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Faking Alec

Page 4

by Anders Grey

  “Nah, it’s fine. I know you were joking,” I assured him, trying to force some sincerity into my smile. “But back to before, why were you staying in that motel? Are you travelling?”

  Alec paused as if to mull over his thoughts. “You could say that,” he said slowly.

  I wondered why he was being cagey all of a sudden. It was the same hesitation I sensed earlier in the car when my mom asked him about it. There was something he wasn’t telling me—something he didn’t want to tell me.

  “Never mind,” I said, waving it off. “It’s fine. You don’t have to tell me your whole life story.”

  Brows raising, Alec seemed pleasantly surprised at my reaction. “I appreciate it, Rowan.”

  He was my fake boyfriend. He didn’t owe me anything. But I’d be lying if I said it didn’t sting a little that he hid the truth from me.

  Stop being so sensitive, Rowan.

  Noodles kicked up a patch of grass, indicating he was finally finished. Why a five-pound dog took an eon to do his business when his bladder was tiny, I had no idea. I headed back to the car with Alec following me. Mom hadn’t returned yet, and it was easy to see why—the line for the bathroom nearly wrapped around the entire rest stop.

  Inside the car, I took my spot back by the window, but Alec didn’t sit right away. He was on the other side of the car, eyeing Noodles’ dog bed.

  “Did you, uh, want me to put this in between us?” he asked.

  Without thinking I blurted out, “Do you not want to sit next to me?”

  “No, I mean—yes, I do. I just thought you might not want to. When I got in before, I thought it would be awkward to move the dog bed, so…”

  When I realized Alec was trying to be considerate for my sake, I blushed.

  “No, it’s fine,” I said. “I mean, I already fell asleep on you once, so I think that ship has sailed, you know?”

  Alec smiled. “You’re right.”

  He put the dog bed back and took the middle seat right next to me. The flush in my cheeks burned hotter as our arms brushed together. I felt like an idiot for getting so worked up over the purely platonic touch, but I couldn’t help it, especially since I hadn’t had sex in ages. I wished Alec wasn’t so hot. If he looked like a boot this would be a lot easier.

  Alec stared at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Your cheeks turn red easily,” he observed.

  I glared at him and then turned to the chihuahua in his lap. “Noodles, attack this man,” I ordered.

  Noodles nestled contentedly in Alec’s lap, directly disobeying me.

  “Useless dog,” I muttered.

  Alec laughed.

  Suddenly his demeanor changed. He leaned over me, his arm reaching out to touch the window, effectively pinning me in the corner of the car with his body. My heart flipped, racing so fast it nearly leapt out of my ribs. My eyes widened and I grew hyperaware of my short, choppy breathing. I blushed all the way to my ears.

  What the hell is he doing?

  Alec smiled. Up close, I saw tiny features in his face I hadn’t noticed before—a couple freckles peppered across his cheeks, the thousand pinpricks of light and shadow in his hazel-green eyes.

  My gaze fell to his lips. They were plush and pink, parted enough for me to see the teeth he bared in an easy grin. His mouth looked incredibly soft.

  My breath caught in my throat.

  Finally, my voice returned to me, though it came out quieter and rougher than I intended. “What are you doing?”

  “Just testing to see what this feels like,” Alec said simply.

  He sounded so casual. Meanwhile, I felt like I had a three-hundred-degree fever. He was so, so close. Close enough that if I leaned forward a couple inches, our lips would meet.

  Part of me wanted it.

  “What?” I asked, my voice cracking.

  Alec didn’t back off. He stayed completely still, his arms encircling me, his face hovering near mine.

  “We’ll have to play the part convincingly in front of your family,” Alec said.

  My brain was so fried I didn’t understand what he was talking about until it hit me. Right. Boyfriends. Apparently.

  I sighed long and hard, relief hitting me like a wave. He wasn’t actually going to kiss me. He was just pretending so we could recreate this scene for nosy onlookers. The knowledge relaxed me.

  But mixed in with the relief was something else. Regret? Disappointment? Whatever it was, it was something I had no business feeling.

  “Very funny,” I said, trying to play off how flustered I truly was. “At least warn a guy before you pretend to kiss him.”

  Alec didn’t break the suggestive position. “Oh, no. This is just to get used to physical closeness.”

  My heart skipped a beat. “What?”

  “We need to learn how to be in close proximity, right?” Alec asked, smiling. “I wasn’t pretending to kiss you. Our lips aren’t even touching.”

  I stared at him.

  Alec chuckled. His eyes sparkled mischievously, so mesmerizing that I got lost in them. “If I wanted to pretend to kiss you, I would do this.”

  The world slowed down as Alec leaned in, his mouth barely an inch from mine, and—

  Mom’s exasperated sigh cut through the silence. “Sorry that took so long! Holy moly, the line was unbelievable.”

  I sprang back from Alec so fast that my head hit the window again with a loud thud. I groaned. Alec winced sympathetically.

  “Shit,” he said. “Are you okay?”

  Mom tossed her purse on the passenger seat and glanced back at us. “You boys behave while I was gone?” When she noticed I was nursing the back of my skull, she asked, “Oh, Rowan, what happened?”

  “Nothing, I’m fine,” I mumbled, nursing the back of my skull. “Just drive.”



  It wasn’t long before Rowan fell asleep on my shoulder again. It was adorable how the hum of the car engine lulled him to sleep like a baby. I wanted to put my arm around him so fucking badly, but I resisted. Instead, I contented myself with the warmth of his body pressed against mine, and the shallow, rhythmic sound of his breathing. It was good to see him peaceful instead of anxious.

  For the rest of the drive, all I could think about was our earlier fake-out. I wasn’t going to actually kiss him, though the temptation for that was just as bad. I only wanted to tease him a little. But it was a good thing that Kaitlyn interrupted us. As much as I wanted to kiss Rowan, I knew it was best if it didn’t happen. Any kisses between us would be fake and discussed beforehand for maximum boyfriend-proving efficacy.

  That meant no spur-of-the-moment, heart-fluttering kisses when we were alone in the back of a parked car like a couple of teenagers.

  I forced my pulse to slow down since it had been racing since my near-kiss with Rowan. Judging by his wide eyes and flushed cheeks at the time, he’d reacted just as intensely as I had. Hell, I’d even heard his thudding heartbeat. As much as I enjoyed it, maybe I shouldn’t have done that. I didn’t want to lead him on.

  Don’t get attached. No stray puppies.

  “Getting close now,” Kaitlyn announced as she took an exit off the freeway. “I’m excited to see the hotel for myself! It’s five stars, you know. Only the best for Tiffany. Rowan’s Aunt Rose spared no expense for her daughter’s wedding.”

  Rowan was still fast asleep, so I replied to be polite. “I’m sure it’s beautiful.”

  Any hotel was bound to be better than the cheap motel Kaitlyn picked me up from a few hours ago.

  Only when Kaitlyn pulled into the hotel parking lot and slowed the car did Rowan wake up. He mumbled and sat upright, rubbing his eyes. He shot me a brief glance, and I caught a hint of silent gratitude in his gaze for letting him fall asleep on me again.

  “Are we here?” he asked.

  “Sure are,” Kaitlyn said chipperly. “Oh, look! A valet.”

  Kaitlyn handed off the keys to the hotel employee while Rowan and I
hauled the luggage out of the trunk. We carried everything except Noodles and his dog bed, which Kaitlyn scooped up in her arms.

  The hotel was spectacular. The modern design was spacious and open, with a clean white theme accented with gold trim. People in suits bustled around the lobby, ready to cater to the guests’ every whim. There was even a fountain in the center of the hall, filling the air with the gentle sound of gurgling water.

  After checking in, Kaitlyn pocketed her own card key and handed Rowan the key to our room. “You boys go on ahead. I’m going to stretch my legs with Noodles.”

  I waved her off as she left. When Rowan and I stood by ourselves in the lobby, he reached for his mom’s suitcase.

  “Let me take that.”

  “Nope.” I gripped the handle on both suitcases tightly. “I’ve got this.”

  “C’mon, you’re a guest,” Rowan argued. “Let me do it.”

  “I also have nothing to contribute to this free vacation except looking pretty,” I said, fluttering my eyelashes. “So at least let me pretend to be useful.”

  Rowan grumbled but said, “Fine.”

  “Besides,” I teased as we hauled all three suitcases to the elevator, “I’m taller than you.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “It means I’m stronger.”

  Rowan barked out a laugh. “Please. I do all the heavy lifting at work, unloading big bags of soil and all that. How much does your camera weigh? Less than Noodles, I bet.”

  “Touché,” I replied with a grin. “Then why don’t you show me these so-called muscles of yours? Let’s see your guns.”

  Okay, fine, I already knew Rowan was secretly ripped. More than me, at least. But I wasn’t going to let an opportunity to see more of his hot body slip through my fingers.

  Rowan scoffed as the elevator door shut. “No way. I’m not about to make an ass out of myself.”

  “No one else is around,” I pointed out.

  “You’re around.”

  “C’mon, boyfriend,” I teased. “Please?”

  “You’re showing a lot of interest in my muscles for someone who’s supposed to only be a fake boyfriend,” Rowan mumbled, but I knew I’d won when he let go of the suitcase handle and began rolling up his sleeves. He gave a half-hearted flex, looking embarrassed while he did so. His biceps were solid, not bodybuilder-huge but bigger than I expected for a man who worked as a florist.

  “Impressive,” I said, staring at his biceps for probably longer than was necessary.

  Unfortunately, the taste of Rowan’s body only left me wanting more. I fought off disappointment when he rolled down his sleeves.

  “Finally,” he mumbled as the elevator came to a silent stop at our floor. He strode out quickly, his luggage practically floating behind him as he rushed to the room.

  I caught up with him as he jammed the card key into the lock. After hours of travel, I was looking forward to a nice clean, air-conditioned room (thank you very much, cheap motel) and a hot shower.

  I was just checking to see if the maids placed little chocolate mints on the pillows when Rowan let out a pained groan.

  “What?” I rushed towards him. “What’s wrong?”

  At first, I didn’t understand why he was so distraught. I examined the room. It was clean and modern, just like the hotel lobby. The large bed had crisp white sheets. There was a lounge-style couch and a sleek wooden desk near the ceiling-to-floor window. No weird smells or mysterious stains (again, thank you very much, cheap motel).

  Then it sank in. There was only one bed.

  “Oh,” I said.

  “God,” Rowan muttered, dragging his hands down his face. “Shit.”

  “Hey, it’s okay,” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder to calm him. “There’s a couch. I’ll crash there, and you can take the bed.”

  But Rowan didn’t seem to hear me. He paced the room, his face twisted into a scowl. He seemed to be lost in whatever thoughts were torturing him.

  “Hey, Rowan,” I called. “Did you hear me?”

  He snapped back to reality, staring at me like he suddenly remembered I was still here.

  “Sorry,” he said, sounding a bit dazed. “Yeah, I did.”

  He slumped to sit on the edge of the bed, his shoulders sagging. I frowned in concern. There must have been a deeper reason for his reaction than simply having to share a room with me.

  “Rowan, what’s wrong?” I asked.

  He shook his head and then exhaled slowly to calm himself.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to freak out,” he said. “It’s just that Tiffany didn’t know about you when she booked this room, she must have still thought—” He cut himself off, like the words were too hard to get out. I waited until he gathered himself. “She still thought I was dating Kyle.”

  That name brought me back to the day I met Rowan. I remembered overhearing it, but I didn’t know the full story of why it seemed to upset Rowan so badly.

  “Still?” I asked. “As in, you’ve dated in the past?”

  Rowan flinched, and instantly I knew it was the wrong thing to say. I bit my tongue, wishing I could take it back.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Rowan mumbled.

  As much as I wanted to know the truth, it wasn’t worth hurting Rowan. I put my hand on his knee and squeezed. “Okay.”

  He gave me a sideways glance. “That’s it? You’re not gonna grill me about it?”

  I smiled gently. “You didn’t pry into my business earlier, so I’m not going to do it to you now. You can choose to tell me or not. I won’t force you.”

  A tentative smile appeared on his lips. “Thanks, Alec.”

  I realized my hand was still on his knee, but I didn’t want to remove it. I enjoyed the touch too much, which wasn’t a good sign. Still, Rowan didn’t make any move to shuffle out of my grip, so I kept it there, hopefully as a comfort.

  I wondered what happened between Rowan and Kyle, but even without knowing the details, my attitude towards Kyle was sour. It seemed like he hurt Rowan somehow, badly enough that he had a hard time even thinking about it.

  Eventually Rowan cleared his throat and stood. “I’m, uh, gonna take a shower.”

  I quickly withdrew my hand. “Right.”

  Rowan disappeared into the bathroom, followed by the sound of running water. I allowed myself two seconds of dirty thoughts of Rowan naked in the shower before I shut them down.

  No more of that.

  The last thing I needed was to pop a boner while he was in the other room. I decided to do something un-sexy to get my mind of naked Rowan, and thankfully I had a lot of un-sexy things to do—such as unpacking clothes and ironing them. Nothing killed a boner faster than doing basic household chores.

  I also discovered, to my utmost joy, that the pillows did have fancy little chocolate mints on them. I popped one into my mouth, leaving the other for Rowan—but not before checking the wrapper on the back to make sure they didn’t have any peanuts. Deeming it safe, I placed it back on the pillow before a knock at the door drew my attention.

  Kaitlyn was there with Noodles in her arms. I smiled at her and gave the little dog a pat on the head.

  “You boys all settled in?” she asked with a friendly smile.

  “Yep. I’m unpacking, and Rowan’s just taking a shower.”

  I didn’t miss the way Kaitlyn not-so-subtly peered into the room, as if making sure Rowan hadn’t taken a sword to the bed and cut the thing in half.

  She’s acting like something’s fishy, I realized. Maybe me and Rowan need to do a better job of pretending to date.

  “Good, good,” Kaitlyn said, looking back at me. “Isn’t this place the best? Ooh, did you find the little chocolates on the pillows?”

  “Oh, of course. That’s the first thing I did.”

  She chuckled. “Well, I just wanted to tell you boys that Tiffany invited us for dinner tonight. She wanted to catch up with her favorite cousin. I hope you’ll come, too, Alec.�

  “Of course.” I smiled. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Great. I’ll text Rowan the place and time. See you later, boys.”

  As I shut the door, I wondered why she asked if I would attend. Rowan and I came on this trip as a pair. Did she suspect we were faking our relationship?

  I went over the past day with a fine-toothed comb. Until now, Kaitlyn had only seen us in the car together, where Rowan fell asleep on me, and I didn’t know if she saw our half-kiss in the backseat. That didn’t exactly scream boyfriends. Clearly, we needed to do something to prove we were ‘really’ a couple.

  The sound of the water being shut off snatched me from my thoughts. A moment later, I nearly choked.

  Rowan emerged from the bathroom, his bare skin slick with rivulets of water and his cheeks flushed from the heat of the shower. A white cotton towel was the only barrier between my eyes and his cock. The horny-asshole part of me hoped it would slip.

  Stupid towel.

  When Rowan noticed me staring at him, he froze like a deer in headlights, his doe eyes just as big.

  “Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to practically flash you,” he said, pointing at the foot of the bed where a pile of clothes lay. “I just forgot my clothes out here.”

  “No problem,” I said, my voice sounding hoarser than I wanted it to be.

  Rowan nodded and quickly grabbed the clothes.

  I don’t know what came over me, but before he could disappear back into the bathroom, I called out, “You can change out here, you know. We’re both guys. There’s a pretty good chance we have the same parts.”

  Rowan hesitated, biting his lip. “Yeah, I… You’re right.” He sighed. “Sorry, I’m making this all awkward, aren’t I? If it makes you feel better, it’s not just you. I’m like this with everybody. Not the half-naked shower thing, obviously, but—you know.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I said, turning around to casually avoid my gaze—even though all I wanted to do was examine where his cock would be hidden beneath the towel.

  What part of this relationship being fake don’t you understand, dumbass? I asked myself.


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