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Hot Winter Nights (Made in Montana)

Page 10

by Debbi Rawlins

  Until the car accident. A lot of angry words had been exchanged, accusations flung, rocking the Landers family’s foundation to the core.

  No, he wasn’t about to kick up dust now. And for what, anyway? He liked Lila one hell of a lot. But nothing would come from whatever was happening between them. By the time they started shooting the sequel, finally giving her the role she wanted, he’d be only a passing memory for her.

  Clint hoped he got off that easy. He’d never met a woman like her. And beauty didn’t have a damn thing to do with it.

  On second thought, that wasn’t true. The fact that she was gorgeous did have something to do with what he liked about her. The real pretty girls he’d known had almost always centered their life on their looks. Lila wasn’t vain, and she wasn’t looking for a golden ticket to fame. She must’ve had doors flinging open left and right...for a price. Instead, she worked hard for her shot.

  Fifteen minutes later, he pulled into the motel parking lot. Baxter’s red convertible was conspicuously absent. Good. After yesterday’s fiasco, it had gotten so Clint couldn’t stand to look at the guy.

  Clint knew from his earlier conversation with Lila some of the crew were still wrapping up at the set. Tomorrow everyone had the day off, including her. Clint had subtly warned his dad he might not make it home tonight and to not count on him for tomorrow.

  After he’d parked the truck, he hit speed dial.

  Lila answered on the first ring.

  “I’m here,” he said. “Are you ready or do you want me to come up?”

  “Oh, definitely come up.”

  The excitement in her voice made his heart lurch. “I’ll be right there.”

  He paused to check his teeth in the rearview mirror. Then took the elevator instead of the stairs and made sure his shirt was evenly tucked into his jeans.

  Before he could knock she opened the door, wearing tight black jeans, a snug sweater and the best smile.

  Then he noticed her hair. “What happened?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your hair...” Most of it was pinned up in back and on the left side. The rest fell to the right of her face. It looked as though the tips had been dipped in black paint.

  “Oh.” Lila laughed and motioned him inside. “I forgot.” She closed the door. “I’ve been experimenting.”

  “With paint?”

  “No.” She stared at him as if he was crazy. “Extensions.”

  “Okay. I think.”

  Smiling, Lila took his arm and led him to the table and chairs in the corner. He sat without her asking.

  She stepped back and freed the silky cloud of blond hair. Then she reached underneath and pulled out what looked like a miniature, black-tipped donkey’s tail.

  “See? It isn’t really my hair. It’s called an extension.”


  She shrugged. “It’s as good a name as any, I suppose.”

  “Not what I meant. Why would anyone want to put that thing in their hair?”

  “You’d be surprised,” she said, laughing, and continued to pull out the weird-looking tails.

  “You do that often?” he asked, realizing he might’ve sounded critical. “You know...wear that kind of stuff?”

  “Not me. But I do use them in my job.”

  “I’m glad,” he said. “Your hair is way too pretty to mess with.”

  “Thank you.” She moved closer. Close enough that he could smell the warm sweetness of her skin. She stepped between his spread legs and put her hands on his shoulders.

  Every muscle in Clint’s body tensed.

  “It occurred to me that we hadn’t discussed what we’re doing tonight.”

  “No.” Clint cleared his throat. He’d had someplace in mind, but for the life of him he couldn’t remember. “No, we haven’t.”

  “So, I took matters into my own hands,” she said, and with a single smile reduced him to a tongue-tied teenager. “Oh, wait. I’ll probably forget, so I should tell you before we get started.”

  Get started?

  His brain seemed to stop working. Lila was talking, but he hadn’t caught any of it. Somehow he equated the words to sex, and he couldn’t make himself see it any other way.

  “Okay,” she said, looking disappointed. “I’ll probably go. Obviously you don’t have to.”

  He took a deep breath. “Go where?”

  “Shadow Creek.” She paused, frowning. “Spencer’s ranch.”

  Clint waited expectantly.

  “You didn’t hear any of it, did you?”


  Lila grinned. “Erin and Spencer are having a barbecue tomorrow, and the whole crew is invited.”

  “A barbecue in December?”

  “That’s what I said.” She shrugged. “Erin’s a bigger wuss about the cold than I am, so I figure it can’t be too bad.”

  Clint put his hands on her waist and watched the tip of her tongue sneak out and wet her lips. “Does that include Baxter?”

  “He’s away until Monday.”

  “If you’re going, count me in,” he said, feeling the slight sway of her body.

  Her hair was tousled from shaking it out, and he sure hoped she’d let him mess it up some more.

  “To be honest, it’ll probably turn into a bitchfest about him. But we wouldn’t have to stay long.”

  “Let’s talk about tonight.”

  “Talk?” The corners of her moist lips tilted up. She leaned closer. “I had something else in mind.”

  “Show me.”

  Lila smiled, and the way she shifted made him think she was going to sit in his lap, but she reached across the table for a paper sack he hadn’t even noticed. The movement caused his hands to slide over her round bottom. She didn’t seem to care. He wondered how she’d feel about a light squeeze.

  She leaned back before he could find out.

  “I picked up dinner,” she said. “I thought we could eat in and just... I don’t know—” She lifted a shoulder. “Kick back.”

  “Ah, that’s Marge’s cooking. I can’t believe I didn’t smell it before now.”

  “You were too worried about my hair.”

  “Yeah, I had a couple other things on my mind.” He didn’t like that she’d moved back to open the bag, and he caught her hand.

  “Such as?”

  “Trying to figure out just how determined you are to wreak havoc with my willpower.”

  “I’m not doing it on purpose.”

  He tugged her closer, and she voluntarily planted her nice, firm bottom on his lap. Too late he realized he should’ve made a minor fly adjustment.

  She squirmed a bit, trying to get settled. “Oh, you really are happy to see me,” she said, her eyes widening.

  Damned if he could tell whether she was teasing or not. For some reason he thought she might be genuinely surprised. The woman was a mass of contradictions. Maybe he was the problem. He’d never realized it before, but he had a lot of ideas about Hollywood and actors. None of them very good.

  “Want to know what I would really, really like?” she whispered, her voice a soft purr.

  Clint knew one thing for sure. Those big blue eyes of hers could get a man in all kinds of serious trouble. “What’s that?”

  * * *

  LILA PRESSED HERSELF against his broad chest, seeking his warmth and strength, craving the comfort she found in his arms. Obviously she knew it was impossible to actually melt into him, but she could pretend.

  Nothing about how she felt around Clint made sense. Maybe this was part of the overall grieving process over her old life. She missed the relationship she used to have with Erin, and she missed her family. And working on location for three months? It wasn’t anything like she’d
imagined. She didn’t mind the hard work, it wasn’t that at all...

  Clint wrapped his arms around her, and she lifted her chin and smiled at him.

  He brushed a kiss across her mouth. “I’m waiting.”


  “You were going to tell me what you wanted.” His gold-flecked eyes had darkened, mesmerizing her, pulling her deeper into the sensual mist.

  He was turned on, no denying the bulge she felt under her backside. But his voice and actions were calm, controlled. If she said no, he would back up three feet. And then step back another two just to be sure she didn’t feel threatened.

  Clint was a gentleman, and she didn’t use the word often or lightly. What made him interesting...he was also hot. Superhot. Or as Erin would say, hot as hell.

  “Tell me the truth, Clint Landers. Women must fall for you all the time,” she said, watching his brows rise. “How long does it usually take? Five minutes? Ten?”

  “Never that long.” His lopsided smile set off a flutter in her tummy.

  Maybe Erin was right. There was just something about a cowboy.

  He lowered his head until his breath danced along the line of her jaw. “You have something to tell me,” he murmured, his voice deep and raspy, tickling the skin at the side of her neck.

  A minute ago all she’d wanted was a kiss. “You,” she whispered. “And me. Naked.” She took a small nip of his ear. “In that bed over there.”

  She felt something stir under her butt, and a giggle slipped from her lips.

  Clint looked at her with a half smile.

  “Is that okay?” Lila asked, remembering the food was still warm but it wouldn’t be later. “Are you hungry? Would you rather eat first?”

  His gaze fell to her mouth, lingered, before he claimed it with a searing kiss. Lifting her in his arms, he stood as she clung to him, tightening her hold around his neck without the slightest misgiving over what they were about to do.

  He laid her down gently, keeping the kiss intact until the last possible second. Lila was already breathing hard as if she’d been the one doing all the lifting. After unzipping her, he tried to peel her jeans down her hips.

  Lila smiled at his frustration. She should’ve warned him they wouldn’t be easy.

  He narrowed his gaze. “What did you do? Spray paint this thing on?”

  “They aren’t called skinny jeans for nothing.” She kicked off her leather ballet flats, intent on helping him. But he managed to get the job done just fine by himself.

  Getting up on her elbows, she started to take off her sweater. At the rapt look on his face, she froze.

  Clint’s gaze traveled the length of her bare legs, then he leaned down and fingered the red silk triangle of her thong. “If I were to turn you over, I believe I’d have a real nice surprise.”

  “I believe you’re right.”

  His sexy smile gave her goose bumps their own baby goose bumps. He sat on the edge of the bed and slipped a finger under the silk. Thank heavens she’d given herself a wax job last week. His exploration was getting a bit thorough...he grazed her clit and she let out a gasp.

  His dark eyes glittered with satisfaction, and more. So much more. Lila didn’t think any man had ever wanted her as intensely as Clint did in this very moment. Desire blazed hot in his gaze. A muscle worked in his jaw.

  He slid a hand under her sweater. His palm grazed the skin between her ribs until he found a nipple and thumbed it through the silk of her bra. “This is like Christmas morning. I don’t know which package to unwrap first.”

  “Then let me decide.” She yanked his shirt from his jeans and heard a snap pop. It didn’t stop her from reaching for his belt. The buckle was too tricky for her to do one-handed.

  Clint stood and pulled up her sweater. She lifted her arms so he could tug it off all the way. He tossed it on the other side of the bed, his gaze sweeping over her and coming to rest on her face.

  She could feel her cheeks heat. Not from embarrassment or anything like that. She was excited, happy, and so turned on her panties had already skipped the damp phase. All day she’d been distracted knowing tonight she’d be able to see more than his bare chest. And hoping she’d be allowed to touch him all she wanted.

  He unsnapped his cuff and then started on the other sleeve. “You mind taking that off for me,” he said, nodding at her bra.

  “Since you asked so nicely.” She reached behind and found the hook quickly, then let the cups slide off slowly.

  Watching her with hooded eyes, his lips parted. His nostrils flared. He’d unsnapped the front of his shirt but he just stood there, staring, barely moving.

  Finally he leaned toward her, but she scooted over to the other side of the bed. “Take your shirt off.”

  He could easily reach her if he wanted. But his slow smile told her he’d concede this round, and he shrugged out of the soft wool shirt. When he sat on the edge of the bed to pull off his boots, Lila ditched the bra entirely and came up on her knees behind him. She dragged her hard nipples across his back as she placed a kiss on his shoulder.

  Clint shuddered.

  His skin was hot, feverishly hot, making her breasts prickle as she pressed against him. He yanked off the second boot and twisted around. His mouth claimed hers, the fierceness of his kiss pushing her backward.

  He covered her left breast with his hand and fingered the tight nipple. His tongue continued to stroke and tease, keeping her off balance. She couldn’t reach his buckle, but she wanted his jeans gone. Now.

  The lofty thought blurred when he bowed his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth. The slightly rough texture of his tongue did amazing things to her sensitive skin. Firming his lips, he tugged hard at the rigid peak, and she arched upward. His swift reflex was the only thing that kept her from toppling over. His arm curled around her waist and held her tight.

  It was too late. She was already falling, tumbling out of control into a bottomless pit of heat and longing with nothing to latch on to but Clint.


  HIS TOUCH WAS MAGIC, his mouth as hot as the noon sun. Clint knew just where to apply more pressure and when to use his teeth and tongue. Lila promised herself she wouldn’t be distracted. She’d get him naked. But then he moved his mouth to her other breast, and she lost track of her thoughts.

  The moment he eased back she gathered her wits.

  His lips were damp, his expression confused as he watched her scramble off the bed. She knelt in front of him and got to work hastily undoing his belt. His impressive erection made the zipper trickier.

  Clint touched her hair. “Why don’t you let me do that,” he said, lifting her chin and brushing a kiss across her lips.

  Of course she didn’t want to hurt him, but she couldn’t help rubbing her palm against his fly as he pulled her up.

  He drew in a sharp breath and let out a shaky laugh.

  Once he was on his feet, in a matter of seconds he was completely naked.

  Tall and lean, he had no tattoos or visible scars. His skin had a healthy glow to it And she zeroed in on his tapered waist and narrow hips. His thick aroused cock. He was a tempting package of strong, virile male.

  Anticipation shuddered through her.

  For God’s sake, she had to stop staring. Although he wasn’t shy about checking her out while he dug into his jeans pocket.

  She yanked back the covers.

  He dropped some packets on the nightstand. Two or three of them, she couldn’t tell, but she applauded his optimism.

  When he tugged her closer, she eagerly wound her arms around his neck. His hands gripped her waist as he looked into her eyes.

  “You’re off tonight, right?”

  “I am.”

  “No last-minute phone call asking you to run to the set.”

nbsp; “Nope.” She shook her head. “I’m all yours.”

  “Yeah?” Something thrilling and sexy burned in his dark eyes.

  “For the whole night.”

  “I like the sound of that.” Reaching around, he cupped her butt. He squeezed and pulled her flush against him.

  The searing heat of his arousal pressed hard into her skin. She felt the moisture that slicked the crown as he backed her up. Her legs met the side of the bed. The next thing she knew, she was lying on her back and he’d stripped off her thong.

  Her startled gasp was part giggle. “Sneaky.”

  “We were taking too long.”

  “We have all night, remember?”

  “Don’t worry.” His gaze swept over her legs and hips, practically daring her to squeeze her thighs together. “I’ll make good use of the time.”

  A tremor spiraled through her body.

  He pressed his right knee into the mattress. Leaning over her, he parted her thighs and kissed her.

  Right there.

  Slowly, he exerted a gentle pressure before thrusting his tongue past the seam and grazing her clit.

  Gasping, she bucked against his mouth.

  She loved foreplay, but she wouldn’t last like this for long.

  Clint kept her thighs parted, his tongue breaking contact only once while he climbed completely on the mattress and settled between her legs. He looked up, his gaze drawn to her left breast. Reaching a hand to touch it, he kissed her lower belly, his dark eyes focused on her nipple. He rubbed his thumb over the jutting flesh, and she held her breath.

  He moved his hand to the other breast and gave the tight bud a light pinch.

  Lila moaned.

  “Are you always this sensitive?”

  She bit her lip and shook her head.

  His brows furrowed. “Am I hurting you?”

  “No.” She lifted her shoulders off the mattress and caught his face between her hands. They looked at each other for a long moment before she slid her fingers into his hair and tugged at him, guiding his mouth to her breast.


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