Abandoned but Not Alone

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Abandoned but Not Alone Page 16

by Theresa L. Henry

  “What the hell are you staring at me like that for?”

  “What…?” he asked surprised at Jason’s verbal attack.

  “I said stop starting at me – I don’t like it!”

  “Make me!”

  Jackson and Josh were both surprised by Jake’s response. Not known for having a quick temper, he would normally slow burn before an eruption. But Jason seemed to have an adverse effect on him. Pushing back their chairs at the same time, both men shot to their feet and faced off across the table. Shocked neither Jackson nor Josh moved – but Aviva did. Banging her fist against the table she managed to gain their attention.

  Pointing a finger at Jacob and then Jason she muttered through gritted teeth, “You and you sit down, - now!”

  Josh sniggered, swinging around to face him Aviva flashed him a deadly look. “And you zip it!” He wanted to laugh out loud, but he wasn’t stupid, he knew he would be much better off not drawing her attention away from his brothers, besides he was having too much fun at their expense. Raising his forefinger and thumb to his lips he mimed a zipping action. She was not amused.

  “Aviva, I won’t stand for you speaking to me like that in my own house, not now, not ever!”

  “Well sit down then, I don’t care – just keep quiet.” She purred, sarcasm dripping from her every word.

  It was Jake’s turn to snigger at Jason’s expense, Aviva was having none of it. “Don’t you dare laugh at him! Who the hell do you think you are, and didn’t I just tell you to sit down and be quiet?!”

  “Aviva…” they both growled in perfect synchronization.

  She wasn’t prepared to listen to another word any of them had to say. The top of her head felt as though it were going to explode. Soundlessly pushing back her chair, she removed her napkin from her lap, folded it to a perfect rectangle and placed it beside her untouched meal.

  “You know what you can all do, you can all stuff off!” At their incredulous looks Aviva glanced at Jackson to see his head bent, his napkin covering his face, his shoulders moving up and down. “Now look what you’ve all done, you made Jackson cry! Jackson, I’m so sorry, please don’t cry – all of you, apologize this minute.”

  With one hand still holding his napkin to his face his spare hand banged the table repeatedly. Unable to hold back any longer, Jackson erupted in laughter. Shocked beyond belief at his laughter, Aviva was offended, in fact she was highly offended. “You are all barbarians, you know that, right?” she said in a huff of exasperation before sitting back down.

  Rising to his feet Jackson held up his glass. “I would like to propose a toast, to Aviva…The General. Josh stood joining the others, as they raised their glasses and chanted, for once in total accord, “The General!”

  “Yeah, and don’t you forget it!”

  The rest of the meal passed mainly in silence, Jackson and Josh tried to initiate conversation but failed miserably. Aviva who had long since lost her appetite and not really feeling very sociable didn’t even try to join in the attempted conversation, answering direct queries where possible with a monosyllable. Needing some space from so much testosterone, Aviva excused herself from the table and made her way to her room.


  Standing by her bedroom window Aviva looked out at the night sky. Running through her mind were thoughts of the men downstairs and her inability to fathom a mind such as Diana’s. The woman sounded like a calculating bitch who had sunk so low as to sell her own children. Aviva understood flaws; she had more than her fair share. Her temper for one and she was something of a control freak – oh and not forgetting she was very bossy. Snorting, she shook her head and smiled, ‘The General’ – she kinda liked it.

  Running a bath as hot as she could stand it accompanied by her favorite bubble bath; Aviva climbed in, closing her eyes, relaxing, allowing her head to rest against the rim of the oval bath. Exhaling in pleasure she attempted to clear her mind of the evening’s events and give herself over to the pleasure of the hot water caressing her skin. Hearing movement in her bedroom she didn’t open her eyes, she knew who it was, had even been expecting him.

  Jason stood by the threshold of the bathroom watching Aviva as she relaxed in her bath; the scent of jasmine filling the air as the flames from tiny tea light candles twinkled in the darkened room. Steam rising all around her leaving a layer of moisture glistening on her face and what seemed like small crystals glinting on her long eyelashes.

  Walking towards her, Jason stooped down and ran his fingertips back and forth along Aviva’s exposed throat gathering moisture in his wake. “I can’t tell you how beautiful you are to me, how having you here, in my home makes me feel.” Turning her head in his direction she opened her eyes as Jason lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers in a gentle kiss. It always surprised her how gently he could kiss her. From what she had seen of his interactions with most people, he seemed to march a straight line through life and was willing to take out whoever or whatever was in his path. But when they were alone, as they were now, his fingertips feeling as light as a feather brushing against her skin, she felt as though they were the only two people in the world.

  Standing abruptly Jason took a small step away from the bath. “Stand up Angel” Grabbing hold of the towel she had set out in readiness for leaving her bath, Jason held it out for her as he inclined his head towards the towel. Rising to her feet, rivulets of water clinging to her skin, wrapping her in the towel he swept her into his arms. Expecting him to take her to the bed in her room, Aviva was startled when he kept walking through the door, down the long hallways and into his suite.

  “This is where we’re going to make love for the first time Angel, in my bed, in my home.” Gently, reverently placing her on the silk covers, he stood back looking down at her. Rising up on her elbows the towel slipped, revealing the tops of her full breasts.

  Jason felt the temperature rise, arousal and anticipation running rampant through his veins. He couldn’t wait any longer, he needed to hold her, feel her soft skin rubbing against his body. Standing abruptly, he pulled his t-shirt over his head in one quick move, exposing his broad chest. Aviva’s mouth began to water. The man was majorly sexy and he was taking off his clothes for her. Licking her lips, she waited in anticipation for him to remove his jeans, following his hands as they approached the fastening. He paused; fingers hooked into the top of his trousers. Aviva wondered why he had stopped. Looking up she realized, Jason was watching her reaction to his every move, his eyes black and fixed and filled with promise.

  “Do you like what you see so far, my Angel?”

  Oh Lord, there it was that deep smoldering tone that made her toes curl. So he wanted to ask questions instead of taking off his damn jeans. Aviva was ready to play. “I’ve got to say I’m a little disappointed…”

  Jason blinked twice unsure of what he had just heard. “I do believe I need you to repeat that last comment. I’m not sure I heard you correctly.”

  “I said, I’m a little disappointed…in how long you’re taking to get rid of those damn jeans. The show was just heating up.” Aviva said laughing at his expression.

  “Oh, so you’ve got jokes, laughing girl…well alright then, let’s see if I can make you cry.”

  “Girls play with dolls and I’ll have you know, I’m all woman, baby.”

  “Um, all women, I like that, in which case you can play with me.”

  Jason unhooked his fingers from his waistband and released the button holding his pants together. Using his forefinger and thumb he watched her as he pulled down his zipper to reveal dark red boxers. Stepping out of the garment he left them where they lay. The man was deliberately taking his time to drive her mad. Well two can play that game. Pulling herself onto her knees, Aviva allowed the towel to loose and slip a notch, just enough to show the beginning of her areola before gathering it into a clenched fist, holding it in place, raised her eyes to Jason for a brief moment to give him a coy look, then sliding her eyes down his muscled che
st, his toned abdomen before coming to rest on the tented material of his underwear. Oh yes, she really had his attention now, and in what looked like a very big way.

  Jason didn’t waste time removing his last remaining piece of clothing, unashamedly standing before her in all his naked splendor, his arms folded across his chest and his penis straining towards his abdomen. Tilting his head, his stare directed at her fist holding the towel in place, it was her turn. Uncurling her fingers one at a time, she released the concealing towel.

  It was Jason’s turn to watch her slow deliberate movements, his every instinct urging him towards her. With each movement of her fingers his breathing intensified. At the movement of her final unfurling finger, Jason moved and he moved quickly, so quickly Aviva uttered a yelp as his chest came flush against hers. Wrapping his arms around her, pulled her tightly into his embrace and devoured her lips in a brutal kiss of possession. His tongue swipes of wetness bent on seducing her to gain access to the deep recesses of her mouth.

  Aviva’s sigh gave Jason the access he had been striving for. Swirling his tongue within her mouth he silently demanded her reciprocation. Aviva was lost in a sensual haze of arousal, the feel of Jason’s massive chest pressed against her sensitive nipples, his ribbed abdomen outlined against her belly and the hardness of his penis trapped between their perspiring bodies.

  Jason pulled his insistent lips away to place a trail of kisses along her jaw, giving attention to the underside of her chin before moving up and along her neck, extending his wet tongue on a path to her ear. Reaching his destination, he unexpectedly nipped her lobe with sharp teeth before drawing it into his mouth to soothe the sting. The first time he had kissed her on their way to the wedding reception, Jason thought he had discovered one of her erogenous zones. This was his next destination. Securing his lips just behind the earlobe he had just given his attention, Jason sucked, just hard enough for his Angel to emit a gasp of approval. He was right and he had every intention of finding out where all the others were located. Dipping his head he again rained kisses, sips and small nips down her neck, along her collarbone to the top of her perfect full breasts. Jason had always been a breast man, but having dated a lot of flat chested models had all but forgotten his preference, but he was now faced with a realization that greatly pleased him; his Angel had breasts designed to give him years of pleasure. Opening his mouth wide Jason latched on to one of her distended nipples and sucked, swirling his tongue, savoring her taste, her texture, drinking in her moans of pleasure.

  As Jason pulled on her nipple, Aviva felt the cords that connected to her every nerve endings pulled taut. He adjusted his head, moving to lavish its twin with the same attention, sucking, licking pulling, her closer to orgasm with just the touch of his mouth on her breasts. Somewhere in the back of her mind she registered shock. This had never happened before; normally she needed much more simulation to reach this point. She dismissed the thought, this was not the time for introspection, this was the time to feel, feel the touch of his hard body, the touch of his smooth lips, feel the sensations of nerve tingling heat that was on the brink of overtaking her.

  Hearing the change of her breathing, feeling the tension overtaking her body, Jason knew his Angel was about to give him what he wanted. She was about to come for him and he had barely begun what he had in mind for her. “I feel it too, if you can feel it, it’s not too soon, it’s real, come for me Angel, Jason whispered as though reading her mind, running his hands down to her bottom, lifting her, positioning her so she could feel the imprint of his engorged shaft rubbing against her heated core. She couldn’t think, she didn’t want to think only feel so Aviva gave herself over to the pleasure of what Jason’s body did to hers. Her head flopped back while her spine stiffened as the onslaught of her orgasm sent pulses of contractions through her body. Flinging her head forward, Aviva clutched Jason’s head tightly against her chest, gasping lost in delight.

  Releasing his hold on Aviva’s breast, he laid her down against the bed, watching the expressions that passed across her face as she rode her climax. Taking the time, Jason gave up a prayer of thanks, he hadn’t been looking for love, but here it was, and he defied anyone or anything to try and take it away from him. Resting in his arms was his destiny, his life mate, the mother of his children. “Did that feel good, Angel?”

  Aviva needed a moment to catch her breath, aware that Jason had just given her what she needed. Now it was his turn. “It felt good, you know it did; now tell me what you want baby, tell me what you need to feel good,” Aviva’s replied to Jason’s question, turning his own words on him.

  Jason gave her a predatory look smiling at her question. If she thought he would have any qualms telling her exactly what he wanted, she was mistaken. “You want to know what I want, what I need…I want to be buried inside you. Buried so deep you and I become one. Can you give me that, Angel can you give me what I want, what I need?”

  Aviva could still feel the spasms of her climax, but she was willing and ready to give Jason whatever he wanted. Aware that all their encounters had been initiated by him, Aviva decided to turn the table. Moving unexpectedly she reversed their positions, somehow managing to flip Jason on his back. Her movement was sudden, but she knew his strength, his awareness of what was going on around him and he had allowed the reversal. Straddling his prone body, Aviva ran her hand along the insides of his arms, until she reached his hands. Taking hold of them she raised them above his head. “Promise me you’ll leave your hands where I put them. No questions, just promise me.”

  Jason, never being a man to relinquish control, hesitated, unsure of what she had in mind.

  “Come on, Jason what’s the worst that could happen, I could make you feel good.”

  Coming to a decision in an instance, Jason agreed. “Okay, my Angel, I promise. I’ll leave my hands wherever you put them.”

  Aviva smiled at the thought of having this big muscular man at her mercy. Jason King was going to squirm and she knew just how to make it happen.

  “Do you feel alright baby, are you ready for this? This is all about you, only you. I’m about to make you feel good.”

  Jason was slightly amused by her play on his words. What he didn’t realize at that moment was that in the past his sexual encounters had originated from sexual gratification, Aviva was different, their every movement, their every touch was generated from a much deeper level.

  Aviva looked down at Jason his eyes at half mast, watching her, trying to anticipate her next move. She knew he found her sexy, different, and probably exotic, but there was more to their fledgling relationship, so much more and Aviva had every intention of showing him just that.

  Looking down at Jason’s body from her elevated position Aviva wondered where to begin, her eyes sweeping all over his body at once, spoilt for choice. “Angel…I don’t care where you touch first, just touch me.”

  Aviva drew in a breath, at the same time as realizing her hands were shaking, and positioned them on her thigh in an attempt to control their trembling. He was right she needed to touch him and she knew exactly where to begin. Leaning down, she licked him, her tongue making a huge pass along the hardened ridge of his stomach tracing a path to his side, up towards the underside of his exposed arms where the muscles of his biceps flexed and released. Oh my goodness, did this man really taste so good, Aviva decided to find out. Balancing on her shins, arms still on her thighs, she engaged her stomach muscles and bent her head to run her tongue along his lips. He was waiting for her touch and sank one large hand into her hair. Aviva immediately withdrew.

  “What...what’s wrong?”

  Aviva looked at his offending hand but remained silent.

  Jason got the message. His Angel wanted complete control. Well she could have it – for now. His time would come. Repositioning his arm, he watched for her next move. He didn’t see her hands move, rather he felt their touch as she took hold of his engorged penis in both hands, sliding one hand up to the rim of his shaft, while
holding firmly to the base.

  “You broke your promise, you moved. Now I wonder what I should do about that.”

  As the last word left her mouth, Aviva made a ring with the thumb and index finger of each hand, placing one above the other in the middle of his shaft and gently pulled his penis in opposite directions, repeating the motion again and again, Jason loved the sensation of the gentle pull and release she was applying to her stroke. Watching as her devilish smile appeared on her face, Jason knew he was going to love whatever she had in mind. Moving both hands to the base of his shaft while maintaining their ringed shape, Aviva slid her top hand towards the head of his penis until it completely came off the end, all the while her lower hand exerted pressure downwards. She repeated her strokes again and again, picking up speed, her top hand popping of the head of his shaft, simulating the nerves; making Jason writhe on the bed, not giving him a chance to catch his breath, driving him closer and closer to his limit. Perspiration broke out on his exposed skin. Lord, that didn't take long, he was close and she was enjoying every moment of this encounter.

  Jason was close to coming, he could feel the blood engorging in his shaft but he had other intentions of when and where he would come. Using his speed and strength in a sudden motion, he flipped her onto her back and pinned her down, needing to slow things down. “It’s my turn to play, Angel.”

  Taking her very talented hands, Jason kissed them before placing them around his neck, he wanted to see the look in his Angel's eyes when she came for him. “Your turn to promise, don’t close your eyes.” His request didn’t come out as such, it came out as an order as he ran one of his large hands through the valley of her breasts. No response, he continued his journey, down her belly, his touch soft, feather light. Still no answer, his hand never stopped moving down while he waited for her to make the promise. Reaching his goal, Jason brushed his fingertips back and forth against her outer lips. “I’m waiting, Angel.” Jason chuckled as she opened her eyes at the sound of his voice.


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