All I Want Is You

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All I Want Is You Page 16

by Sherrill Bodine

  “I told you what I planned to do to draw out the real villain. I had to do something to move things along after Tuesday night’s fiasco at the casino.”

  “And I told you not to make yourself such an obvious target for every petty thief in the city,” he reminded her, trying to sound calm, when he felt concern boiling up in his chest.

  “I’ll be perfectly fine.” She smiled at him as she’d done in his Ferrari.

  Now he felt even more dazzled by the curl of her lush lips and her luminous aquamarine eyes daring him. Daring him the way she had that night with her kiss.

  “Connor, don’t forget your uncle Tony installed an excellent alarm system in my town house. No need tonight for you to sit in your car till dawn to protect me.”

  “I’m not planning to sit in my car to protect you.” He wasn’t lying to her. At the moment he had no time to tell her the whole truth and argue about it with her.

  A coil of her hair hung provocatively over her bare shoulder. She twirled it around two fingers. “I’m glad to hear you’ve come to your senses. But we do need to talk. Oh, no, here comes Brad.”

  Connor watched Diana delay Brad every few steps by stopping to introduce him to someone, but very soon she’d run out of options.

  Jealousy eating at his gut, Connor shrugged. “He showed up without warning. He can’t expect you to drop everything for him. Tell him we need to talk.”

  Eyes wide, she blinked up at him. “Connor, he knows what happened with my dad and the Clayworths. Our talking would seem suspicious to him. Remember, the plan is our little secret. Besides, he’s never forgiven you for breaking his nose. It’s never been quite the same.”

  Connor flicked a glance at the slight bump on Brad’s formerly perfect nose.

  “It gives his face some needed character.”

  Her eyes light and bright, she gasped, swallowing a laugh.

  Using iron control, he resisted his powerful urge to pull her into his arms to kiss her full, lush mouth.

  “Trust me, Venus. We will be talking very soon,” he muttered as Brad reached them.

  “Here’s your champagne. I saw your father talking with Kate Carmichael and Rebecca and David Sumner. I need to connect with all of them. Let’s go.”

  Seeing the way Brad so easily draped his arm around Venus’s shoulder to lead her away bothered Connor on a level far beyond anything he could have imagined possible a few weeks ago. His body went cold, empty, and he felt alone.

  “Your feelings are showing, Connor. Come with me. I have one last good deed to do for you tonight.”

  Diana took him by the hand, strolling to where Tony stood, holding a scotch on the rocks and watching Bridget wander around the Palm Court talking to everyone but him.

  Standing on her tiptoes, Diana kissed Tony’s cheek. “You look magnificent in a tux.” Her warmth could melt a glacier.

  To Connor she gave a sterner, cooler look. “Now do what needs to be done.”

  As she seemed to float rather than walk away in her shimmering silvery white gown, Tony sighed. “That child is like an angel.”

  “Maybe. But I wouldn’t cross her.” Connor looked his uncle in the eyes, man to man, the way Tony had taught him as a kid, and held out his hand. “I’m sorry, Uncle Tony.”

  His uncle’s grip felt as strong as ever, but his grave eyes gave away his true feelings. “Thank you, Connor. I know you are taking care of your aunt. How is she? She won’t take any of my calls.”

  He followed Tony’s gaze to where Bridget stood talking to Rebecca and David. His aunt’s forced smile made his chest ache. “She’s miserable. Like you are.” He stared into his uncle’s eyes. “Is there anything else you want to tell me? Anything else you remember about that night? Anything at all that might lead us to the real thief?”

  “No, Connor. Nothing more I can say about that night or why my visits to Taylor Street continued.” Tony looked away and the ache in Connor’s chest shifted to his gut.

  Tony is hiding something more than how he got the brooch.

  Sighing, Tony shook his head. “I’m at a loss to know what to do to make all of this right for everyone.”

  “There’s only one way to make it right. We find out the truth.” Connor watched Venus, all at once fearful that neither of them would like what they discovered.

  Tingling all over, Venus felt Connor watching her. Using every ounce of her willpower she pretended to listen with rapt attention to Brad trying to impress her father and David.

  Tucked into the curve of David’s arm, Rebecca smiled beside her husband.

  “This is all utterly fascinating, Brad.” Rebecca tilted her head back on David’s shoulder. “Would you mind if Venus, Kate, and I sat for a few minutes?”

  “Do you feel all right?” David nearly carried Rebecca the four steps to a cocktail table with three chairs. “Do you need anything? Are you ready to leave?” he asked, frowning, his gaze searching her face.

  “I’m perfect.” Rebecca sighed. “Stop worrying. Go back and solve the problems of the world with the men while we ladies catch up.”

  Openly reluctant to leave her side, David walked slowly back to Brad and Venus’s father, who were deep in conversation.

  “You do look tired, Rebecca. Something is going on. What is it?” Kate asked in her crisp matter-of-fact way.

  “Yes, something is going on.” Rebecca leaned closer. “Kate, would you help Alistair with his children’s book on goddess mythology if I need to take a break? And, Venus, how do you think your father would feel about that?”

  Rebecca didn’t flinch when Kate cast her a long, piercing look. “You’re scaring me,” she said bluntly.

  “Me, too,” Venus added. The fact Rebecca and David had found each other gave shimmering, blissful hope to other women to believe in second chances at love.

  “No, no, darlings, trust me. There is nothing to fear.” Rebecca reached out to clasp their hands. “I’ll know in a few days if I’m taking on a very special project with David. If so, I may not be able to give Alistair’s book the time and attention it richly deserves.”

  “Have you discussed this with him?” Kate glanced up to where Venus’s father stood with the younger men.

  She knew her father’s mane of white hair, long-lashed aquamarine eyes, and straight back made him every bit as attractive to women as men nearly half his age. She’d seen it in the years since her mother died.

  “I wanted to discuss it first with the two of you to get your permission before I talk to Alistair.” Rebecca looked pointedly at Venus.

  Instantly, as if she’d finally been granted some of Diana’s psychic gift, Venus understood Rebecca might also be doing a little matchmaking between Kate and her dad and wanted her approval.

  She felt a rush of sadness, thinking of her mom’s short illness and her loss and how working hard at Clayworth’s had been her father’s salvation for all those years.

  Until it was taken away.

  She had every intention of righting that injustice just as her mother would have done.

  She looked into Kate’s kind face and thought of the other voids in her father’s life that could be filled. “Dad has always said Kate is one of the smartest women he knows. I think it would be a lovely partnership.”

  “Fabulous. I’m so happy.” Sighing, Rebecca leaned back in the chair. “Now let’s discuss the delicious fact that Connor can’t take his eyes off you this evening, Venus.”

  Kate glanced across the room to where he stood, propped against a pillar, and smiled. “Indeed he can’t. I’ve noticed it, too.”

  Proud of herself for not following suit and looking at him again, Venus blinked, feigning innocence. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re both talking about.”

  Rebecca patted her hand. “Never fear. Your secret is safe with us.”

  Venus knew it was true, but still felt relieved when the waiter walked past hitting the chimes, announcing dinner.

  Although Brad walked beside her, his attention rema
ined firmly on talking with David, which was fine with Venus, who needed to center all her attention on not giving away her desire to talk to Connor.

  In the crush going into the ballroom, Maxie sidled up beside her. Venus stopped, letting Brad go on without her.

  “I wanted to show you this earlier, but I didn’t want Edward to see.” With furtive glances in all directions, Maxie opened her gold, egg-shaped Judith Leiber bag just enough so Venus could peer inside.

  A ring set with an emerald surrounded by mounds of diamonds sparkled out at her.

  “Wow. He has great taste.” Venus glanced at Ed, walking ahead of them talking to her father. “If you really want to sell this ring it needs to go to a fine jeweler.”

  Nodding, Maxie clicked the bag shut. “Edward thinks the ring is too flashy for Chicago. I only wear it when we go to Vegas. I’m not sure I can bear to part with it. I wanted to share with you some of the treasures I have in my closet.”

  “I can’t wait to get in there.” Venus smiled and hurriedly waved, following Brad to their seats.

  As he pulled out her chair, she glanced two tables over to where Connor sat between Bridget and Diana.

  I also can’t wait for this night to be over so I can talk to you.

  Chapter 16

  All the way home, not wanting the limo driver to hear more of their personal business than necessary, Venus sat like a lump, saying nothing, just nodding while Brad talked endlessly about his plans for the expansion of his firm in Chicago and all the contacts he needed to make as soon as possible.

  At her door, he literally had not stopped talking and had one foot inside before she could turn to stop him.

  “Brad, you must be exhausted after closing such a big deal, traveling, and then going to the gala with me.”

  “Aren’t you asking me in for a nightcap? One for the road?” His signature crinkly-eyed grin did make her laugh.

  “As you say, I do know you well, Brad, so I know exactly why you want to come in. The answer is no.”

  Not giving up, he nuzzled her neck. “Playing hard to get, gorgeous, because I haven’t called lately?” he whispered in her ear.

  Yes, I know you and I know it is more than time to end this. All she needed to do was press her palms firmly against his chest for him to back off.

  “No, Brad. I’m tired. And so are you. Call me tomorrow if you like.”

  “Sure?” He lifted one eyebrow. “It’s been too long.”

  “Good night, Brad.” When she stepped back out onto her narrow front porch, he had no polite option but to do the same.

  “You know what you’re missing.” He pinched her chin, tilting it up. “Sure about this?”

  “Good night, Brad,” she repeated without hesitation and stared him straight in his eyes.

  “Your choice. I’ll call you later,” he muttered, as he loped down the steps and out her gate.

  Just to be sure he’d really gone, she watched from her front porch until the town car disappeared into the night.

  She stared at the spot in front of her town house where Connor had sat watching over her.

  If it wasn’t so late I’d call him.

  “C’mon, Georgia,” Connor called softly.

  Tingling shock made her shiver.

  Did I imagine I heard him because I’m thinking about him?

  Looking around, her heart thumping hard against her ribs, she moved slowly down the steps, through the gate, and out onto the sidewalk.

  In the shadows at the end of the building she saw the darker outline of a man.

  At any other time late at night she would have screamed in terror and bolted into her town house.

  I know it’s him.

  “Connor?” she called.

  “Yeah, it’s me. I was waiting for Brad to leave.” He moved out of the shadows into the glow of the street light.

  Then she saw he’d changed out of his tux into jeans and a sweater, had a duffel bag slung over one shoulder, and held a huge black Newfoundland and a small pug on leashes.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, even though she knew the answer. Pleasure melted through her.

  “Atlas, Georgia, and I are spending the night protecting you. Your news segment has already played on Channel 7.”

  She tried not to smile, tried not to show her feelings. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and purposely didn’t look at him.

  Instead she studied the dogs. “The Newfie is big enough to scare anyone. He looks like a bear.” Unable not to smile, she gazed down at the pug, who stared unblinking right back at her. “But Georgia as a watchdog?”

  “The best. If anything moves she barks and Atlas follows suit.”

  Still confused, still trying to figure out her next move, she shook her head. “How did you all get here? Atlas would never fit into your Ferrari.”

  “I drove my Jeep. I parked in that garage two blocks west in an attempt to safeguard your reputation. You know Chicago is a small town in some ways. If Rebecca doesn’t write about it, someone else will. We’re lucky no one saw me the other night.”

  His smile, the way his eyes seemed to be caressing her face, made her shiver. She wrapped her arms around her bare shoulders, “I know we’d be the talk of the town.”

  “Hell, I don’t care about the gossip but I don’t want it for you.”

  Again his eyes seemed to be caressing her face, her body.

  “You’re shivering from the cold. Let’s go inside.”

  Excitement a blazing flow through her veins, she tried to count the dozens and dozens of reasons why she should never allow him to do any such thing as spend the night with her.

  She opened the gate. “This is utterly unnecessary but since you’re all here and it’s so late how can I refuse?”

  To see Connor in her living room, letting his dogs off their leashes, and then giving her his almost-smile, his eyes stroking her, had to be akin to an out-of-body experience.

  “Don’t worry about me, Venus. I’ll sleep there.” He motioned to the deep blue velvet sofa loaded with sapphire and ruby red silk tasseled pillows.

  “No, you won’t.” Attempting to be as matter-of-fact as possible, despite the tingling excitement in the pit of her stomach, she motioned him to follow her up the staircase and down the short hall to the guest room.

  She flipped on the light. “If you insist on staying you can at least get a good night’s sleep in here.” Deliberately not looking at the queen-size bed, draped in jade green and mother-of-pearl, she moved right to the bathroom. “There are extra toiletries in here for you to use.”

  “I brought my own toothbrush.”

  The fact that Connor was actually trying to be amusing added to the utterly surreal scenario. The whole idea of his being fully prepared to spend the night and her letting him do it shook the very foundation of her world.

  But this is what I set out to do. Get close to him for pillow talk. Has it always been at the back of my mind even when I denied it to Diana and to myself? Use his feelings for me to get what I want?

  The truth hit her over the head.

  I can’t. I care about him too much.

  Needing to get away from him, she backed out of the room. “Good night, Connor. Sleep tight.”

  As quickly as she could move in a tight dress and towering heels, she closed her bedroom door and leaned back against it.

  “Men in love don’t always use their heads,” he’d once said, and she believed it. Every feminine instinct screamed that if she walked back into his bedroom they’d end up in bed together and she might get the “pillow talk” about her dad she so desired.

  The impossible has happened. I want to sleep with the enemy because I’m stupidly attracted to him.

  That truth sent her reeling away from the door to pace her room.

  Nothing had turned out the way she’d planned in her fervor to help her dad no matter what she needed to do.

  Stumbling onto the truth about the mermaid brooch had brought them here to this mom
ent and the shocking realization about her totally confusing feelings toward Connor.

  Desperate to get a grip on herself, she kicked off her heels and yanked down the zipper on her dress.

  I need to focus on getting into bed and sleeping this madness off.

  Slowly, carefully, she hung the evening gown in the canvas dress bag. Locked the priceless mermaid brooch in the small wall safe hidden in her closet. Went through her usual nighttime ritual before settling into bed and closing her eyes.

  In the morning my sanity will be restored and everything will look much clearer.

  What seemed like hours later, she opened her eyes to glance at the crystal clock beside the bed.

  Only fifteen long minutes had passed.

  Sighing, she flipped over on her right side, punched the pillow into a more comfortable position, closed her eyes, and tried to will herself to fall asleep.

  Almost as if an alarm were ringing in her head, again and again she opened her eyes to glance at the time to find mere minutes had passed.

  A low, scratching sound, movement outside her door as if someone was leaning against it, brought her straight up in the bed.

  Every nerve quivering, heart pounding in hot anticipation, she watched the door inch open in slow motion.

  Should I pull back the covers, inviting Connor in, or throw the clock at him and tell him to get out?

  Atlas butted the door open wider with his enormous head and the pug strolled in ahead of him.

  The moment rocked Venus in silent laughter.

  Georgia jumped up onto the velvet-covered bench at the foot of the bed and then leaped nearly into Venus’s lap.

  A moment later Atlas flopped down with a thud beside the bed.

  They were too adorable to scold. “Okay, you can both stay,” she whispered, patting Georgia’s head.

  Immediately the pug stretched out beside her and began to snore.

  At least one of us is getting some sleep.

  Sure she wouldn’t without help, Venus slid out of bed and stepped carefully over Atlas to swing the bedroom door almost closed, but not quite, in case the dogs wanted to get out. Then she went into her bathroom.


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