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Secret Hunger (The Harper Sisters)

Page 13

by Satin Russell

Mason nodded and turned to Olivia. “Have you filed your report yet?”

  “We were just about to do so in the living room.”

  “Do you mind if I stick around?”

  She shook her head. “I’d be glad if you did.”

  He gave her a reassuring look before once again addressing the officer. “I may have some information that might pertain to this, but I want to hear her version of events before mentioning anything further.”

  Curious, Brad nodded. “Well, okay, then. Let’s get started.”

  As they all made their way into the living room she realized that Brad was nearly as tall as Mason was, she’d guess about 6’2.” However, where Mason had broad shoulders and a solid chest, Brad was long and lanky. His legs practically folded in half as he sat down in her armchair.

  She and Mason both took the couch, sitting close enough for their knees to touch. Once again, she described the events that had happened since she first came home. Mason’s hand tightened when she got to the part about finding the vase of flowers on the kitchen island.

  “And you say you don’t know who gave you the flowers?” Officer Brad asked.

  “No, they were just out on my car windshield when I got off of work this past week.” She slid a look at him, then back to the officer. “Originally, I thought they’d come from Mason, but he was in Boston.”

  Brad focused on him. “I know you’re new to this area. Is that where you’re originally from?”

  He nodded. “Actually, I’m a police detective with the Boston PD. I’m just up here for a short while to recover from an incident on the job.”

  A flash of recognition entered the other man’s eyes. “Ah, right. I thought you looked familiar. That’s a rough break. I’m sorry to hear about your partner.”

  Mason’s eyes grew more shuttered, but he met Brad’s look steadily. “I appreciate that. In fact, the incident here may have something to do with that.”

  Brad’s face grew more serious. Olivia was startled to notice he had the same expression in his eyes as Mason’s. It was a focused, direct, and shrewd gaze. She could see the heightened awareness in them as they regarded each other.

  “The pattern she’s describing, with the flowers and the note…”

  Instantly, swinging his gaze back to her, Brad interjected, “There was a note?”

  “Oh, yes. I’m sorry, I didn’t mention it. I didn’t think it was related to this.”

  “Do you still have it?” At Olivia’s apologetic look, he turned back to Mason. “Okay, go on.”

  “Well, the pattern is the same as we saw before, on the stalker case my partner and I were working on when we both got shot.”

  “So, you’re afraid this isn’t due to some punk kids in the neighborhood and that it’s somehow related to your previous incident?”

  Exasperated by the other officer’s dubious tone, he ran a hand through his hair. “Look, I know how it sounds. If I were in your shoes, I’d be thinking I was paranoid, too.

  “But there’s something that doesn’t sit right with me about all of this. And the timing… I keep thinking I missed something, and I’ve got an itch in the back of my neck. My instincts are telling me something’s wrong.”

  Brad gave him a long, assessing look, and closed his notebook. “Okay, we’ll keep a close eye on this situation. I’ll see if we can get any fingerprints from the kitchen and, if so, we’ll check it against your guy. If it’s a match, we’ll have something to work with. Unfortunately, that’s all I can do for now. I’m not saying I question your instincts, but they aren’t proof.”

  She watched resignation and relief war on Mason’s face. Brad got up from the chair, causing them to stand as well. “Be on the lookout, Olivia, and pay special attention to your surroundings. Regardless of whether or not this is the same guy, it’s obvious that you have caught the attention of someone willing to break into your home to make contact.”

  She shuddered as his words hit their mark. He continued, “Make sure to replace the lock on that door, but not until after my team gets here. In fact, you should probably replace all the locks and add a few deadbolts while you’re at it. Who knows? He may have found a spare key while in your house.”

  “I will. I can’t thank you enough for getting here so quickly.” She walked him to the front door.

  He turned to Mason and shook his hand. “I’ll keep you in the loop as a professional courtesy and let you know if we get a match. I’m assuming you’re still in contact with Boston and keeping tabs on the search for the asshole that shot you and your partner. If you come across any new information from your department, I’d appreciate you returning the favor. Especially if it turns out he’s on my turf.”

  “You have my word.”

  Satisfied, Brad cast Olivia a final smile before heading out the door. “Take care of our girl.”

  She closed the door after he left and stood there for a moment, taking the afternoon’s events in. Sensing Mason’s presence behind her, she leaned back into him, his arms wrapping comfortingly around her shoulders.

  She just stood in the foyer for a moment and soaked in the relief he provided by just being there. This event had been completely out of the realm of her experience and she was grateful to have someone help her navigate through the situation.

  “You really think this has to do with that guy, Robert Mendez?”

  She felt him put his chin on top of her head and squeeze her tighter. “I don’t know. I’m afraid to think it might. No matter what, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Whether it’s him or some other jerk who thinks he can come in here after you.”

  At that, she turned in his arms and faced him. “Why’d you stop by, anyway? I don’t remember making plans…” She threaded her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.

  “Oh? Can’t a guy just stop by and see how your day went?”

  “Yeah, I suppose,” she gave a little shrug. “I’m just not used to it.”

  “Well,” Mason’s voice lowered as he bent his head down. “Maybe you should get used to it.” With that, his firm lips captured hers and he pulled her even tighter against his body.

  Everything else that had happened fled her mind as she let the sensation of his kiss wash over her. His tongue traced the seam of her lips, silently asking for passage. With a sigh, she opened her mouth to his, thrilling as he probed the deep recesses.

  A warm ache quickly began to spread between her thighs as she pictured him delving into even more intimate depths. With a groan, he raised his head at the knock on the door behind her.

  “That must be the forensics team.”

  “Huh?” He looked down at her and cast a satisfied – supremely male – look at her bewildered expression. “Get the door, Olivia. I think the forensic team is waiting to be let in.”

  “Oh, right.” She raised cool fingers to her overheated cheeks, gave her head a quick shake to clear it, and then turned around to let the gentleman in. Her lips felt swollen by his kiss, and she was sure she probably looked flustered.

  She left the cop to do his work after showing him the way to the kitchen. Five minutes later, she ended a phone call with the town’s only locksmith and walked back into the living room where Mason was standing by the window.

  “Well, the locksmith says he can’t come in to install the new locks until tomorrow. I think I’ll call Liz and see if I can stay with her tonight.”

  He turned to her. “Don’t do that. Didn’t you say she lives in a one bedroom apartment over her shop? Why don’t you come with me and stay at the bed and breakfast? My sister has plenty of rooms and I’m sure she won’t mind.”

  He raised his hands as she cast him a long look. “No pressure. Whatever we have between us, I want to let it happen naturally.”

  He walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “However, I also want you to be safe. There’s no reason for you to sleep on a couch when there are six perfectly good empty beds up at the house.”

  She gave
him a tentative smile. “You’re right. As long as you don’t think Melody will mind.”

  “Are you kidding me? She’ll be glad to have company that’s not her grumpy brother, I’m sure.”

  “Okay, let me just go upstairs and pack a bag real quick. I should probably drive my own car so I can open the café tomorrow morning.”

  “Alright, I’ll stick around here and leave with you. I’m guessing it won’t take that guy very long to finish up in the kitchen. Then we can head out.”

  With a final hug, she pulled away from his arms and climbed the stairs while he got on the phone to call his sister and let her know to expect a guest for the night.

  Chapter Twenty

  Olivia quickly grabbed her overnight duffel, her last pair of clean jeans, a t-shirt for work the next day, the usual pajama pants and cotton tee she wore to bed, her toiletries from the bathroom…and then paused. She glanced back at her dresser and considered.

  Quickly, before she could change her mind, she put her perfectly serviceable pajama pants back in the drawer and grabbed the silky, sexy nightie Fiona had gotten for her a few Christmases ago, one that she’d never worn. When she’d tried it on, it had come to about mid-thigh and the burnished gold had done great things for her eyes, but it had seemed silly to wear just for herself, and there hadn’t been anyone since.

  Trying not to overanalyze her actions too closely, she zipped her bag up with more determination than she really felt. She glanced around her room with a wistful sigh. She’d never felt unsafe in her home before, and didn’t like that she didn’t feel comfortable enough to stay the night.

  This house had been their family’s warm, welcoming nest during the good times growing up. It had also been their safe harbor through all the tough times after her parent’s death.

  A surge of raw anger filled her. She would be damned if whoever was behind this would ruin her family’s foundation. She would install new locks, and even get a security system if she had to, but she was NOT going to be made to feel unsafe in her home like this. Never again.

  Fortified with resolution, she grabbed her bag, turned off the light, and headed down the stairs.

  “Are you ready?” Mason asked, as he got up from the couch.

  “Yeah. I really hate feeling like I’m being forced to leave my house because of this jerk.”

  He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and held her comfortingly. “I know. Just think of this as a little mini-vacation. People pay good money to stay at Melody’s bed and breakfast, y’know.”

  She offered him a tepid smile, and squared her shoulders, “You’re right. I’m grateful. Are you sure she doesn’t mind?”

  “Are you kidding? She was thrilled. It means she’s going to have better company than just her older brother.” He winked, and grabbed her bag. “Is this it?”

  At her nod, he headed towards the door. “Have you called your sisters yet, to let them know what happened?”

  “Not yet. I was going to do that when I got up to your place.”

  “I think it’s a good idea. The sooner the better. This guy probably won’t be showing up again today, but just in case, I wouldn’t want them to stop by and not know what was going on.”

  A chill raced down her spine and she felt dread land like an iron ball in the pit of her stomach. “Oh jeez, you’re right. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I was so focused on not worrying them, it didn’t even cross my mind I could be putting them into danger.”

  He cast a look back over his shoulder at her as they both walked out to their vehicles. “No need to panic. Like I said, the guy is probably not going to show up again tonight. I’m sure calling them when you get to Melody’s will be soon enough.” He opened her car door and tossed her bag into the back.

  She climbed into her seat and smiled when he ducked down to give her a quick kiss before shutting the door and making his way to the truck. Despite his assurances, the first thing she did was put her earpiece in and call Liz.

  “What? What do you mean some guy broke into the house?!”

  “I’m okay, Liz. I’m going to be staying up at the bed and breakfast tonight.”

  “You’re a lot calmer than I would be, I can tell you that.”

  “Oh, trust me, I’m pretty shaken up. There were definitely some hairy moments while I was sitting, locked in the bathroom, waiting for the cops to arrive. I’ll admit it, I’m still freaking out a little bit.”

  “I bet. I’m glad you’re not staying in that house tonight, Livvy.”

  “Me too. It kills me to say it, but I wouldn’t want to be there alone.” She sighed. “I don’t know what to do about this. The whole situation feels so unreal. Who would have thought I could have a stalker? Can you believe it?”

  “I’m sure that’s what every woman who has ever had to go through this has thought at one point. We have to take this matter seriously. What does Mason say about it?”

  “He’s being incredibly supportive, but I think he’s pretty shaken up, too. He’s convinced himself this is the guy from his previous case.”

  “Really? Do you think he’s right?”

  She glanced in her rearview mirror at the old sedan behind her, “I don’t know. A part of me would like to think he’s wrong and this is all just a carryover from his earlier trauma…but, that doesn’t seem like Mason. From everything I’ve read, he was really good at his job and he seems to have good instincts. It’s hard to say.”

  “Well, I suppose, it doesn’t really matter, does it? No matter what, you need to stay safe. You said you have new locks getting installed tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, I’ll have to make sure you and Fiona get a new key. I’m also going to look into security systems, so there may also be a code needed to get into the house.”

  “Whatever it takes. I’m glad you’re okay. You want me to call Fiona and let her know what’s going on?”

  “That’d be great. I’ll call you again tomorrow.”

  Fifteen minutes later, she parked alongside Mason’s truck and grabbed her bag. Melody was already standing at the door to greet them.

  “Hello, again. Welcome.” She gave Olivia a quick hug. “I know you’ve had a rough day, but tonight, I want you to think of yourself as a guest. Here, let me get your bag.”

  Mason walked up behind her. “Thanks, Mel, I’ve got it. What room did you put her in?”

  “I made up the Harvest Room for her.” Olivia remembered the room. She had admired its warm, autumnal color scheme. She also recalled its position directly across the hall from the Hunter Room — Mason’s room. Apparently her sisters weren’t the only ones trying to play matchmaker.

  “Thank you so much for taking me in.”

  “Really, it’s no problem. I have a rosemary chicken roasting in the oven for dinner that I couldn’t possibly have eaten myself, anyway. I don’t know why, but it just sounded too good to pass up. I’m glad you’re here to help us, or we’d be eating leftovers for a week.”

  Melody led her into the front living room, and they sat down on the couch. Olivia noticed she’d already opened a bottle of red wine and had it breathing in the decanter. Wine glasses stood beside the beautiful, crystal container, waiting at the ready.

  She could learn a thing or two about hospitality from Melody, she thought, as she sank into the plush cushions. Mason returned and sat in the armchair beside her. Together, they relayed that afternoon’s events.

  “And, you have no idea who it could possibly be?”

  “I don’t,” she cast a glance at him, before continuing, “Mason said he thinks it may be the guy they were investigating earlier, but I have my doubts.”

  Alarmed, Melody turned to her brother, “Do you really think it could be him?”

  He shifted in his seat, uncomfortable under both women’s scrutiny. He rubbed his hand on his neck and shrugged. “To be honest, I don’t know. I’m trying not to jump to any conclusions.” He looked up and pinned Olivia with his gaze. “However, there are some very real simil
arities to this and other cases I’ve worked on involving Mendez. Plus, something about the timing has me uncomfortable.” He looked back at his sister. “I’ve got a bad feeling, Melody. When I get a feeling like this, it very rarely leads to something good.”

  Somberly, she nodded her head and took a sip of wine. “Well, I’ve known you long enough to trust your instincts, even when you don’t fully trust them yourself. So, we’ll err on the side of caution and keep an extra eye on Olivia here.”

  With that, she got up and headed towards the kitchen. “I’m going to finish making dinner. Why don’t you two relax here for a bit? Sounds like you both could use a little downtime. Olivia, do you remember where the Harvest Room is?”

  At her assurances that she did, Melody excused herself. Silence filled the air between them. Olivia twirled and fiddled with her wine stem while Mason brooded. Finally, she couldn’t stand the quiet and looked up. “I wasn’t trying to imply that you don’t know what you’re doing, or that I don’t trust your judgment. I think I’m just really hoping you’re wrong. Do you truly think it could be this guy?”

  He took a moment and thought about the question. “I know there isn’t any proof, but, yes, I think it could be.” He leaned forward. “Even if it’s not, it doesn’t matter. You have a guy out there who’s willing to break into your home, and – judging by the way those flower stems were snapped – he doesn’t seem to be too pleased with you at the moment.”

  Throughout the evening, despite the delicious meal and the efforts Melody had gone through to make sure she was comfortable, Mason’s words kept ringing in Olivia’s mind. Shortly before nine, citing the fact that she had to wake up early in the morning, she excused herself and headed to bed.

  However, even the charming room and comfortable bed weren’t enough to calm her thoughts. Slowly, she watched as the numbers on the bedside clock ticked later and later. It was almost surprising the ceiling didn’t have two holes in it where she’d been staring at it all night. Finally, exasperated, she got up and put on the robe that Melody had left hanging from the bathroom door.

  Quietly, she slipped from her room and padded down the hallway, wincing as the stairs creaked at her passing. Hopefully, the sound didn’t disturb anybody.


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