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Love & Rum

Page 4

by Dani McLean

  “You’re right; that sounds exactly like working on TV.” Jackson gestured between Tiff and me. “You two seem to be friends, though? Actual friends, I mean.”

  “Hard not to be after how we met,” Tiff said, and Jackson looked at me, curious.

  I felt my ears heat up as I explained. “I caught her naked in the office with the delivery woman. I came back the next day because I still needed some paperwork signed, and she looked like she wanted to fight me—”

  “I thought you were going to get me fired,” Tiff interjected.

  “And I was so afraid of her that I told her with an ass like that, I didn’t blame her for wanting to get in their pants.”

  Jackson’s head tipped back as he laughed, and a new wave of heat passed through me.

  “And we’ve been friends ever since.”

  My smile was wide. “Tiff was the first person I’d ever met who was fearless at being herself. At first, I think I just wanted her to rub off on me.”

  Tiff leered across the bar. “The storeroom’s free, wanna go for it?”

  I leveled a look at her. “I’m not fucking you in the storeroom. It’s disgusting in there.”

  Beside me, Jackson coughed out a laugh. Damn, that sound was addictive.

  Tiff feigned offense. “Oh, I see, you only have eyes for the pretty boy now, do you?” She cocked a brow.

  Embarrassed, I cleared my throat. “Don’t you have something to clean?”

  Tiff’s giggle and wink as she walked away did not go unnoticed but were quickly overshadowed by the deeply interested look Jackson was sending me.

  It left me unmoored.

  His hair, almost brown in this dark light, fell in a disgustingly charming way. I imagined I wasn’t the first to picture how soft it would be between my fingers, which pushed other images into my mind, of both gentle and filthy measures.

  Again, it seemed from the gleam in his eyes that he could guess where my thoughts were. “You two seem pretty close, are you …?”

  “No,” I assured him. “No. Tiff is bi, but I’m not, and she might like to make jokes, but we’d never …”

  “And do you have eyes for … what did she call me?” He was teasing, feigning innocence, but wow, that mischievous glint in his eyes made me want to kiss the grin right off his face.

  “Pretty boy?”

  “Right. So do you?”

  Beneath the litany of nerves, a spark flickered on in me. An urge to be bold. Maybe it was adrenaline. It was so unlike anything I’d experienced before. And here was my chance, right? To have that night of casual sex that I’d been wanting?

  A thousand tingles scattered across my skin as his hand brushed against my arm. Maybe I’d be embarrassed tomorrow, but right now, I wanted to get out of my head and take a chance.

  To new adventures, right?

  I slid off the stool before I could talk myself out of it and moved into the space between his thighs. From a place of confidence I may never have again, I placed one hand at his knee and lightly trailed my palm up his thigh. Just far enough to watch his eyes darken with hunger. At this distance, I knew the exact moment they flickered down to my lips. The fact that I was having this effect on him made me heady with desire.

  “My place is nearby,” I said.

  I hadn’t answered his question. Hell, I barely remembered what it was at this point, but those four words had been chanting through my head for the last twenty minutes or so, and now that it had left my mouth, I was mostly just relieved I’d had the guts to say it out loud.

  He covered my hand with his own and leaned in, his breath warm against my cheek, and I knew he noticed my shiver in response. “Lead the way.”



  Holy shit, this was happening. Okay, I could do this.

  I threw a look over my shoulder at Tiff, who was already waving us out with a smirk. Yeah, she was going to be all over this tomorrow.

  Thankfully, my place was ridiculously close to the bar, as in, two blocks, around the corner close. Jackson’s hand practically seared a brand over my lower back; our bodies walked so closely together that I was hyper-aware of every scant inch between us. I couldn’t think about anything else.

  I barely remembered getting from the bar to my place, so caught up in my thoughts. I couldn’t believe I’d just asked this stunning man to come home with me, and he’d said yes. As I opened my front door, my nerves kicked in.

  Was I really about to do this? Was it too late to back out?

  I mean, I didn’t want to, not really. But this was crazy, right? I’d never done this before. I barely knew anything about him. He followed me into the apartment before turning to face me, frozen in place against the entryway wall. Now that the moment was here, I was at a loss. Did we just go for it? Damn, I was so unprepared.

  My nerves must have been written all over my face because Jackson gently closed the distance between us until our lips were only inches apart.

  Jesus, he smelled incredible. Decadent and smoky, like an illicit treat. I might pass out before we even did anything. Oh. His lips looked fantastic, and I wondered what it would feel like to taste them. I bit my lip, anticipating.

  My breath hitched as I gazed into his eyes, and every inch of my skin tingled. Why had I even thought about backing out of this? My thoughts chanted loudly, ‘kiss me kiss me kiss me’ as though I was hoping they would somehow telegraph themselves to him.

  “Can I kiss you?” His voice was soft. Nothing had ever sounded so good.

  “Yes.” Please.

  And, wow. Jackson’s lips were better than I had imagined. Was kissing always this incredible and I’d forgotten? I couldn’t remember any other kiss making me feel so blissed out. His lips moved confidently against my own, and I leaned into him, tentatively exploring with my tongue.

  I was rewarded with a low moan, and oh, I wanted to hear that sound again and again.

  Soft kisses traveled across my cheek to my neck, and then I was having an out-of-body experience as he began to nip and suck at the sensitive skin.

  Holy hell.

  My fingers curled against his shirt, and my head fell back against the wall behind me while his hands grazed my ribs, brushing along the outline of my breasts.

  His lips brushed my neck as he asked, “Is this ok?”

  My thoughts were a haze of feeling and lust, but I managed a shaky nod, my heart racing as fast as my mind was. I took a deep breath in a futile effort to calm both.

  Pulling back enough to make eye contact with me, he waited, his eyes questioning. A swell of gratitude threatened to engulf me. He wanted to make sure. Who was this man?

  I wanted him more than I’d wanted anyone else before.

  I nodded again, more controlled this time, arching into him as I said, “It’s more than ok.”

  The hunger in his eyes sent a shiver of anticipation through me, and then his hands were reaching below my hips, gripping the backs of my thighs and picking me up, guiding my legs until they wrapped around him. And, wow. That had never happened to me before, but damn, did I like it.

  I moaned faintly, “Oh.” The sound left my lips before I realized it. All I could think was that I really wanted him to press me into the wall right now, crowd me between the cool surface and his smooth, hard warmth. But I couldn’t bring myself to say the words. I could barely think. Jackson had replaced every thought.

  His chuckle was a deep rumble, and I was sure he was about to tease me, so I cut him off with a kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I tangled my hands in his hair. The same hair I had been itching to touch earlier, and I was pleased to find it as soft as I imagined it.

  My moan was lost between our mouths.



  I relished the feel of her body wrapped around me as I picked her up. The hem of her dress slid farther up her thighs, and I felt the material shifting under my fingers, which ached to free her supple skin.

  Thankfully, the wall kept us both steady because
the sexy sounds escaping her drove me crazy. I would love to have her like this, and from the way she clutched and ground against me, she wanted it. It wouldn’t take much to undo my jeans and ease into her, but I wanted something else right now. I wanted to see what other sounds I could get out of her. I wanted to touch and taste all the beautiful skin that had been teasing me all night.

  I needed to see the full extent of the lacy bra that had been driving me wild since she had first sat down next to me.

  My hands gripped her thighs, and dear God, I needed a second to enjoy the feel of the firm muscle. I imagined running my tongue along the inside of her thigh as I breathed in her sweet scent.

  As if she sensed where my thoughts were, her legs tightened around me, and I moaned as she ground against my hardening cock.

  Fuck, I really needed to take this to the bedroom; otherwise, we wouldn’t make it out of this hallway. And I really wanted to get naked.

  I pulled us away from the entryway wall and walked forward toward the open living area. It was light enough that I could make out the shape of the couch but too dark to make out much more.

  She hadn’t had time to turn the lights on when we’d entered the apartment, and I snuck a look around while stopped in the middle of the room, trying to decide whether to use the couch. It looked comfortable enough, but the thought of it irked me.

  So that left me with one option.

  “Um,” I pulled back and chided myself for feeling remotely nervous. “Which way is the bedroom?”

  Audrey, looking kiss drunk, considered the question. She relaxed her legs, making it clear she wanted to get down. “Right! Sorry.” She sounded bashful, and it only made her more attractive.

  I set her down, and she took my hand, “This way.” When we reached the bedroom door, she looked back at me, her eyes gleaming with playful intent. Here, again, was another view into this hidden side of her, seductive and exciting. I wondered if she even knew she was doing it.

  Her nerves were back in force when she reached the bed and sat down on the edge. She eyed my body hungrily but didn’t quite meet my gaze. I watched as her fingers absentmindedly trailed the hem at her thighs, dipping under the fabric to stroke her skin.

  Fuck, she was sexy.

  I licked my lips, and her eyes jumped up to meet mine, sparkling in the low light. Usually, I wouldn’t have waited, but I wanted to take my time, enjoy her reactions. She seemed caught in the middle of herself—half the time, she was patient, waiting for me to take control; and the other half, she was a live wire, primal and demanding. I honestly didn’t know which I liked more, but not knowing what to expect from her had me more worked up than I’d ever been before.

  I could spend hours just taking this woman apart, and God, I wanted to.

  I brought my hand up to my chest and ran it down my shirt; her eyes followed the movement. I grabbed the material of my sweater and hoisted it over my head, leaving me shirtless before her.

  She averted her gaze, dropping it to my crotch, her bottom lip caught in her teeth. I was straining against the material. I’d meant to tease her, and sure, it was working, but I felt she was having more of an effect on me than the other way around. And she hadn’t even touched me yet.

  I stripped off my pants and underwear, enjoying the way her breath hitched at my nakedness. Then she surprised me again by giving me a wicked look as she undid the zip of her dress, standing briefly to let it fall to the floor.

  Unbelievable. One minute, she was nervous, and the next, she was commanding. I was captivated.

  That same lacy bra that had tormented me earlier looked as enticing as I imagined. “Beautiful,” I told her because it was true.

  She said nothing, covering herself with her hands. That wouldn’t do. Before she could get too self-conscious, I slipped my arms around her waist and lowered her onto the bed, kissing her thoroughly.

  She relaxed underneath me, and I became addicted to the sounds of her whimpers. I needed to do whatever I could to keep her making them. I wanted to make her feel as good as possible.

  Breaking the kiss, I asked. “Tell me what you like.”

  “Um …”

  There was a long pause. I felt her fingertips softly stroke my shoulder. “We can stop,” I offered, in case she was having second thoughts.

  This time her response was immediate. “No.” A soft smile played on those perfect lips, and I wanted to kiss her nerves away.

  “How about this, I’ll do something, and you tell me if you like it or not.”

  She bit on her lip as she nodded. “Ok.” That breathy answer washed over me. I’d bet she didn’t even realize how sexy she was right now. She could ask me to do just about anything, and I’d do it. Give her whatever she needs.

  Kissing her, I pulled that same lip between my teeth, and she rewarded me with a moan. Ok, she liked that. Trailing kisses across her cheek, I tried the same on her neck, just below her jaw, sucking a kiss before I lightly scraped my teeth against the reddened skin. She arched into me, exposing more of her neck.

  She definitely liked that.

  Nuzzling into her, I breathed her in and followed the smooth line of her neck with my lips. Curious, I bit into the mark with a little more pressure.


  “Mm-hmm.” She nodded.

  “So, I should keep going?” I teased.


  With her back arched, I unclasped her bra, then trailed my fingers lightly down her arms as I removed it, feeling goosebumps flare across her skin. She was so responsive. I couldn’t help but wonder if she wasn’t able to tell me what she liked because she didn’t know or because she was scared to say.

  “You know you can tell me to stop anytime.”


  I lifted my head, holding her gaze, “I mean it. You don’t like something, you tell me.”

  “I promise. Can you …” She swallowed and licked her lips, drawing my attention there. They were already red and swollen. “Can you do that again? With your teeth?”

  A low growl left me. She was going to kill me slowly.

  “Like this?” I repeated the action and delighted in the reaction it elicited. She was getting louder, more confident in her responses.

  “Yes.” The word disappeared into a hiss.

  Her skin tasted clean and sweet, unbearably soft everywhere. I kissed along her neck to her chest, marveling again at the swell of her breasts as my hand came up to cup them. I stopped short of touching my lips to her skin and peered up, waiting for her to meet my eyes. When she did, I held her gaze and slowly circled my tongue around her nipple, continuing with licks and kisses while it peaked.

  There was a momentary pinch of her brow, gone before I really noticed it, but I could guess what it meant. I wanted her to say it, though. I wanted her to know that she could—she should—tell me when she didn’t like something.

  Lifting my head again, I arched a brow in question, watching as she fought to get the words out. But I was a patient man, and I’d stay here all night if I needed to. Not that it would be that hard of a sacrifice.

  Eventually, she said, “They’re not very sensitive.” Adding, “My nipples.” Then, “It doesn’t really do anything for me.”

  It came out in a rush, and she looked apologetic, even though she absolutely shouldn’t be. My smile widened, and I repositioned myself a little lower, kissing below her breast. “Good to know.” I nipped at the soft swell of her stomach, feeling ravenous for her. “What else?”

  Her voice was a whisper. “I, um, I like what you’re doing.”

  “Mmm, I can tell.” After leaving another mark by her navel, I surged up and met her lips with mine.

  She was incredible.

  Her nails dug into my back, gripping at me as she moaned.

  She turned her head to kiss me passionately then surprised me by running her nails along my back, ratcheting up the fire racing through my veins. Did I mention this woman was incredible? I’d been with women who were shy
in bed and women who weren’t, but none seemed to go between the two states the way Audrey did. And it was really working for me.

  Anytime I thought I had her under my spell, she turned the tables and had me under hers.

  Her lips were intoxicating, her tongue swirling against mine and filling my mind with filthy fantasies. If the way she sucked on my lower lip was any indication, I wasn’t going to be disappointed with her if and when she got her mouth on me.

  Kissing down her body, I slowed as I settled between her legs, taking a moment to settle myself as well.

  I kissed along her inner thigh, as soft as I’d imagined it earlier, pausing when I reached her center, and I teased her by letting out a long warm breath against the thin material.

  I buried my nose against the fabric and breathed her in.

  Rewarded with a shuddered plea, I basked in the view of her breasts as they rose with her heavy breaths, her eyes fiery with lust. My smile widened.

  “I wish you could see how gorgeous you look right now,” I said, kissing the inside of her thigh.

  Her face turned against the pillow; her quiet words almost lost. “Thank you.”

  I couldn’t understand how someone so clearly stunning could ever be shy in hearing it. Surely she had heard this before? Or had that asshat of an ex-husband lowered her self-image?

  “You really are. So fucking gorgeous.” I kept my eyes on her face as I trailed a finger along the damp trail on her underwear, earning me a moan and a wiggle of her hips. My hips ground against the mattress, urgent for some friction.

  “I bet your pussy is just as beautiful.” I lowered my head until my mouth hovered over her, our eyes locked. “I wonder if it will taste as good as the rest of you?” Without waiting, I ran my tongue along the seam of her panties.

  “Jackson.” My name came out as half breath, half moan.

  “Yes?” I ran my fingers up the back of her calves, teasing her.



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