Take Me On

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Take Me On Page 3

by Viola Grace

  She turned to him, "Are you ready?"

  He crooked an eyebrow at her. "If you are. Do you need to bring water?"

  "No. I know where the streams are. You can come along, but don't get in my way. For you, this is strictly a spectator sport."

  He nodded. "I understand. Let me leave a note for Xefir and Naedar."

  Her chuckle followed him, "I thought you could tell where each other are at any given time."

  "I can, and they can, but manners matter."

  He had a point. She opened the door, entering the yard, and raised her head, scenting for prey nearby. Life in the growing towns and cities of Worrik was a nice safe environment. The wilds were another matter entirely.

  The wilds were where she was at home.

  There. A collection of prey. She heard Artur behind her and turned to him. "Stay down wind and don't get in my way. I have a scent."

  He nodded and grinned. "I will enjoy watching you in action."

  They were off.

  She ran through the trees, picking up speed, until the world was a green and brown blur. Her blood surged in her veins as she sprinted for the sheer joy of it. Reesha had no idea if Artur was keeping up with her, she was having far too much fun.

  The gathering of eight foot flightless birds scattered as she thundered into their midst. Her technique was all joy and bluster as two of the younger males turned to attack her. Their viciously hooked claws swiped at her, missing her by inches.

  She danced with them both, bending and shifting as they attacked while the females were guarded by the alpha. When she heard the bellow of rage behind her, she knocked her dance partners from their feet with sweeps of her leg and turned to face her target.

  The twelve-foot chubby bodied bird charged at her. This was the target she sought, the predator that was stalking the herd. Names for half of the species of birds had not yet been decided and that was fine with her. It was easier to kill if it didn't have a name.

  As it approached, she swung the bolo and released it in a smooth motion. It whirled through the air and snapped around the neck of the beast. It reared back in surprise and fell to its knees.

  Reesha darted in and slit its throat. As blood sprayed out in an arc, she held the beast until the death throes ceased.

  Her audience applauded. Her set was standing calmly on the edge of the clearing, their hands making a noise that sent the herd she had used as bait running for cover.

  "You can stand there applauding, or you can help me gut and bleed this thing before larger predators come sniffing around." Her blood was pounding in her veins. She was more aroused than she had ever been in her life.

  She had run, she was hunting, they were here. The timing was perfect. Time to make them hers.

  Chapter Six

  With blood on her hands, Reesha stepped away from the carcass and moved to a flat point in the meadow. She watched their reactions as she unlaced her vest and let it drop. Her mark was exposed completely and with the vulnerability, came freedom.

  She bent carefully and unlaced her boots, flicking them off before she peeled her trousers away. Naked in the glade, she propped her hands on her hips and cocked her head. It was like looking at three bronze statues and none of them wanted to move. She sashayed toward them and assessed her options.

  Naedar was the first of their set. Sex with him would enable Xefir, their second, to get her pregnant. Artur's reproductive ability would only come into play if their set was missing one hormonal element. He could replace either Naedar or Xefir, but she would rather have them together.

  "As attractive a piece of statuary as you three are, consider this an invitation to start moving." The giddy excitement bubbled up in her as their hands started moving until they were as sky clad as she was.

  She could smell her heat and they hadn't even touched her yet. Her nipples were tight, her clit throbbed and cream was dampening her folds.

  They didn't ask her if she was sure. They simply surrounded her on all sides and started to touch. Biting her lip seemed the best option when her breath started to pick up.

  Xefir leaned in and in his amazing voice whispered, "We want to hear you."

  Reesha put one hand on Naedar's shoulder and one on Artur's to hold herself steady as Xefir knelt to trail his lips over her mark. She didn't want to hurt them by clutching anything else.

  She closed her eyes and let the moan rock from her throat. Whomever designed their marks had a devilish streak. The inks used connected their swooping stylized dragons with their nervous systems. The lightest touch on her mark was like a stroke on her clit.

  He gently traced her mark with the tip of his tongue while the other two ran hands down her back, hips and ass. Her internal temperature reached a boiling point. She dug her claws into two of her set as the third sent her spinning into release.

  Predators and prey alike went running when her roaring scream rent the air. As her vision cleared, hands lifted her and the scalding head of Naedar's cock pressed into her. She opened her eyes and kissed her first. First in many ways, but this one most importantly.

  As he parted her lips with his tongue, she wrapped her legs around him and welcomed him inside. While her body heat was higher than that of her parents, she had never met another being with anything that was as hot as the flared head of the member inside her. She could feel every shift, rock and thrust as he slid home.

  The heat her body started generating made her dizzy.

  Hands supported her back as she tightened her arms and shifted her hips. Reesha heard the moans coming from her throat and didn't bother holding them back.

  The kiss went from passionate to carnal as his tongue mimicked the slow thrusts that he was beginning with his hands guiding her hips to his for every wet contact.

  She rocked against him, each motion, each twist of her hips pulling groans from him until his movements took on a frenzy that seized every muscle in her body. A sharp shock of pleasure burned through her and it seemed that it was the signal he had been waiting for. Deep in her belly, she felt a tingling sensation as he came and her body took what he gave her to start a chain reaction that would allow it to do what it had been designed for, give her species a chance at life.

  Her channel was still massaging him when he stepped aside and Xefir took his place. Artur moved behind her to support her, his cock a bar of heat across her back.

  Xefir knelt at her feet and used his mouth to kiss his way across her collarbone and then down across her mark before drawing each breast into his mouth in turn. Her channel clenched as he grazed his teeth over her nipples, the threat of pain as much of a turn on as his mouth itself.

  She threaded her fingers in his hair and held his head to her skin as he explored her tastes and textures. Reesha was completely aroused and almost to the point of orgasm when he whispered, "Come to me," as he pulled her into his arms and onto his erection.

  He adjusted her limbs until she was kneeling with her calves on the ground and her knees next to his hips. He was inside her so deep she couldn't do more than rock herself against him.

  Artur's hands under her hips lifted her and dropped her, so that Xefir and she could concentrate on their dance. Xefir was wider than Naedar, but not quite as long. It was an interesting contrast that flew out of her mind when Xefir began to whisper in her ear and Reesha's senses went into overload.

  Languages she had never heard before rippled over her in waves. Her body knew what the words meant even if her mind couldn't recognize it. A strong pulsing started inside her as her body milked Xefir's with a slow and steady beat.

  His growl and the tension of his hands preceded his shout by seconds. Her womb didn't shift inside her, but she knew it was greedily trying to make use of his contribution. The instant that he let her go, she fell back into Artur's waiting embrace.

  "Hello, beautiful." His smile was welcoming, but there was banked passion in his gaze. "I have a different sort of ride for you. Come with me."

  She was exhausted, her body w
as still attached to Xefir's and she couldn't believe what he had just said. "What?"

  He chuckled while Xefir and Naedar helped remove her from her perch. "They will bring your kill back to the cottage. It is time for you to experience one of the other joys of our kind."

  She expected to be covered in semen from the crotch down, but with her first time with her set, her body seemed to have absorbed everything they gave her. The only traces of sex on her, were her own juices.

  The second time would be different, Dr. Deveraux had told her all about it. The theory of it anyway, Argent had never actually seen it in action.

  Artur lifted her into his arms and stood, then handed her to Naedar. While she was watching, he shifted into his other form and Naedar helped her get into position on his broad back.

  "Move to his neck and settle in between those ridges. There is a natural space there for you, just your size." Naedar laughed and pressed a kiss to her temple. "Don't fall off."

  She hadn't really accepted what was about to happen until she heard in her thoughts, Hang on.

  How are you doing that?

  It is a link the shifter sets have. Most other sets can tell general location and mood, but us shifters are given the gift of telepathy with our own.

  Have you run into others? Shifters, I mean.

  His huge head turned and he looked at her with one enormous eye. We will get to that later. Hang on.

  With that warning, he bunched his muscles and she braced herself by clinging to a neck ridge as he took flight. The upward surge was uncomfortable, but as his huge wings started to beat and they rose above the trees, she opened her eyes to the wonders of the skyline. The view from her dragon's back was amazing.

  Her thought spilled out before she could stop it. I wish I could fly.

  Why can't you?

  I…The doctor had never said she couldn't shift. Frankly, she had simply thought it was a male thing.

  I don't know how.

  At this age, you may not be able to manage it, but even a partial shift should be possible.

  He banked to one side and she was quiet for a moment, letting the wind tease her senses and her inner lids snap over her eyes to protect them from particulates. The lids had unnerved her parents, but it was part of her overall package. She considered it part of her heritage.

  Balancing carefully, she looked behind her and noted the other two dragons that were heading in the opposite direction. Why aren't they coming with us?

  I am punishing myself for hurting your feelings. This flight is so that I may do it properly.

  Is that why you and I didn't?

  Yes. Our time will come. Hopefully before I turn blue.

  She laughed and held onto him with her thighs, raising her arms to the sky.

  Reesha, do you realize you are still unclothed?

  She chuckled. There is a reason my family doesn't disturb me at the cottage without warning. I tend to peel to the skin most days and just absorb the sun.

  That sounds delightful. I look forward to seeing it.

  You have already seen all of me.

  Ah, but to have you on your knees, facing the ocean as I take you from behind that is a memory I plan on making a reality.

  She thought she had reached her blush threshold for the day, but it peaked again. This time the image in her thoughts was her, right down to the scar on her back from the time she fell out of a tree when she was fourteen and trying to fly.

  Reesha stilled her thoughts and concentrated on the flight. It was so different being on a living being who controlled where they were headed. I have never been this far north. Where are we going?

  Just a place we found when we were scouting when we first arrived. It is just over here.

  He banked again and dropped altitude. Reesha held her breath and then let it out in a rush as they came in for a landing. Artur scooped air with his wings and they landed with a thud.

  She had been so interested in her grip, she hadn't looked around and now she gasped with the brilliance of her surroundings.

  An unlikely mix of crystal cliffs and floral vines made her smile. "It's wonderful."

  A wide plain opened up in front of her and the cliff provided protection from the elements. A clear pool of fresh water spilling through the crystal cliff was a glassy surface that gleamed and reflected the daylight in an enticing sparkle.

  The dragon at her side cocked his head. Do you think this would be a good spot for a home?

  As the idea bloomed in her mind along with the flowers, she grinned. I think it is a fantastic place for a home. I think I have paperwork to file.

  Not too far away from the city?

  I can commute. If we can rig a com unit and a power supply, I should be fine aside from weekly meetings in town. Her mind was already working out the logistics.

  Commuting won't be a problem.

  He launched himself back into the air and she was lost in thought. If she cut back her work hours, she would be able to be in that oasis three days a week…

  Under her thighs, Artur purred happily.

  Chapter Seven

  To Reesha's surprise, the next two days were quiet. After Naedar and Xefir finished dressing and butchering her catch, they each gave her a sizzling kiss before claiming duty and flying off.

  We are with you now, Reesha. Just speak and we will hear you.

  That's comforting. Isn't this against etiquette or something? Abandoning a virgin a few hours after sex.

  A rich chuckle came into her mind in Xefir's tone. You are no average woman, and we will never be parted from you again.

  Warmth spilled through her and she felt each of their touches on her mind. She wished that they were touches on her body, but she couldn't have everything.

  She spent her time working on a model of the home she was planning. Getting workers up to the crystal cliffs would be a pain in the ass, but the heavy lifting was taken care of.

  Seven bedrooms. One master room for her set, three bedrooms in case she wanted alone time. A laugh escaped her, she was going to be master of that house, there was no doubt. One guest bedroom and two for the children. Having a baby that had a navel of its own would be wonderful, and she had every intention of pursuing her men until that baby appeared.

  The house would be huge. She made lists of materials and labour estimates while she sunned herself on the beach. The colony had most of the supplies available, but a few of the items would be custom jobs, including a bed that would be able to take all four of them.

  It was a very good thing that she knew each and every manufacturer in the colony, and most of them owed her favours.

  She could have a new house by spring, and possibly a baby by harvest if she was willing to work at it. Smiling, she idly traced her fingers over her mark and shivered as her body started to perk with arousal.

  Stop that. Xefir and Artur nearly collided. Naedar's voice was unmistakable.

  You mean I can't even enjoy myself? That isn't very fair.

  The wicked chuckle ran through her thoughts and did delightful things to the rest of her. We will make it up to you tomorrow, Reesha. We have been dealing with another storm south of the town. It messed with some of the herds and we have been gathering the escaped animals.

  Be careful, they bite.

  So do we.

  She smiled and went back to her plotting and scheming. A quick dip in the ocean cooled her skin and marinating her catch in large enough portions to feed her beasts kept her busy until it was time for bed.

  Her dreams were filled with crystal waterfalls and flowers that bloomed once a decade.

  She felt them approaching. Her skin hummed with energy and that turned into a physical vibration as they came into view.

  As they dropped into her yard, they shifted into their socially acceptable forms.

  She didn't even have a chance to speak, Artur lifted her off her feet and carried her into the house.

  Her clothing disappeared in a few quick tugs while they shed theirs
as well. "Your clothing changes with you?"

  "Yes, we all have a few sets. Courtesy of the Horcross. They consider us an interesting offshoot of their genes. Like cousins."

  While Naedar explained, Artur flipped her to her bed and crawled on top of her, kissing and licking every inch of her until she was twisting under him.

  A sharp whistle and he snarled, but backed off.

  Xefir smiled and leaned down until his lips were just over hers. "Are you interested in a joint effort?"

  "I have been dreaming about it." She leaned up to press her lips against his and smiled. Sexual evolution was not a problem for clones. According to the doctor, once the hormonal switch was flipped, it stayed on. It had been burning brightly since they left.

  Naedar didn't say anything, merely shifted to the bed and draped his body across it in invitation. Xefir took up a position next to Naedar's head and Artur left the room for a few minutes before he returned.

  Artur nodded to his comrades and they sprang into action. Each was sporting an erection that could probably bludgeon lesser women to death. Reesha grinned and accepted the challenge.

  Naedar lay on his back and pulled Reesha over him, positioning her on his cock. She slid onto his erection with the ease of two days of unrequited arousal.

  Xefir shifted next to her head on his knees and Artur rubbed something slick into her ass, poking two fingers inside and wiggling gently until she pushed her hips against him. The head of his cock pressed against her nether opening and she moved into his pressure.

  Laughing was out of the question when Artur started to move. He controlled the pace until she was comfortable with the stinging flares of pain that came with the pleasure of his location and relaxed.

  Naedar thrust into her and stroked his fingers across her clit while she arched into him. She was not the only one making noise, Artur was growling, Naedar was grunting, and when her lips explored his cock, Xefir purred. She took his heat into her mouth and swirled her tongue along the underside while she was sucking slowly. He tasted salty, musky and wild. It was a masculine but different version of her own musk.


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