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In Bed with the Devil: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance

Page 15

by Tia Siren

  “What’s up, man?” John said.

  “I’m going to head out of here,” I said.

  “Already? I mean, we just got here,” he said.

  “Yeah. I got something to do,” I said. “I have a key to your place, so I’ll be quiet when I come in.”

  “You know, I really don’t understand you,” he said, pulling me to the side. “You go through hell with your parents, get kicked out of your place, and now you’re running to this chick like nothing happened.”

  “Come on, man, it’s not her fault,” I said.

  “Maybe not, but things never seem to go straight when you two are together,” he said. “I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad news, but I don’t think it’s worth making this situation even worse. You can just chill, and if it’s really that important, talk to her when things blow over. She isn’t worth upsetting everything in your life.”

  “I have to say, I appreciate the advice,” I said. “Especially from the guy who avoids relationships like the plague.”

  “Don’t be like that,” he said.

  “No, no. I can’t be like that with anyone.” I chuckled angrily. “Apparently, everyone in my life knows what’s right for me except me. Apparently, I’m not capable of making my own choices.”

  “Not when you’re wasting your opportunities with some chick from Brooklyn,” he said.

  “Fuck off, John,” I said, shaking my head and turning around.

  I walked to the door. He was calling my name, but I ignored him. As soon as I was out the door, I stood on the sidewalk and hailed a cab. Once inside, I showed the driver the address Ava had texted me, and we headed toward her place. I sat in the back thinking about how I had lived in New York my whole life and taken a cab maybe ten times. My whole world was changing, and I seemed to be the only one who could see that. I was the only one who wanted me to make smarter and healthier choices. When we got to her place, I paid the cab driver and walked up to the top floor.

  I stood there for a minute, thinking about how I had finally let go and done what I wanted, and despite John’s argument against it, I felt really great. I knocked on the door and waited, listening as Ava made her way over and unlocked it.

  “Hey, drunkie,” she said, opening the door and standing to the side. “Come on in. It’s no penthouse suite, but it’s my home.”

  “I love it,” I said, looking around the tiny space. “It’s so quaint and definitely you all the way.”

  “Yeah.” She scoffed. “If I were a pair of shoes in a shoebox. You want a drink or some water or something?”

  “I’ll take water, sure.” I smiled.

  I turned and watched her walk over to her kitchen and pull a couple of waters out of the fridge. I always thought Ava was beautiful, but I had to admit, at that moment, she looked really beat down. I was assuming that, like me, she hadn’t gotten much sleep. I had been packing all night, sure, but even if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have gotten any sleep after everything that had happened. At least my mom still wanted to talk to me. Hers wouldn’t even speak to her, and I knew how close the three of them were. She talked about it like they had only been close since everything with the hotel happened, but I remembered them being a team long before that. I followed her into the living room and plopped down on the couch next to her, looking at her sad, tired face.

  “Come here,” I said, lifting my arm and watching her snuggle into it.

  We sat there in complete silence, sipping our waters as I held her close. I put mine down on the little coffee table and wrapped both my arms around her. It felt so perfect, like we were supposed to be there in that moment with each other.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I promise I will fix this. I’ll never let you down again.”

  “You didn’t let me down,” she said, looking up at me. “Our parents let me down.”

  I lifted her chin and pressed my lips to her, feeling that rush I did whenever her soft lips were against mine. It was the perfect kiss, and I didn’t think I could pull myself away. Ava had sunk right down in my heart, and I wanted to show her that.

  Chapter 28


  His kiss was so perfectly timed, so right in that moment, and butterflies blew through my chest. I tilted my head up, kissing him deeply, and he wrapped his arms around my body. I had thought what I needed was alone time, but having him there made everything feel like it was going to be okay. I was drawn to him all the time, and it was no different in that moment. I turned my body toward him and ran my hands up his chest, feeling his muscles under his T-shirt. His body was warm and welcoming, and I melted right into his arms.

  He brushed his tongue across my lips, and I opened my mouth, welcoming him in. The sweet kiss turned passionate quickly, and my heart beat quickly in my chest. It was beating for him, and I had never felt that before with any other man. I crawled on top of him and cupped his face in my hands, our mouths open, our tongues wrapped around each other’s. He slid his hands down my back and grabbed my ass, scooting forward to the edge of the couch. I whimpered with my mouth still pressed to his as he picked me up and carried me around the corner into the bedroom.

  Slowly, he set me down, my legs unwrapping from his waist and my body sliding down his. He reached down and pulled my top over my head and flung it to the side before bending down and kissing my shoulder. He slid his hands around my body and unclasped my bra, allowing my breasts to spill out. I carefully stepped out of my pants and stood there while he brushed kisses all over my body, my fingers hooked in the waist of his pants. I stepped forward and pulled his shirt over his head, biting my lip as I slid my fingers down his warm, tan muscles, feeling them tense and release at my touch. I looked up at him with a lustful gaze as I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, pulling them to the ground. His cock was hard inside his blue boxer briefs, and he gasped as I ran my palm over the bulge.

  I tilted my head back as he pulled my hair up and kissed my neck, his breath trickling down my skin. He worked his way up to my ear and then across my face until his lips were pressed firmly against mine once again. He kissed me lustfully, his hands tightening around my waist as my tongue slipped through his mouth. I pulled his bottom lip in and sucked on it before releasing him and smirking. He watched as I walked over to the bed, grabbed a pillow, and plopped it on the floor in front of him. I kissed his neck and down his chest, slowly sliding down to my knees and looking at his huge erection before me. I pulled his boxers down and caught his bouncing cock with my mouth, sliding my lips over the tip.

  I flicked my tongue against the head of his dick before pulling back and lifting it up. I leaned forward and sucked lightly on his balls, listening to him groan above me. Slowly, I moved my tongue up the shaft of his cock, my eyes looking up into his. His jaw clenched while he watched me open my mouth wide and swallow his dick down to the shaft, deep-throating him completely. He grabbed the back of my head, and I twisted my tongue back and forth as I gently moved back up.

  “Damn,” he moaned, throwing his head back.

  I smiled and dipped my head back down, grabbing him just below my mouth and sliding my hand down. I bobbed my head up and down on his dick, aroused by him gripping my hair tightly. He pushed gently and pulled me back up, smiling as I moved forward again, wanting to feel him deep in my throat. He growled as I went to work, sucking hard in the back of my throat and pulling my lips back up to his tip. He leaned down and grabbed me under the arms, pushing me back onto the bed. I smiled and lay down.

  He kneeled beside me, his cock close to my face, and bent over, pushing my legs apart. He ran his tongue sternly through my folds, swirling the tip of it in my pussy before pulling back up to my clit. I moaned, grabbing his cock with my hand and turning toward it. I opened my mouth and took him deep inside, moaning against his shaft. His tongue moving wildly through my pussy as he rubbed my clit and moved back down again. He pushed two fingers inside me and sucked on my nub, sending fire straight to my belly. I let my legs fall to the sides as I closed my e
yes and sucked his dick hard and fast. He groaned against my clit, sending vibrations up my thighs and into my stomach. I moaned louder, putting my head back and stroking his dick with my hand.

  I laid my head on the bed and growled as Mason fingered me as fast as he could. It felt so fucking amazing, and I had never been turned on that much in my life. I lifted my hips off the bed and squealed as he sucked on my clit, massaging it with his tongue. I stroked his cock until I couldn’t hold on anymore and dropped my hand to the bed, feeling the explosion in my belly. I arched my chest and threw back my head, screaming out in pleasure as waves blew through my body. Before I was done, he pulled back and lay down, pulling me with him. My body was quivering from the climax, and my juices were running as I straddled him backward.

  He grabbed his cock and helped me slide down it, my juices guiding him in. I screamed out and grabbed his thighs as his big, hard dick filled me to the brim. I pulled myself back upright and started to bounce, whimpering as I felt every wrinkle of his shaft move through me. I leaned forward, grabbed his calves, and started to bounce my hips up and down hard and fast. He growled and reached up, grabbing my ass as I flapped up and down on his thick shaft. My mouth opened, and I breathed heavily, the pleasure of it all too intense for words or sound. He reached around, grabbed me on each side, and pulled me up and down harder on his erection. The mood was needy and hot, my body slapping down on him over and over, his cock pushing deep inside me.

  I quickly climbed back up to a sitting position and started to rise and fall on him, slowing the pace. I wasn’t ready for it to be over yet. I wanted more of his big shaft inside me. I sat down on his cock and slowly began to turn, keeping him deep inside me. He watched me in surprise as I made it all the way around and put my knees down on each side of him. I smiled and winked, rubbing my body over his. I reached my arms up over my head, waving my body like a snake as I ground my pussy against him. My clit brushed across his skin, and I screamed, the heat in my belly starting to burn again. His hands slid up my stomach and grasped my tits, massaging one while rolling my other nipple between his fingers. I groaned, closing my eyes and leaning my head back as I moved my hips against him.

  He pulled himself up into a sitting position and grabbed me around the waist. My arms fell around his neck as he kissed me wildly. I pulled my legs out from under myself and wrapped them around him. He thrust hard and deep, opening his eyes and looking deeply into mine. I gasped as he thrust hard and then stopped for a moment before thrusting again. He picked up the speed as I tilted my hips, pushing my ass out and feeling him slide through me. We stared intently into each other’s eyes, our mouths touching but not kissing.

  “You like that?” he whispered.

  I nodded my head feverishly, unable to find the words. I gripped his shoulders as pumped his hips over and over again. My body was getting close to another climax, and his cock got harder inside me. He turned, rolling me over on my back and pushing in deep, groaning and holding himself inside me. He pulled my legs up over his shoulders and ran his hand between my breasts and over my stomach. He reached up and grabbed my thighs and began to push his hips slowly in and out, watching my face as I writhed beneath him. He kept his eyes right on me as he started to move faster and faster.

  Our sex was so unbelievably hot, and it just seemed to get better and better every time. He turned me on so quickly with a kiss of his lips, and I was lost in his hands. I looked up at him as I screamed, my body tightening and readying itself for its climax. He reached between my legs and rubbed my clit, biting his lip and closing his eyes as he thrust. I gripped the bed, unable to hold back, and arched my chest once again, this time unable to even scream. I came so hard, I couldn’t control the shaking of my thighs. My pussy tightened around his cock, and my juices exploded over him. He groaned and thrust faster, removing his fingers from my clit and holding my hips for leverage. He slammed into me over and over, his muscles tightening as the waves washed over me.

  He clenched his jaw and pushed deep inside several times before putting my legs down and pulling his cock out of me. He gasped heavily as he rubbed his shaft with his hand, his seed squirting out over my stomach. I moaned and rubbed my hand through it as deep groans came from his throat. He jerked his cock for a few more seconds before leaning back and letting the orgasm trickle away. I smiled as he opened his eyes and shook his head with a chuckle.

  He got up from the bed and grabbed a towel from my bathroom before coming back and wiping me clean. He tossed it in my hamper and crawled under the blankets, pulling me close in his arms. He breathed against my back as we lay there, our pulses slowing.

  “This keeps getting more complicated,” I whispered.

  “Shhh,” he said, kissing the back of my neck. “It’s not complicated to me. I can’t be without you near me. When you’re near me, I can’t help but pull you closer. Everything else might be complicated, but this is really simple.”

  I smiled and closed my eyes as he relaxed into the bed behind me. He pulled the covers up and closed his eyes. I listened to him breathe heavily until he was asleep. I closed my eyes and drifted off, knowing what he’d said was absolutely right.

  Chapter 29


  Falling asleep with Ava in my arms was the best feeling I had ever experienced. I was more comfortable with her than I had ever been with anyone in my life. So comfortable, in fact, that I didn’t even remember falling asleep. I woke up the next morning but didn’t open my eyes, the sound of someone knocking on the door echoing through my dreams. It was loud, and for a moment, I thought I was back in my penthouse, and I wondered who in the hell was knocking on my door so early. Feeling the bed shake made me open my eyes, and I sat up, looking around me. I had been sleeping so hard. I was completely disoriented.

  I rubbed my face, trying to piece everything together. My eyes were blurry, so I leaned against the headboard and closed them, trying to get the fog to rise. I opened them again and looked around the tiny room that had books everywhere. I looked down at the comforter and realized I was not at home, then remembered my home was now at John’s place. I groaned, thinking about the argument at the bar and realizing I was in Ava’s room. Thoughts of the sex we’d had the night before and how exhausted I had been when it was over made me smile, though. I had fallen asleep with her in my arms, and from the imprints on my skin, it looked like neither one of us had moved a muscle all night. It was crazy how, when we were together, nothing else mattered. We were so comfortable, we could sleep through an entire night without moving at all.

  The night before had been rough. I had found myself in an apartment that wasn’t home, a bar I didn’t want to be in, and with a guy who was my best friend but couldn’t come to terms with who I wanted to be. We had argued, I’d had a few drinks, and then I had found solace in the only thing in the world I had ever found peace in: Ava’s arms. She had caught me right as I was feeling like I was beginning to fall. I didn’t know what it was about her or what it was about us when we were together, but I never felt stressed or uncomfortable. One touch of her hand or a sweet smile and all of my troubles just melted away. It was insane, and I had never felt that way around anyone else in my life. I could remember her making me feel that way when we were teenagers too. Anytime I was struggling, just sitting next to her made me feel better.

  Ava had gotten out of bed before I’d opened my eyes. She’d wrapped a robe around herself and then pulled the door almost shut as she walked out. I could hear her talking quietly to someone in the apartment, but I didn’t recognize the voice. It was another woman, and they sounded like they were purposefully trying to be quiet. I realized then that I hadn’t experienced Ava’s life outside my own little bubble. I didn’t know who her friends were, what her life was like when she was away, or even what she did on a regular basis. All I knew was the Ava I’d put into my own surroundings. I knew that had to change, and I figured there was no better time than right now.

  I scooted out of bed and found my clothes. I pu
lled them on and walked into the adjoining bathroom, looking at my wild hair in the mirror and my beard that was coming along nicely. I was starting to look like the guy I remembered from a decade before, the guy who actually liked the person he was. I washed my face and smoothed down my unruly mop and then made my way out into the living room. Ava was standing to the side talking to another girl who looked a bit wilder than Ava. She was pretty and had long brown hair. They both stopped talking and looked over at me. The girl gave me the once-over as Ava scurried to my side. She smiled and looked between the two of us awkwardly.

  “It isn’t very often that I swing by your house and you have some strange, handsome guy just hanging out,” the woman said, chuckling. “I like this side of you, Ava. It’s about time you did something other than study.”

  “I think you need to relax,” Ava said, looking at her and then at me. “And you, I didn’t even realize your beard had gotten so long. You’re starting to look like the teenager I knew ten years ago. I like it. It fits you better than the clean-shaven look you had going on. You look less…”

  “Pretentious?” the woman said, smiling.

  “Uh, yeah, actually.” Ava laughed. “You look less pretentious.”

  “So, are you going to introduce me to him? Or should I act like I’m the neighbor?” The woman chuckled.

  “Oh god, I’m sorry.” Ava rubbed her face. “Mason, this is Blair. She’s my best friend, and we’ve known each other for, gosh, a long time.”

  “About eight years now, I think,” Blair said, reaching out and shaking my hand. “Since we were freshmen in college, so nine years now.”

  “Blair goes to NYU Law with me,” Ava said, ushering us into the living room.

  “Nice,” I said, smiling. “It’s very nice to meet the woman who takes care of Ava.”


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