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Southern Zombies Three Book Box Set: A Story of Survival, Southern Hospitality, and Southern Blood

Page 16

by Ann Riley

  We finally get everything loaded and head out to the truck. As we walk out the door, I see a man hiding behind a car parked over to the right of us aiming a gun directly at Brent. I stop walking and pull my gun up to aim and I fire, hitting the man between the eyes. They all spin around and look at me.

  “What. He had a bead on Brent. He asked for it. Let’s get our asses in the truck because that shot is going to bring company.” I say.

  They all walk to the truck and get in.

  As we leave from the area we were parked in, I see three more men come from behind cars with guns. Looks like we left just in time.

  Chapter 13

  We head back to the highway and get on our route to head home. I am so glad to be going home. I am tired, aggravated and want to see Bobby and Riley. I miss them.

  I pull over when I get us on the correct route and let Brent drive. I have to sleep for a couple of hours before I fall asleep behind the wheel. Marc and him talk as I doze off.

  It seems like I am only asleep for a few minutes when I am awakened by Rebecca shaking me.

  “What?” I ask her.

  “We have trouble.” She says.

  “That’s nothing new.” I reply.

  I look out and see a line of people across the highway. With guns. I am pretty sure they want what we have, but they aren’t getting it this time. I look out to the woods and see a horde of walkers coming. We can play this out and let their asses get eaten by the walkers, or, we can start shooting. Either way, the people on the highway are on the bad end of this deal.

  “Let us by.” Marc says.

  “We need food.” One man says.

  “Go get your own like we did.” Marc replies.

  “We don’t have a way to find food.” The man says.

  “Go find a car, get in and drive to an area and look for food.” Marc says.

  “It’s easier to get it this way.” The man says.

  “Look mother fuckers, you aren’t getting anything we have. The only thing you will be getting is a cap in the ass if you don’t get out of the way and let us go by. Get your lazy ass out and find what you need. We can’t help you. Now get out of the fucking way. Now.” I yell.

  “Well, I think that was to the point.” Marc says.

  “Fuck them. I will kill every last one of them before they take one thing from us. I am tired of being beaten and abused.” I say.

  Marc nods.

  I take out guns and hand them out to Rebecca, Lauren and Brent.

  “If they don’t move. Start firing.” I say.

  They nod.

  “Are you going to move or not?” I ask them.

  “No, we aren’t.” The man says.

  “You three crawl through the back window. Stay down until I get back there.” I tell Rebecca, Lauren and Brent.

  They crawl back and I come in behind them.

  Marc is ready to drive.

  “One more chance.” I yell.

  “No.” the man yells back.

  “Fine.” I say.

  We aim for their legs and open fire. The walkers move a little faster since they hear noise so it’s only a matter of time before they are on top of the idiots in the highway.

  “Let’s go.” I tell Marc.

  He starts to drive slowly towards the people on the road. They have started rolling off in the grass so there are only a couple left trying to get out of our way.

  “Y’all shot us bitch.” The man says.

  “Yeah, well, I did tell you. You didn’t want to listen. So, if the walkers don’t eat your asses, maybe next time you will remember what happens when you try to steal shit that isn’t yours.” I tell him.

  “Fuck you bitch.” He yells back.

  “Yeah, whatever.” I say.

  Marc continues driving. After what seems like hours, we reach Tupelo. We make a stop for some extra food in case we need it at home, some water, ammo and horse and dog food. Yes, we have a lot of animals. We make a stop at Wal mart and go in to get a few items of clothes in all sizes for the whole family to wear.

  Finally, we are back in the truck and headed home. This has been the longest six days I have spent anywhere and I am ready for a rest.

  We reach the driveway to our home and see all the improvements Bobby and Trey have made outside. It looks damn good.

  “Damn, they really have been at it.” Marc says.

  “No shit. I say.

  We have a neck high fence around the whole property line now, a small guard tower on each side of the driveway entrance, solar lights on each side of the drive leading up to the houses and solar lights leading from Diane’s house to Marc’s house.

  Trey lets us in the gate at the driveway and smiles as we come in. We stop and talk to him for a minute so he can see we are all ok and to introduce him to our guests.

  We continue on to the house and park.

  “Well, that was a fucked up trip.” Marc says.

  “I agree. I tell him.

  Bobby, Diane, Burrell and the rest of the family come out to see us. We get all of our hugs out of the way and Riley comes running from Marc’s house straight to me. I bend down and pick him up, giving him a big squeeze as he slobbers kisses on me.

  Bobby comes over and grabs me for a hug and kiss.

  “You miss me?” I ask him.

  He nods.

  “We have been worried about y’all.” Diane says.

  “Yeah. I was worried about us to for a minute or two.” I tell her.

  We head inside and sit down to tell them about our adventure and introduce them to the doctor and his friends.

  Tammy comes over to Rebecca and Brent and takes them to where ever it is that she keeps medical supplies and medicines. They go out and start unloading all of his supplies he brought to add them with hers.

  Trey comes up from the gate and starts unloading Marc’s truck.

  “Who’s at the gate?” Marc asks him.

  “Gabby.” Trey says.

  Marc nods.

  Soon Becky comes in and grabs Marc for a hug. She looks him over and sees his cast.

  “Where is your truck?” Becky asks him.

  “I wrecked it.” He says.

  She looks surprised.

  “That’s where this came from.” He says, pointing at his arm.

  “Tracie set it and Brent put a cast on when we found him.” Marc tells her.

  “I’m glad y’all are home.” She says.

  “So are we.” I tell her.

  We continue unloading and getting everything inside. It’s dark now and all I want to do is pass out in the bed for a week of sleep.

  Diane and Kelley are making dinner. I have to go see what the hell Kelley is cooking.

  I walk into the kitchen and they both look at me.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Glad to see y’all home is all.” Diane says.

  “What are you cooking?” I ask Kelley.

  She also has a wine bottle sitting beside her prep table so it’s unclear if she is cooking or drinking. Probably both.

  I grab her wine bottle and turn it up for a big drink.

  She smiles.

  “I am cooking Yorkshire Pudding, Bangers and Mash, which is a sausage served with mashed potatoes, and cherry and almond tarts. I had these on my recent visit to England and they are pretty good.” Kelley says.

  I had to ask. Only she can come up with these recipes that we have never eaten.

  After we eat, I head into the bathroom to shower. It feels like forever since I had one. During an apocalypse, you find out how much you miss being able to shower every day. A shower isn’t always available.

  I get out and go over to our bed and lie down. Riley jumps up beside me and sits there, staring at me. I hug him and roll over to go to sleep. I don’t even hear Bobby come in to bed.

  The next morning, I hear everyone in the kitchen eating breakfast.

  I get up and go in to see Bobby and Marc sitting at the table talking with Mitchell, Tammy’s husband

  “We didn’t want to worry y’all while you were gone.” Bobby says.

  “About what?” I ask.

  “There were a few men who came by trying to take over our setup here.” Mitchell said.

  “They came by when Trey and Bobby were out one day getting supplies. So I assume they had been watching us. They thought it would be easier to hit with fewer people here, but they were wrong.” Mitchell says.

  “Yeah. Gabby, Becky, Diane, Kelley and Tammy helped Mitchell hold them off until Trey and I got back. They didn’t see us come up behind them so we opened fire and hit a couple of them but they all got away. Which leads me to think they will be back.” Bobby says.

  “Yeah, and we have to be ready for them.” Marc says.

  “Well, we have the outside area covered. We have a few more things to do like add another guard tower close to the house. We need to set one up by the barn too so we can keep an eye on the woods.” Bobby says.

  “Let’s get started on that. The sooner the better.” Marc says.

  Damn. We can’t get even a short break from this shit.

  We get started on enhancements for the outside and make a few on the inside. Diane and I install intercoms in our house and Marc’s house so we can communicate with each other. As long as we have generators, we will be able to keep them going. When we finish that, her and go into town and fill our gas tanks.

  When we come back, Marc, Bobby and Trey have made a great deal of progress on the outside area and Mitchell is finishing up on the tower by the barn.

  By the end of the day, we have gotten everything in place and ready for an attack.

  “I am worn out again.” I tell everyone.

  All I get are a bunch of moans and groans. It sounds like I am in the room with a pack of zombies.

  We all clean up and turn in for the night.

  All we can do is wait and continue to prepare for our attackers. I know they will come. Bobby and Trey made asses out of them, so they will want payback. I can only pray this apocalypse shit gets easier. However, I doubt that statement. After all, it is an apocalypse. No one ever said it would be easy.


  We continued waiting for the next two weeks. We never let our guard down. That is probably what they wanted. But they don’t know us. We won’t be caught unaware.

  We all went to bed around midnight on a Friday night.

  I was awakened by a loud explosion. I got out of bed and ran into the kitchen to see Diane, Bobby and Marc.

  “They’re here?” I ask.

  Marc nods.

  “Fuck.” I say.

  I run to the front window to see a guard tower in flames.

  “I need my 50 caliber set up. “I tell Bobby.

  “It already is. We made a spot on the top of the house for you to use it.” He says.

  Holy hell. I am about to mow some asses down now. Bring it on you bastards.

  About the author

  My name is Ann Riley. I was born in the south. Most of you know this by now. I was born and raised in Pontotoc and Tupelo, Mississippi. I have always had thoughts of writing a book, but never considered it seriously. But over the last few years I put more thought into it. I decided to try my hand at it. I was never one for an over active imagination or being able to make up stories. But, I found when I started this book, ideas just came. I found that writing is something I enjoy very much.

  I am outspoken and have a bit of sarcasm in me. So I tried to make some parts funny, serious and sarcastic.

  I currently live in Mississippi with my husband Bobby and my little dachshund, Riley. All of the names of family members I use in this series are my actual family members.

  I also have the Fynn Young Series, which is about a female wolf shift who tracks missing people. You can find all of my books on Amazon.

  Please let me know what you think.

  You can contact me at:

  Twitter @southernzombies

  Please go to Amazon and leave a review, good or bad. It will help me see what I need to work on.




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