Alpha Husbands and Obedient Wives (Christian Domestic Discipline Romance): 3 Complete Series in 1

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Alpha Husbands and Obedient Wives (Christian Domestic Discipline Romance): 3 Complete Series in 1 Page 3

by Eden Greenwood

  I ran down the hill, letting the slope carry me to the barn at the bottom. My heart pounded and my breath was labored as I ran. I was so excited, I felt like I was eight years old again. There was movement behind the barn, and Hunter emerged, tall, strong, and handsome. It was such a relief to see him. For the first time, my life made sense. I could finally see where God was leading me.

  Before I got to the barn, I dropped to my knees, tears flowing from my eyes. I saw the truth now, clearer than ever. Hunter jogged over and crouched down beside me. He wiped the tears from my face. My heart lifted and I smiled brightly at him.

  “My knight,” I said.

  “My fair maiden,” he said, and we fell into a kiss.


  Hunter and I married a few weeks later with a traditional Christian ceremony. As we stood at the alter together, I felt like we were surrounded by a loving presence. Hunter promised to be my head of household and spiritual leader. I promised to submit to him, my husband, and always obey.

  We moved into Annabelle’s house, the house Hunter had grown up in. It was built in the early twentieth century with solid wood and a craftsmanship that was unmatched today. There was intricate crown molding, original oak floors, an ornate fireplace, and lots of other historical details.

  The day we were married, Hunter carried me across the threshold into our new home. I clutched my arms around his neck, feeling nervous. Hunter smiled down at me as he carried me all the way to the bedroom. I was trembling when he laid me down. It was the first time for both of us, and I was thankful to be experiencing it with my best friend.

  I sat up on the bed, and Hunter helped me unzip the dress I’d worn to the reception. Blushing, I let the fabric slip down to my waist, baring my breasts. Hunter studied my chest, then reached out and grabbed a handful of my flesh. His palm grazed against my hardened nipple. I whimpered as my body shuddered.

  Grabbing my hands, he stood me up. After the dress fell to my feet, he pulled my panties down after it. I stood before him completely naked. We’d known each other our entire lives, and he’d never seen me like this. I smiled awkwardly, and started to turn my body away. Hunter grasped my arm and turned me towards him. He studied my bare flesh with a slight smile on his lips.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, barely above a whisper.

  Hunter pulled me close to him, and kissed me deeply. With hurried hands, I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it away from his body. I ran my hands over his bare, muscular chest, and down his stomach. Hunter hurriedly unbuttoned his pants, and let them fall to his ankles. I watched as he removed his underwear, and his cock sprang out, long, thick, and hard.

  Heat pulsed down between by legs when I gazed at his body. I wanted him badly. Hunter clasped his arms tightly around my waist, kissing my neck and chest, and breasts. He slipped his hand under my bottom and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling the head of his cock pressing against me.

  Hunter laid me back on the bed, then took his time leaving soft kisses down my body. I squirmed beneath him, energized from his touch. Hunter dipped his hand between my legs and separated my soft folds. I pressed my thighs together as he found my clitoris. A rush of pleasure made me arch my back and flex my feet. Hunter left gentle kisses on my stomach and breasts as he rubbed this sensitive area, and soon coaxed an orgasm out of me. I clutched at the sheets, moaning.

  With a smile on his face, Hunter rose up and lay on top of me. I grasped his hair and kissed every inch of his face. As our passion grew, we clung to each other tighter. Hunter pressed his hips against me, and my legs parted. We locked eyes as he slid inside of me.


  Those first few months of marriage, I walked around in a state of bliss. Hunter finished his PhD and got a position at a nearby university. I started a freelance graphic design business and was able to work in my beautiful home, in an office that looked out over the fields. Both of us worked hard, but we made time every day at three in the afternoon to meet out by the barn.

  We’d lay in the grass, my head resting on Hunter’s chest. I’d gaze out across the field to my old house, where my mother still lived. This place had bad memories, but they were quickly being replaced with good ones.

  One day, a soft breeze blew over us, and Hunter had his eyes closed. I stared at him, tracing his masculine features with my eyes, and whispered a prayer.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  Hunter opened his eyes at the sound of my voice. His lips spread into a contented smile. With his hand in my hair, he pulled me towards him, and kissed me.


  It was a week before our one year anniversary when I received my first spanking. I was on my way out to meet with a client when the sunny sky suddenly clouded over, and heavy rain began to fall. I turned on the news, and they were reporting tornadoes in the area. Hunter was at the university teaching a class, and as I headed out the door, he texted me.

  Don’t go anywhere. Stay home.

  I bit my lip as I read the text. This was an important client, and I didn’t want to miss a meeting with them. But Hunter was my husband, and I knew I should obey him.

  What if I never saw this text? I thought, wickedly.

  Adrenaline rushed through me at the thought. Without thinking, I grabbed my keys, and went to face the storm. The roads were flooded from the heavy rain, and the wind whipped so hard my car teetered on its tires. I finally made it to the diner, only to receive a cancellation text from my client. They didn’t want to drive out in this weather.

  Smart, I thought, pulling my rain coat back on.

  By the time I arrived home, Hunter had already returned. I took deep breaths as I pulled into the driveway, and tried to get my story straight in my head. Hunter was in the kitchen fixing a hinge on one of our cabinets. I smiled at him innocently, and went to greet him. Hunter accepted my kiss, then looked at me sternly.

  “I told you not to go out in this weather,” Hunter said.

  “Oh, sorry, honey,” I said. “I didn’t see your text until just a few minutes ago.”

  Hunter narrowed his eyes and stepped back from me. I suddenly felt all alone.

  “You disobeyed me, and now you’re lying to me?” he asked.

  “I’m not lying,” I said. “I know, I should’ve checked my phone.”

  “But you did,” Hunter said. “I have your phone programed so that it says if you’ve read a text. You read my text forbidding you from leaving seconds after I sent it.” Hunter pulled his phone from his pocket, and showed me the screen. Under the text he’d sent, it said ‘read’ and the time. I looked down at the floor, shame burning in my belly.

  Hunter sighed, heavily. “You put yourself in danger. You disobeyed a clear order, and you tried to cover it up. I’m going to have to spank you.”

  The word spank echoed through my head. I suddenly had a metallic taste in my mouth. There was nothing else to say. I’d vowed to obey Hunter, and I’d broken that. He had every right to punish me how he saw fit.

  “Take off your clothes,” he said, sternly.

  “Here?” I said.

  “Don’t question me,” he said, forcefully.

  I nodded, and with trembling hands, removed my clothes. After taking off my panties, I threw them on top of the pile that had collected on the kitchen floor. Hunter stood a few feet away, studying me. I was tempted to cover my body, but when I tried, Hunter ordered that I keep my arms by my sides.

  “Turn around and walk to the living room,” he said.

  I turned on my heels and began to walk. As Hunter followed behind me, I was acutely aware of my nakedness.

  “Stop,” he said when I reached the center of the room. Hunter sat in a large, leather armchair, then gestured for me to approach him. When I did, he grasped my wrist and pulled me over his lap.

  “This is your first spanking,” Hunter said to me. “I’ll warm you up first.”

  Hunter swatted my bottom, alternating sides. It didn’t hurt, but as they added up, I could feel
a stinging rising in my flesh. Blood rushed to my lower body, some to my clitoris that pulsed with each swat. When Hunter stopped, I was panting. He massaged my red bottom.

  “Three licks,” he said through gritted teeth.

  I clung to his thigh in front of me, bracing myself. There was a rush of air as he lifted his hand. He brought it down hard against my bottom, making my flesh quiver. I cried out and lurched forward.

  “One,” he said.

  While my bottom was still throbbing from the first lick, he landed the second right in the same spot. I let out a high pitched squeal and squirmed. Hunter held me tightly between his legs.

  “Two,” he said.

  Every muscle in my body clenched with anticipation. Hunter raised his hand again, and when he spanked me, the sound echoed through the house.

  “Three,” he said.

  My body went limp in his lap. Hunter caressed down my spine with his fingertips while the pain slowly subsided. When the shock wore off, I felt relaxed. I looked up and saw Hunter smiling at me. I felt closer to him than I had in a long time. I liked having a strong man who could keep me in line.

  Hunter lifted me up by the waist and sat me in his lap. I winced as I sat on my tender bottom. Hunter stroked my hair away from my face.

  “My job is to keep you safe and happy,” Hunter said. “You’re my responsibility.”

  After my first punishment, I felt the true weight of those words. By being my leader, Hunter had taken a burden off of my shoulders. I snuggled next to him, feeling his solid chest against my cheek. I could hear his heart beating softly.

  Her Spiritual Leader

  We were trying to have a baby.

  The first month was fun. Hunter and I had sex every night, but we also didn’t skimp on the romance. Before going to bed together, there was candlelight dinners, strolls through the woods, and flowers delivered to my doorstep. I was starting to feel spoiled. When I asked Hunter about all of these romantic gestures, he said he wanted the baby to be conceived in love. The truth was, I didn’t need nice gifts. We adored each other, and couldn’t help but conceive our child in love.

  When I took my first pregnancy test and had to stare face to face with a negative result, all of the excitement that had built up inside of me dissolved, and settled heavily in the pit of my stomach. Still, I shrugged it off. According to the forums I read online, most people didn’t get pregnant their very first month of trying. I threw the test into the trashcan, and told myself to be patient.

  I was patient for months. Whenever my period was a little bit late, I was sure I was pregnant. But the test was always negative, and my period would start the very next day. Hunter didn’t stop trying to woo me, but the stress was becoming overwhelming. Sex wasn’t fun anymore. It had become a chore.

  One night, while driving home from dinner, I asked Hunter if we could take a break from trying for a baby. Hunter gripped the steering wheel, and I could see the sadness in his expression.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “If it happens it happens,” I said. “I’m tired of thinking about it. Am I ovulating now? What’s my temperature? That was a weird cramp, could I be pregnant?” I shook my head. “And then the disappointment each and every month.”

  “I know,” Hunter said. “I feel it too.”

  I stared at his solemn expression. I’d been so wrapped up in my own feelings about failing to conceive, I’d neglected to think about his. It affected him too, of course. I slipped my hand behind his neck and ran my hands through his hair.

  “That doesn’t mean we should stop altogether,” I said, with a coy smile.

  Hunter’s expression relaxed. “That’s true. If it happens, it happens. That should be our approach.” He stopped the car at a stoplight, then reached over and grabbed my thigh. My skirt rode up slightly, and Hunter traced my knee with his thumb. I felt a shiver of desire.

  As soon as we got into the house, Hunter turned to me and scooped me up in his arms. He kissed me hungrily, his arms tight around me. As he pawed at my body, my dress rode up my hips. Hunter grabbed handfuls of my bottom, slipping his fingers under the seams of my panties. I withered against him, letting him lead me down the hall to the bedroom. He picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and carried me the rest of the way.

  Hunter threw me down onto the bed. With a spark his eye, he reached up my dress, and pulled off my panties. Bending my knees, he placed my feet on the bed frame. I squirmed with anticipation as he parted my thighs. Hunter crouched down between my legs, and then disappeared under my skirt. While staring up at the ceiling, I felt his warm, wet tongue press broadly against my clitoris. Hot pleasure pulsed down my thighs, and I could feel myself getting wetter.

  With his tongue still on my clitoris, Hunter slipped one, then two fingers inside of me. He crooked his fingers forward, and easily found my g-spot. He rubbed and licked, whipping me up into a frenzy of desire. I felt one hand traveling up my dress before it grabbed a hold of my breast. Hunter pinched my nipple between two fingers, and the pleasure intensified. He knew my body so well, which buttons to press, and how. I came, gloriously, my hips lifting off the bed, and my moans filling the room.

  Hunter sat back on his knees, then pulled my dress down back in place. He took my hand, and stood me up from the bed. I looked into his eyes as his face hardened. He was morphing into disciplinarian mode. I bit my lip as excitement traveled up my spine. I was happy to obey, and fulfill his every desire.

  “Stand over there, face the wall,” Hunter commanded.

  Lowering my gaze, I immediately walked in the direction he was pointing. With my hands clasped behind my back, I faced the wall. Hunter’s footsteps were slow and deliberate behind me, and my heart beat in time. I kept my gaze directed forward when I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck.

  “A woman must dress conservatively in public,” Hunter whispered. “She must respect her body, and keep it pure for her husband.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said on a breath.

  “But when a woman is alone with her husband, her head of household, she must submit her body to him, to do with as he pleases,” Hunter said. “Do you submit yourself to me?”

  “I’m yours,” I whispered.

  Hunter pressed his chest against my back, and placed his mouth right against my ear. His grasped the bottom of my skirt.

  “This dress is the appropriate length,” he said, caressing his fingers up my inner thigh. He crossed his arm around me, running his fingers over the neckline. “Your breasts are modestly covered.” He hooked two fingers in the middle of my neckline, pulling it down slightly, and fiddled with the top button. “But what if this were to come undone.” He slipped the button out of its slot, and reached further inside of my dress. His fingers grazed the very top of my breasts. “Do you see the danger?” He unbuttoned the second button, and then the third. He opened my dress, baring my black, lacy bra.

  Hunter pressed his hips harder against me. “Do you feel that?” he asked. His cock stood out under his pants.

  “Yes,” I said.

  He grabbed the cups of my bra and pulled them down. My breasts spilled out.

  “Are you trying to tempt me?” he whispered harshly.

  “No, sir,” I said.

  Hunter pulled up my skirt, bunching it around my waist. “Yes, you are,” he said, then gave me a hard smack on the bottom. I cried out, sharply.

  “Turn around,” he said. “On your knees.”

  I got a delightful thrill from obeying his orders without question. When I dropped to my knees, Hunter freed his cock. I took it in my hand and pressed the head against my lips. Hunter groaned when I parted my lips and took him in my mouth. I ran my mouth up and down his thick shaft, performing my wifely duty without complaint. Hunter tangled his hands in my hair, guiding my speed. When he was ready to take me, he placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me back. His cock caught on my bottom lip as it slipped out of my mouth.

  Hunter grabbed me around the waist, pul
led me up, then turned me around. I placed my hands on the wall in front of me, supporting myself. Hunter positioned himself behind me, then thrust his hips forward. His cock slid easily between my soft wet lips. He held tightly to my hips as he thrust, hard and fast. The pleasure was so overwhelming, my body went limp. Hunter held me steady in his strong arms, pumping relentlessly.

  He plunged deeply inside, then held me close as he climaxed. I leaned back on his strong chest, weakened from the multitude of orgasms.


  Happy and satisfied, we retreated to the front porch with glasses of ice tea. Silently, we looked out to the large field where Hunter and I used to play as children. I started laughing at a memory.

  “Do you remember when you tried to climb that tree there?” I said, pointing to a century old oak.

  Hunter chuckled. “What do you mean ‘tried?’ I made it all the way to the top.”

  “And got stuck there, and cried until the fire department arrived,” I teased.

  “Still made it to the top, unlike you.” Hunter innocently sipped his tea.

  “Ouch, that was cold,” I said.

  A cool breeze blew across the porch, twinkling the wind chimes. The trees and grass swayed, and everything seemed to have an energy of its own. I took Hunter’s hand in mine.

  “What are the odds of growing up next to the love of your life?” I mused.

  Hunter lifted my hand and kissed it. “Too great to just be a coincidence.”

  We settled into the warmth of our memories, but they weren’t all good. Underneath the nostalgia were the sharp thorns of my past. Usually, I tried to not to think about them, but the glinting stars had me in a contemplative mood.

  “I never thought I could be happy here,” I said, mostly to myself.

  Hunter sat up straight, and acted as if he had something to say. I looked at him, questioningly.

  “Do you ever wonder what happened to your father?” Hunter asked.

  “No,” I said, quickly and defensively, then sighed. “That’s not true. I do wonder sometimes, yeah. But why does it matter? It’s not like I’d try to get in touch with him.”


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