Abandoned but Not Alone

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Abandoned but Not Alone Page 17

by Theresa L. Henry

  “What did you say?” Aviva asked, lost in the sensual pleasure of the touch of his hand brushing across her heated skin.

  “I said don’t close your eyes.”

  “Okay, I won’t.”

  “You already did.”

  “I did?”

  “Yes, Angel – you did.”

  “Okay, sorry, I won’t do it again, promise. You may continue.”

  Jason adored this woman, only Aviva would consider bossing him around while he was making love to her. His brief moment of humor was gone in an instant. He had more pressing matters on his mind. Like making sure she was ready for him so he could bury himself deep within her. Jason was out of time, he was unsure how much longer he could hold on. Parting her outer lips, he inserted his middle finger into her opening and was met by wetness which coated his finger. Inserting another finger he increased his stroke as he invoked more of her moisture that told him she was ready. He watched Aviva as her eyes closed to half-mast before snapping open at her remembered promise. Holding her gaze, Jason withdrew his fingers from within her wet body and took hold of his shaft. Inserting only the tip, Aviva arched up to meet the touch of their first joining. Jason held himself away refusing to let her move too fast. He wanted to savor every last moment. When he was sure she understood, he gave her another inch, then another and another, stretching her warmth to accommodate the size of him. She was killing him, she was so tight and warm. His time was up, no more playing, he surged forward in one mighty move burying himself to the hilt.

  Aviva’s eyes widened as Jason completely filled her. Oh yes it was on, it was defiantly on and by the look in his eyes he meant business. Pulling back slowly Jason again rushed forward, once, twice, three times.

  “Sorry, Angel – next time okay. I’ll make it last next time…right now…I can’t.”

  The man had to be kidding. That was Aviva’s last coherent thought as Jason again surged forward, his rapid movements, dispelling her thought process, leaving only room for feeling. She started to tremble at the delicious feelings his movements were pulling from her body. Aviva grabbed onto Jason shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist, and if it were possible he sank even deeper into her waiting body. The position of her body, her total acceptance of him seemed to drive him into a frenzy of lust. Jason changed before her eyes, gone was the sophisticated controlled man she was coming to know. That man had been replaced by one of pure sexual power and need, a man who now bared his teeth a determined look in his eyes.

  Rising up onto his palms, Jason braced them beside Aviva’s head and stopped thinking; he only had room for feeling. Feeling the pressure of her strong thighs as they gripped his waist and squeezed, her fingers running through his hair, along his shoulders, her openness all these factors were his undoing. He wanted it all and he wanted it now. His movements intensified, his speed increased, his hips shifting with such rapidity, Aviva began to thrash around beneath him as her eyes glazed over and began to roll back.

  “No! Keep your eyes open.”

  “Jason…I…oh Goddddd.” Aviva screamed.

  Just then he felt it, the contractions within her body as it clamped down on him as she came – hard. At the feel of her first contraction and the look of contorted pleasure written across her face, reflected in her eyes, Jason enhanced. The muscles in his arms grew with power and speed of his movements increased, he had seen and felt what his imagination had been unable to conjure up. Throwing back his head, Jason howled out his release as his arms gave way and he collapsed onto her convulsing, spent.

  He was heavy but she didn’t care. Aviva ran her hands along Jason’s back as his labored breathing slowly began to return to normal.

  “Are you okay, Angel?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Jerking away from her body, Jason looked down at her, concern in his eyes. He was so much bigger than her and could have inadvertently caused her harm. “Did I hurt you, was I too rough?”

  Aviva realized Jason was taking her comment seriously and rushed to assure him she was joking. “I was joking, Jason. Of course I’m fine, why shouldn’t I be, I meant I was better than okay.”

  Wrapping his arms around her he pulled her close to him. “Don’t do that again, Angel. I thought I had hurt you.”


  “I mean it Aviva, don’t do it again.”

  Realizing the seriousness of his demand, she nodded her head in silent promise.

  “Thank you. Now do you want to cuddle or something, women are supposed to love all that mushy stuff.”



  “Cuddling is not mushy.”

  “Whatever you say my Angel, so do you want to or not?”

  He wasn’t fooling her for a minute, Mr King was the one who wanted to cuddle. Lifting his arm, she slipper under it and held him close to her body. They stayed that way, in each others arms for long moments, basking in the feelings running through them. That was until the disturbance made itself known.

  Aviva’s stomach rumbled – loudly and continuously for five seconds.

  “Was that for real?” Jason laughed as he looked over at her eyes wide with humor. Aviva was too hungry to be bothered with embarrassment.

  “Oh, you think that’s funny do you, well let’s see how funny you think it is when I start eating you.” As soon as she said it, she realized her mistake. Jason raised an eyebrow turning onto his back to reveal all his naked glory.

  “I’m ready when you are Angel, eat away. I know you’re hungry, I heard it, so you just go right ahead and gorge yourself, take what you want.”

  Flicking his rising erection with her middle finger, Aviva rolled her eyes as his hands moved with lightning speed to cover his exposed flesh. “Hey, come on now, that was just plain mean – and it hurt.”

  “Serves you right and stop being such a baby. I’m serious, I need food – now. And I need to be carried downstairs, you need to carry me downstairs.”

  Rolling from the bed, Jason walked over to his closet and withdrew a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. Tossing the tee to her, he went into the bathroom to clean himself up. Returning dressed in the sweats, Aviva already wearing Jason's t-shirt which almost reached her knees, also used the bathroom before jumping back onto the bed, holding out her arms towards him.

  “You really expect me to carry you all the way to the kitchen? I don’t know if you’re aware of this, you’re no lightweight.”

  Jason wanted to laugh at the expressions that crossed her face; shock was followed by indignation and finally resolve. She didn’t need to know that he would carry her to the ends of the earth on his bare back if she asked him to. Ready to respond to Jason’s less than gentlemanly comment – he got in first. “Come on Angel, don’t forget I’ve experienced the great thigh of China – trust me, I know what I’m talking about.” Ducking, he just managed to avoid the pillow that flew past his head.

  Laughing out loud in enjoyment, feeling without a shadow of a doubt, she was the one. He had never experienced this type of play with any other woman. He had always refused to spend the night with a woman; he knew he was a good lover who ensured his partner was satisfied before they parted company. He also had the one month rule – never sleep with the same woman more than once in the same month. If the rule were spoken aloud it would make him appear egotistical, but that wasn’t the case, he had learned at an early age that most women wanted permanence, a boyfriend, a husband and he wasn’t either – until now.

  Retrieving the pillow, Jason strolled in his long legged gait back towards the bed. Throwing the pillow aside he lent down and grasped Aviva’s face between his hands, gently kissing her brow. Turning around he bent his legs and presented her with his broad back rippling with muscles and waited. Nothing happened, looking over his shoulder, he saw Aviva’s eyes roaming his back the tip of her tongue running over her lips, as though contemplating doing exactly as she had threatened earlier – eating him. Jason loved it, loved the way she was
looking at him, the way she responded to him, the way she smelt the way she felt, the way her hands felt against his body. Shaking his head he abruptly switched his thoughts away from the path his mind wanted to take him. Later, he could indulge them both later, right now he had to feed his Angel, and himself.


  As Jason carried Aviva closer to the kitchen, he realized his mistake. He should have come alone. Soft voices were emanating from their destination. It would seem they would be having company for their midnight feast.

  Opening the kitchen door Jason and Aviva saw the room was occupied by Jake and Josh who obviously also had their minds on food. Josh had his head stuck in the refrigerator rummaging around, while Jake sat at the table looking directly at them as they entered the room.

  “We have company, Josh.”

  Slowly pulling his head from inside the refrigerator, Josh looked over at the couple standing on the threshold of the kitchen. “Great minds think alike, come take a seat. I got to tell you man, this fridge is stacked but most of it calls for someone with cooking skills.” Josh commented with a hopeful look in his eyes.

  “Jason, I think he means you.”

  “Yeah right, like that’s gonna happen.”

  “Well in that case our choices are: some kind of casserole meaty thingy, I don’t know about you guys but I’m not really feeling that, I could rustle up some omelets, or I could make a load of my world famous triple-decker sandwiches. The choice is yours fellow diners.” Looking around expectantly at the others, Josh could once again feel the tension mounting between his brothers and had no intentions of allowing it to take root. He wanted them to at least try to be in each others company without the hostile looks and snide comments which would lead to raised voices.

  Noticing the looks passing between Jason and Jake, Aviva slid from Jason’s back and padded over to a chair. Taking a seat she looked at Josh who was currently wearing a look of resignation while he waited patiently for a response of everyone’s food choice.

  Quickly fed up with their antics, Aviva rolled her eyes deciding to ignore them both. “I for one will not be eating anything described as unappetizingly as a ‘casserole meaty thingy’, I don’t fancy eggs, so sandwiches it is – and as Jason and Jake appear to need something with which to distract themselves, I think they should make the sandwiches – together.” Dismissing their looks of horror, Aviva turned to Josh requesting a glass of milk as he still had the refrigerator open. Her request was met by gagging sounds from Jason and Jake; both men turning an odd shade of green. Fascinated by their reaction, Aviva decided to push a little further, wondering how green they could go. Glancing at Josh, Aviva saw he was wearing a devilish look and only just caught his sly wink – she had a partner in crime.

  “Sooo...Aviva, how would you like your…milk, hot or cold?”

  “Oh Joshua, I really don’t fancy my…milk hot tonight. Normally, at this time of night, nothing would be more pleasing to me than a glass of hot… milk I really like the skin that forms over the top of hot…milk; I love scooping it up and watching as it moulds and sticks to my finger.” Aviva said hamming it up for all she was worth. Yes indeed, there was definitely a deeper shade of green.

  “Cold…milk it is then!”

  Almost quicker than the eye could follow, Jake palmed an orange and sent it flying towards Josh’s head. His hand shot out and grabbed the fruit out of the air, their freakishly quick reactions stunning Aviva. “Hey, what the hell was that for?” Josh asked with mock innocence.

  “You know what it was for, you freakish turd!”

  “Hey, who the hell are you calling a turd?” Josh asked in mock annoyance.

  Rolling his eyes, Jake got up and walked to the fridge to begin extracting ingredients for their sandwiches.

  “What about her?” Josh continued to whine, pointing an accusing finger at Aviva. “She was doing it too. I don’t see you throwing food at her head, or calling her names.”

  “That’s because he knows better, with that one act of restraint he demonstrated that he’s not as dumb as he looks.”

  “So let me get this straight, all these years and you thought you looked dumb, I’m kinda sorry to hear that, man.”

  “I was talking about you, not me.” Jason threw back.

  “Well, seeing as how you look just like me, I’d say I just won this dumb-ass argument.” Jake said grinning as he goaded Jason.

  Aviva and Josh exchanged looks of shared amusement, both thinking the same thought; this was the first time Jason and Jake had been in the same room and had been able to banter without it breaking into an argument.

  “As referee, I say Jason number two takes the round.”

  All eyes turned to the door as Steve strolled further into the kitchen; looking around at the three men. “I leave you alone for a day and your big ass brain works out a way to grow another you. What happened to that one; don’t tell me one of your equations were incorrect?” Steve quipped raising his chin in Josh’s direction.

  “Where the hell have you been, I’ve been calling you all day!”

  “Sorry man, I had a few things to work through, that can wait – what’s going on here?”

  When it became obvious Jason had no intentions of replying, Jake and Josh stepped forward, hands extended and introduced themselves. Steve immediately recognized their names; although somewhat reclusive the Kingdoms’ were well known and respected in the hotel business. He also recognized the similarities in the men’s and Jason’s last names. Knowing Jason as he did Steve knew it wasn’t the right time for in depth explanations on how it came about that these men were in the house with the paraphernalia of what looked like the making of sandwiches spread out on the counter. His inquiries would have to wait until he got Jason alone as he could see much had transpired in his short absence.

  “I could eat something – please tell me the thought didn’t enter your heads to get Jason to prepare food.” Steve laughed taking a seat beside Aviva at the table.

  “If staring boy over there can make sandwiches, it can’t be that difficult!”

  Looking over at Aviva Steve mouthed ‘staring boy?’ Shaking her head Aviva mouthed back ‘long story’ and turned back to watch as Jason and Jake began putting together the sandwiches. Josh joined them as they all watched; chins resting in their palms, fascinated as the filling of the sandwiches grew and grew. Aviva lost her appetite. They were actually competing with each other to see who could fill their sandwiches the most. Mumbling under her breath, she quickly finished off her milk, grabbed an apple from the bowl on the table; wished the room as a whole goodnight and left before she threw up the contents of her empty stomach.

  Chapter 13

  Returning to Jason’s room, Aviva finished off her apple; she got into the shower. Rubbing lotion all over her body she brushed her teeth and got into bed. Hearing Jason enter the room not long after, she decided to feign sleep so she wouldn’t be tempted to cuss him out on his childish behavior. After using the bathroom, Jason settled in beside her pulling her into the contours of his body, readying himself for sleep.

  Aviva was strangely restless, sleep evading her. Different thoughts ran through her mind in quick succession, Hope was followed by Steve, was followed by Jake, Jackson, Josh and of course Jason. Her thoughts were a kaleidoscope of interchangeable images refusing to maintain the same shape even for more than a moment.

  “If you’re going to keep moving around, keeping me awake, you may as well tell me a bit more about yourself. I want to know everything about you. You mentioned your mother had passed away, and that you don’t have the best relationship with your father, if you don’t mind, I’d like you to fill in the gaps.”

  “We do seem to be doing this the wrong way around, don’t we?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Normally people meet, date and find out about each other before ending up where we are now.”

  “Do we feel right, Angel – being here together, like this?” Jason stretched h
is body to look at her face as the moonlight flowed through the window casting a silver glow over the bed where they both lay, reposed in each others arms.

  “Yes, we do feel right, but…it scares me, this thing between us, it’s happening too quickly, Jason. Don’t you think so?”


  Aviva waited for Jason to expand on his monosyllabic answer; when he didn't, she pulled herself up onto her forearm to get a better look at his face in the moonlit room. “That’s it, ‘no’, that’s all you have to say?” She was a little put out at his blasé answer to what was, for her, a very serious question.

  Looking at her with a raised eyebrow, Jason’s expression grew serious as he realized how concerned she was about their budding relationship. “Not all relationships start in the conventional way, some – for example, yours and mine, are more organic and there’s nothing wrong with that.” Pulling her back down so that she was resting along his chest, Jason held her face steady so she was able to see the sincerity of his expression. “I know what I want Angel and I want you and me – together.” Her expression of uncertainty remained unchanged. Jason realized his current tact wasn’t getting through to her so he decided on a promise, a promise from her. “I understand you think we're moving too fast, so, will you make me a promise – will you do that for me?”

  “If I can…what is it?”

  Smart lady Jason thought with a smile, “I want you to promise that you’ll give us a chance. We have something here, Angel and just because our getting together is unconventional; your thinking not mine; doesn’t mean we don't have a chance of longevity.”

  Aviva thought about his words, they sounded sincere; just because her mother and father’s whirlwind coming together hadn’t worked, didn’t mean the same thing was true for them. Although still unsure, Aviva made a snap decision to take a gamble, after all you had to be in the game to win the game. “Okay, I promise, let’s see where this goes.”


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