All I Want Is You

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All I Want Is You Page 15

by Sherrill Bodine

  Liking her even more for her candor, he smiled. “Since you helped me, let me return the favor. Do you want to talk about it?”

  Laughing, she glanced at the computer and back to him.

  “The emails are from a colleague at our office. We don’t have the same difficult obstacles as you and Venus have to overcome.” She took a long sip of brandy and sighed. “My parents don’t approve of him. I’m the boss’s only daughter and he’s not Episcopalian. Not exactly insurmountable.”

  No, not betrayal, family loyalties, and years of active dislike.

  He clicked her glass. “He’ll be a lucky man when you convince him nothing is more important than being together.”

  “Excuse me for interrupting your conversation.” His mother stood in the open door. “CeCe, your father is on the house phone. Your mother thought you’d like to speak with him about a business question.”

  “I do. Thanks.” Smiling, she hurried from the library.

  “Such a lovely girl,” his mother sighed.

  “Yes, she is.” Sipping his brandy, he watched his mother over the rim of the glass. “She’s witty, intelligent, and beautiful.”

  “And you have no interest. I see.” Without obvious judgment, she nodded. “Connor, I know I am not the most maternal of women, but you are my only son and I want you to be happy.”

  Watching her, he nodded. “I know you do, Mother.” It wasn’t the kind of love he felt from Bridget but he knew in her own way his mother cared for him.

  “This visit has shown me that my efforts to introduce you to the kind of women I think would suit you have been futile. I only hope a woman will come along who can break through the barriers around your heart the way your father broke through mine. We’re not so different, you and I.”

  A flush rose from his mother’s chest to her cheeks. “I apologize if my being so forthcoming has made you uncomfortable.”

  Feeling more affection then he’d ever experienced coming from her and a real warmth toward her, he took her hands in his. “On the contrary, Mother. I’m pleased you shared your feelings with me.”

  “Then my visit hasn’t been in vain. I look forward to being apprised of developments with the young woman of your choice.”

  On Saturday night as he paced the foyer of his penthouse waiting for Bridget to come out of her bedroom, Connor kept thinking of the young woman of his choice and his words to CeCe, Nothing is more important than being together.

  Again, he glanced at his watch, impatience eating at his gut.

  Usually he wouldn’t mind being late, but not tonight.

  Tonight he wanted to be on time. To see Venus. Touch Venus. Use any flimsy excuse to talk to her about their next move in this crazy plan, which sure as hell wasn’t getting them any closer to finding the real thief, but was keeping him close to Venus.

  Relieved to hear the bedroom door open, he turned to see Bridget gliding down the hall toward him.

  Gazing at her new haircut and the green silk gown matching her eyes and the emerald earrings dangling from her ears, he knew they were both keeping secrets about their feelings. Obviously she’d made some decisions, just as he had.

  It wasn’t time yet to tell Bridget about his visit with Venus to the casino. He needed to discover some concrete evidence to completely vindicate Tony. Something positive to lift the haunted look from Bridget’s eyes, which no makeup could conceal.

  “You look beautiful, Aunt Bridget.” He pressed a kiss on her warm forehead. “At least ten years younger.”

  “Don’t be cheeky, Connor.” She laughed, smoothing down her sleek, burnished chin-length bob. “Nothin’ like a bit of straightener and a bit of color to lift a gal’s spirits.”

  The transformation went deeper and Connor knew it. “Will Tony be at the benefit tonight?”

  “We’d planned to go together, but that was before everythin’ happened.” She shrugged. “I don’t want you to be tryin’ to play matchmaker tonight. Or I might do the same with you.”

  She reached up to redo his tux tie. “You never get this quite right. So who is the lucky young woman you’re plannin’ to dazzle tonight? CeCe?”

  Yes, he had secrets to keep from her, but at least he could be honest about this.

  “No. Venus.”

  His aunt stopped redoing his tie to stare up at him. “I guess oil and water do mix after all.”

  Not understanding, he narrowed his eyes, studying her. “I beg your pardon.”

  “Never mind.” Smiling, she patted his bow tie and stepped back. “Perfect. Now you’re ready for what promises to be an interestin’ night for you.”

  “More like confusing,” he muttered, glancing over her head to look into the mirror at his now straight tie. He remembered to take his cell phone out of his pocket and place it on the foyer table.

  Tonight he wanted no distractions.

  Thinking of what the next few hours might bring in his quest to protect Venus, his head sent him one message, his body another.

  Venus stood in her tiny dressing room staring at her body in the triple mirror.

  She turned back to front and side to side, constantly adjusting the mirrors to critique herself in the rich sapphire Grecian-inspired one-shouldered Carolina Herrera gown with the mermaid strategically pinned for maximum exposure.

  Visions of CeCe looking paper-thin in her evening gown last week flashed before her eyes.

  I’d look thinner in black.

  “Stop it!” she scolded her reflection. “That Connor usually goes out with zero-body-fat model types doesn’t mean you should get more neurotic than usual about your curves.”

  I can’t believe I’m actually going out on a date with Connor again.

  Multiplied three times, the eager look on her face scared her. “Stop feeling more excited than you should be under these dire, totally weird circumstances. It will probably be more confusing and uncomfortable than it was Tuesday night.”

  The chime of the doorbell interrupted her one-way conversation with her reflection.

  Connor forgot he’s supposed to meet me at the Drake.

  The thought that he was here to pick her up sent warmth rushing from her flushed cheeks to her toes.

  Forcing herself to walk slowly, well, honestly there’s no other way to move in this dress, she reached the front door on the second chime.

  She took a deep breath, pasted a quizzical, not too eager smile on her face, and opened the door.

  “Hello, gorgeous. Surprise. I made it to Chicago after all.” Brad laughed, flinging open his arms.

  Chapter 15

  Frozen in shock and disappointment, Venus stared at Brad’s ruddy face, with the wave of honey-brown hair that always fell across his wide forehead.

  She couldn’t move to walk into his open arms as he expected. As she probably would have done a mere few months ago.

  He lifted one eyebrow and dropped his arms. “Not much of a greeting,” he drawled, strolling past her.

  Still reeling in disbelief at finding him on her porch, she shut the door and whirled to face him. “Brad, what are you doing here?”

  “Taking you to a party.” He pinched her chin, tilting her face up as he loomed over her. “Aren’t you glad to see me?”

  Thinking of Connor and what might have happened tonight and what she should do now, she forced a smile until her face ached.

  “I’m surprised. The last time we spoke you said there was an important expansion deal for your firm being negotiated and it might not be possible for you to get away. Then I got your email saying you couldn’t commit to coming tonight.”

  He ran his palm slowly along her bare shoulder. “Some things are more important.”

  This time her smile and laughter were real. “Brad, we’ve been playing this game for years and you’ve never put our relationship before business.”

  “Priorities change.” He crinkled his eyes in the charming way she’d once found totally irresistible.

  “Oh, that I know. However, yours ha
ve not. Why are you really here?”

  “God, you know me well, Venus. I’ve always loved that about you.” An incredibly self-satisfied smile curled his long mouth. “We’re opening an office in Chicago and I’ll be the managing partner. Deal inked this morning and I was on the next plane. Booked into the Peninsula until I decide where I want to live.”

  A sinking feeling in her stomach, she shook her head. “This is all so sudden. It must have been in the works for ages. Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Hush-hush deal.” He put a fingertip to his lips and then touched hers. “We haven’t had any quality time together in months.”

  Definitely no pillow talk. It isn’t that kind of relationship any longer and we both know it.

  Getting uncomfortable with Brad’s playful attitude and desperate to call Connor, she backed up. “Well, Brad… my plans changed… and…”

  “Hey, I came all the way from New York and put on my tux to celebrate with you.” He crinkled his eyes and twisted his mouth in a pout. “Don’t disappoint me on my big day.”

  It’s official. I not only inherited my mom’s stubbornness, but her soft pudding heart.

  Sighing, she nodded. “Okay, since you’re here we might as well go together.”

  “That’s more like it. Now any time you’re ready, gorgeous. The car is waiting outside. I’ll lease myself a Bentley tomorrow.”

  “Oh, my,” she glanced toward the window. “I don’t want to keep the driver waiting. I’ll just get my evening bag and wrap. Be right back.”

  She climbed the staircase as quickly as possible in a floor-length gown, fled down the hall into her bedroom, grabbed her phone off the dresser, and punched in Connor’s number.

  “Please answer, please answer, please answer.” She counted the rings until his voice message came on.

  “Oh, no,” she groaned.

  Footsteps in the hall warned her before Brad reached the door. The thought of him in her bedroom drove her to grab up everything she needed and rush out.

  They nearly collided on the threshold. “I’m ready. Don’t want to be late.”

  He draped his arm around her shoulders as he’d done dozens of times and kept it there until they both slid into the backseat of the town car. Tonight it felt strangely awkward to her.

  She immediately shifted away and pulled out her phone to text Connor.

  “You don’t usually bring your phone to black-tie affairs.” He lifted one eyebrow. “What’s so important?”

  “I need to let Diana know I’m coming with you to the benefit after all.”

  “Don’t tell me you were going to this party with Diana. Only in Chicago would two of the most beautiful women in town be dateless.” He threw back his head in loud, annoying laughter.

  She opened her mouth to tell him she had planned to meet Connor there. Just as quickly she pressed her lips together. Somehow it seemed like a betrayal of Connor to discuss him with Brad.

  Wanting to warn Connor of the change in plans, she sent a text to Diana asking her to find him and tell him what happened.

  The more she thought of Brad’s just showing up on her doorstep, the more she realized that it had been his growing arrogance over the last few years that had pushed her further and further away from him and those memories of when she’d been young and infatuated with him.

  Glaring at him, she dropped her phone in her evening bag. “Stop being so mean. You know Chicago is a fabulous city.”

  Looking bored, he shrugged. “I have no choice but to get used to it again, since I’ll be based here.”

  Worry and impatience burning a hole in her stomach, she could hardly wait for the car to come to a full stop in front of the Drake Hotel. She flung open the door and slipped out. “I’ll meet you inside, Brad.”

  The doorman looked startled as she ran past him, the hem of her gown clutched in her fists to keep from tripping on it. Not caring if she looked clumsy, she took the steps two at a time up to the lobby.

  Dozens of guests milled around, blocking the three wide, sweeping steps leading up to the Palm Court.

  “Excuse me,” she muttered repeatedly, pushing her way through the crowd as politely as she could, considering how desperate she felt to find Connor and explain what had happened herself.

  Trapped between couples on the top step and on the one below her, she felt as if it took an eternity for her to finally reach the entrance to the Palm Court.

  Instantly she met Connor’s eyes where he stood just beyond the beautiful center fountain decorated with silver-tipped boughs for the upcoming holidays. He nodded toward her as if he’d been watching the entrance, waiting for her.

  She swayed toward him.

  Suddenly she was pulled back against a tall, hard body.

  “Hey, gorgeous, what’s the hurry,” Brad whispered behind her as he gripped her shoulders. “Wait for me.”

  What in the hell is Venus doing here with Brad Evans?

  Hot with searing disappointment and anger simultaneously, Connor forced his eyes away and looked straight into Diana’s angelic face.

  “Good. Don’t watch them. Don’t let Brad see your anger and disappointment,” she commanded. “I know you’ve been watching for Venus to arrive tonight.”

  “I thought you couldn’t read minds.” He hoped he sounded normal, sane, considering he irrationally wanted to break Brad’s nose again.

  “Connor, anyone in this room watching you could tell you’re not happy. Venus tried to call you. She sent me a text to warn you Brad arrived unannounced on her doorstep.”

  Relief and pleasure felt sweet. “She’s not happy to see him?” Unable to resist, he glanced over his shoulder, searching for Venus in the crowd.

  “Hell, what is she doing now?”

  He swung completely around to watch Venus being interviewed by Channel 7 for their ten o’clock local news segment. Every one of her gestures suggested she must be talking about the mermaid brooch.

  Diana gripped his arm. “Shall we wander over to where Bridget is talking to PR wiz Cathy Post and, look, I see Maxie and Ed have joined them. They’re close enough to hear what’s going on with Venus.”

  By the time they reached them, Venus and Brad had disappeared.

  “I did the PR for tonight’s event. What do you think?” Cathy asked, giving Diana a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “Fabulous as always.” Diana smiled.

  “You’re fabulous, too, Diana. I’ve never seen gowns more beautiful than yours or your sister’s,” Maxie gushed. “You look like a shimmering moonbeam.”

  “Thank you. It’s from Nazia, a local designer.”

  Diana’s gentle hand on his arm and the serenity of her voice couldn’t soothe his burning desire to know what Venus had done that might get her into trouble. “Did any of you hear Venus’s interview with Channel 7?”

  “I did.” Maxie nodded. “Venus is such an expert on jewelry. She talked about the rarity of her magnificent mermaid brooch. Remember, Edward, I pointed it out to you the night she wore it on Talk of the Town with Rebecca. And you remarked on its beauty. I don’t blame Venus for keeping it for her private collection at home.”

  “Yes, indeed I remember. The mermaid is even more beautiful when seen close. Maxie has a great eye for fine jewelry.” Ed’s chuckle rumbled up through his barrel chest. “Please excuse us. We recently arrived and are in need of liquid refreshments.”

  “I’ll join you. I need another Diet Coke.” Cathy waved and followed them.

  Bridget waited until they all disappeared into the crowd before turning to him and frowning. “What happened with Venus’s being your date for tonight, Connor?”

  He tried to make light of being stood up. “I switched sisters.”

  “Connor and I are working the room together.” Diana pressed a kiss on Bridget’s cheek. “I see Tony. I believe he’s looking for you.”

  “Then I should go powder my nose before he sees me.” Bridget bolted off in the opposite direction.

r watched Diana’s eyes widen, huge in her tiny face, and then her lashes sweep down to hide her reaction.

  “I know. Nuances. Don’t worry about it. I’m working on solving the problem.”

  She lifted her lashes to peer deep into his eyes.

  He braced himself to not give anything away.

  “I know you and Venus are in collusion. I don’t need to tell you how much is at stake here. I hope you both know what you’re doing, for everyone’s sake.”

  “We do.” His gaze searched the room, looking for Venus as he’d done all evening. Where the hell did she go now?

  “Come with me.” Diana wrapped her arm around his to lead him across the crowded room toward one of the giant urns full of tall, fat palm leaves.

  Half hidden behind it, Venus and Brad stood, talking.

  “Here you are at last. I’ve been looking for you all evening.” Diana’s light musical laughter cast a spell, freezing them all staring at one another.

  Brad, with a frown and a calculating squint at Connor.

  Venus, eyes wide, lips parted in…

  Hell, why can’t I ever read her?

  “It’s so warm in here.” Diana fluttered her delicate hands in front of her face. “I need a glass of champagne.”

  “I need one, too,” Venus added too quickly.

  At last a nuance he could read. Smith sisters have one another’s backs.

  “Would you mind, Brad?” Venus asked sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

  “Sure. Anything for you, gorgeous. Stay here. I’ll be back.” Turning, Brad flicked Connor a warning glare.

  He ignored it.

  “I’m buying you two more time to chat.” Diana floated after Brad, leaving Connor alone at last with Venus.

  “Why did…” he bit out.

  “Connor, why didn’t…” she whispered.

  They both stopped interrupting each other and glared into each other’s eyes.

  “Ladies first,” he muttered through clenched teeth.

  “Why didn’t you answer your phone or respond to my text?”

  “Because I never bring my cell phone to these black-tie affairs. Why did you make yourself a target by broadcasting that you keep the brooch at home when I told you not to do it?”


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