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Secret Hunger (The Harper Sisters)

Page 19

by Satin Russell

  He snapped.

  Every molecule of his being was overwhelmed by the need to take her and fill her with all of him. She bucked and strained towards him, as equally lost as he, her head once again thrown back, her eyes closed, as she strove for that one point where their souls would be completely merged.

  With a shout and a final thrust, they both launched themselves over the cliff and soared. For half a beat of eternity, nothing else existed but the two of them. Gradually, they came shuddering back to earth, their breaths intermingling.

  Olivia reveled in the way Mason’s weight pressed her down into the mattress as he collapsed into her arms. She loved the way his muscles rippled and responded to her stroking fingers along his back. She could still feel him inside her and marveled at the intimacy.

  Raising his head, he gave her a lopsided grin. Finally able to act on the impulse, she savored the indulgence of sweeping the fall of hair from across his forehead before allowing her hand to land limply back down on the mattress.

  “That was…”

  “…incredible!” They looked at each other and laughed. Mason propped himself up on his elbows and looked down at their bodies, both slicked with sweat and cooling desire. Reluctantly, he began to pull himself out of her. She gave him a little frown at the void he left in his wake.

  With a chuckle, he leaned down and kissed the small furrow between her brows. “Let me get you something to clean up with.”

  At her nod, he went into the adjoining bathroom and brought back a damp washcloth. She supposed she should feel hesitant or shy at the way he carefully bathed her most intimate places, but the warm glow of the experience they’d just shared wouldn’t allow it. Instead, she stretched languorously.

  Finished, he tossed the cloth into the hamper and once again laid down alongside her, pulling the covers up over them, and taking her into his arms. She couldn’t resist stroking her fingers along the muscles of his chest, her fingers gently circling his scars, reassured by the steady beat of his heart under her ear.

  Mason rubbed her arm and felt the moment she gave way to sleep. Now, more than ever, he felt the pressure to resolve the terrible situation she was in. He knew what Mendez was capable of. The consequences of not taking him seriously enough were carved into his skin. He’d be damned if he’d allow anything like that to happen to Olivia.

  As her breathing deepened and took on a steady cadence, his thoughts chased their tails, running in circles through his mind, until he could no longer sustain them. His body was too sated—his arms too content holding her—to harbor the concerns best left for the morning. His last thought was that he should head down to Boston while she was at work tomorrow and see if he could find out anything new. At peace for the first time in a very long time, he gently joined Olivia and dropped off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Robert sullenly shifted his weight on the cold, hard curb where he sat and watched the house across the street. Not for the first time, he wished he could have risked staying in his car where he’d at least have a heater.

  Unfortunately, this was the type of street where the neighbors all looked out for each other and noticed when something was off. Besides, he didn’t want to risk that cop she was hanging out with recognizing a strange vehicle parked in the quiet neighborhood.

  He’d been watching her all day, waiting for a chance to make contact and reassure her he was still there. He knew she had loved the flowers he’d left for her that morning when she’d gone directly back into the house to put them in water.

  Excited, he’d decided that today would be the day he’d try to make contact with her and give her the chance to thank him for the generous gifts. However, when he’d rushed to the café, he was surprised to find she wasn’t there.

  Although he’d lingered over a few cups of coffee, and tried to ignore the looks he’d received from the waitress for taking so long during the rush hour, she still hadn’t arrived by the time he’d left.

  With a frustrated sigh, he ground the butt of his cigarette under the heel of his boot and dug out another one from his dwindling pack. He hunched over the flame and sucked in quickly until the tip glowed coal red.

  By the time she’d shown up at the café, it was too busy to pull her aside. One thing was for certain, when she was his woman he’d make sure she stayed home where she belonged and could focus on him.

  He exhaled, a plume of smoke wafting up into the air before him. That hadn’t even been the worst of it. He’d seen the cop pick her up after the café had closed, and followed them to the grocery store. Robert had been sure she’d finally wised up and gotten rid of that bastard for good. Hadn’t she sent him packing just last night?

  It had been a huge risk, going into the store after them, especially since he hadn’t been wearing his disguise, but it had been irresistible. From a distance, he’d watched them interacting in the grocery store, talking and laughing comfortably with each other.

  He’d been mistaken. They seemed to be getting along just fine, after all. What was it with this guy? Everywhere he turned, the man kept getting in his way.

  Why did women have to be such fickle whores?!

  And now? Here he was, once again out in the cold, with another man’s truck parked outside his woman’s house. Robert jumped up, no longer able to sit with so much anger and frustration running through his veins. Tossing his cigarette on the ground, he made his way across the street and carefully snuck through the side yard.

  He knew from previous visits that he’d have a limited view through the windows in the back, but he had to try to get one final glimpse of her before calling it a night.

  Cautiously, he made his way to the office windows and peered in. He could barely make out the living room through the closed French doors. There was just the barest glow of light in the room beyond, and it was difficult to make out the details.

  Suddenly, there was movement from the couch. He watched Mason stand up and turn towards where the stairs were. Robert instinctively flinched, and resisted the urge to duck down, knowing it was unlikely he’d been spotted.

  Riveted, he watched her enter the living room, and clenched his teeth when he realized she was inappropriately dressed in nothing but her robe. Dirty tramp! Hadn’t he been the one to give her the flowers that morning? Hadn’t he been the one sitting out in the cold watching over her?

  His hands unconsciously fisted as he watched the two of them come together and kiss. His vision turned red with rage until he couldn’t stand it anymore and turned away in disgust. It was obvious he needed to step in before the asshole was allowed to sully her any further.

  And her…the little slut. He’d tried to play nice, but apparently she hadn’t learned her lesson, yet. He pulled the slightly crumpled photo from his pocket and stared down at the picture in his hand. He had removed it from one of the photo albums when he’d broken into her house. It was of the three sisters laughing.

  Resolved, he realized it was time to hit her where he knew it would hurt the most and make sure she understood just how serious he is. He was the one who controlled her. Every aspect of her life was subject to his will. Every relationship susceptible to his discipline. She belonged to him. The sooner she realized that and fell into line, the less he’d have to hurt the people around her.

  Carefully, he made his way back to his truck parked a few blocks away and headed to the dingy motel room to set his plans in motion. All the personal information he’d taken from her office were in files on the bed. He’d have to access them in order to accomplish the next step.

  Olivia may not realize it yet, but she was already his.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Olivia woke up with a warm, hard, male body curled around her and strong hands busily exploring the curves of her stomach. She could feel his arousal pressing against her buttocks and couldn’t resist wiggling to adjust herself more fully against him.

  His clever fingers delved between the apex of her thighs and he groaned when he found
her already hot and damp for him. Shifting his body, he spread her legs, and quietly sank into her depths.

  The ride was a long slow fall, as if back into a dream. He rocked his body into hers, his hands stroking her sides, her belly, and breasts. Every touch, one smooth glide. Gently building, both of them caught in the upwelling of sensations and emotions until, united, they gradually crested the wave together. She cried out as the surge of feelings overtook her. With her back arched, she could feel him deep in the very core of her.

  Shuddering, they collapsed onto the bed. She reached behind her and stroked his face, loving the feel of his arms around her waist as they both fought to catch their breath.

  “Well, if that’s any indication of how today is going to go, I think it’s going to be a good day.”

  He chuckled and pulled out of her body. “I wish we didn’t have to get up and could just stay in bed. Now, that would be a good day.”

  Groaning, she buried her head under her pillow, “Ohhh, why did you have to remind me?” Suddenly cold air accosted her backside. “Hey! Don’t take those covers away from me.”

  He swatted her butt. “Come on. Gotta get up! I don’t want to be the reason your café goes out of business.”

  With a final grimace, she sat up in bed and petulantly tossed her pillow at him. He just smiled. “You know, for the proprietress of a breakfast establishment, you sure don’t seem to like mornings very much.”

  Rolling her eyes, she got out of bed, “Exactly why I will be working the dinner shift once I start staying open for evenings.”

  “Ahh, so that’s the real reason for the change.”

  She cast him a smile and headed towards the bathroom. “That’s right, you figured me out.” She stopped in the doorway and gave him a saucy wink. “I’m going to take a quick shower and freshen up a bit. Care to join me?”

  Twenty minutes later, fully sated, and having worked up an appetite, she wound her still damp hair into a bun. There may not be enough time left to dry it, but at least the start of her day had been worth the slight discomfort of having wet hair on a cold morning.

  Mason had already gotten dressed and left the bedroom by the time she emerged from the bathroom. She looked out the front window and spotted him outside, intently inspecting something on the ground.

  As she watched, he carefully tucked a small baggie into his pocket, before straightening from his crouched position. He jogged back from across the street as she stepped out of the house and locked the door.

  “What were you looking at?”

  “How well do you know your neighbors, Olivia?”

  “Pretty well. We’ve been living in this neighborhood for quite a while. Why?”

  “Do you know if the person across the street from you smokes, by chance?”

  “The Andersons? Oh no. I know neither of the parents do, and they have two small boys who are way too young to smoke. Why are you asking?”

  “There was a pile of cigarette butts in the gutter over there, almost as if someone had been sitting for quite some time watching the place. I just wanted to see if there might be a logical explanation. Maybe Mrs. Anderson doesn’t know Mr. Anderson likes to sneak a smoke once in a while…?”

  She shook her head. “In all the time I’ve been here, I’ve never known either one of them to be smokers. But you don’t really think it was one of my neighbors, do you? You think the stalker was here last night.”

  He nodded and gestured for her to get into the truck. “I think it’s a likely possibility, yes. I went ahead and grabbed a few butts. Maybe we can get them DNA tested.”

  He watched her as she climbed into the cab of his truck. “Listen…” She turned towards him, the pale morning light casting a glow on her face, and he was struck once again by how naturally beautiful she was. If anything were to happen to her…he stopped his train of thought and swallowed past the lump that had formed in his throat.

  “I’m thinking about heading down to Boston today to meet up with the Captain and see if I can get any more information out of him.”

  She nodded slowly. “Do you think he’ll have anything new to tell you?”

  “I’m not sure, but I know he’s more likely to share what he does have if I’m standing there face to face with him.” He gently stroked her cheek with his thumb before turning the key in the ignition and starting his truck. “The thing is, I don’t really want to leave you alone right now, either. Not until I can get some kind of handle on this situation, anyway. Can you do me a favor?”

  She admitted to herself that she’d been shaken up pretty badly these last few days, but had been feeling more hopeful this morning. Now she remembered that nothing had really changed as far as her stalker was concerned. “What would you like me to do?”

  “Promise me you won’t be alone until I get back from Boston. It’s only a couple of hour’s drive, so I shouldn’t be too late getting back. Maybe you can call your sister to come by the café and pick you up after your shift, or something.”

  “You really think it’s necessary for me to have a babysitter?”

  “It’s hard to say for sure. You said it yourself, we’re not even positive this is Mendez. However, I will say that it would make me feel a whole lot better and help put my mind at ease while I’m out of town.”

  She mulled it over. It was still hard to accept that these types of steps were truly necessary. On the other hand, the consequences of not doing it could be far worse. “Okay, I’ll give my sister a call and ask if she can come over this afternoon.”

  He felt a little bit of the pressure ease in his chest and gave her a smile as he pulled into the back parking lot of the café. “Thanks. Now, why don’t I walk you in and make sure everything is okay before I take off? The sooner I get going, the faster I can get back.”

  He stopped her from crossing the threshold and silently indicated she should stand behind him. A part of her hoped his actions were a little extreme, but she admitted that she felt better with him there and let him enter the building first.

  Methodically, he walked through every room, making sure to check the walk-in freezer, her back office, and the utility closet where she kept her broom and vacuum. He even paid close attention to the dark shadows behind the bakery counter.

  By the time he had satisfied himself that everything was in order, Olivia had a pot of coffee brewed. She poured him a to-go cup right as Jackie came in the back door.

  “Where’s Tom?” Olivia asked.

  Jackie sighed. “Remember how I mentioned he came over when I was sick? Well, now he has it.”

  “That stinks. I hope he feels better soon.”

  “Hm, I was hoping he would be here until your sister came over later,” Mason said.

  Olivia looked at him. “I’m sure it will be fine.” She wound her arm through Jackie’s. “You don’t mind keeping me company for an extra ten minutes after work while Liz heads over here, do you?”

  Jackie gave her arm a squeeze. “Of course not! We can finish the gossip session we started yesterday.”

  Satisfied that she would be as safe as she could be while he was gone, Mason figured it was time to go. He walked over to her and gave her a final kiss. He looked down at her and tucked a loose strand of hair back behind her ear. “I’ll be back early this evening, okay? Be careful.”

  Her cheeks flushed from the kiss, she nodded. “Don’t worry about me. Just drive safely and get back soon. Hopefully, your captain will have some new information we can work with.”

  After he left, Olivia began prepping for the breakfast crowd while Jackie checked on the dining room and made sure everything was ready for opening. Two hours later, she was relaxed and had fallen into a good rhythm in the kitchen.

  Actually, despite her lack of sleep and everything that had been happening the past few weeks, she couldn’t help but feel a little extra bounce in her step after last night with Mason. In fact, it was all she could do not to let her cat-ate-the-canary grin out. Just another day at the office…
  Her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. Distracted, she grabbed it with one hand right as she finished the final plate for an order.


  At first, there was nothing but breathing. Confused, she glanced down at the phone, but the number was blocked. Putting the phone back to her ear, she raised her voice a little louder. “Hello? I’m sorry, I think we have a bad connection.”

  “Soon…” The deep, male voice could barely be heard over the other noises in the kitchen, but something about the sinister promise caused her to shudder. Instantly, she hung up the phone. Dammit. She’d almost managed to convince herself everything was perfectly normal.

  She couldn’t let this guy get to her. Mind games, that’s all this was.

  With a shake of her head, she peered into the dining room, wondering where the call could have come from. Disgusted with how easily this guy could rattle her morning, she was just about to shove her phone back into her pocket when it began to vibrate again. With a spark of anger, she jabbed the screen. “Look, asshole!”

  A watery, tremulous voice greeted her. “Olivia?”

  “Fiona! I’m so sorry, I thought you were…never mind, what’s wrong? Are you crying?”

  “Ohh, Olivia! They’re not letting me register for my next semester’s classes. They said we haven’t paid them the tuition yet.”

  “What? I paid it weeks ago. Gimme a second, let me go back to my office where I can hear you better.” She checked the dining room before swinging out the kitchen door and striding down the hall towards her office.

  “I need to get these classes; otherwise I could have difficulty graduating on schedule.”

  “Okay, okay,” she soothed. “We’ll get this sorted, don’t worry. I know I wouldn’t have missed such an important payment. I just have to log into the bank account.”


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