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Seduction on the CEO's Terms

Page 9

by Charlene Sands

  Excitement coursed through her system. She dashed to the door, then remembered to compose herself, taking a steadying breath before opening it slowly.

  When she glanced at Joe standing at her threshold in a black tuxedo, his dark hair smoothed back and curling at the base of his neck, his face tanned from morning swims and those dark eyes, intense once again, she might have swooned had she been faint of heart.

  “You look very nice, Joe,” she said quietly.

  Joe’s lips curved up in a killer smile. “Thanks. And you look beautiful tonight, Ali.”

  She did? She thought otherwise—the mundane dress was boring with a capital B. “Thank you.”

  “Are you ready to schmooze?”

  Ali smiled. “As ready as you are.”

  Joe frowned. “Not the best way to spend your weekend, is it?”

  Was he kidding? There was no place she’d rather be. Ali tilted her head. “I’ll survive.”

  Once at the Welcome Dinner, Ali remembered that this was indeed a working weekend. She kept her eyes and ears open and networked with several winemakers along with Joe. They took their seats after the cocktail hour and listened to the keynote speaker’s views on winemaking and the economy.

  They dined at a table with three CEOs and their wives, Ali entering into light conversation with the women about West Coast versus East Coast fashions. Ali engaged them while Joe spoke with the men at the table, and after a sumptuous meal, all business was concluded.

  A seven-piece orchestra began playing what Ali could only describe as nondescript music. The mellow tunes allowed for close proximity on the dance floor, and as men swept their partners to the center of the room, Ali found Joe deep in conversation with the head of Paladino Wines.

  When she was tapped on the shoulder from behind, she turned to a man with hopeful eyes. “Would you care to dance?”

  Ali hesitated for one second, glancing at Joe, who seemed oblivious to anything but the deep conversation he engaged in. She couldn’t see refusing the middle-aged man, whose name tag revealed him to be a master sommelier. “Yes, thank you.”

  The man pulled out her chair and waited as she rose and headed for the dance floor. “My name is Juan Delgado,” he said.

  “Ali Pendrake.”

  He nodded with a smile and guided her to the dance floor, then took her into his arms as the music played on and literally swept her off her feet. Juan Delgado was not only a wine professional but a marvelous dancer.

  Juan took dancing seriously, and there was no time for talking. Ali was curious about him, the man with kind eyes and exquisite dance steps. She’d never felt so weightless while dancing before.

  “You dance with spirit, Ali,” he said as the dance ended. “If I could confess, I’d love to dance with you all evening.”

  Juan continued to hold her waist, and his interest deepened to another level, one Ali recognized as dangerous. She glanced at her table and found Joe gone. Scanning the room, she locked gazes with him on the edge of the dance floor, his face tight, his body held in a rigid stance.

  Ali had never seen that expression on Joe’s face. Her pulse raced with dread. Had she done something wrong?

  She turned back to Juan. “You’re a wonderful dancer, Juan, and I did enjoy the dance, but I’m afraid I’m not here to dance. I must get back to my table. I’m…working.”

  “Aren’t we all?” The casual tone in his voice belied the passion in his eyes.

  Ali broke all contact with him. “Really, Juan. I have to go. Thank you for the dance.”

  Ali turned and walked straight into Joe, smacking into his chest. “Oh!”

  He took her hand. “I need to speak with you,” he said, leading her off the dance floor, then out of the ballroom entirely. Ali’s heels scraped the floor trying to keep up.

  Joe kept walking at a brisk pace, and Ali’s mind whirled with confusion. Once he found a secluded alcove in the hallway, he pulled her inside and turned her, pressing her back to the wainscoted wall.

  Ali had no time to react. Joe braced the wall behind her with both hands, brushed his hips against her, then crushed his mouth to hers, claiming her in an all-consuming kiss.

  The kiss went long and deep, and tears of joy filled her closed eyes. Her mind screamed her love for him, her body turning to jelly in an instant.

  Whatever this was, Ali had never experienced such intense passion. This kiss was urgent and fiery beyond her wildest dreams.

  Joe didn’t let her come up for air. He kissed her again and again, his musky scent filling her nostrils, his powerful body taking full control. Ali relished every second of his passion. Then finally, when both of them were ragged and nearly breathless, Joe broke away to look at her, his eyes gleaming with dark intensity.

  “I like you, Ali.”

  “I like you, too, Joe.”

  “Wanna blow this damn convention?”

  She thought he’d never ask. “Blow it?”

  “I want you, Ali,” he said, his voice a deep rasp.

  Ali’s brows rose in response.

  He cupped the nape of her neck and eased her head back, planting tiny mind-blowing kisses along her throat. “I want to make love to you all weekend.”

  “Oh, Joe,” she whispered. Her heart nearly burst from her chest.

  “I don’t want to see you in the arms of another man. I want that right for myself.” His next kiss curled her toes. “You have to know I didn’t plan this, but it’s happening and I can’t stop it.”

  “I know,” she whispered. “I know. I don’t want you to stop.”

  Joe gazed into her eyes for a brief moment and smiled. “Then let’s go.”

  He grabbed her hand and led her to the elevator. They waited impatiently, and once the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Joe strode inside, punched the button and took her into his arms again. He kissed her like there was no tomorrow, and they were both breathless when they reached the sixteenth floor. Joe kissed her all the way to the room, both stumbling, and Ali thought she’d truly died and gone to heaven.

  They fumbled with the keycard to open the door between kisses, and once inside, Joe shoved the door closed behind them. “I’m usually smoother than this.”

  Heart pumping like crazy, Ali smiled. “You’re doing just fine.”

  Joe laughed. “Then in that case.” He lifted her up in one fluid motion and strode into the bedroom. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Once he reached the king-size bed, he lowered her gently, and Ali released her hold on him.

  He took his glasses off and then reached down to take hers off, as well. Then he pulled off the band that confined her auburn hair. He fingered through her tresses, watching the hair spread out across the pillow. “Amazing.” He stood tall, straightening out, his gaze fixed on her. Loosening his tie, he removed his tux jacket and unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt.

  Ali’s breath caught. How many times had she dreamed of being with Joe like this?

  Joe kicked off his shoes and joined her on the bed, crushing her again with kisses that left no room for doubt about where they were heading.

  All the while, Ali held back. She wanted to strip Joe of his clothes, wiggle out of hers and unleash her own fiery passion. But Fake Ali couldn’t do that. She had a role to play, and she reminded herself of the journey that had gotten her to this point.

  Let it go, Ali. You’re where you want to be.

  Ali shoved her guilt and self-loathing out of her mind. With Joe beside her, it was easy to do.

  He parted her lips and drove his tongue into her mouth. Ali let out a little moan of pleasure. The kisses went on and on until Joe’s body went completely rigid with need.

  He pulled away and yanked off his shirt, tossing it aside, then worked the back zipper of her dress. He eased it up and over her head, leaving her naked but for her black bra and bikini panties.

  Joe took a good look and inhaled deeply, “Ah, Ali.”

  Ali gazed at him, consumed with love.

’re beautiful.”

  So was he. His chest bare, she filled her gaze with broad shoulders, powerful arms and a ripped torso. Every ounce of her wanted to jump his bones right now, but Ali only reached for him and laid his hand on her breast.

  Joe took it from there—his passion intensified, his eyes narrowed. The look he shot her was so steamy her insides melted.

  He released her full breasts from their bonds and palmed her firmly, his hand rough against her soft skin. Next he grazed over her nipple, the tip pebbling hard. Over and over he touched her, his hand flat against her skin as he moved, explored, caressed and admired her body.

  Her breaths shot out in short bursts, her pulse raced. “Oh, Joe,” she murmured.

  “Hang on, Ali.” And before she knew it they were both fully unclothed. Joe slid his hands all over her naked body, kissing her senseless. Gliding his hand lower, anticipation built and every nerve ending tingled with intense awareness. This is the moment she’d wanted for so long—the moment when she and Joe would come together.

  He cupped her between the legs and touched her gently at first, then with more and more intensity. Fireworks shot off in her head, and she moved under his ministrations. He stroked her like he would a keyboard with quickness and efficiency, his fingers masterful.

  Ali returned his kisses, moved in harmony with him and clung to him as he lifted himself over her. Protection—that had almost magically appeared—was fixed in place. He spread her legs apart.

  Ali held her breath and welcomed him with an arch of her back. And then Joe was joined with her, his erection full and thick, driving into her with a slow deliberate thrust.

  Joe’s body shook. A low guttural groan of pleasure released from his throat. The union brought tears to Ali’s eyes. Then she forgot all else as Joe deepened his thrust, filling her full.

  He cursed, and she knew it was from the sheer awe of satisfaction he experienced. She felt it, too. Nothing in her life would ever compare to this.

  He gazed down at her, and she curved her lips in a smile of encouragement. Then Joe let loose, his thrusts quick and fiery. He braced his hands on her hips and lifted her even higher, his body coated with moisture, his expression beautifully intense.

  Ali relished his lovemaking, moving with him and enjoying each bit of stirring pleasure he brought her. She gave him full command of her body. His stamina amazed her, and she thought of all those early-morning workouts in the pool.

  Ali’s body reached an explosive point, and she threw her head back and arched way up, letting go of her control. Her release came in exquisite short bursts of surrender. She huffed out quiet little moans and looked up at Joe.

  Controlling his own need, he held back until she’d been fully sated. Then his pace and rhythm changed to a frenzied assault, his thrusts hard and demanding until he, too, met with a powerful orgasm.

  She watched his face change, his passion release and his body contract. It was stunning and magnificent, and Ali was sure she’d never witnessed anything so inspiring.

  Joe eased down onto her, taking her head in his hands, and kissed her soundly. “Did I mention how much I like you?”

  “You mentioned that,” Ali answered with a chuckle.

  Joe rolled off her, and her heated body cooled considerably without him. He turned toward her, his head braced on his hand. He seemed to have something on his mind. Ali recognized when he was in deep concentration. Then he blinked and shot her a serious look. “Stay with me tonight.”

  The only way she’d leave is if he threw her out. “Yes.”

  Joe took her into his arms, and they lay in silence together. Shortly after they climbed under the sheets, Joe fell asleep first and Ali watched him take deep breaths, wrapped in his arms.

  She wished every night could be this perfect.


  Joe’s natural alarm clock woke him at six in the morning to the soft sound of Ali breathing. Her back was toward him, and the uniquely feminine curve of her body next to his was a sexy sight to behold. Her hair fell in wispy waves past her shoulders. On impulse, Joe reached out and touched a few strands, curling his fingers into the thick locks.

  He closed his eyes and breathed in her scent.

  He hadn’t wanted this to happen. He’d fought it with all of his might, telling himself she was off-limits. And he’d been immune to her for a long while, looking at her through eyes that had once been deceived by a gorgeous face and killer body. He’d associated Ali with Sheila, perhaps unfairly, and he didn’t want to go down that road of employer/employee ever again.

  As a defense mechanism, Joe had dismissed Ali in his mind as nothing more than his very loyal business associate.

  Then something changed.

  Ali had changed, and he began viewing her differently. The changes in her weren’t subtle, and he hadn’t figured them out entirely. But Ali had become important to him—and not just because of how well they worked together.

  Her neighbor Royce had given him a nudge, the irritating man who had more than friendship on his mind. Then last night, as she danced with her partner, who had all the grace of a swan, another man had approached Joe and asked if Ali was unattached.

  “Is she fair game?” Those were the man’s exact words.

  Joe shot the guy a hard look, deciding right then and there that he couldn’t let Ali go. He’d booted the man with a cold and foreboding “no” and claimed her the moment the dance ended.

  Joe nibbled on her shoulder, impatient for her to wake up, and when she turned around, he wasn’t disappointed. Her green eyes sparkled when she gazed at him, the light in those orbs as brilliant as the sun.

  He smiled. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  Ali’s grin went wide, then as abruptly as she’d brought it on, she pulled back on her smile. The light in her eyes faded. “Good morning, Joe.”

  They’d had an incredible night of lovemaking, yet all the while, Joe felt something was wrong. Not that he could call her on it. He wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. He was where he wanted to be, in bed with an intelligent, gorgeous woman.

  He caressed her arm, gliding his hands up and down. “How did you sleep?”

  “Very well. You?”

  “I always sleep well. But this morning, I woke up and there you were. Sorry, but I couldn’t keep from touching you.” He leaned closer and kissed her. “You okay with this?”

  Ali smiled again, and Joe felt better seeing genuine joy on her face. “I’m great with this.”

  She turned and braced up on her elbow, her hair flowing over her bare shoulder. She painted a lovely picture draped in the sheets. He could go on looking at her, but when the sheet slipped down and exposed her full breasts, his body reacted instantly.

  She covered up, almost shyly, and Joe’s sanity returned. “Ali, listen. I don’t know where this is going and I want to be fair to—”

  “Shh,” she said, pressing two fingers to his mouth. “Joe, let’s not analyze this. If this is only for the weekend then I’m good with that. And if Monday comes and we have to go back to business as usual, I’ll be fine.”

  Joe took all of that in, wondering if he’d misunderstood her the other night when she’d told him she didn’t do one-night stands—not that Joe wanted that with her anyway. He realized he was ready for more. Maybe even a relationship with Ali.

  It’d be tricky at work, but they’d find a way.

  “And what if we don’t?”

  “Don’t?” she asked.

  “Don’t go back to business as usual?”

  The brightness in Ali’s eyes returned full force, transforming her expression into one of pure joy. “I could manage that, too.”

  Purposely now, she let the sheet slide lower down, and Joe’s mind went on temporary vacation. He kissed her on the lips then rolled them both until she was under him. “How am I going to see you at work and not think of you like this?”

  Ali pressed her hands to his chest. Oh God, it felt so damn good. He wished she’d d
one more of that last night. “I could ask you the same question.”

  Joe wanted to make love to her slowly, leisurely this time, and devour every inch of her body. He wanted to kiss her into oblivion and then bring them both to simultaneous satisfaction.

  But all of that would have to wait. “We can’t do this anymore,” he said, climbing off her.

  Ali appeared stunned. “The convention?”

  “Hell no,” Joe said, unable to hide his smile. “We’re blowing it off, remember?”


  “I need to make a trip to the hotel gift shop. I told you I didn’t plan any of this. I’m out of protection.”

  Ali nibbled on her lower lip in that adorable way of hers. Then she smiled. “I’ll be waiting.”

  “Sleep, Ali. I’ll take my swim, make that pit stop and be back here before you know it. I’ll send up breakfast.”

  Joe rose from the bed and then leaned down to kiss her again. She watched him move around the room bare naked, her eyes softly following him, and that was enough to send his wicked mind into overdrive.

  He dressed into swim trunks, threw his arms into a shirt and headed out. His mind conjured images of Ali waiting for him in bed. It was damn hard to leave her.

  Doing one hundred laps in the hotel’s junior Olympic-size pool would be his only salvation.

  He needed a cold splash of reality.

  Ali rested her head against her pillow and sighed. Blissfully happy, she thought about the past twenty-four hours. Joe had finally come around, but was the cost of his ardor too high? She didn’t have an answer, and right now, maybe she shouldn’t care. All of her dreams were coming true.

  Too restless to lie there, Ali rose from bed and realized all of her clothes were still in her hotel room. She donned the dress she wore last night, finger-combed her hair, slipped her feet back into her pumps and left the room.

  Once she got to her hotel room, just steps down the hall, she flopped onto her bed, in a quandary. “What now?”

  She didn’t want Joe to come back and find her gone. She would love to dress in her sexiest lingerie and seduce him the minute he returned to his room. The whole scene played out in her mind in erotically vivid details.


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