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Kya's King (Sanctuary)

Page 3

by Becca Dale

  He extended a hand to Hannah. She ignored it. Fortunately, Malachi did as well.

  “Wait a minute, Grant.” Harry flipped through his notebook searching for something. “Here it is. Dr. Frank VanBeek. I didn’t call Jensen.”

  When everyone turned to him, Jensen smiled glibly. “VanBeek asked me to come. He said Harry sounded worried.” As he spoke, he edged closer to the safety line directly in front of Hannah. Before she realized his intent, he grabbed her arm and jerked her to his chest pulling her across the yellow band of paint. He kept his back to Harry and Grant, his large frame formed a solid wall between her and the others when he leaned close to whisper in her ear, “Your pussycat’s going to love this.”

  He turned her so she could see Malachi’s reaction and bent his head as if to calm her.

  She kicked and twisted to escape but he was too strong. Malachi’s roar drowned her frantic cry.

  Jensen chuckled, but his grip remained unbreakable. “I can’t let you stand so close, Ms. Hall. We don’t want to aggravate him further.”

  The calm words were for the spectators, but his unsettling chuckle did not drift beyond the narrow space between them. His mouth brushed across her cheek and bile rose to her throat as she stomped down on his instep. He tightened his arm until she struggled to inhale. Every inch of his strong body kept her immobile as he pressed his lips to her ear. “No more fighting, now. I want your cat to see me touch you. One cry and I’ll put him down without a second’s hesitation.”

  Her heart nearly stopped at the thought of Malachi’s death, and she stilled in Jensen’s arms. Tears burned her eyes and her breath hitched in her chest. “You’d never get away with it.” She kept her voice soft, not confident his words were an empty threat.

  He turned his hand upward and caressed her breast where no one else could see, squeezing hard and quick before dropping his fingers back to her waist.

  Malachi went berserk.

  Mine! Claimed and carrying! Get away from her!

  The solid cage rattled loudly as the large cat slammed repeatedly against the bars.

  Her dream lover’s voice rang in her ears, but she had no flesh and blood champion to save her. Hannah fought to escape Jensen’s hold, but he was too strong. Fucking prick! Let me go! She silently screamed at the man holding her captive, but fear for Malachi’s life kept her from voicing her anger aloud.

  With a snide I-warned-you look, he carried her kicking and twisting to where the others stood.

  A scowl marred Harry’s usually genial expression. “Was that little display really necessary?”

  Grant held out his arms. She jerked away from Jensen’s control and slid into Grant’s soothing embrace. The older man patted her shoulder and glared. “Did you have a point?”

  “Yes. Hannah can’t control Malachi no matter how much we would like to think otherwise. An animal that possessive of a human is a danger to you all. The cat needs to be eliminated.”

  Hannah remained silent as the others debated Malachi’s fate. Jensen’s threat echoed in her head. He could follow through when no one else was around. If she told the others what Jensen had really said and done, they would stand behind her, but she could not predict how he would react. Would the psycho kill someone she loved in his crazy bid to destroy the animal?

  Malachi snarled low and mean and she stepped away from Grant’s comforting touch, unwilling to show affection that might set the cat off again. “Malachi doesn’t trust Jensen. That’s all.”

  Harry shook his head sadly. “Darrack’s right, Hannah. A protective cat that large is unsafe. I’m afraid we’ll have to put him down.”

  “No!” Tears burned her nose and throat as she fought for control. “Please, don’t do this. We don’t even know if Jensen’s legitimate. Call Dr. VanBeek’s office at least.”

  Harry offered her a sympathetic nod and pulled his cell from his pocket. He stepped away as he dialed the number.

  Jensen shook his head. “This is ridiculous. Why are you protecting a dangerous animal?”

  “All right, I’ll try later.” Harry returned with a worried expression on his face and glanced at Malachi.

  Grant squeezed Hannah’s arm reassuringly but did nothing to antagonize the cat. “What did you find out?”

  “VanBeek’s secretary said the doctor was out of the office for the day.” Harry looked at Jensen and back to Grant before he spoke again. “Perhaps it would be best to wait until we hear from him.”

  Hannah almost shouted with joy as relief washed over her.

  Jensen snorted. “Don’t blame me if someone gets killed between now and then.”

  Grant scowled. “The responsibility for the safety of my employees rests with me. As does the decision to destroy an animal. I take neither duty lightly.”

  Jensen stormed off in a huff before anyone could say anything more to him.

  Hannah threw her arms around Grant and squeezed. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  He hugged her tight then nudged her back so she could see his eyes. “I didn’t do this for you, Hannah.” He eased her from his arms. His grim expression did not bode well as he studied her face. “If it comes down to it, I won’t hesitate to destroy the cat to protect you and the others. Don’t doubt that.”

  She nodded but his stern warning could not dampen the happiness bubbling in her chest. Malachi had a reprieve and that was all that mattered. She practically skipped back to her cabin while a hundred scenarios to protect the cat raced through her head.

  * * *

  Jensen waited on her bed. He stood when she entered the room but did not move toward her.

  She glared at him as she tossed her keys on the dresser. “What the hell are you doing here? Get out before I call security.”

  “I came to apologize. My behavior earlier was inexcusable.” He strolled across the room to stand before her, his eyes intent and sincere. “I’m not sure what got into me. Maybe the cat’s possessive attitude rubbed off.” With a disarming shrug, he smiled. “Since I first saw you, I’ve felt rather protective myself. I can’t blame Malachi for wanting you.” Jensen cupped her cheek in the palm of his hand. “I’d like a shot at proving I’m not the bad guy you think I am, Hannah.”

  She jerked back from his caress. What could she say to that? His apology seemed genuine. To reject it would be petty. “Tell Grant you were wrong about Malachi.”

  A scowl marred his perfect features. “I can’t do that. The cat’s a beautiful creature, and I understand your desire to take care of him. He apparently wants to protect you, too, but that very instinct is the problem. If we release Malachi, what will keep him from attaching to another female and attacking any male in the vicinity? Even in a large game reserve, handlers need to be able to care for the animals. If Malachi can’t be sedated, and he’s too violent to approach otherwise, he’ll kill someone.” He placed his large hands around her biceps. “Think about it. Do you really want that on your conscious?”

  “Of course not.” She stepped back from his touch as gently as possible so she didn’t insult the man further. Jensen’s logic was solid, but that didn’t mean she had to follow it. Malachi needed freedom. Once he was away from his present situation, he would be fine. She would not allow him to be destroyed because he cared about her. “When will you do it?”

  A fleeting smirk quirked the corner of Jensen’s mouth. “VanBeek should get back tomorrow. As soon as he confirms my identity, we’ll put the cat out of its misery.”

  Tonight it is then. Setting the panther free could ruin her chance to get into veterinary medicine, but she could not let him be destroyed without trying to help—consequences be damned.

  Chapter Five—Goodbye Malachi

  Hannah slipped through her patio door into the still night. One o’clock. Everyone should be asleep. Her jeans and dark, long-sleeved T-shirt blended into the shadows, and heavy clouds shut out the harvest moon. Only the animals would hear her thundering heart. Malachi greeted her at the cage door with a low, rumbling g
rowl. “Shh, big guy. No noise.”

  She slid the key she’d stolen from Grant’s office into the lock and swung the door wide, expecting the cat to bolt. Instead, he rubbed his great head against her legs and nudged her toward the fence. Of course he would be smart enough to realize the cage was only the first step. She knelt and cut the bandage away from his wound. He stood without budging as she examined the open sore. “Good boy. Come on, let’s go.”

  They stole through the compound on silent feet. Other animals called to them softly like subjects bidding farewell to their king. Thankfully, Ryan was not at the gate. They crept down the path undetected. Malachi paused at the opening to the forest. His eyes searched the trees before he pushed against her leg, once more urging her to lead the way.

  Her hands trembled and a sob caught in her throat. “I can’t go with you, Malachi. You need to run.”

  He remained in place. His emerald eyes bore into hers in wordless demand.

  Hannah dropped to her knees and buried her face against his broad foreleg. His heart beat steady beneath her palm, but his heat offered small comfort to their bleak parting. “I love you, Malachi. Please go before it’s too late.”

  When he finally turned from her, she almost called him back. Images of him shot down by unfeeling hunters flashed—Malachi bleeding—alone and helpless in the savage human world. To release the cat meant he had to fend for himself before he’d fully recovered, but to keep him near meant certain death. A kinder end than slow starvation, perhaps, but no less final. She lifted her hand and tried to smile as he paused before disappearing into the trees beyond the security lights.

  Her chest ached. She did not want to lose him. Casting a furtive look over her shoulder to ensure no one tailed them, Hannah followed Malachi into the cool shadows. He needed to escape Jensen’s sadistic plan. She merely wanted to ensure the panther moved away from the human population. A black cat in the area would draw unwanted attention. The forest quickly shut out the human comfort from the compound and darkness swaddled her like a suffocating shroud. She could not see nor hear Malachi. Creeping farther into the forest, she searched for any sign of him. A small clearing allowed moonlight to filter to the ground but did nothing to indicate the cat’s path.

  A low growl disrupted the silence though she could not detect the source or direction.

  “Malachi? It’s okay. Go on. Go toward the hills, big guy.”

  When a hulking form dropped from the branch above her head, she tried to leap aside. Too late. A twisting, clawing weight bore her to the ground. Hot, death-scented breath seared her cheeks and white fangs flashed in the meager light. A cry of alarm tore from her throat. Huge paws held her shoulders to the rocky path. Sharp canines gleamed viciously despite the heavy branches which shadowed the clearing. The black cat’s obsidian eyes narrowed to tiny slits. The animal wasn’t Malachi. Panic edged into her mind pushing aside rational thought.

  Time to die, Kya.

  Her screams bounced off the trees as the predator lowered his head for the kill.


  The simple word rent the terror holding Hannah in its grip. Her attacker released her and disappeared in a savage, snarling mass of black fur and fangs. Malachi and the strange cat rolled across the clearing. Hannah scrambled to her feet, unable to run or even cry out as she fought for clarity.

  The animals ripped at one another. Claws and teeth bared. Great muscles rippling. Without seeing their faces, she could not tell which animal held sway. Ferocious growls and feral shrieks destroyed hope as the two cats wrestled. Finally, when she feared her precious panther would be killed as she stood helplessly by, one cat jumped away and ran into the trees. She knew without doubt Malachi had won. He would not have left her to die.

  As reality soaked in, she sank to her knees and rested her head in her hands. Ragged gasps wrenched her chest and relief slammed against her breast bone. Malachi had saved her. Tears ran down her cheeks and soaked her thin cotton T-shirt. He had risked his life to protect her. She lifted her head to find her champion.

  His sides heaved from exertion, and he limped more than usual as he moved closer.

  Go home, Hannah.

  She ignored the voice in her head and threw her arms around the four-legged hero. He smelled of sweat and blood, but she had never been so comforted, so glad to be alive. Tears trickled down her cheeks and into his thick fur. “I can’t leave you alone. What if he comes back?”


  She studied Malachi’s angular features. Had he spoken? Could she really hear him? A laugh escaped at the ludicrous thought. More likely shock was setting in. “Now, I really am losing it.”

  The panther growled and nudged her toward the path.

  “Stop that. I’ll go once you’re safely on your way.”

  The cat snorted and pushed again. Stubborn female!

  She glared at him trying to focus beyond the reprimand echoing in her head. “Please, get out of here, Malachi. I love you too much to watch you die. ”

  The big cat’s muscles twitched, then he left without further acknowledgment.

  Hannah followed for a couple miles, assuring herself he moved away from the town and the compound, before she turned back.

  * * *

  Doubt and fear warred in Hannah’s skull as she navigated the narrow path to her cabin. Had she been wrong to set the injured panther free? Could he defend himself if the other cat attacked again? Was he strong enough to catch prey? What if Grant had intended to offer a pardon?

  She tripped as she stepped onto her deck in the darkness. Catching herself on a chair, she found her balance and spun. Jensen. “Get the hell off my porch.”

  He reclined on her wicker love seat like he owned it. His dark eyes glowed flint hard, but the rest of him hovered in shadow. “The cat’s gone and here you are sneaking around in the night. Where have you been, Hannah?”

  Dread tightened her stomach, but she ignored it and strolled toward the door as if he didn’t scare the ever-loving shit out of her. “I went for a walk. Is that a crime now?”

  Jensen rose to block her path. A bloody scratch ran down the left side of his face near his hairline and he looked pale. Had he hurt himself trying to get to Malachi? “It’s criminal if you set a dangerous animal loose on the unsuspecting public.”

  His earthy scent filled the meager inches between them. Memories of another just as broad and strong flooded her—the long, sleek, black hair, the chiseled features. Everything but Jensen’s cold stare resembled her dream lover. The breadth of his chest and the strength of his fingers as they closed on her arm seemed unmistakably and seductively familiar. She jerked from his grip and stepped around him to unlock her door. “Drop dead, Jensen. I did nothing wrong and you can’t prove otherwise.”

  He followed her inside, uninvited. “Shall we test that theory?”

  Hannah dropped her keys on her dresser and turned to stare down the man she thought of as “the asshole”. “How’d you get hurt? A run-in with a wildcat? If Malachi’s gone, perhaps you set him free so you could accuse me.”

  He snorted in his arrogance. “No one will believe that.”

  She smiled and warmed to the idea of blaming Jensen for the panther’s escape. “Let’s find out, shall we? I’ll tell everyone how much putting the cat down upset you. How in a fit of remorse you must have unlocked the gate. You’ll sound like a friggin’ bleeding heart by the time I finish. If it comes down to it, we can tie this up in court indefinitely, but no matter what, Malachi will still be gone.”

  A shadow of madness flitted across Jensen’s features. “No, he won’t. I’m tired of playing games.”

  Hannah moved closer to her nightstand, anxious for the security of her loaded pistol hidden in the drawer.

  He crossed the room in seconds stopping at the end of the bed. “I wouldn’t try anything if I were you, Hannah.” He prowled closer with the grace of a cat. “Why do you push me away? Don’t you know me?”

  “No.” She did, but she didn’t. His
body and his face came from her dreams, but his eyes and attitude did not.

  “Liar.” Jensen slid the very tips of his fingers across her lips in a gentle caress, and her stomach lurched in response. “You want me, Hannah. You belong with me. Why won’t you admit it?”

  She edged away. Her knuckles brushed against the drawer behind her; just a few more inches until she had the compact pistol in her hand. She saw him move too late to dodge, no time to arm herself.

  She screamed as he pounced and tossed her on the bed, pinning her beneath him. “Time’s up. No more running.”

  His breath smelled of old meat, and nausea rose in her throat. Panic swelled. “Get off of me!” She twisted beneath him. Her fists slammed against his solid back, but her efforts only enraged him further.

  He snarled as he caught her wrists in his hands. Spittle sprayed from his mouth and he hissed in unjustified rage. “You spread yourself for that worthless cat, didn’t you? You let him pump his inferior seed inside you, let him fuck what should have been mine.”

  Insanity curled his lip and distorted his mind. How could he think she would lie with an animal? “You’re sick, Jensen.”

  “Am I? Shall we see how sick I can be?” He shoved his hips against hers, forcing her knees apart with his own. “You’ll beg me for more before I let you up from this bed. By the time I finish, you won’t remember his name.”

  “Fuck yourself and die.”

  His cruel mouth clamped over hers, and his tongue forced hers to submit, raping her orally as surely as he intended to rape her otherwise. Hannah bit down and a metallic taste spilled into her mouth. He jerked away and backhanded her across the cheek. “Accept me, bitch.”

  Her skull throbbed as blood from her split lip mingled with his. He dug his fingers into her jaw and held her steady as he plundered her mouth again. Tears welled and trickled down the sides of her face, while she continued to buck and struggle for escape. Malachi was gone. No one would help her. No one would come. She screamed anyway, praying someone would hear, knowing she was truly alone again.


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