Take Me On

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Take Me On Page 4

by Viola Grace

  The veins along his shaft throbbed against her lips as she took him as deeply as she could manage with the rest of her body in a pleasure tug-of-war.

  Her body was singing with sensation. Artur's hands gripped her hips, Naedar cupped her breasts and Xefir rubbed her jaw and threaded his fingers through her hair.

  When she bucked and screamed around Xefir's cock, Naedar snarled while Artur howled his satisfaction as both cocks throbbed inside her. It was the strangest feeling.

  Xefir didn't come, he gently moved her head away and stroked her hair until she sighed and was moved free of the other two bodies.

  Her bed was not large, but Xefir did lean over to kick Naedar out of it as he lay her on her back.

  Her body was still singing, nerves were still raw and skin was still sensitive as he began to arouse her all over again with touches, caresses and his devilish mouth. Reesha was desperate and lifting her hips to his when he finally pressed into her, using self-control that astonished her.

  She dug her fingers into his shoulders as he started to move, and he hissed. "I love your claws, but that is not what I am after."

  He pinned her hands over her head and shifted his hips. He slid deeper and then he began to pound against her with intensity and focus. He held her hands in one of his and raised her knees to her chest as he pushed into her hard and fast until she screamed and he shouted loud enough to shake the windows.

  He leaned against her and pressed soft kisses down her cheek. "You are truly lovely in your pleasure, Reesha.

  "And we will have to add soundproofing to the house. If my parents are visiting, I don't want them to hear that sort of thing." Her words were a whisper.

  "You can have whatever you wish for in the house. We will make the arrangements when we return to the city."

  She looked up at him. "Take me with you when you go. I know a few people and I know what we need and where to get it." She wriggled her fingers. "You can let me go now."

  He chuckled and released her wrists from his grip. "Sorry. It just felt so right to hold you."

  "You will have plenty of opportunities to hold, caress or stroke any part of me you wish. No rush."

  She was jostled as Artur brought a cloth to clean her up, this time her body had not absorbed everything. The pump was now primed. The first's semen would alter her PH and the second's carried the working load.

  She was sandwiched between Xefir and Artur while Naedar watched the door.

  "You don't have to do that, my house is secure." She chuckled.

  "Force of habit. We always leave one of us on duty while the other two sleep. Guarding our mate is just second nature."

  She yawned and snuggled in for a nap. It was too early in the day to sleep, but it was so nice to be with her men at long last.

  Chapter Eight

  Dressed in her office togs, she directed Xefir to the top of her building. He shifted shape two feet from the roof and she landed, piggybacking the second of her set. The other two were off trying to get the paperwork together for their homestead agreement.

  Reesha smirked as the folks in the streets pointed as the dragons flew overhead. The townsfolk probably hadn't seen them this close before. Certainly never inside the town itself.

  The roof access was always unlocked. The staff enjoyed coming up on breaks and looking out at the amazing vistas of Worrik.

  Reesha led her companion down into the maze of offices to her department. Brin looked up in surprise when she came through the door. "Reesha! What are you doing back so soon?"

  "I met some people who convinced me that I needed to come back and get some paperwork done. This is Xefir." Reesha was fighting a grin.

  Brin always had an eye for the gentlemen and, confronted with Xefir, she was sitting with her mouth ajar.

  "I am pleased to meet the infamous Brin." Xefir turned on the charm and Brin swooned at the sound of his voice.

  "How did you meet Reesha?"

  "We were flying overhead and happened upon her sunbathing on the beach. There was no way we could pass up an invitation like that."

  Reesha shook her head and opened her office. Everything was pristine. She slid behind her desk and started a link while Xefir's voice continued to spin tales of her lascivious behaviour to her stunned assistant. He was fabricating about half of what she had done with her set, but it was an impressive repertoire.

  It was hard to keep the foolish grin off her face as she rang up the colony coordinator. "Natros, how are you today?"

  "Fine, Reesha. You look well. Brin said you were taking some time off." The elder statesman smiled.

  "I did and found something interesting in the northern wilds around my cottage."

  He looked politely curious. "What was that?"

  "Why didn't you tell me that you were taking on air support against the predators?"

  "It isn't really your department, Reesha."

  "What about the matter of them being a matching clone set, Natros? That is very much my business." She drummed her fingers on the desktop, a sure sign that she was ticked off.

  On her screen, the man blushed an unhealthy purple. "I wasn't aware that it was a concern. You are not like they are, after all."

  She sighed. "Just because I don't change shape doesn't mean they aren't mine. They are mine. It has been proved. Now, I need to put a claim on three hundred acres of land up north outside the developmental range."

  "That is a lot of space. What do you want it for?"

  "My set and I need a family home outside of the standard flight or population lines. We also need a lot of space."

  Her old friend snorted. "How much space could four beings need?"

  "Three hundred acres. We need space to hunt and fly." She smiled. "And when the children come, we need space for them."

  "I thought all of the clone males were sterile."

  "Only with naturally born women. With me, there is a possibility of a new generation."

  He scrambled around for a while. "What about your work?"

  "It will be easier for me to travel on dragon back than it is to charter a zipper to do an assessment. Most of my work is data dissection on soil samples and grain consumption. I can telecommute during the week and come in for meetings every seven days."

  "I see."

  "Oh, and I need permit applications sent over for housing construction assist. I am designing a house and will need some labour to help. My set has offered to clear cut the area we need, but I don't have faith in their construction skills."

  "I see."

  "Be happy for me, Natros, I never expected to find them." It was true. Even with Dr. Deveraux stopping by to encourage her, she knew that the chances were slim she would find her set. Clone women were vulnerable when they travelled, no race would claim them so it left them unable to call anyone outside their adoptive families for help. If it hadn't been for the caution that her mother instilled in her, Reesha would have been in a shuttle and searching for her males years ago.

  "I am happy, just surprised. Do your parents know?"

  Reesha paled and her panic brought Xefir into the room to look for the threat. "No. I haven't told them yet." She waved him off with a hand as she got her emotions back under control. "I was planning on bringing them over in the afternoon so we could all meet face to face."

  "Good plan. I will start the paperwork as soon as I say this one thing, congratulations, Reesha. There will be a formal wedding in your future. The colony needs to see that blenders can become part of a community."

  Her lips twitched as Xefir's eyes narrowed at the term blender. It was common for the naturals to sneer at the clones when they found them, not understanding the politics that had gone into creating them.

  "I will discuss it with my parents. I am sure that they will be amenable. You will send over the permits and requests?"

  "I will. Have a good day, Reesha. I hope to see you and your set, very soon."

  She winked and disconnected the call. She sat back and exhaled. "That was
the hard call."

  She quickly connected to her parents' line and smiled as her mama came into focus. "Hello, Mama. Will you and Papa be in this afternoon?"

  "Of course. You know your father. We can't pry him away from his greenhouse until he finishes verifying the numbers for next year's yields." Yesha Await rubbed her hands on a towel, leaving black streaks.

  Reesha smiled at signs that her mother had been right next to Aroff while he worked.

  "I have some people I need you to meet." Being mysterious wasn't a normal thing for her, but Reesha didn't want to blow the surprise.

  "We will be here. See you soon, pet." Her mother disconnected the call and Reesha started breathing again.

  "You seem tense." Xefir moved behind her and started rubbing her shoulders. Just the touch of his hands sent fizzles of heat through her.

  "I am tense." She sighed and leaned into his slow massage, looking up lazily when Brin came in with the documents. "Thank you, Brin."

  "Reesha, do you seriously have more of those?" She jerked her head at Xefir.

  "Not just like him, no. The other two have different eyes and turn different colours when they shift. You will meet them all soon enough. I will have to stay in town until the house is ready." She sighed and sent a thought to Xefir. He took the forms from Brin and brought them back to Reesha.

  With the skills that had made her one of the highest-ranking bureaucrats in the colony, she filled out the forms. She could feel Xefir's amazement as she flipped over page after page. When five minutes had passed, she straightened the pages, clipped them together and slid them into a file.

  "I am going to walk these over to the registrar. Xefir, do you want to come with me, or to you want to continue to make Brin drool?"

  Brin blushed, but raised an eyebrow in challenge.

  Xefir chuckled and kissed the back of Brin's hand. "As tempting as it is, I cannot leave the side of our fourth with so many people around. While she may have faith in the population, until we meet most of the folks around here, she won't be running around loose."

  Brin looked faint as Xefir straightened and released her hand.

  Reesha grabbed his arm and hauled him out of her office. "I shudder to think of what the other two are doing to the female population. Women might be fainting in the streets."

  He laughed and she kept going, taking his arm as they began to walk down the street. Her documents were under one arm and the other was firmly linked to his.

  It took them two hours to make a ten-minute journey. Everyone wanted to meet Reesha's new companion and he was only too happy to be introduced to each man, woman or child who came up to him.

  By the time they reached the registrar's office, Reesha was exhausted and Xefir was downright chatty.

  Naedar and Artur were working at a table on a mountain of paperwork.

  "Hey, my dears. What is all of that?" She waved to the woman behind the counter and smiled.

  "The paperwork required to file for our homesteading rights."

  "Really? Give me a moment." She held up her hand for her set to stay back. "Hello, N'diri. How is the day treating you?"

  The woman behind the counter flushed guiltily. "Fine, Reesha. How can I help you?"

  "I need to get these documents filed with the colony courts as well as the Formali court, also, I need to get the forms for acknowledgement of our set's unification. I believe a vid of our marks is all that is required for the authorization of the homesteading pact."

  N'diri kept blushing. "I will get the back room arranged for you."

  Reesha leaned in and smiled as she whispered, "Thank you, N'diri. It's all right. I like looking at them, too."

  The clerk bustled to the back and Reesha turned to look at her confused men. "The Formali women seem to think you are horribly attractive for some reason. N'diri just wanted you where she could look at you."

  Their mouths opened in surprise and she laughed. When N'diri called, Reesha led the way so that the vid and declaration could be recorded for the Formali courts. For better or worse, they were now citizens of Worrik.

  Chapter Nine

  Reesha's palms were sweating as she entered her parents' home. "Mama, Papa? Are you in here?"

  "In the formal room, Reesha. I was just putting out lunch, will you join us?"

  "Please come out here. I think you might want to see this." She leaned back against Naedar as they formed a wall behind her.

  Her parents came around the corner, every inch ex-military Formali. "Mama, Papa, I would like to introduce you to my set. This is Xefir, behind me is Naedar and this is Artur. Guys, this is my mother, Yesha and my father, Aroff Await."

  In a line, they approached her parents and shook their hands. Each one said, "Thank you for guarding our fourth and raising her into a formidable woman."

  Her mother and father recovered swiftly from their surprise. After meeting the men, they looked at Reesha. She knew she was glowing happily. "Come here, daughter." Her mother's arms opened and she rushed into them.

  Her father joined in the hug and when they separated after laughter and sobs, he turned to her set. "Take care of her. She is the most special of all of Argent's creations."

  Naedar and the others inclined their heads in acknowledgement. "We know."

  Her father straightened his shoulders and nodded. "As long as we are all straight here, this is going to be one big wedding."

  Reesha was still standing with her arm around her mother and she laughed at their expressions. "I tried to warn you. With the colony stable, weddings are a big deal. All we need to do is get formal clothing for you and a dress for me and we can get this show on the road."

  Yesha elbowed her in the ribs. "There is a little more to it than that."

  Aroff smiled. "We will have the seamstress here today. You will all stay with us, of course. It isn't appropriate for you to be staying with Reesha."

  As she cackled evilly in their minds, they gave in to her parents with grace and offered to make lunch. It was an excellent start to their entry into her family.

  Everyone with a day off attended the wedding in the town square. The gold silk gown rustled as she walked to join her set. Her hands were trembling and the flowers from her family's greenhouse quivered in her grip.

  Her parents sat with pride in the front row, watching her with tears in their eyes. The emotion in the eyes of her set was something else entirely.

  It had been three weeks since she had introduced them to her parents. Three weeks since the construction crews had been flown out to the site to start work on the pristinely cleared lot.

  Three weeks since she had been able to do more than touch them casually in public.

  The adjudicator smiled as she joined her set in their matching gold and brown clothing. As he began to speak the words to bind them together, they were all smiling. Their minds tangled, touched, caressed and as she agreed to take them as her own, her mind was filled with crystal flowers and a glittering cliff side that would be theirs alone.

  Words or not, they were bound for life.


  Reesha slipped out of bed and walked out onto the balcony without waking her bedmates. Her body wasn't under her control anymore and she had to accept it. Her gown pressed against her tightly over the pumpkin of her stomach.

  It had been five years since she found her dragons, and the dawn breaking on the crystal cliff was still as beautiful as the day Artur showed it to her.

  The colony was thriving, the addition of the dragons to ground clearing crews was amazing and their precision stunned observers. Nothing like a little pinpoint fire to make a neat hole in a forest.

  She snorted and covered her mouth as a jet of flame sprang from her lips. She was still getting used to the fire as well as the wings that disappeared and reappeared at will. When the boys weren't flying for the colony, they helped her learn to take flight in short bursts.

  She watched the sunrise and smiled as Naedar snuck up behind her with a cup of tea. He kept hi
s voice quiet. "They are still sleeping."

  She turned and smirked. "They kept me up all night, as you well know. No wonder they are tired."

  He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss on the nape of her neck that had her shivering. "Do you have to go into the city today?"

  "No. I am good until next week. Stop that, that's how this whole thing started." She patted her belly with one hand.

  "And you are delighted."

  She turned in his arms and prodded his erection with her rounded belly. "That comes and goes. I am burping fire again."

  He nodded sagely. "Heartburn. It's probably my cooking. When Artur gets back he will fix that right up."

  She sighed. "I hope they get back soon. I miss having you all together."

  He chuckled. "I enjoy one on one, but you are right, it will be nice to share a bed with people our own size for a change. I never have to worry about kicking Xefir."

  She peeked into the bedroom and saw her son and daughter curled together in the huge bed. Xeela had been at her parent's wedding, much to everyone's delight. Noro had appeared when Xeela was two, and now little Arsha was taking form inside her body.

  Two huge shadows streaked across the cliffs and sparked a smile on Reesha's face. She scampered into her bedroom and leaned over her children, with Naedar bringing up the rear. "Daddies' home."

  About the Author

  Zenina Masters was born in Canada and lives in Canada. She has a regular job and does nothing particularly exciting with her life. She enjoys fishing, silence and the ability to pick and choose friends she can trust. Life is too short to watch your back all the time.

  Her writing life is a teeny bit of escapism, she would probably chicken out if confronted by three naked men and looks forward to one day finding out.


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