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Jethro 3: No Place Like Home

Page 4

by Chris Hechtl

  The human ensign looked at the recruit. “You don't speak unless I ask a specific question directed to you. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir,” the Veraxin said. “I don't understand...”

  “You don't have to understand, just do as you are told,” the human said, tone tightening in disapproval. He turned a glare on Jethro.

  “They are new, sir.”

  “I see that. I think you need to put them on a shorter leash Sergeant. At least until they've learned manners.”

  “Aye aye, Sir.”

  “I'm calling in the repair. I'll check upstream and see what's going on and why no one reported it.”

  “Yes, sir.”


  “Aye, sir. Moving on,” Jethro said, waving to his chicks to follow. He gathered up his tool kit and moved on. “Come one kids,” he said, waving his hand for them to follow. “Next job site...”

  When they were out of earshot the Veraxin clicked his mandibles. Jethro looked over his shoulder again, then around. He slowed until the four recruits caught up. “Something?”

  “I'm wondering why we weren't allowed to observe the repair. Or help.”

  “And why we were told to leave like that?” another recruit muttered darkly.

  Jethro snorted. “Well, it's a thing between Marines and squids. Squids are what we call the sailors. They don't like being shown up, least of all by us.”

  “Jarheads. My head is not shaped like a jar.”

  “It's an archaic term. Don't sweat the small stuff. The point here is that they don't like that we found it and they didn't. That made them look bad. So they naturally wanted us gone so to fix it without any comments from us.”


  “It's perfectly natural to miss something. Normally. But some people are either willfully blind or negligent. I have no idea what in this case. It could be minor or not; I don't know. I know my job though, that's to go on to the next site.”

  “So...why didn't they do this before? I mean again, sir?”

  Jethro snorted softly. “I think the ensign is wondering the same thing. Others will wonder the same. Maybe it will get some people to pay attention to their jobs so not to get shown up by the dumb jarheads. Not my problem.” He looked at them as they rounded a corner and headed to the lift. “Not your problem either. This is supposed to be a training exercise to keep me in shape, an independent look at the ship's systems, and a fresh perspective for you as an intro. Next is electrical, which isn't something I'm thrilled about...”

  ---( | ) --- ( | )---

  Much to Jethro's chagrin, his find was kicked up the chain of command. He had hoped it would have been kept in house, in the enlisted quarters to keep an incident from happening. Stop it somewhere at the NCO level with the ship's bosun. No such luck. A simple mistake. A misreading could have explained it away, but logs showed that the tech involved, Spaceman Miller, hadn't checked when he was supposed to do so. Lying about it made it worse; it kicked off a more grim investigation. Jethro was called in to testify before the XO. Shelby Logan took his statement while the tech stood nearby.

  When Jethro was finished he stood at attention while the XO perused the records. “Meddling panther,” the tech muttered. Commander Logan snarled at him to remain quiet. The tech was put before a Captain's mast and sentenced to a demotion of rank to E-2 Journeyman and forfeiture of one month's pay. The tech was sullen angry with Jethro.

  “Damn nosy cat. Didn't anyone ever tell him curiosity killed the cat?” Mister Miller snarled, fists clenching over and over. “Someone ought to teach him that...” He said with an ugly growl.

  Firefly overheard the tech's vow to get even. “That isn't the proper attitude to take from this, Mister Miller,” the AI said from the overhead. The tech winced, shoulders hunched. He looked up.

  “And definitely not something to be saying about a fellow crewman. I'm going to let it slide as something you are saying in the heat of the moment, Mister Miller, but I'm counseling you on regaining the proper perspective on this situation. It isn't Sergeant McLintock's fault you got caught, it is your own. Lying about it just made it worse. I suggest you learn from the experience and don't do it again.”

  “Aye aye, Sir,” the tech said.

  “Dismissed,” The AI said as the Captain came out of her wardroom. She paused as the tech stalked off.

  “Still a hard head?”

  “A bit, ma'am. His file states that he is a bit of a hot head. Something about an Irish temper, though I'm not certain if the genetic factor is true or not. He isn't happy and has focused negatively on the Sergeant,” the AI replied as Major Pendeckle exited the lift and came over to the Captain.

  “Something up Major?”

  “I was summoned,” the Major said, waving a hand to the ceiling.

  “Oh?” The Captain asked, waving the Marine officer to her wardroom. Since it was near their morning meeting, the Captain waved them off for the moment as they got a cup of coffee. Some of the other officers filed in.

  “What is this about? The meeting?” The Major asked, taking a sip of coffee. “We're still on course right?”

  “Everything there is fine,” Firefly said. “Or within specs. No, I called you, Major, because of the recent incident with Sergeant McLintock and Tech Miller. Specifically, Tech Miller just let slip a bit about how this may not be over.”

  “Miller eh?” Chief Chowler grunted, coming into the compartment. “Him again.”

  “Is he going to be a problem?” The Captain asked.

  “He's a hot head Captain,” Firefly reported. He was duty bound to report the talk to the Captain and to Major Pendeckle since it was a veiled threat against a fellow crew member. He laid out the brief statement and even the recording he had made. “I counseled him over disciplining him, ma'am. I didn't want to make the situation worse. I know you organics tend to, as the expression says, pop off without knowing what comes out of your mouth or meaning it.”

  “True,” Chowler replied. “Miller more than most. He's kept it in check, but I know this is his third demotion in the past two years. Last one was for popping someone in the eye.”

  “If he tried that with the good Sergeant he'd be used as a scratching post,” the Major replied with a snort. “Count on it.”

  The Captain's face was cold. She drummed her fingers in annoyance. “That damn cat...” she growled darkly. She and Jethro had a bit of a history. He had gone out on a limb and killed a group of slimeballs without clearance from the chain of command. That had bothered her, more because he had nearly pulled her career down with him had he gotten caught. She knew now he had acted in a calculated fashion to not only render justice that was obviously in short supply, but also cover the Navy from any repercussions should he be exposed. She still didn't have to like it though.

  “Ma'am, you can't blame the Sergeant in this instance; ma'am, he did his duty. Tech Miller obviously didn't. He didn't like getting caught. He still doesn't understand it wasn't so much the not doing the job that got him in trouble as it was lying about it and trying to cover it up afterwards.”


  Jethro was unsure what happened until he caught on that he'd accidentally caught someone out. He shrugged. “If he'd done his job in the first place...”

  “Right. But that's not going to buy you any favors with the crew so watch your tail.”


  The engineering department was now a bit hostile and competitive with the jarheads, seeing them now as the enemy, a snitch. Some who had been coasting on high morale and had forgotten or glossed over harder chores now had to dig in and do them. Some resentment was formed there, even more so when the XO and Chief engineer insisted that experienced hands do the hard, dirty jobs before they shoved it off on a clueless recruit. That didn't go over well with the engineers.

  At the next morning staff meeting, the Captain asked if it was going to be a long-term problem.

  “I'll get a handle on it eventually, ma'am. They know be
tter; they just don't want to admit it. Some of the chores are a bitch, and I for one don't want some greenhorn ham handed twit trying to do them. Not when my ass may be riding on the line if they get it wrong. It'll take a couple days, but I expect to drill that into some of the wiser heads shortly. The rest,” he shrugged helplessly. “They'll never learn,” Chief Chowler said. “For now though, waking them up and getting them back to work was a good thing. We've got way too many noobs and some coasters. You know I transferred some of my best people to man the ships we left behind in Antigua right?” He said. The Captain nodded. “Unfortunately, that left us with some borderline people. They aren't bad apples, but a few you have to keep on them to get the job done,” the Chief replied.

  “They lack initiative?” The Captain asked. She glanced at Shelby who nodded. “It's not just battle damage?”

  “I've been helping out in engineering, ma'am, giving the Chief some downtime or freeing him up for other projects. Some of the staff in the department know their stuff, but you have to be on them constantly to make sure it is done. They know they need to do it but always have an excuse. And if it is a hard or dirty job…,” she shook her head in disgust. “Yes, there are a lot of issues to fix though.”

  The Captain made a face. She should have known it wouldn't be so simple or easy a fix.

  “Lazy, pure cussed laziness. Pure and simple. They play dumb a lot and think they can get away with it. Some are just in the Navy for a job, meal and the perks. Most aren't above grade E-4. I'm tempted to bust the lot of them back to E-1.”

  Renee snorted. “I see. Join the Navy; see the universe. They probably have or think they have a sense of adventure. Girls like the uniform.”

  “Yeah, but they don't like the whole getting shot at and dying thing,” the XO said. “I've heard some grumbling.”

  Renee nodded but turned to the Chief. “Right. Well, Chief, get them off their asses and moving. And keep them moving.”

  “I'm working on it skipper. Unfortunately, I'm about out in noncoms though, to do that.”

  Renee nodded. “Good. Make a list with Firefly and the XO then. We'll employ a bit of carrot and stick. It's been a while since I've gotten to play the bitch,” she said grinning. The smile didn't touch her eyes. “Bread and water if we have to, though I don't expect it. Pick the best, and we'll promote them if you think it's warranted. Anyone we want out of here in Pyrax, let me know. We'll see if we can get rid of some of the bad apples there.”

  The Chief nodded slowly. “I'm not sure about taking on unknown crew over people I least not if we're going into battle, ma'am.”

  “We'll have roughly a month in transit to work out the rough edges, Chief. Perfect is the enemy of good as the quote goes,” the Captain said.

  “Close enough,” Firefly replied.

  Renee snorted as she looked to the AI and then back to the Chief. “Besides, we'll worry about that when we get to Pyrax. We still have to convince Commander Logan to let us go,” Shelby replied. The other officers nodded grimly.

  ---( | ) --- ( | )---

  “They really don't know when to take a break do they?” Major Pendeckle asked as he entered the officer's wardroom for the morning report. He poured himself a cup of coffee as the Captain perused a passage on the report in front of her and twirled her spoon. The Major inhaled the fragrant smell of coffee. It was real coffee, sent up from Antigua as a thank you from a coffee plantation. Of course, the Captain had kept the best for her own use, which was why he rarely missed a morning briefing. He smiled inwardly. It was probably why the sneak had done so or at least one reason.

  “Who, your Marines?” Captain Mayweather asked idly, eyes twinkling as she set the spoon aside and sipped her cup of coffee. “I'd say no. Gung ho as ever. Probably more now that they've had a taste of real combat,” she teased.

  “For some it was a first taste. But for others like, oh a certain mostly Neo squad, it wasn't.”

  “Ah, them,” the Captain replied, nodding as her voice cooled.

  Firefly eyed the skipper and then the Marine officer. “Any issues?” he asked, knowing none had yet to be reported or observed.

  “No, except they are working too hard. They need downtime but can't handle it. I'm not certain how to get them downtime while we're in transit.”

  “Some VR?” Commander Logan suggested, entering the compartment. She went to the carafe and poured herself a cup of coffee. “Sorry, couldn't help but overhear,” she said over her shoulder.

  “That helps for some, but others use the VR for training. Training is all well and good, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. You peak too early. You can also become jittery. They are starting to feel normal when in combat or in simulated combat.”

  “Which is hell when they stand down. They don't know what to do with themselves. I understand now,” Firefly said thoughtfully.

  The two human officers turned inquiring looks to the AI. “Oh?” The skipper asked, taking another sip of coffee as her XO stirred sugar into hers.

  “It was an issue discussed during the war. Combat became the norm that some burned out—PTSD and several other psychological issues. Tense situations generate adrenaline in organics. To some it can become addictive. The let down afterward can be intensely depressing. Discipline issues can crop up as well as suicides or homicides.”

  “Ah, not something I'd like to have on my ship,” the Captain replied with moderate severity. “And the fix?”

  “A blow-out party tends to relieve tension. Get them to talk about the problems they faced in a social environment. Socialize on the ship before going into public sometimes heads off leave issues.”


  “A party,” the Major mused, rubbing his chin. “We have debriefs to help unload after combat. Just knowing someone is willing to listen helps a lot. But a party?”

  “Well, they've certainly earned it. Hell, we've all earned it,” Commander Logan said, coming over to take her seat at the table. She nodded politely to the Captain.

  “Earned what?” Doctor Standish asked, coming into the compartment.

  “A party.”

  “Oh boy, more hangovers to nurse? Now that we've got the implants and injured under control you want to stick that on us?”

  “Well, it wouldn't do to have you bored, doctor,” the skipper said, pursing her lips in a small smile as she took a sip of coffee.

  “Perish the thought,” Chief Chowler said, coming in as well. “Caught the last. Hell, I think everyone did since you left the wardroom door open,” he said shaking his head.

  “Oh great, now we're in for it,” Shelby replied with a mock sorrowful sigh as the skipper exhaled noisily.

  “Are you sure this is wise skipper? I mean, we're coming down like a ton of bricks on the lazy ones. Now we throw a party?” The chief asked as he made his way around the compartment to the half-filled carafe. The steward poked his head out of his door to check on them and then withdrew.

  “Carrot and the stick approach chief,” Shelby said. “But we've got to frame it in the right light. Any ideas skipper?”

  “I have one,” the chief said, pouring himself a cup of coffee. “And it's appropriate since we're close to jump exit in Triang. And since we've got all sorts of noobs laying about...tradition and all...”

  Slowly the Captain's face cleared and then she chuckled. Shelby glanced her way and then snorted.

  “Yeah, I think Commander Firefly can arrange something in that regard, as keeper of tradition and all,” the skipper said, saluting the ship AI's holo avatar with her cup.

  “I'll do my best skipper,” Firefly replied.

  ---( | ) --- ( | )---

  Firefly organized a jump-out party. Antiguans, having never been in hyper before were inducted into the traditional fraternity with a blow-out party. The officers attended with as much dignity as the enlisted allowed. They took a day to party, then a shift and a half to sleep the worst of it off before they moved on.

  Of course, m
ost of the engineers were too busy out on the hull to participate. There was some resentment over that, but they knew what they were doing was important. Four of the nodes in the port bow had to be replaced, another five nodes had to be repaired. Minor faults had cropped up in some of the other nodes; work crews were swarming the hull.

  Recruits who were suit qualified were pressed into service as well. Chief Chowler ran his people in six-hour shifts on the hull, making certain each had time off to at least enjoy some of the party and get some rack time.

  Commander Logan made herself scarce in the party, taking a double shift out on the hull with the work parties there. Even the Captain took a shift out there supervising the repairs.

  Janice spent her time as much as possible manning the bridge. She shared the duty with Lieutenant Purple Thorn, who was the watch duty officer. Lieutenant Yu, however, coordinated the repairs and worked on the jump calculations for the short jump, refining them constantly.

  Deja had mostly abstained from drinking; he knew he would have to fly in a day and didn't want to helm the ship with a hangover. It was hard enough to run the ship in Delta, let alone dropping to Beta to skip through the outer edge of a system. He seriously didn't need to endanger the ship with blurred reflexes. Still, he did have a bit of fun, and he found that being mostly sober and messing with those that had tied one on was as much fun as getting drunk himself. The great thing was, some wouldn't remember it at all, he thought maliciously.

  ---( | ) --- ( | )---

  Two days after arrival in Triang the ship was cleared for jump. Chief Chowler and Commander Logan were both exhausted but gave a thumbs up. Janice worried at the node balance for a half hour before her dithering got the attention of the skipper. She reluctantly signed off on the jump.

  Deja felt the rush as the ship jumped, and the near frantic urge to control the ship and keep her safe. Fortunately, Lieutenant Yu, having experienced skip jumps before knew the routine, so she had started him off with a short jump back out past the periphery and then back in, letting him get his bearings.


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