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Grayson - A Scrooged Christmas

Page 10

by Regina Frame

  “No. I’ve never really had the opportunity,” she replied.

  That made me feel like shit, because she probably never had the opportunity because her family couldn’t afford it. It was funny how my whole way of thinking had changed over the last three weeks. This beautiful woman had me wrapped so tight around her little finger, and I wanted to give her the world.

  “It’s not hard. Come on. I’ll help you.” I wrapped my hand around hers, and we walked to the skate rental booth. Once we were booted up, I wrapped my arm around her small waist and helped her on to the ice.

  “I’m going to fall!” she shrieked so loud, I think I lost an ear drum.

  “Aubree, I’m not going to let you fall. You need to loosen your legs a little,” I explained.

  “You like it when I do that, don’t you?”

  “What?” My brows pinched in confusion.

  “You like it when I loosen my legs.” She threw me a seductive smile. If she was not careful, I’d take her to that gingerbread house and fuck her.

  “That comes later.” I chuckled. “What I meant before your dirty mind took over . . .” She wiggled her brows playfully. “You won’t be able to glide on the ice if your legs are stiff.”

  She nodded in understanding, but something in her eyes said she still wasn’t quite sure.

  “You go ahead and do a few laps and come back to get me,” she said, grabbing on to the low wall that separated the ice of the rink from the surrounding cement.

  “Okay,” I replied.

  It had been so long since I’d ice skated, but it was like riding a bike. Once you master it, you never forget. I made a few more laps, checking on Aubree as I passed. I offered to help her, but she kept telling me no. Suddenly, I heard a loud scream and turned to find Aubree sprawled out in the middle of the rink with about ten kids who had also taken a spill. What if I’d forced her to do something that she didn’t want to and now she was hurt? I rushed to her side and dropped to my knees.

  I expected to see tears, but, instead, she was giggling uncontrollably. It was one of the best sounds I’d ever heard.

  “Shit! I thought you were hurt,” I blurted.

  “This is the most fun I think I’ve ever had!” she said, in between giggles.

  She reached up, grabbing my coat, and pulled me on top of her. The giggles stopped, and for just a second, something flashed across her beautiful face, before pulling me in for a kiss. Opening her lips, I took advantage, slipping my tongue inside. Despite the cold ice, I had a raging hard-on. I needed to get her home, and quick.

  “I’m pretty sure we could get arrested for this.”

  She giggled before kissing me again.

  “Come on; let’s get you home. I need to be inside you.”


  The moment we stepped off the elevator and into my apartment, I pushed her up against the wall and took her mouth in a hungry kiss. Eliciting a moan from her.

  “Grayson.” She panted my name, grasping on to my black sweater. “Take this off!”

  She pulled frantically at my sweater with shaking hands until she finally pulled it free and tossed it to the floor. Her hands moved from my shoulders, to my chest, and then to the buckle of my belt, never breaking our kiss. I stripped her of her clothes and palmed her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples between my finger and thumb.

  “You’re perfect,” I praised. “Turn around and face the wall.”

  I ran my hand over her firm ass while my other hand stroked her slick flesh. When her breath quickened, I thrust inside her, both of my hands on her waist as I thrust into her from behind. The only sound in the room was the sounds of our slick flesh as our bodies met. The satisfying moans coming from her pink lips had my spine tingling and my balls drew tight. I was there, and I hoped she was to because I couldn’t hold it back any longer.

  “I’m going to come, Aubree. Please tell me you’re there with me.”

  “Ye-Yes. God yes!” she moaned, her pussy clamping down on my cock. That was all I needed to push me over the edge. We both dropped to the floor in a tangle of limbs, because I couldn’t stand the thought of not touching her. “That was amazing,” she panted against my sweaty chest.

  “It was,” I responded, placing a kiss on the top of her head. I could get used to this.


  “Stop fidgeting. We should’ve left fifteen minutes ago,” Grayson said from the doorway of the bedroom.

  I’d been staring at myself in the mirror for the last thirty minutes, trying to decide if I should keep on the dark navy dress that he picked out for me or wear pants. I wanted to make a good impression on his family, although I didn’t know why, because from what he told me, they sounded like complete assholes. And, technically, it was the last day of our agreement. It had been on my mind all day long, to the point of being sick to my stomach. Would he ask me to stay, or would he be finished with me just like Bridgett Prescott warned me?

  “Are you sure I should wear this? I don’t need to wear pants?” He walked up behind me and wrapped his strong arms around my shoulders, placing a kiss on top of my head.

  “You are stunning, and the only thing that would make it even better would be having you naked, but I’m not willing to share that.” I smiled at his reflection in the mirror.

  “You’re such a smooth talker,” I said as he leaned in and nipped at my neck, making my legs feel like jello.

  “I am, aren’t I?” He chuckled.

  “I just want to make a good impression,” I said, running my hand down the front of my dress.

  “You will. I have no doubt. Now, let’s go so we can get it over with.”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the door. It took at least thirty minutes to get to his parents’ home, and I fidgeted the whole way, and if that wasn’t bad enough, that little voice in the back of my head kept telling me that tonight was the last night I’d be spending time with Grayson Decker.

  “You didn’t tell me they lived in a mall,” I said, staring at the monstrosity that was his parents’ home. It was a huge, white, stone building with a six-car garage and immaculate landscaping.

  “Believe me; it’s just as cold on the inside as it looks from the outside.”

  I was beginning to think I should’ve worn something else, like an evening gown maybe. Grayson must have sensed my uneasiness, because I could feel his eyes on me.

  “I know what you’re doing, and, believe me, they’re not worth the worry.” I nervously chewed my lip and reached for the door handle when he stopped me. “Oh. Wait. I almost forgot,” he said, opening the glove box and removing a small velvet box. My heart immediately went to my throat. My eyes widened when he opened the box to reveal a perfect pear-shaped diamond that probably cost more than I could even imagine. My eyes shifted to his, and he said, “We’re supposed to be engaged. Remember?” That’s right. I’d forgotten that little tid bit. I inwardly cursed myself for even thinking that a man like Grayson Decker would want to marry me.

  “Hold out your hand,” he told me. I lifted my shaking hand so that he could place the huge rock on my finger.

  “You just carry around an engagement ring?” I asked.

  “I have a client who’s a jeweler. He let me borrow it for the night.” I moved my hand back and forth and wiggled my fingers, watching the beautiful diamond sparkle under the street lights.

  “He’s awful trusting. What happens if I lose it?” My stomach twisted into a painful knot at the thought of losing something that was worth so much money.

  “If we lose it, he’ll cut my balls off with a rusty knife.”

  “Well then, I guess you better be nice to your fiancée,” I teased, forcing a smile.

  When we stepped inside his parents’ home, a cold shiver ran down my spine. It was the kind of creepy feeling that you get after you watched a horror movie and you’re convinced someone is watching you. Suddenly, a lady wearing a heavily starched white uniform walked into the room.

  “It’s so good to
see you, Mr. Decker.” Her smile was full of warmth.

  “Marjorie, how many times do I have to ask you to please call me Grayson? You had a hand in raising me.” He smiled and wrapped her in a hug. “Marjorie, this is Aubree Layne.”

  Who was this woman? I found it hard to believe that this could be his mother. If it was, he lied to me and she was friendlier than I thought she’d be.

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Aubree.” She wrapped me in an awkward hug. “I’m the Decker’s chef. I’ve known Grayson since he was about knee high.” Her smile was full of warmth and pride.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too, Marjorie,” I replied with as much warmth as she gave me. She turned to Grayson, and the smile slid from her face.

  “They’re out on the patio, and I need to warn you that she’s been drinking pretty heavily today.”

  “Thanks for the heads up,” he told her, before taking my hand and leading me through the house toward the back patio, mumbling under his breath the whole way. Grayson clutched my hand a little tighter as he opened the door and we stepped out on the patio and into the cold night air. I was not sure if he was trying to reassure me or himself. Maybe both.

  The patio was extremely large, and scattered with what I was guessing to be very expensive patio furniture. There were white lights strung across the covered area, along with a large roaring fireplace. That was where his parents were sitting. His father was puffing on a cigar, and his mother had a full glass of wine in her hand and a bottle sitting on the small table that separated the two of them. As we got closer, I could see where Grayson got his good looks. His father was a very handsome man with salt and pepper hair, a graying beard, and the same piercing blue eyes.

  They both turned when they heard us approach. His father didn’t move a muscle. He just kept puffing on that cigar, but his mother rose from her chair and walked toward us. Her chin lifted, shoulders back, and her nose in the air. Just the way Grayson described her.

  “Grayson, darling, you’re late.” She sniffed. “Would it kill you to be on time for once?”

  The woman was a bitch with a capital B. Grayson leaned in and gave her a half hug, kind of like guys do. It was just odd to me that he hugged the chef and yet was so cold toward his mother, but I didn’t know the whole story, and I guess it was really not for me to know.

  “We’re only fifteen minutes late, Mother,” he replied. Her brown eyes moved to me and sniffed again as she looked me over from head to toe. I felt like I needed to somehow step in and take the heat for us being late. It was my fault after all.

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Decker. I’m the reason we’re late. I was trying to decide what to wear.” She tipped her glass to her lips and took a healthy swallow.

  “We were very pleased to hear that Grayson had found someone. I’ve been telling him for years that he is a man of stature and needed a beautiful woman on his arm. I’m proud to see that he finally took my advice,” she praised, waving her half empty wine glass in the air.

  “Haven’t you had enough to drink, Mother?”

  Her eyes flew to Grayson’s.

  “This is my first glass of wine.” I could feel Grayson’s body stiffen beside me, and he mumbled something under his breath that sounded like, but what else have you had to drink? “I know when I’ve had enough,” she snapped.

  Luckily, Marjorie announced that dinner was being served, so we all headed inside except for Grayson’s father. He stayed right there in front of that fireplace smoking his cigar. What a dick.

  I honestly had never seen so much food for four people. The spread on the table looked like a buffet at one of those chain restaurants. Grayson’s mother walked across the room to the wine rack, so I took the opportunity to ask about his father. “Is your dad not coming in?”

  “Who knows,” he replied. His jaws were clinched shut and that little muscle that ticked when he got mad was ticking to a rapid beat.

  His mother staggered over to the table and proceeded to pour us all a glass of wine. When she got to mine, she leaned over the table and picked up my hand, almost jerking my arm out of socket.

  “Would you look at that?” she bragged, looking at the extremely large diamond on my finger. “You must be giving it up to get a rock like that.”

  My eyes widened, and Grayson opened his mouth to speak, but I gave my head a little shake and, thankfully, he didn’t respond to his mother’s rude comment. I didn’t want to be the reason for a holiday brawl between his family. I just gave her my best fake smile.

  “It’s a beautiful ring,” I responded, because what else could I say? We’ve been fucking like rabbits? The door opened behind us, and his father strolled in and sat at the head of the table.

  “You should think about joining the club, Grayson. It’d do you some good to get out and golf, or maybe play some cards,” he said, reaching for a piece of turkey on the platter in front of him.

  “Some people have to work for a living,” Grayson grunted.

  “Who are you kidding, George? You’ve never played a round of golf in your life, and the only game of cards you know how to play is solitaire.” His mother sneered.

  “Well, you wouldn’t know, now would you? You’re always passed out by 6:00, anyway. As a matter of fact, isn’t it about time you crashed?” These people were arguing back and forth like a ping pong ball. I may have whiplash before this night is over. Then, all of a sudden, his mother switched gears and her eyes were on me again.

  “Aubree,” she said my name right before she hiccupped, “do you work, dear, or are you still in college? You look awfully young.”

  “Well, actually, I had to drop out of college and get a job. I hope to go back and get my degree one day.”

  The expression on her face changed from interest to predator, and I was now the prey. Grayson placed his hand on my knee under the table and gave it a squeeze, although I didn’t know why. Was it for comfort, or was he warning me? I was not a person who lied, and I was not about to start.

  “Where are you from?” She reached for the bottle of wine and poured herself another glass.

  “I’m from New York. I grew up here,” I admitted.

  “Your last name is . . .” She paused and snapped her fingers toward her husband. I don’t know why.

  “Her last name is Layne, Mother. I’ve told you that several times already,” Grayson responded to his mother.

  “Ah, yes.” She turned and looked toward her husband. “We have a yard man by that last name. I believe his first name is Jim. He’s a smelly man.”

  Grayson was back to squeezing my knee again. My stomach twisted into a painful knot. She’d just called my hard-working father a smelly man. Like he wasn’t worth the dirt beneath her expensive shoes.

  “Oh yes. I know him. He does the landscaping at the club.” Grayson’s dad reported. I stood from my chair and met his mother’s scowl.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to use your restroom.”

  My voice came out barely a whisper, and it took everything I had to hold back the tears. Grayson stood up with fire in his eyes and offered to show me the way, but, instead, I told him it wasn’t necessary, and to just point me in the right direction.

  I went in the first bathroom I found, and closed and locked the door. My heart was pounding so hard that I could hear the blood whooshing in my ears.

  Who do they think they are? No wonder Grayson never visited. Who would want to put up with that kind of shit every time? I looked at myself in the mirror and thought back to something that Grayson had told me a few weeks ago. He told me that he’d seen me in the coffee shop and was immediately drawn to me. He told me that he came in several days a week just to catch a glimpse of me. Why? I was nothing special. He could’ve picked anyone else to be his fake fiancée, but he didn’t. The tears welled in my eyes and began to stream down my cheeks, leaving a black trail of mascara behind.

  I knew I should have never allowed myself to get involved with him, but I was a girl who’d been evicted from her shit
ty apartment, and I desperately wanted him to be my knight in shining armor. Look at me now. When we left here tonight, the arrangement would expire, the ring would go back, and, once again, I’d be homeless.

  Grabbing a handful of tissues, I did the best that I could to clean up the disaster that was my face. As I got closer to the dining room, I could hear shouting. It was between Grayson and his mother. No way was I going back in that room.

  I stopped just outside the doorway when I heard his mother say, “My God, Grayson. How did you get involved with that – that girl? The landscaper’s daughter? Really? You’re worth billions and you latch on to the first trash you can find?”

  “Mother, stop!” Grayson shouted at his mother. “You don’t know Aubree. You don’t know her parents. I’ve met them, and I can tell you right now, I’d pick them over you any day.”

  “You don’t mean that!” his mother snapped. “I’m just trying to look out for you. You need someone more sophisticated. You need someone . . .”

  Grayson cut her off midsentence.

  “You mean someone like all the women you’ve tried to set me up with over the past few years?” he barked.

  “Yes. They’re blue bloods. They’re like us. They come from old money and have connections. Together, you could be a power couple. Just think of the possibilities.”

  “You’re a sad, pathetic woman.”

  My mouth opened in shock as I listened to the two of them tear each other apart.

  “You don’t mean that! I am your mother. You take that back this instant!”

  I heard Grayson laugh.

  “You may have given birth to me, but you’ve never been a mother. Marjorie was always the one there to take care of my skinned knees and make sure I ate every day. When I broke my collar bone after jumping off the swing set, the nanny took me to the hospital to be treated. So don’t stand there and act all high and mighty, because Aubree Layne has more class than all those women combined,” he spat.

  “You’re just a sad drunk who finds pleasure in causing other people misery. You tried to control Dad for all those years, and he wouldn’t stand for it either. Why do you think he started hanging out at the country club all the time? Why do you think he started sleeping around?” His mother gasped, and, suddenly, I saw her wine glass go sailing across the room, shattering against the wall. “Don’t act like you didn’t know.” I peeked around the corner to see that Grayson’s dad had left the room, his glass of wine still full along with his plate of food.


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