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OUTCAST: A Good Guys Novel

Page 16

by Jamie Schlosser

  “When is it due?” someone in the front asked.

  “Two weeks. You’ll have next studio class to work on it, and presentations will be the following Thursday.” Students began getting up from their chairs and shuffling toward the door when he spoke again. “One more thing—this will count for 25% of your grade, so make an impact.”

  Maybe I’d have to put all my Kayla portraits to use after all. Something important to me? That was pretty much it.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket as I headed for the exit.

  Kayla: Same meeting spot on the quad? I brought lunch from Rocky’s.

  Just seeing her name on my phone caused my body to physically respond, my cock growing thicker in my jeans. Over the past day and a half, I’d spent as much time inside of her as possible.

  She’d stayed at my place the past two nights, and I’d just been with her this morning. I woke her up with kisses to her neck, which I’d quickly learned was her spot.

  My dick went from half-mast to hard as a rock when I thought about how I’d told her to spread her thighs for me, and she obeyed. How I’d ordered her to touch her nipples, and she did. How I’d asked her where she wanted me to come, and she’d said inside her.

  She was making me an insatiable fiend.

  I’d hated having to leave her this morning, but Pierre needed to go for a walk and I was trying to keep up with my exercises. Since leaving the retreat, I’d been slacking on my physical therapy, and I refused to let myself slip back to where I was before.

  By the time I’d gotten back to my apartment, Kayla was gone but she’d left breakfast for me on the counter. Or what was supposed to be breakfast. The omelet she’d attempted resembled one of her Pinterest fails, charred on one side and hacked to pieces.

  I ate it anyway.

  Grinning, I discreetly adjusted my boner before I responded to her text and I didn’t bother telling her my appetite was gone from Ed’s presentation.

  Me: Sounds great. Have I ever told you you’re my favorite?

  Kayla: You can tell me to my face in a few minutes.

  “Hey, Ezra!” A voice stopped me as soon as I made it outside, and I turned to see Kayla’s roommate. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember her name.

  “Oh, hey, uhh…”

  “Ashlyn,” she filled in.

  “Right. You live with my girlfriend,” I said, putting a little emphasis on girlfriend. I didn’t want to be a dick, but I knew she’d been flirting with me the other night. Right in front of Kayla, too. That didn’t sit well with me.

  That boner I’d been worried about was gone now.

  “Yeah, I hardly ever see her though,” she sighed. “Kayla and I seem to have opposite schedules, and I guess we haven’t had time to get to know each other.”

  “You should try to make time,” I told her kindly. “She’s one of the best people I’ve ever known. She had a difficult time back at our old high school, and she could use a friend.”

  A few months ago, I’d been completely blind to the internal struggles Kayla had been dealing with. From the outside, she seemed to have it all, but it was just a mask she’d been wearing to try to fit in.

  Maybe Ashlyn had a similar experience, and I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

  So I was happy when she started nodding.

  “Friends are good,” she agreed. “I don’t really know anyone here.”

  “Next time you’re at a Pi Kap party, I’ll introduce you to my buddy, Jeff. He’s a cool guy.”

  Her face lit up. “That would be great. So that stuff in class was pretty disgusting, huh?” Giving a full-body shudder, she said, “I’m not sure if I should be impressed or call the cops. I mean, maybe they should search that guy’s backyard.”

  I laughed, because it was so true. “I’m surprised no one walked out.”

  “Or puked,” she added.

  The queasiness in my stomach vanished as soon as I saw Kayla sitting on our bench with two to-go containers and drinks in Styrofoam cups. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was still wearing her black Rocky’s T-shirt and jeans. I knew she didn’t enjoy smelling like the restaurant, but she’d skipped her shower just to spend more time with me.

  Her expression was different, though. She didn’t smile at me like she usually would, her eyes narrowing at Ashlyn, who was still walking next to me.

  Was my girl jealous?

  Something about that made a thrill shoot through me, but at the same time, I didn’t like the thought of Kayla doubting my loyalty.

  When I reached the bench, I picked her up like a rag doll. Squealing, her arms went around my neck and I planted a wet kiss on her cheek.

  She laughed. “Happy to see me?”

  “You know it.”

  “Hey, I’ll see you later,” Ashlyn said, and when I glanced over at her, I realized she was talking to Kayla. “We should go do dinner or something soon.”

  Releasing her hold on me, Kayla smiled as her feet landed on the ground. “I’d like that.”

  With a wave Ashlyn left, and we sat down on the bench.

  Kayla held up a white container and my drink. “I made you a grilled chicken salad with oil and vinegar, just like the packet said.”


  She blanched. “Uhh… the one in your kitchen drawer.”

  I grinned at the thought of her going through my stuff and the chance to give her shit about it. “Man, first you bring your clothes and toothbrush over. And now you’re snooping through my stuff?”

  “I was looking for the forks,” she defended, exasperated. “And I saw the thing about your anti-inflammatory diet, so I read up on it a little.”

  “Psycho,” I teased.

  “This psycho is hungry enough to eat two salads.” She started to take the container back.

  “Let’s not be hasty now,” I backtracked. “Would it make you feel better if I said you’re my favorite psycho?”

  Smiling, she quirked an eyebrow and handed over the food.

  “What are you doing tonight?” I asked, hoping for a repeat of the past two nights.

  She grimaced. “I have to write that paper for English. I shouldn’t have put it off until the last minute.”

  “Wanna do it at my place? I promise not to distract you too much.”

  Well, that was a lie and I knew it.

  And the amused look on Kayla’s face said she knew it too, but I could tell she was tempted.

  Just then my phone buzzed, and I balanced my lunch in one hand while digging it out of my pocket.

  Max: Be at the frat house at 8 tonight. Dudes only.

  Damn. There went my plans.

  Disappointed, I frowned down at the message. Yesterday in sociology, Max told me I’d be hearing from him soon. He’d handed me a laminated notecard with the Greek alphabet on it and told me I needed to be able to recite it in my sleep.

  With everything that had happened with Kayla, I’d totally forgotten about the frat. She was all I could seem to think about, but the text reminded me of what Jimmy said about constantly pursuing your girl. Getting Kayla was one thing; keeping her was another.

  And being a member of the best fraternity on campus was an important part of that plan.

  “Never mind,” I told her with a shrug. “I guess there’s a Pi Kap thing tonight.”

  “Another party during the week?” she mumbled around a bite. “Don’t these guys have class?”

  “I don’t think it’s a party. Says it’s just for the guys, so it’s probably a meeting of some kind. I’m sure all this stuff will slow down after initiation. Guess it’s for the best.” I smirked. “I had no real intention of leaving you alone tonight and I don’t want to be the reason for you getting bad grades.”

  She sent me a heated look, her eyes roaming down my chest. “You have pottery this afternoon, right?”

  “Yeah, until four.”

  Picking at her salad, she made a “hmm” sound. “And then you’ll have a little downtime after?”

  I recognized the overly nonchalant tone of her voice. It was the one she used when she wanted something but didn’t want to come out and say it.

  “Why?” I pressed my lips together to contain my grin. I enjoyed watching her fidget as she tried to formulate her thoughts.

  “Well, I could probably find an hour after that. Like maybe between five and six? I mean, if you have a small window of time…”

  “Kayla.” Placing my finger under her chin, I tilted her head up and forced her to look at me. “Are you asking me for a quickie?”

  “Yeah. I guess that’s what it could be called.”

  “Consider it done.” Reaching into my back pocket, I wrapped my hand around the spare key meant just for her. “And you can use this to let yourself in.”

  Five o’clock couldn’t come soon enough.

  Ezra hadn’t been kidding about the quickie. As soon as I made it through his door, he was on me. I’d barely removed my key from the lock before he pressed my back against the wall and gave me a kiss that made me dizzy.

  “Bedroom,” he demanded, deep and raspy.

  God, I loved it when he was bossy. Lust slammed through me, and I wanted to stay right where I was, just so he’d have to say it again.

  He’d spent so many years keeping his feelings inside, and I’d spent that time waiting and wishing for them to come out.

  Now they were all mine.

  He was all mine.

  “Bedroom, Kayla.” His hands went to his belt as he backed away.

  Mesmerized by his movements, I watched as he slid it out before tossing it to the floor. Next, he popped open the button of his jeans and I caught a glimpse of the light happy trail below his belly button.

  The sound of his zipper coming down spurred me into action. I dumped my purse on the floor and wrestled with my tank top and bra as I headed down the hall, leaving a trail of clothing in my path.

  By the time I made it to the bedroom, I was kicking off my jeans and panties.

  Before I could turn around, Ezra came up behind me, just as naked as I was. His hands slipped around my middle, resting on my stomach, and his erection prodded at my back.

  “Get on the bed,” he said, his fingers flexing on my hips before he delivered a soft kiss to my shoulder. “On all fours.”

  I didn’t hesitate to comply. Scrambling on my hands and knees, I ungracefully kicked at the blue comforter, pushing it away to reveal the soft, rumpled sheets. The same sheets we’d been tangled up on this morning.

  The bed smelled like us. Like my sugar cookie lotion and Ezra’s masculine-smelling body wash.

  Cool air hit me in my hottest places as I got into the position Ezra had asked for.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I saw him stroking himself while staring at my pussy. While that was incredibly sexy, I also found myself automatically trying to close my legs because I was so exposed.

  “Don’t.” Ezra slowly shook his head while climbing onto the bed with me. “Spread your thighs wider. I want to see how wet you are.”

  My nipples tightened, and my center throbbed painfully as I did what he said.

  Our agreement to be honest had created the most delicious dirty talk.

  Ezra wasn’t even trying to be sexy, and maybe that was why it was so hot. He was just telling me exactly what he wanted.

  He seemed to come alive in these moments, and I remembered what he’d said the other day about people needing to be in control sometimes. If control was what he wanted, he could have it.

  Well, most of it.

  “Touch me.” I made a demand of my own.

  He obliged, his warm palm softly trailing down my spine. “You’re so fucking beautiful, you know that?”

  I didn’t think he expected me to answer, so I just waited for him to find the place I needed him the most.

  And he didn’t disappoint.

  Cupping my pussy, his fingertips slid through my wetness before finding my clit. He circled it three times, then entered me with two fingers.

  “Right there,” I encouraged, my body trembling.

  I could hear his ragged breathing behind me as he lined his cock up with my entrance. Frustration made me grasp the sheets as he ran it up and down my seam. It felt amazing, especially when he rubbed over my clit, but I needed him inside me.

  Wiggling my ass, I made an impatient noise.

  Ezra chuckled, but he gave me what I wanted. His tip pressed against my core, slipping inside. He gently rocked into me, giving my body time to adjust.

  Although we’d already had sex several times, he was still a tight fit and I wasn’t sure if I would ever get used to his size. It hurt, but in the best way.

  A final thrust had him fully seated, and I let my top half collapse onto the bed because my shaking arms were no longer able to hold me up. I placed my cheek on the mattress and raised my hands up to fist the pillow.

  Ezra’s hands moved from my hips to the back of my legs and I felt his thumbs find purchase right below my ass cheeks. Then he placed them near my soaked entrance and gently spread me open further.

  “That feels good.” I gasped. “Stretch me open like that.”

  Palming my ass, he kneaded it, grabbing at both cheeks and squeezing.

  “This ass, Kayla,” he growled. “Fuck.”

  He tapped the right side with his hand, not hard enough for it to hurt, but with enough force to cause the ample flesh to ripple and bounce.

  I’d always been self-conscious about my butt. In my opinion, it was too big and my breasts were too small, so the bottom half of my torso seemed out of proportion with the top.

  But, obviously, Ezra loved it.

  As he grasped my hips, I sent a silent thanks out to whoever I’d inherited my pear-shaped body from.

  Ezra started pumping in a slow rhythm, but it quickly turned hard and fast.

  It felt different from behind. More intense. He was going so deep, I couldn’t control the sounds coming out of my mouth.

  Burying my face in the pillow, I tried to smother my moans, but Ezra’s fingers threaded through my hair. Taking a gentle, yet firm hold, he tugged my head to the side.

  “I want to hear it.”

  “But what about the neighbors?” I whispered through a whimper.

  “Let them hear it, too.”

  I couldn’t refuse him. And so I surrendered myself to the sensations, even if it was for just a few short minutes.

  I decided right then that I loved quickies.

  Thirsty Thursday at the frat house. Seemed like they had a theme for every night, but this one was different than before.

  It was a sausage fest with at least twenty frat members hanging around, leisurely drinking various types of beer. And honestly, I was relieved. I couldn’t do another round of musical closets without Kayla, and I wasn’t interested in being hungover for my classes in the morning.

  “Do you have any idea what we’re doing tonight?” Jeff sidled up next to me, holding two Coronas.

  He extended one my way, but I politely declined with a shake of my head. No matter how much I tried to like beer, it still tasted like bread soaked in piss.

  “No clue,” I replied. “The text I got just said to show up at eight.”

  “Yeah. I was kinda hoping for another raffle,” he said, voicing the opposite of my thoughts. “They weren’t kidding about the girls being obsessed with this frat. But the girl I got stuck in the closet with? Fucking batshit crazy.”

  “In a good way?”

  “No. All she wanted to do was ask about some dude named Cameron. Apparently, they broke up last spring and she’s still hanging around hoping to make him jealous. It was lame.” Leaning closer, he whispered, “To be honest, I wasn’t much of a ladies’ man in high school. I was kind of a nerd.” He glanced around the living room, like he was afraid someone might’ve overheard his confession.

  Amused, I shrugged. “Your secret’s safe with me. I was the same. Still am.”

  “I thought you said you have a girlfriend.�

  “I do. It’s recent though. We were friends first,” I told him. “But, hey, I think her roommate is single. Maybe we could double date or something.”

  “Yeah?” He grinned. “That’d be cool.”

  Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of a cowbell. An honest-to-God cowbell. Max was standing on the makeshift stage, banging away at it to gain everyone’s attention.

  “Thanks for being here tonight, guys. If there’s one thing you should know about Pi Kappa Epsilon, it’s that loyalty is everything. We’re all brothers here. Family.” He spread his arms, gesturing toward all the polo-wearing dudes to his right. “But if you want to be part of this family, you have to prove your loyalty. The next couple of weeks will be a time for brotherhood and bonding. During this trial run, we’re going to have some tests for you. Through this process, there’s one rule all of you must obey. Pi Kap traditions are special and should be kept a secret,” he informed us. “What happens at these meetings should be told to no one. Am I understood?”

  We all nodded.

  “Fantastic. If you pass all of these tests, you’re in.” He paused dramatically. “Not all of you will pass.”

  With that ominous statement, he dropped the instrument and motioned for us to follow him through the French doors out into the backyard.

  As we all shuffled after him like a herd of cattle, I tried to ignore the douchebag alarm going off in my head. This Max guy was obviously on some kind of power trip, but that was probably common with being president. He’d been nothing but nice to me so far, and if I wanted to have everything he was offering, I needed to play along.

  Not surprisingly, the outside of the house was just as nice as inside. There was a stone patio with several lawn chairs and a fire pit built in the middle.


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