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In Bed with the Devil: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance

Page 4

by Tia Siren

  “I know, right? I have to have bodyguards to keep men from kissing me. Never thought that would be an issue. As far as Mason ending up in my space, I have no idea how it happened. One minute I was modeling, taking photos, and the next, he had crawled up on the bed and his lips were pressed against mine. He seriously came out of nowhere.”

  My mind drifted back to his lips pressed against mine, and heat rose in my stomach. I should have known right away it was him. He still kissed like he did when we had sex the first time. I guessed, though, I wasn’t expecting it. I wasn’t thinking Mason would come into the Fifth Street mattress store and jump on the bed with me. I shook the thoughts from my head and came back to the conversation, not liking how it made me feel. I needed to hate him, not lust after him.

  “That is so weird,” Blair said. “I would have clobbered him right there in the middle of the store.”

  “I did get a slap in, but only after I realized what was going on,” I said.

  “So why didn’t you push him away?” she asked. “It sounds like he got a good piece of time there with his mouth on yours.”

  That was a really good question, and I wasn’t quite sure how to answer it. In a way, I really hadn’t wanted to push the guy away. On the other hand, everything was so crazy in my head, I still was having a hard time thinking clearly. It was so infuriating that he was having this effect on me.

  “At first I thought he was another model,” I said. “I thought it was part of the pictures, so I kind of just went with it. I thought it would be a quick kiss and that was it.”

  “And when it wasn’t?” she said, pulling up one eyebrow.

  “Honestly? God, I don’t know. The kiss was, frankly, fucking amazing,” I said. “It was like I was being drawn into this person and everything around us faded away for a few moments. I hadn’t felt that in a really long time, so I guess I just went with it. It wasn’t until the photographer started yelling at the two of us that I pulled away. I slapped him immediately, and that was when I realized who he was, and I felt completely mortified. I was mortified because it was him and because I had lost myself for a moment in the kiss.”

  “Wow,” Blair said. “Sounds like this guy is a good kisser.”

  “I don’t know what it was, but now that I think about it, it was very familiar,” I said.

  “Maybe that’s why you let go. I mean, it’s not like you’re out there getting laid every day,” she said. “Maybe just feeling something familiar like that temporarily fogged your brain. You have to admit, it felt good to let go, even if it was for a minute.”

  “Yeah,” I scoffed. “Until I pulled back and realized it was my slimeball ex-boyfriend.”

  “Who knows, maybe he did you a favor,” she said. “Maybe it will open up some sort of freedom inside you. You’re one of the most uptight people I know, and you need to let your hair down every once in a while.”

  “I have too many things to accomplish to do that,” I said.

  “It had to make you feel something,” she said. “Did it bring any old emotions to the surface?”

  “Yeah, it did,” I said.

  “That’s excellent,” Blair said, leaning forward. “What do you feel?”

  “Loathing, hatred, disgust—you know, all the things I’ve felt all along.” I laughed at the look on her face. “Only this time it was a reminder of how much I can’t stand Mason York or his damn family.”

  “Well, that is disappointing. You about ready to head back to your place for some more studying?”

  “I sure am,” I said. “And a little human-interest law will get my mind off that bozo.”

  “You are hopeless.” Blair picked up her things.

  We headed back to my apartment and set up all our stuff in the living room. I grabbed us both a beer, and we went to work, preparing for the next day’s finals. I set everything up how I liked it and started to take notes. However, after about three minutes of staring at the words but not comprehending them, I leaned back against the couch. Visions of Mason were flying through my head, making it impossible for me to concentrate. I could remember being a teenager, thinking I was so in love, running around the city hand in hand with Mason. We saw all the sights over and over again, holding tightly to one another, thinking that was what forever felt like. In my mind, I could still see the first time we had sex. It had been sensual, passionate, and, at the time, I had really thought Mason loved me. My heart broke the day my parents told me what had happened, and not just for them, but for myself too. I knew I had been duped by Mason and that his love ended when it came to standing up to his father. I felt like everything was my fault, and that feeling had fueled me for the last ten years.

  Chapter 7


  I lay in my bed Wednesday morning staring up at the ceiling for hours. Between my mind being completely screwed up and the fact that my back was in knots, I didn’t want to stand on my feet. I really thought I’d had everything in my life how I wanted it, and then Ava came and fucked that all up.

  I pulled myself out of bed and threw on some clothes. I needed to go back to the mattress store. When I was there, I hadn’t really had my mind on buying a mattress after seeing the models. When Ava had run out, I’d talked to the photographer for a few minutes because he recognized me, and then I’d left the store. I didn’t even think about the fact that I would have to go back to the hotel and sleep on the mattress from hell for another few days before I got my head straight. I had thought about ordering online, but I knew if I didn’t try it out, I would end up in the same spot I was when I first decided to buy one myself.

  I made my way downstairs and scheduled my car to pick me up. I didn’t feel like fighting through New York traffic today. Thoughts of Monday kept running through my head like they had been since I left the store. I had bolted, completely in shock from what happened. I sat in my car wondering how I could have possibly gotten myself into that situation. I didn’t even remember what I had said to the photographer, and I knew part of the reason I had sat there was I was hoping to see her leave. Of course, she’d probably been long gone out the back or still sitting inside hiding from me. I didn’t blame her one bit given the history between our families. She was definitely the last person I had expected to see that day.

  I should have realized as soon as I saw her on the bed across the room that it was strange how I’d felt drawn to a complete stranger. My mind was completely taken over by her lying there, so beautiful and sweet. I had walked right over without any thought and didn’t even try to stop myself when I climbed up on that bed and kissed her. My inner alarms had failed me big time, and I was now kicking myself in the ass for it. It was so crazy how that morning I had thought about Ava and the first time we’d had sex. It was like the universe was toying with me or something, dangling the one woman I would never have again right there in front of my face.

  In my defense, as I had lost myself in that kiss, feeling the lust and passion between us, I had fully expected to pull away and see a stranger’s face. I had not expected to pull away and see that sweet, delicate look and a familiar set of eyes. My expectations had been met and exceeded, and I’d understood for an instant why I had been so completely drawn to that woman. Of course, that was quickly taken away by the sting across my cheek and the look of complete terror on Ava’s face as she scrambled off the bed and ran into the back. I could still see the flowing silk of her nightgown blowing around her as she ran toward the back door. It was almost as if everything had been going in slow motion, and my eyes wouldn’t leave her.

  My driver pulled up to the mattress store, and I sat for a minute, feeling miserable. I needed to get this over with and move on with my day. I went inside, and an associate immediately approached me. There wasn’t anyone else in the place, and I assumed it was because there weren’t any models lying around on beds. He took me around the store and explained the different mattresses and helped me pick one out. I had never bought my own mattress before, so it took a bit of time before I fo
und one I really liked. On top of that, I was constantly thinking about Ava and the kiss we’d had right there in the store. Once I picked out the one I wanted, I went up to the desk to pay for it.

  “We can deliver it to the hotel this afternoon if you’d like, Mr. York,” the associate said.

  I laughed. “I suppose you recognized me from the tabloids.”

  “Actually, I recognized you from the other day when you were in here,” he said. “The photographer told us who you were after everyone was talking about what happened.”

  “Oh,” I grumbled. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  “No problem, sir.” He smiled. “Will this afternoon be good for you?”

  “It will be perfect. I’ll let the concierge know you’re coming,” I said. “You’ll want to use the service entrance at the back.”

  “Will do,” he said, handing me my receipt.

  “And again, I’m sorry if I caused a problem,” I said.

  “No problem,” he replied. “In fact, I’m pretty sure more people bought mattresses that day since you’d come in for one.”

  “Of course.” I laughed.

  I headed out of the shop and jumped in the car that had pulled around front to pick me up. I sat in the back staring out the window as we passed through Manhattan. The city somehow seemed dingier and darker today, and I knew it had to be my mood. When I got inside, I took a swim in the pool and then dried off to lounge on the couch. I closed my eyes and put my hands behind my head, trying to clear my mind. Memories started to flood me again. Memories of Ava and me when we were young, running around the city together, thinking nothing could keep us apart. I knew my father had hated us being together, and our mothers had gotten into an epic battle, but I still couldn’t remember the exact moment she exited my life. Maybe we just grew apart, and the tension and feud between our families didn’t help. When Spencer Hotels went under, they moved out of Manhattan to Brooklyn, but I had no idea what happened after that. In fact, my father and mother basically forbade me to talk about them in the house.

  I took a deep breath and pushed the memories back out, knowing it wasn’t healthy to be looking so hard at the past. My life had been so happy and carefree before; I didn’t want to think about that depressing shit, but I supposed Ava still did. She’d been so angry at me, so taken aback by my presence at the mattress store that I was sure she still held that family grudge against me and my parents. Why else would she act like I was the worst person in the world? I needed to get my mind back on my own life and stop worrying about Ava and what she thought and why. It wouldn’t do me any good to linger on those feelings. I was already unable to think clearly, and dredging up old wounds was only going to make things worse for me and cause more trouble between me and my family. I needed to let it fold.

  Besides, I was young, handsome, rich, and had the world at my fingertips. I should be thinking about all the girls I could be fucking, but every time I tried, Ava popped into my mind. For the first time in years, I really had no interest in thinking about women. I didn’t even have an interest in going out to the bars and clubs to pick someone up. It wasn’t like me at all. I wasn’t sure what I had to do, but I knew these thoughts weren’t going to disappear on their own.

  I popped up from the couch and threw some clothes on, heading out before even drying my hair. I jumped in the car and instructed the driver to take me back to the mattress store. When I got there, I hopped out and ran inside, feeling like I was on a mission.

  “Mr. York,” the associate said. “Is something wrong?”

  “No,” I said, straightening myself. “I forgot to ask something when I was here before. I’m looking to hire a modeling agency for an ad my dad’s company is going to be doing, and I was wondering if I could get the info on the one you used.”

  “Uh, sure,” he said, looking down at the counter. “The one girl you, uh, knew, she was freelance, but she also works for the agency we got the rest of the girls from.”

  “Thanks,” I said, taking the info.

  Maybe I would get to see Ava again after all.

  Chapter 8


  I packed my books up in my bag and smiled at the professor as I walked out of the classroom. It had been one of the only classes I had without a typical final. I hurried to my car, needing to head over to the modeling agency. I had seen my agent calling when I was in class, but I couldn’t answer it. I sent him a text letting him know I was in class, and he asked me to come over to the office as soon as I was done. He usually told me my assignments over the phone, but I figured he might want to see if I was even interested in a gig he had. I didn’t take every offer they made—nor was I required to—just the ones that were worth my time.

  I drove through traffic, eating a pretzel I had picked up on the way out. I looked like hell, having gone to class in a sweatshirt and jeans, but that shouldn’t matter. They had my headshots. The firm was medium-sized and great since they were willing to work with me on how I took clients. I didn’t want to be the model pushed into nudity, so I stayed away from the small firms, and the big ones were out of my reach. They were for career models and actors, and I was not going to be doing that for the rest of my life. When I got there, they sent me right up to the office, but I paused as I entered, seeing Mason sitting in a chair in front of my agent’s desk.

  “Ava,” my agent said. “Please, have a seat.”

  I didn’t move from my spot. I was stuck staring at Mason. Why the hell would he be at my agent’s office asking for me? My blood started to boil, and I tried to calm myself down before speaking.

  “What is going on?” I asked through gritted teeth.

  “Please, sit,” my agent said, not noticing my anger.

  I thought I had made it very clear when I stormed out of my last gig that I didn’t want to see Mason. I thought bolting from the place at full speed and leaving out the back door would be a good clue that I had nothing to say to Mason and didn’t want him in my life. Apparently, along with shaving his beard and cutting his hair, he’d developed a pig-headed stubbornness. God knew he had the clout behind him to find me and make this meeting happen. Why, though? Why would he want to talk to me?

  “Thanks for coming in on short notice,” my agent said, smiling at me.

  “Sorry I didn’t have time to change after class,” I said, looking down at the mustard on my sweatshirt from the pretzel I had eaten. “You said it was urgent, so I headed over instead of driving back to Brooklyn first.”

  “No problem.” He smiled. “Mr. York has seen your work in the past and has a copy of your headshots, so he knows your abilities. You have been hired for a new ad campaign for the string of hotels and resorts that his father owns.”

  I slowly turned my head toward him, forcing my mouth to stay closed. I was trying desperately to hold back the anger I was feeling. Mason smiled at me and nodded.

  “We will be doing a one-day shoot,” he said. “We think you would be perfect for it.”

  I couldn’t speak, I was so livid, and my stomach churned just thinking about it. How dare he come in here and request that I do anything for his father? I gripped the arms of the chair, trying to hold my emotions steady. I didn’t want my agent to see my outrage. In his eyes, I was being offered a gig by one of the richest companies in the city, and for him, all he could see was green. For me, though, all I could see was red, and I could have strangled Mason for putting me in this position. But he knew what he was doing. He knew I wouldn’t freak out on him in front of my agent. I may pay them, but they had every right to fire me if I fucked up something like this.

  “Brian,” I said, looking at my agent sweetly. “It’s finals time right now. You know I try not to take gigs during finals time. Besides, you have an entire book of gorgeous women who could do this project some real justice. Can’t you have one of them take care of this for Mr. York?”

  I clenched my teeth together as I said his name, almost laughing nervously as I sat there staring at him. My agent looked at me
like I was nuts for a moment and then cleared his throat and shuffled some papers on his desk. It was obvious he felt I was embarrassing him, but Mason knew exactly how I would react to his offer.

  “Mr. York has taken a look through all the books,” he said. “I knew it was finals time for you, so we tried to find someone who would suit his needs. However, he has requested you specifically and has no interest in any of our other models. If you decline the contract, he will take it to another company. We would never want to see that happen, so it all rides on your shoulders, my dear.”

  I took in a deep breath and looked at Mason and his smug grin. My agent looked at me knowingly, pretty much telling me I had no choice but to take the gig. I was still completely against it, and I wasn’t sure anything would change my mind.

  “You will be paid twelve thousand dollars for a two-hour shoot,” my agent said. “Now that would be silly to give up. That is top modeling-agency pay.”

  Wow. Mason was so desperate to get close to me that he would pay twelve thousand dollars to have me near him for two hours. I could really use the money, especially with the new semester coming up and the payments that would be coming in. My parents could use the money too. I had seen the late notices on the kitchen counter when I was there last time. But how could I take that money from Mason? It was the same as if it were coming right from the hands of his father. The only way I wanted money from his father was when I took him to court and demolished him. I sighed, not knowing what to do.

  “The shoot will be easy,” Mason said. “We provide everything. You just show up. We will abide by all requests from your file on the clothing and have food set up for you so you can make sure to get some breakfast when you get there. You still like the blueberry pancakes from that diner on Seventh, right?”

  I looked over at my agent, who looked back at me curiously, not knowing I knew the York family. I laughed nervously and fiddled with my bag. Finally, I’d had enough. There was no way I was going to be able to turn down Mason and this job. I stood up from my chair and nodded my head.


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