie? You’re going to turn into one at this rate.’ He scolds me gently, smacking my ass to move me as he leans into a cupboard for bowls.

  ‘Why do you always do such mean stuff to me?’ I shove his hand away when he tries to pinch my cheek on the way back up and start jumping up to reach the bag of snacks, like an adolescent. Failing miserably because I am clearly vertically challenged and Arrick shakes his head at me.

  ‘Yeah, wanting you to eat healthier is super mean. What an awful boyfriend I am.’ He rolls his eyes and I smack his ass this time for his cheeky retort, and for stealing my mannerism.

  I own the eyeroll in this relationship.

  ‘You are!’ I point out and then slump back against the chrome door and bite the end of my breadstick in defeat. Crunching noisily just to be annoying.

  ‘You know when we have babies, or even when you’re pregnant, I won’t be so lenient on what you eat.’ He turns to me, looking deadly serious. I blink at him, completely stupefied and feel the blood rush from my entire body in a split second.

  ‘What now? Arrick w
hy did you say the B word? We don’t talk about the B word, or the M word. Isn’t that like the number one cardinal rule of Arry?’ I feel heat creep up my face and gawp at him in disbelief, stomach churning over in nerves at this sudden surprise attack Arrick turns to me with a soft look on his face.

  ‘No; It’s’ just we never used to because we weren’t the subject. One day there will be the M and B Sophie. I know neither of us are ready for that, but I do think about that stuff with you. I know where my future lies.’ He seems so sure, says it in such a matter of fact way, going back to scooping or ladling or whatever the hell he is doing over there with his back turned to me, without any other reaction.

  ‘You do?’ I feel that tiny waiver in my voice that betrays the fact he’s going to make me cry and his posture changes, head turning over his shoulder to look at me.

  ‘Of course I do…. I want you to finish school and get onto whatever career path you want to go on Soph’s, but one day, I want to marry you and have kids; even if I’m the one who has to be the mom. You know, cos you’re clearly domestically challenged and all.’ He smiles at me and I feel my face crumble, a tear rolling down my cheek as bittersweet pain hits me right in the chest. I hate when he is just this randomly sweet and catches me off guard. Completely rips the rug out from under me and I never know how to react.

  ‘I thought you never wanted any of that stuff with anyone, you always said you didn’t think about any of that. If I remember right your exact words were ‘the thought of babies and a wife put the fear of god into me.’ Unquote.’ I blink at him still, wiping away my moment of weakness, heart racing in both panic and yet something more. The thought that he would completely change that for me and I want to break into massive sobs and wrap myself around him. Arrick puts down the ladle he’s been holding and comes to me, placing his hands on my shoulders and gazes at me adoringly with a long slow exhale.

  ‘The thought of any old wife and anyone’s babies, sure… But you, and ours… No fear in here at all. Only the sad thought that I fell in love with a girl who thinks Cheeto’s are one of the five food groups, and uses bath towels to dust, occasionally. In fact, I’m pretty sure you weren’t meaning to dust at all… I think you probably just assume towels live on the coffee table when you’re done with them. And you pretty much leave your shoes on any surface that they land on, daily.’ He smirks, kisses my temple and then goes back to retrieve the pasta from boiling water.


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